488 research outputs found

    Visualization of Documents and Concepts in Neuroinformatics with the 3D-SE Viewer

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    A new interactive visualization tool is proposed for mining text data from various fields of neuroscience. Applications to several text datasets are presented to demonstrate the capability of the proposed interactive tool to visualize complex relationships between pairs of lexical entities (with some semantic contents) such as terms, keywords, posters, or papers' abstracts. Implemented as a Java applet, this tool is based on the spherical embedding (SE) algorithm, which was designed for the visualization of bipartite graphs. Items such as words and documents are linked on the basis of occurrence relationships, which can be represented in a bipartite graph. These items are visualized by embedding the vertices of the bipartite graph on spheres in a three-dimensional (3-D) space. The main advantage of the proposed visualization tool is that 3-D layouts can convey more information than planar or linear displays of items or graphs. Different kinds of information extracted from texts, such as keywords, indexing terms, or topics are visualized, allowing interactive browsing of various fields of research featured by keywords, topics, or research teams. A typical use of the 3D-SE viewer is quick browsing of topics displayed on a sphere, then selecting one or several item(s) displays links to related terms on another sphere representing, e.g., documents or abstracts, and provides direct online access to the document source in a database, such as the Visiome Platform or the SfN Annual Meeting. Developed as a Java applet, it operates as a tool on top of existing resources

    Assessment of the performance of the Chilbolton 3-GHz Advanced Meteorological radar for cloud-top height retrieval

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    The Chilbolton 3-GHz Advanced Meteorological Radar (CAMRa), which is mounted on a fully steerable 25 metre dish, can provide three-dimensional information on the presence of hydrometeors. We investigate the potential for this radar to make useful measurements of low-altitude liquid water cloud structure. In order to assess the cloud-height assignment capabilities of the 3-GHz radar, low-level cloud-top heights were retrieved from CAMRa measurements made between May and July 2003 and compared with cloud-top heights retrieved from a vertically pointing 94-GHz radar that operates alongside CAMRa. The average difference between 94-GHz and 3-GHz radar derived cloud-top heights is shown to be -0.1±0.4 km. In order to assess the capability of 3-GHz radar scans to be used for satellite-derived cloud-top height validation, Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) cloud-top heights were compared with both 94-GHz and 3-GHz radar retrievals. The average difference between 94-GHz radar and MISR cloud-top heights is shown to be 0.1±0.3 km while the 3-GHz radar and MISR average cloud-top height difference is shown to be –0.2±0.6 km. In assessing the value of the CAMRa measurements, the problems associated with low reflectivity values from stratiform liquid water clouds, ground clutter, and Bragg scattering resulting from turbulent mixing are all addressed. We show that in spite of the difficulties, the potential exists for CAMRa measurements to contribute significantly to liquid water cloud-top height retrievals leading to the production of twodimensional transects (i.e. maps) of cloud-top height

    Assessment of MISR and MODIS cloud top heights through inter-comparison with a back-scattering lidar at SIRTA

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    One year of back-scattering lidar cloud boundaries and optical depth were analysed for coincident inter-comparison with the latest processed versions of the NASA-TERRA MISR stereo and MODIS CO2-slicing operational cloud top heights. Optically thin clouds were found to be accurately characterised by the MISR cloud top height product as long as no other cloud was present at lower altitude. MODIS cloud top heights were generally found within the cloud extent retrieved by lidar; agreement improved as cloud optical depth increased and when CO2-slicing was the only technique used for the retrieval. The difference between Lidar and MISR cloud top heights was found to lie between −0.1 and 0.4 km for low clouds and between 0.1 and 3.1 km for high clouds. The difference between Lidar and MODIS cloud top heights was found to lie between −1.2 and 1.5 km for low clouds and between −1.4 and 2.7 km for high clouds

    The fractional quantum Hall effect in infinite layer systems

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    Stacked two dimensional electron systems in transverse magnetic fields exhibit three dimensional fractional quantum Hall phases. We analyze the simplest such phases and find novel bulk properties, e.g., irrational braiding. These phases host ``one and a half'' dimensional surface phases in which motion in one direction is chiral. We offer a general analysis of conduction in the latter by combining sum rule and renormalization group arguments, and find that when interlayer tunneling is marginal or irrelevant they are chiral semi-metals that conduct only at T > 0 or with disorder.Comment: RevTeX 3.0, 4p., 2 figs with epsf; reference to the detailed companion paper cond-mat/0006506 adde

