1,231 research outputs found

    Досвід конституційно-правового регулювання права на недоторканність житла у країнах Східної Європи та його значення для України

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    Наумова, Н. М. Досвід конституційно-правового регулювання права на недоторканність житла у країнах Східної Європи та його значення для України / Н. М. Наумова // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 4 (59). - С. 17-23.Naumova, N.M. (201 5), “Experience of constitutional and legal regulation of the right on inviolability of the dwelling in Eastern Europe countries and its significance for Ukraine” [“Dosvid konstytutsiino-pravovoho rehuliuvannia prava na nedotorkannist zhytla u krainakh Skhidnoi Yevropy ta yoho znachennia dlia Ukrainy”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 4, pp. 17–23.На підставі аналізу конституційно-правових положень Основних Законів країн Східної Європи показано основні сучасні риси та тенденції у регламентації питання щодо недоторканності житла, зокрема визначено критерії та ознаки універсалізації та біфуркації змісту та зовнішніх ознак відповідних норм права. Подано характеристику та розкрито особливості конституційно-правових гарантій захисту права людини на недоторканність житла. Визначено практичне та теоретичне значення конституційно-правового досвіду постсоціалістичних країн Східної Європи для вдосконалення механізму та способів забезпечення недоторканності житла в Україні.The author has grounded the thesis that nowadays in Ukraine there is a need to revise the amount and content of the right on inviolability of the dwelling and various legal and other guarantees for its provision. To accomplish this the author has offered to study the experience of constitutional and legal regulation of the right on inviolability of the dwelling in post-socialist countries of Eastern Europe. Special attention is paid to insufficient level of scientific elaboration of this theme in the domestic juridical science ofconstitutional law. The main modern features and tendencies of regulating the issue of inviolability of the dwelling have been studied; features and criteria of universalization and bifurcation of the content and external characteristics of the relevant law norms have been determined. The issues concerning common features of the structural factors of building the constitutional norm on inviolability of the dwelling, the ways ofexternal expression, fixation of such norms have been highlighted in details. A special place in the scientific analysis took cases of removal from the principle of inviolability of the dwelling the means of their fixation in the Basic Laws. It is noted that such removals fall under the category of «legal concepts and categories of unobvious legal grounds». The peculiarities of the constitutional and legal guarantees of protecting human right on inviolability of the dwelling have bee characterized. The author has established the practical and theoretical significance of constitutional and legal experience of post-socialist countries of Eastern Europe to improve the mechanism and the ways to ensure the inviolability ofthe dwelling in Ukraine. It is concluded that represented model of the constitutional and legal regulation of inviolability of the dwelling with its implementation to the domestic constitutional and legal experience (the Art. 30 of the Constitution of Ukraine) may provide reasons to believe that this issue in Ukraine is almost similarly resolved.На основе анализа конституционно-правовых положений Основных Законов государств Восточной Европы показаны основные современные черты и тенденции регламентации вопроса о неприкосновенности жилища, в частности определены критерии и признаки универсализации и бифуркации содержания и внешних признаков соответствующих норм права. Дана характеристика и раскрыты особенности конституционно-правовых гарантий защиты права человека на неприкосновенность жилища. Определено практическое и теоретическое значение конституционно-правового опыта постсоциалистических стран Восточной Европы для усовершенствования механизма и способов обеспечения неприкосновенности жилища в Украине

    Radiation back-reaction in relativistically strong and QED-strong laser fields

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    The emission from an electron in the field of a relativistically strong laser pulse is analyzed. At the pulse intensities of \ge 10^{22} W/cm^2 the emission from counter-propagating electrons is modified by the effects of Quantum ElectroDynamics (QED), as long as the electron energy is sufficiently high: E \ge 1 GeV. The radiation force experienced by an electron is for the first time derived from the QED principles and its applicability range is extended towards the QED-strong fields.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Emission and its back-reaction accompanying electron motion in relativistically strong and QED-strong pulsed laser fields

