382 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the effect of Morale and the Provision Of Bonuses on the work effectiveness of employees at UD. Sehat Indah Gorontalo City either simultaneously or partially. This study used 49 employees as respondents where the questionnaire was used as a tool to obtain the main data to be analyzed using the SPSS version 21 analysis tool.Sehat Indah Gorontalo City with a large effect of 0.966 or 96.6%. Partially, Morale has a positive and significant effect on the effectiveness of employees' work at UD. Sehat Indah Gorontalo City with a large effect of 0.435 or 43.5% and partial Provision of Bonuses giving a positive and significant effect on the work effectiveness of employees at UD. Sehat Indah Gorontalo city by 0.549 or 54.9%. there are variables that are not examined but have an effect that is equal to 0.034

    Prácticas urbanas entre la regularización y el mercado informal de vivienda: el caso de la Villa 31 en Buenos Aires

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    La Villa 31 es uno de los barrios informales más antiguos de Buenos Aires. Desde hace varias décadas su ubicación en el centro de la ciudad ha generado un discurso público muy diverso. Pero no solo el valor y uso de las tierras provocan diferentes intereses económicos y políticos, sino también es consecuencia de una demanda habitacional que origina una economía interna, entre los habitantes del barrio. Partiendo del caso de estudio el siguiente artículo se centra en dos sucesos actuales: Por un lado, se analiza la implementación y el avance del proceso de regularización (mejoramiento) del barrio, por el otro lado, la investigación se focaliza en el desarrollo de un mercado de vivienda propio dentro de la Villa 31. En el foco de interés están las prácticas de apropiación espacial y la transformación del acceso a la vivienda por el funcionamiento del mercado informal de vivienda.The present article deals with the Villa 31, one of the oldest informal settlement in Buenos Aires. For decades its location in the city center has generated a very diverse public discourse. But not only its value and use of land provoke different economic and political interests, they are also a consequence of a housing demand that originates an internal economy among the inhabitants of the neighbourhood. Based on the urban context of this specific place, the article concentrates on two present developments: On the one hand the process of reassessment (and upgrading) of the Villa 31 is examined, which has been initiated and established by the city administration. On the other hand the analysis focuses on the development of a parallel functioning informal housing market within the settlement. In the centre of interest are the practices of appropriation of housing (habitat) and their transformation by the rules of an informal market


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    This study aims to determine the effect of Morale and the Provision Of Bonuses on the work effectiveness of employees at UD. Sehat Indah Gorontalo City either simultaneously or partially. This study used 49 employees as respondents where the questionnaire was used as a tool to obtain the main data to be analyzed using the SPSS version 21 analysis tool.Sehat Indah Gorontalo City with a large effect of 0.966 or 96.6%. Partially, Morale has a positive and significant effect on the effectiveness of employees' work at UD. Sehat Indah Gorontalo City with a large effect of 0.435 or 43.5% and partial Provision of Bonuses giving a positive and significant effect on the work effectiveness of employees at UD. Sehat Indah Gorontalo city by 0.549 or 54.9%. there are variables that are not examined but have an effect that is equal to 0.034

    The Effect of Cultural and Working Discipline on Performance of Civil Apparatus

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    This research aims to examine the effect of work culture and work discipline on performance of State Civil Apparatus of Financial Board in Gorontalo City, both partially and simultaneously. This research uses quantitative approach. The research method is ex post facto. The research design is causality. The data analysis technique is multiple regressions. The research results showed that (1) Work culture has a positive and significant effect on performance of State Civil Apparatus of Financial Board in Gorontalo City, (2) Work discipline has positive and significant effect on performance of State Civil Apparatus of Financial Board in Gorontalo City, and (3) Work culture and Work discipline Culture simultaneously have positive and significant effect on performance of State Civil Apparatus of Financial Board in Gorontalo City. Based on these results, the recommendation can be stated as follow. First, Local Apparatus Work Unit leaders and regional leaders should make a regulation that provides conducive environment to work culture. Second, the leadership must approve rewards and penalties for employees. Third, cooperation must be supported by all elements in a government or an area of ​​government. Keywords: Civil Apparatus Performance, Work Culture, Work Discipline DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-1-03 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Bridging policies and practice: challenges and opportunities for the governance of disability and ageing

