7 research outputs found

    Molecular and Physiological Factors of Neuroprotection in Hypoxia-Tolerant Models: Pharmacological Clues for the Treatment of Stroke

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    The naked mole-rat possesses several unique physiological and molecular features that underlie their remarkably and exceptional resistance to tissue hypoxia. Elevated pattern of Epo, an erythropoietin (Epo) factor; c-fos; vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF); and hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF-1α) contribute to the adaptive strategy to cope with hypoxic stress. Moreover, the naked mole-rat has a lower metabolic rate than any other eutherian mammal of comparable size that has been studied. The ability to actively reduce metabolic rate represents a strategy widely used in the face of decreased tissue oxygen availability. Understanding the different molecular and physiological factors that induce metabolic suppression could guide the development of pharmacological agents for the clinical management of stroke patient

    The Rewarding Properties of Methamphetamine in an Invertebrate Model of Drug Addiction

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    The rewarding properties of drugs in the mammalian system depend on their ability to activate appetitive motivational states. The associated underlying mechanism is strongly conserved in evolution and invertebrates have recently emerged as a powerful new model in addiction research. The natural reward system in crayfish has surprisingly proven sensitive to human drugs of abuse, providing a new model for research into the basic biological mechanisms of drug addiction. In this study, we examined the presence of natural reward systems in crayfish, and then characterized its sensitivity to 2.5 μg/g, 5.0 μg/g and 10.0 μg/g doses of methamphetamine (METH). Using the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm, we demonstrated that irrespective of the number of doses of METH injected into the pericardial system, crayfish seek out a particular tactile environment that had previously been paired with the METH. This study demonstrates that crayfish offer a comparative and complementary approach in addiction research. It contributes an evolutionary context to our understanding of a key component in learning and of natural reward as an important life-sustaining process

    Correction to “Molecular and Physiological Factors of Neuroprotection in Hypoxia-tolerant Models: Pharmacological Clues for the Treatment of Stroke”

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    The naked mole-rat possesses several unique physiological and molecular features that underlie their remarkably and exceptional resistance to tissue hypoxia. Elevated pattern of Epo, an erythropoietin (Epo) factor; c-fos; vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF); and hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF-1α) contribute to the adaptive strategy to cope with hypoxic stress. Moreover, the naked mole-rat has a lower metabolic rate than any other eutherian mammal of comparable size that has been studied. The ability to actively reduce metabolic rate represents a strategy widely used in the face of decreased tissue oxygen availability. Understanding the different molecular and physiological factors that induce metabolic suppression could guide the development of pharmacological agents for the clinical management of stroke patient

    Metabolic Regulatory Clues From the Naked Mole Rat: Toward Brain Regulatory Functions During Stroke

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    Resistance to tissue hypoxia is a robust fundamental adaptation to low oxygen supply, and represents a novel neuroscience problem with significance to mammalian physiology as well as human health. With the underlying mechanisms strongly conserved in evolution, the ability to resist tissue hypoxia in natural systems has recently emerged as an interesting model in mammalian physiology research to understand mechanisms that can be manipulated for the clinical management of stroke. The extraordinary ability to resist tissue hypoxia by the naked mole rat (NMR) indicates the presence of a unique mechanism that underlies the remarkable healthy life span and exceptional hypoxia resistance. This opens an interesting line of research into understanding the mechanisms employed by the naked mole rat (. Heterocephalus glaber) to protect the brain during hypoxia. In a series of studies, we first examined the presence of neuroprotection in the brain cells of naked mole rats (NMRs) subjected to hypoxic insults, and then characterized the expression of such neuroprotection in a wide range of time intervals. We used oxygen nutrient deprivation (OND), an in vitro model of resistance to tissue hypoxia to determine whether there is evidence of neuronal survival in the hippocampal (CA1) slices of NMRs that are subjected to chronic hypoxia. Hippocampus neurons of NMRs that were kept in hypoxic condition consistently tolerated OND right from the onset time of 5. h. This tolerance was maintained for 24. h. This finding indicates that there is evidence of resistance to tissue hypoxia by CA1 neurons of NMRs. We further examined the effect of hypoxia on metabolic rate in the NMR. Repeated measurement of metabolic rates during exposure of naked mole rats to hypoxia over a constant ambient temperature indicates that hypoxia significantly decreased metabolic rates in the NMR, suggesting that the observed decline in metabolic rate during hypoxia may contribute to the adaptive mechanism used by the NMR to resist tissue hypoxia. This work is aimed to contribute to the understanding of mechanisms of resistance to tissue hypoxia in the NMR as an important life-sustaining process, which can be translated into therapeutic interventions during stroke

    The Sensitivity of the Crayfish Reward System to Mammalian Drugs of Abuse

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    The idea that addiction occurs when the brain is not able to differentiate whether specific reward circuits were triggered by adaptive natural rewards or falsely activated by addictive drugs exist in several models of drug addiction. The suitability of crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) for drug addiction research arises from developmental variation of growth, life span, reproduction, behavior and some quantitative traits, especially among isogenic mates reared in the same environment. This broad spectrum of traits makes it easier to analyze the effect of mammalian drugs of abuse in shaping behavioral phenotype. Moreover, the broad behavioral repertoire allows the investigation of self-reinforcing circuitries involving appetitive and exploratory motor behavior, while the step-wise alteration of the phenotype by metamorphosis allows accurate longitudinal analysis of different behavioral states. This paper reviews a series of recent experimental findings that evidence the suitability of crayfish as an invertebrate model system for the study of drug addiction. Results from these studies reveal that unconditioned exposure to mammalian drugs of abuse produces a variety of stereotyped behaviors. Moreover, if presented in the context of novelty, drugs directly stimulate exploration and appetitive motor patterns along with molecular processes for drug conditioned reward. Findings from these studies indicate the existence of drug sensitive circuitry in crayfish that facilitates exploratory behavior and appetitive motor patterns via increased incentive salience of environmental stimuli or by increasing exploratory motor patterns. This work demonstrates the potential of crayfish as a model system for research into the neural mechanisms of addiction, by contributing an evolutionary, comparative context to our understanding of natural reward as an important life-sustaining process