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    The emission from an electron in the field of a relativistically strong laser pulse is analyzed. At pulse intensities of J > 2 10^22 W/cm2 the emission from counter-propagating electrons is modified by the effects of Quantum ElectroDynamics (QED), as long as the electron energy is sufficiently high: E > 1 GeV. The radiation force experienced by an electron is for the first time derived from the QED principles and its applicability range is extended towards the QED-strong fields.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Spatiotemporal modeling of schistosomiasis in Ghana: linking remote sensing data to infectious disease

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    More than 90% of the worldwide schistosomiasis burden falls on sub-Saharan Africa. Control efforts are often based on infrequent, small-scale health surveys, which are expensive and logistically difficult to conduct. The use of satellite imagery to predictively model infectious disease transmission has great potential for public health applications. The transmission of schistosomiasis, a disease acquired from contact with contaminated surface water, requires specific environmental conditions to sustain freshwater snails. If a connection between schistosomiasis and remotely sensed environmental variables can be established, then cost effective and current disease risk predictions can be made available. Schistosomiasis transmission has unknown seasonality, and the disease is difficult to study due to a long lag between infection and clinical symptoms. To overcome these challenges, we employed a comprehensive 15-year time-series built from remote sensing feeds, which is the longest environmental dataset to be used in the application of remote sensing to schistosomiasis. The following environmental variables will be used in the model: accumulated precipitation, land surface temperature, vegetative growth indices, and climate zones created from a novel climate regionalization technique. This technique, improves upon the conventional Köppen-Geiger method, which has been the primary climate classification system in use the past 100 years. These predictor variables will be regressed against 8 years of national health data in Ghana, the largest health dataset of its kind to be used in this context, and acquired from freely available satellite imagery data. A benefit of remote sensing processing is that it only requires training and time in terms of resources. The results of a fixed effects model can be used to develop a decision support framework to design treatment schemes and direct scarce resources to areas with the highest risk of infection. This framework can be applied to diseases sensitive to climate or to locations where remote sensing would be better suited than health surveys.Published versio

    Dynamic maps: a visual-analytic methodology for exploring spatio-temporal disease patterns

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Epidemiologic studies are often confounded by the human and environmental interactions that are complex and dynamic spatio-temporal processes. Hence, it is difficult to discover nuances in the data and generate pertinent hypotheses. Dynamic mapping, a method to simultaneously visualize temporal and spatial information, was introduced to elucidate such complexities. A conceptual framework for dynamic mapping regarding principles and implementation methods was proposed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The spatio-temporal dynamics of <it>Salmonella </it>infections for 2002 in the U.S. elderly were depicted via dynamic mapping. Hospitalization records were obtained from the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services. To visualize the spatial relationship, hospitalization rates were computed and superimposed onto maps of environmental exposure factors including livestock densities and ambient temperatures. To visualize the temporal relationship, the resultant maps were composed into a movie.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The dynamic maps revealed that the <it>Salmonella </it>infections peaked at specific spatio-temporal loci: more clusters were observed in the summer months and higher density of such clusters in the South. The peaks were reached when the average temperatures were greater than 83.4°F (28.6°C). Although the relationship of salmonellosis rates and occurrence of temperature anomalies was non-uniform, a strong synchronization was found between high broiler chicken sales and dense clusters of cases in the summer.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Dynamic mapping is a practical visual-analytic technique for public health practitioners and has an outstanding potential in providing insights into spatio-temporal processes such as revealing outbreak origins, percolation and travelling waves of the diseases, peak timing of seasonal outbreaks, and persistence of disease clusters.</p

    Relativistic attosecond physics

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    A study, with particle-in-cell simulations, of relativistic nonlinear optics in the regime of tight focus and ultrashort pulse duration (the λ3λ3 regime) reveals that synchronized attosecond electromagnetic pulses [N. M. Naumova, J. A. Nees, I. V. Sokolov, B. Hou, and G. A. Mourou, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 063902 (2004)] and attosecond electron bunches [N. Naumova, I. Sokolov, J. Nees, A. Maksimchuk, V. Yanovsky, and G. Mourou, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 195003 (2004)] emerge efficiently from laser interaction with overdense plasmas. The λ3λ3 concept enables a more basic understanding and a more practical implementation of these phenomena because it provides spatial and temporal isolation. The synchronous generation of strong attosecond electromagnetic pulses and dense attosecond electron bunches provides a basis for relativistic attosecond optoelectronics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87762/2/056707_1.pd