    Accumulation et fonte de la neige en milieux boisé et déboisé

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    Les auteurs présentent une étude des caractéristiques physiques du couvert de neige en relation avec l'altitude, l'exposition et le couvert forestier. L'expérience s'est déroulée à la forêt Montmorency, sise à 80 km au nord de Québec. Au cours des hivers 1981 et 1982, l'équivalent en eau maximal de la neige, pour l'ensemble du bassin du lac Laflamme, a été de 28 et 29 cm, respectivement. Durant cette période, les mesures effectuées n'ont pas permis de détecter l'effet des faibles différences d'altitude (50 m) sur l'accumulation de la neige. L'équivalent en eau de la neige était maximal dans les milieux découverts et apparaissait plus important sous les jeunes peuplements que sous les vieux. Les jeunes sapinières, entourées d'arbres plus hauts, agissent comme des pièges à neige. L'influence de l'exposition ne ressort que durant la période de fonte, accélérée d'une semaine sur les flancs sud. La fonte en sous-bois dure un mois et demi en moyenne et est écourtée d'une à deux semaines dans les sites découverts. Un modèle de fonte, basé sur les degrés-jours, est finalement adapté. Le coefficient de fonte est rajusté en fonction de deux périodes distinctes par la densité du manteau nival ou les degrés-jours cumulés.A study of physical characteristics of the snow cover in relation to altitude, aspect and forest cover, is presented in this paper. The experimental site is located at Montmorency forest, 80 km north of Québec City. During the winters of 1981 and 1982, the snow water equivalent for the lake Laflamme watershed reached a maximum of 28 and 29 cm, respectively. The effect on snow accumulation by the small elevation range (50 m) was not detectable by our measurements. The snow water equivalent was greatest in open areas and appeared greater under the young than the older stands. The young fir associations, surrounded by higher trees, act as snow traps. The aspect plays a role during the melting period only, which is shortened by one week on south exposures. Snowmeit lasts one and a half month in average under the cover and is shortened by one to two weeks in the open. A snowmeit model, based on degree-days, is finally calibrated. The melt coefficient is readjusted for two periods separated by snow density or cumulative degree-days.Die Autoren legen eine Studie vor, die die Beziehung der physischen Merkmale der Schneedecke zu Hôhe, Himmelsrichtung und Bewaldung untersucht. Der Versuch wurde im WaId Montmorency, der 80 km nôrdlich von Québec liegt, durchgefùhrt. Wàhrend der Winter 1981 und 1982 war das maximale Wasserâquivalent der Schneemenge 28 cm bzw. 29 cm fur das gesamte Becken des Laflamme-Sees. Wahrend dieser Période konnten die durchgefuhrten Messungen keinerlei Einflup der schwachen Hôhenunterschiede (50 m) auf die Menge des angesammelten Schnees feststellen. Das der Schneemenge entsprechende Wasserâquivalent war maximal in den freien Gebieten und schien grosser unter den jungen Baumbestanden als unter den alten. Die jungen Tannenwâlder, die von hôheren Baurnen umgeben sind, wirken wie Schneefallen. Der EinfluB der Himmelsrichtung wird erst wâhrend der Zeit der Schneeschmelze spurbar, die auf den Sudflanken urn eine Woche kùrzer ist. Die Schneeschmelze im WaId dauert im Durchschnitt eineinhalb Monate und ist ein bis zwei Wochen kurzer in den offenen Gelànden. Ein Schneeschmelze-Modell auf der Basis Grade-Tage wird schlieplich geeicht. Der Schmelzkoeffizient wird zwei Perioden angepaBt, die sich durch die Dichte der Schneedecke oder die kumulierten Grade-Tage unterscheiden

    Electron states of mono- and bilayer graphene on SiC probed by STM

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    We present a scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) study of a gently-graphitized 6H-SiC(0001) surface in ultra high vacuum. From an analysis of atomic scale images, we identify two different kinds of terraces, which we unambiguously attribute to mono- and bilayer graphene capping a C-rich interface. At low temperature, both terraces show (3×3)(\sqrt{3}\times \sqrt{3}) quantum interferences generated by static impurities. Such interferences are a fingerprint of π\pi-like states close to the Fermi level. We conclude that the metallic states of the first graphene layer are almost unperturbed by the underlying interface, in agreement with recent photoemission experiments (A. Bostwick et al., Nature Physics 3, 36 (2007))Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures submitte

    The Value of a virtual Kitchen to assess the activities of Daily life in Alzheimer Disease

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    Patients with Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD patients) experience difficulties in everyday life activities that effect independence. These difficulties can be tested using virtual reality (VR) environments that simulate real life situations. The purpose of this study was to examine the value of a virtual kitchen as an assessment tool of everyday life activities in AD patients. We focus on the assessment results obtained in a group of AD patients on a virtual kitchen designed to assess their ability to prepare a virtual cup of coffee using a virtual coffee machine. An identical real daily living task was tested. Twenty-four AD patients were matched to 32 healthy elderly controls. Significant differences in performance between research and control groups were detected on the virtual and the real tasks, with the research group performing worse. In addition, regression analyses revealed that the number of errors in the virtual test was the best predictor for the real assessment and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living score. This provides initial support for the sensitivity and the ecological validity of the virtual kitchen as an assessment tool of everyday life activities in AD patient