513 research outputs found

    Effect Of Combination Therapy Of Insulin – Metformin On Life Quality Of Diabetes Mellitus Patient In Type 2

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    Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a metabolic disease that requires long-term therapy and can not be cured completely, resulting in the quality of life. Objective: The aims of the study to the effect of combination therapy of insulin – metformin on life quality of diabetes mellitus patient in type 2 endocrine polyclinic of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital by using parameters of fasting blood glucose levels, blood glucose and A1C. Method: This study used a descriptive analysis design with cross sectional approach. The data is obtained concurrently with theinterviews and questionnaires and medical records of patients. Results: Based on the chi-square insulin–metformin combination therapy affect fasting blood glucose level (p value = 0.016) and A1C (p value = 0.026) significantly. Conclusion: The use of single insulin combination therapy with metformin (p value = 0.025) indicated improved quality of life

    Repression and Displacement of Main Character in Elizabeth Gilbert's Novel Eat, Pray, Love (a Psychological Analysis)

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    This study deals with Repression and Displacement of Main Character in Elizabeth Gilbert's Novel Eat, Pray, Love. The objectives of this study were to find out the causing of repression and the displacement in the novel. This study was limited to analyze Liz as the main character. This study applied descriptive qualitative method. The data were taken from Elizabeth Gilbert's novel Eat, Pray, Love. The findings indicated that Liz got repressions which are triggered by two factors; the crisis of self identity and marriage conflict. And then the displacement that occurred to the main character after getting repressions were losing faith about marriage, disorder eating habit, and converting new orientation of spiritual life. Keyword : repression, displacement, character, nove

    The Violating Maxims of Main Characters in the Hangover Movie's Script

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    The study deals with the types of maxims violation in The Hangover movie's script used by the main characters. The objectives of study were to describe the violation of maxim, to describe the dominant type of maxim violation and to elaborate the reason for the maxim violation. The data were the dialogue of main characters in The Hangover movie. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative and limited on the main characters. The data analysis findingsshowthat there are 22 violation of maxim of quality, 2 violation of maxim of quantity, 9 violation of maxim of relation, and 8 violation of maxim of manner.The reason of the violations areto give the lack of evidence, to lying to other speaker in hiding the truth, to save face the embarrassment, to present the strongest information, to represent what is in the speaker's mind, or to trick audience or listener for making a joke or not

    Ekstraksi Informasi Penutup Lahan Daerah Kabupaten Tanah Datar

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    Observation of land cover in Tanah datar Region has been conducted by using Landsat 7 ETM+path/row 127/60 acquired in 18 May 2002. The land cover can be differed into 7 (seven) classes. Most ofTanah Datar land is covered by forest, the first class. The second land cover area is padi field (sawah)that very difficult to be detected because of their different grow phases. The third, forth, fivth and sixthrespectively are dry agriculture area, plantation, mixed garden and residential area. Then, the lastclasses are lake and fish ponds

    Strategies for Maritime-Based Economic Development in Konawe Islands in Southeast Sulawesi

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    The purposes of this study were: (1) to draw up a scale of priority in programs (objects) for the development of maritime economy in Konawe Islands district. (2) to determine the best strategies for utilizing and increasing the carrying capacity of maritime economy so that it can contribute to revenue increase. (3) to provide stakeholders in maritime sector with a variety of data and information about maritime potentials in Konawe Islands. The study was conducted in Konawe Islands. The analytical methods used were Delphi method and SWOT analysis. Results of the study showed that: (a) To develop the maritime economy of Konawe Islands, four programs need to be given priorities, including: (i) establishment of cooperative units; (ii) empowerment of fishermen domestic economy, (iii) development of Kampadan beach as a tourism object; and (vi) development of Langara beach, (b) These programs for improving the welfare of fishermen households need to be given a special attention since fisherman is a dominant community in Konawe Islands, (c) The development of Langara Beach can become a very interesting program, for several reasons: (i) as a district capital, Langara is naturally given a priority in the development of land and coastal infrastructures; (ii) Langara beach is beautiful because it directly faces the ocean; (iii) Langara beach can be developed into an amusement site for the public, as well as a source of local people’s income and the local government’s revenue. (4) Konawe Islands has many interesting coastal tourism objects, including Tengkera Beach, Polara Beach, Lamongupa Beach, Tumbi Tumbi Beach, Kampa Beach, Tekonea Beach and Tourism Dugong. The study revealed that the government of Konawe Islands has been constrained by limited budget, so the development of maritime economy in the region needs to be done gradually

    Bahasa Dan Pikiran

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    Bahasa merupakan sebuah struktur yang unik yang hanya dimiliki manusia dan binatang. Pikiran dan bahasa adalah satu dan bersifat nurani ; sudah ada didalam otak begitu manusia dilahirkan. Worf dan Sapir memaparkan keterkaitan antara bahasa dan pikiran dimungkinkan karena berpikir adalah upaya untuk mengasosiasikan kata atau konsep untuk mendapatkan satu kesimpulan melalui media bahasa. Kata-kata adalah bentuk pemberian pakaian pada realita faktual yang terjadi secara nyata. Bahasa yang diwujudkan dalam kata-kata adalah representasi realitas. Setiap budaya memiliki cara tersendiri dalam memilih satu wilayah tertentu dari keseluruhan realitas untuk diwujudkan dalam kata-kata. Ketika bahasa memproduksi satu perilaku tertentu, serta ketika perilaku tersebut diulang-ulang menjadi kebiasaan maka yang tercipta adalah keperibadian. Pada awalnya manusia membentuk kebiasaan, tetapi setelah itu kebiasaanlah yang membentuk manusia
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