    MR histology of advanced atherosclerotic lesions of ApoE- knockout mice

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    The purposes of this study were to examine the feasibility of determining the composition of advanced atherosclerotic plaques in fixed ApoE-knockout mice and to develop a time-efficient microimaging protocol for MR histological imaging on mice. Five formalin-fixed transgenic ApoE-knockout mice were imaged at the 9.4T Bruker BioSpec MR scanner using 3D spoiled gradient-echo sequence with an isotropic field of view of 24 mm3; TR 20.8 ms; TE 2.6 ms; flip angle 20°, resulted voxel size 47 × 63 × 94 pm3. MRI examination has shown that advanced atherosclerotic lesions of aorta, innominate and carotid arteries in ApoE-knockout mice are characterized by high calcification and presence of the large fibrofatty nodules. MRI quantification of atherosclerotic lesion components corresponded to histological assessment of plaque composition with a correlation coefficient of 0.98

    Расширение возможностей занятости с помощью социального предпринимательства

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    У статті розглянуто питання розширення можливостей для зайнятості усіх верств населення за допомогою соціального підприємництва як ефективного способу зниження рівня безробіття. Проаналізовано європейський досвід діяльності соціальних підприємств, створених заради трудової інтеграції людей з особливими потребами у ринок праці, та запропоновано рекомендації щодо розвитку соціального підприємництва в Україні.The relevance of social entrepreneurship research is resulted the need for the growth of social and work integration in order to improve the standard of living for socially vulnerable population groups and to reduce the burden on the state budget in conditions of the economic crisis. The purpose of the work is to investigate the importance of social entrepreneurship for social well-being in the field of employment population and to identify how social entrepreneurship stimulates, promotes and encourages a culture of participation, development and continuous education mainly for the benefit of the individual. The analyzed European experience confirms that social entrepreneurship is actively stimulating integration of people with disabilities in the labor market, providing an opportunity of the employment, that are responsive to their professional skills and individual opportunities, that based on the personal interests in order to exercise their inalienable the natural right to work and to become a socially relevant. Guaranteeing equal rights and opportunities for all employees are guidelines for the social enterprises and it is the most effective way to increase the overall level of employment. Combining the strengths of public and private sector partnership activates social enterprises in Ukraine as a universal tool for solving the current and longterm social problems. Hence, the development of social enterprises in Ukraine will contribute to the development of a socially oriented market economy, which will provide a strong positive impact on all segments of the population, it will improve the quality of life and the environment simultaneously.В статье рассмотрены вопросы расширения возможностей для занятости всех слоев населения посредством социального предпринимательства, как эффективного способа снижения уровня безработицы. Проанализирован европейский опыт деятельности социальных предприятий, созданных для трудовой интеграции людей с особыми потребностями в рынок труда, и предложены рекомендации по развитию социального предпринимательства в Украине

    Diagnostics of pupils’ meta-subject competence during lessons on mathematics in secondary schools

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    © 2016 Khuziakhmetov and Naumova.The relevance of diagnostic meta-subject competence measures in secondary schools is caused by the fact that the importance of a meta-subject competence formation was officially defined in educational standards, but there are still no qualitative and informative diagnostic tools for this competence development. The purpose of the article is to develop and test a method of pupils’ meta-subject competence diagnostics in secondary schools during mathematics lessons. The main method of the research is modeling. This method was the basis for further methodic set development and the pedagogical experiment, which allowed to use the approved methods. During the research we created a complex set of methods for pupils’ meta-subject competence diagnostics in secondary schools during mathematics lessons, which allowed to assess levels of pupils’ meta-subject knowledge and skills, to identify problematic aspects of their meta-subject competence, to define advantages of the method set and to develop recommendations for its further use. The developed diagnostic method set can be used by teachers of mathematics in secondary schools to assess levels of pupils’ meta-subject competence, which helps to draw further plans for individual meta-subject competence development in the system of mathematical education