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    Introduction: In the context of an increasingly ageing society with a growing number of persons diagnosed with chronic disabling conditions including dementia and persons with disabilities, ageing and disability represent two policy fields which need to be jointly rethought. So far, policymakers and other political actors have not adequately reacted to these changing demographics.Description of policy and practice: The two policy fields are based upon different presuppositions. Also, disability and ageing interest groups set different agendas. As several political actor groups with diverse interests and goals operate in the political space, efforts to bridge policies and practices in ageing and disability are confronted with several challenges.Conclusion and discussion: In order to create a policy framework for disability and ageing, shared political priorities need to be developed. It is necessary to re-think current disability and ageing policies and the objectives formulated by diverse interest groups in both fields, and future policies should not only focus on 'active/healthy/normal ageing' vs. 'non-healthy/non-normal ageing'. Overlap of contents between disability and ageing policies exists with both fields informing one another. This mutual influence will shape policymaking and policy practices with regard to an ageing population with a growing number of persons with disabilities.In the context of an increasingly ageing society with a growing number of persons diagnosed with chronic disabling conditions including dementia and persons with disabilities, ageing and disability represent two policy fields which need to be jointly rethought. So far, policymakers and other political actors have not adequately reacted to these changing demographics

    Development of Improved Rheometric Tools and their Application on the Non-Newtonian Rheology of Polymeric Fluids

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    The normal force and pressure of polymers is studied with improved constructions for rheometers. Via the FT the time-dependent data from oscillatory shear and capillary flows is analysed. A nonlinear parameter is introduced for LAOS and for the melt flow instabilities a FT analysis of the extrudate images is introduced For the CaBER, the elongational viscosity is calculated, the equations of balance are restated and the influence of the curing time is studied using the new separation energy


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    Camat memiliki peran yang cukup luas dan kompleks, salah satunya yang cukup penting adalah melaksanakan pelayanan yang menjadi ruang lingkup wilayah kerjanya, karena Camat disamping sebagai pelaksana tugas dibidang pemerintahan juga berfungsi untuk memberikan pelayanan dan pembinaan kepada masyarakat, tugas Camat juga membina penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa dan/atau kelurahan yaitu melakukan pembinaan dan pengawasan tertib administrasi pemerintahan desa dan/atau kelurahan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran camat dalam Membina Penyelenggaraan Kegiatan pemerintahan di kelurahan Tingkulu berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2008 tentang Kecamatan melalui pembinaan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan kelurahan melalui Pembimbingan, supervisi, fasilitator, dan konsultan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemberian bimbingan dari camat kepada pemerintah Kelurahan Tingkulu, dapat disimpulkan tidak maksimal, pemerintah kecamatan terlihat tidak peka mengenai yang terjadi dilapangan, pihak kecamatan hanya „menunggun bola‟ tidak berinisiatif dalam memberikan pembimbingan langsung kepada pemerintah Kelurahan, serta pelaksanaan supervise tidak jauh beda dengan pemberian bimbingan, pemerintah tidak melakukan supervise dengan mendatangi kantor Kelurahan dan melakukan pengawasan melekat dengan baik.Kata Kunci : Peran Camat, Membina, Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan

    Kapillarrheologische Detektion von mechanischen Instabilitäten bei der Polymerverarbeitung

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    Public Expenditures and Poverty: Evaluation of the Government\u27s Priority Programs in Gorontalo Province

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    Private investments and exports are still limited to drive the economy of Gorontalo, therefore the government expenditures are certainly needed as a driver for the economic growth which in turn reduce the poverty. This research aims to test the effect of public expenditures on education, health, and infrastructure toward poverty. The research used econometric analysis of panel data of regencies/city in Gorontalo, 2009-2013. The results demonstrated that public expenditures on education and health had negative and significant effects toward the poverty level in all regencies/city in Gorontalo while the public expenditure on infrastructure did not have any effect toward the level of poverty in all regencies/city in Gorontalo