290 research outputs found

    Fast Monte-Carlo Localization on Aerial Vehicles using Approximate Continuous Belief Representations

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    Size, weight, and power constrained platforms impose constraints on computational resources that introduce unique challenges in implementing localization algorithms. We present a framework to perform fast localization on such platforms enabled by the compressive capabilities of Gaussian Mixture Model representations of point cloud data. Given raw structural data from a depth sensor and pitch and roll estimates from an on-board attitude reference system, a multi-hypothesis particle filter localizes the vehicle by exploiting the likelihood of the data originating from the mixture model. We demonstrate analysis of this likelihood in the vicinity of the ground truth pose and detail its utilization in a particle filter-based vehicle localization strategy, and later present results of real-time implementations on a desktop system and an off-the-shelf embedded platform that outperform localization results from running a state-of-the-art algorithm on the same environment

    In vivo trafficking and immunostimulatory potential of an intranasally-administered primary dendritic cell-based vaccine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Coccidioidomycosis or Valley fever is caused by a highly virulent fungal pathogen: <it>Coccidioides posadasii </it>or <it>immitis</it>. Vaccine development against <it>Coccidioides </it>is of contemporary interest because a large number of relapses and clinical failures are reported with antifungal agents. An efficient Th1 response engenders protection. Thus, we have focused on developing a dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccine for coccidioidomycosis. In this study, we investigated the immunostimulatory characteristics of an intranasal primary DC-vaccine in BALB/c mouse strain that is most susceptible to coccidioidomycosis. The DCs were transfected nonvirally with <it>Coccidioides-</it>Ag2/PRA-cDNA. Expression of DC-markers, Ag2/PRA and cytokines were studied by flow cytometry, dot-immunoblotting and cytometric bead array methods, respectively. The T cell activation was studied by assessing the upregulation of activation markers in a DC-T cell co-culture assay. For trafficking, the DCs were co-transfected with a plasmid DNA encoding HSV1 thymidine kinase (TK) and administered intranasally into syngeneic mice. The trafficking and homing of TK-expressing DCs were monitored with positron emission tomography (PET) using <sup>18</sup>F-FIAU probe. Based on the PET-probe accumulation in vaccinated mice, selected tissues were studied for antigen-specific response and T cell phenotypes using ELISPOT and flow cytometry, respectively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that the primary DCs transfected with <it>Coccidioides</it>-Ag2/PRA-cDNA were of immature immunophenotype, expressed Ag2/PRA and activated naïve T cells. In PET images and subsequent biodistribution, intranasally-administered DCs were found to migrate in blood, lung and thymus; lymphocytes showed generation of T effector memory cell population (T<sub>EM</sub>) and IFN-γ release.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the intranasally-administered primary DC vaccine is capable of inducing Ag2/PRA-specific T cell response. Unique approaches utilized in our study represent an attractive and novel means of producing and evaluating an autologous DC-based vaccine.</p

    Curvature in the color-magnitude relation but not in color-sigma: Major dry mergers at M* > 2 x 10^11 Msun?

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    The color-magnitude relation of early-type galaxies differs slightly but significantly from a pure power-law, curving downwards at low and upwards at large luminosities (Mr>-20.5 and Mr<-22.5). This remains true of the color-size relation, and is even more apparent with stellar mass (M* < 3x10^10 Msun and M* > 2x10^11 Msun). The upwards curvature at the massive end does not appear to be due to stellar population effects. In contrast, the color-sigma relation is well-described by a single power law. Since major dry mergers change neither the colors nor sigma, but they do change masses and sizes, the clear features observed in the scaling relations with M*, but not with sigma > 150 km/s, suggest that M* > 2x10^11 Msun is the scale above which major dry mergers dominate the assembly history. We discuss three models of the merger histories since z ~ 1 which are compatible with our measurements. In all three models, dry mergers are responsible for the flattening of the color-M* relation at M* > 3x10^10 Msun - wet mergers only matter at smaller masses. At M* > 2 x 10^11 Msun, the merger histories in one model are dominated by major rather than minor dry mergers, as suggested by the axis ratio and color gradient trends. In another, although both major and minor mergers occur at the high mass end, the minor mergers contribute primarily to the formation of the ICL, rather than to the mass growth of the central massive galaxy. A final model assumes that the reddest objects were assembled by a mix of major and minor dry mergers.Comment: 22 pages, 22 figures and 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evidence of major dry mergers at M* > 2 x 10^11 Msun from curvature in early-type galaxy scaling relations?

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    For early-type galaxies, the correlations between stellar mass and size, velocity dispersion, surface brightness, color, axis ratio and color-gradient all indicate that two mass scales, M* = 3 x 10^10 Msun and M* = 2 x 10^11 Msun, are special. The smaller scale could mark the transition between wet and dry mergers, or it could be related to the interplay between SN and AGN feedback, although quantitative measures of this transition may be affected by morphological contamination. At the more massive scale, mean axis ratios and color gradients are maximal, and above it, the colors are redder, the sizes larger and the velocity dispersions smaller than expected based on the scaling at lower M*. In contrast, the color-sigma relation, and indeed, most scaling relations with sigma, are not curved: they are well-described by a single power law, or in some cases, are almost completely flat. When major dry mergers change masses, sizes, axis ratios and color gradients, they are expected to change the colors or velocity dispersions much less. Therefore, the fact that scaling relations at sigma > 150 km/s show no features, whereas the size-M*, b/a-M*, color-M* and color gradient-M* relations do, suggests that M* = 2 x 10^11 Msun is the scale above which major dry mergers dominate the assembly histories of early-type galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Port-site metastases following robotic radical cystectomy: A systematic review and management options

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    BACKGROUND: Port-site metastases (PSM) are a rare occurrence in robotic surgery. For robot assisted radical cystectomy (RARC), isolated cases have been reported but management has not been described previously. We present a case of PSM that occurred after RARC and perform the results of our systematic review of previously reported port site metastases, and describe treatment options. METHODS: We describe a case of a PSM in a 55-year old gentleman who underwent intracorporeal RARC. We performed a systematic review of MEDLINE and EMBASE databases for previously reported PSMs, detailing the stage and grade of the primary tumour, time to presentation of PSM, treatment offered and outcomes for the identified cases. RESULTS: We identified four cases of PSMs following RARC in the literature, and included our case for analysis. All five cases had muscle invasive bladder cancer at time of cystectomy (>T2) and three of them had local lymph node positive disease. Our aggressive treatment of chemotherapy, wide surgical excision of PSM and radiotherapy has provided the patient a two-year disease-free status. CONCLUSION: PSMs are a rare event in RARC, with only four other cases described in the literature. Outcomes have are not well reported for all of these cases, and we propose that a multi-modality treatment consisting of salvage chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy should be considered, but concessions have to be made taking patient factors into account

    Systems biology approach for mapping the response of human urothelial cells to infection by Enterococcus faecalis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To better understand the response of urinary epithelial (urothelial) cells to <it>Enterococcus faecalis</it>, a uropathogen that exhibits resistance to multiple antibiotics, a genome-wide scan of gene expression was obtained as a time series from urothelial cells growing as a layered 3-dimensional culture similar to normal urothelium. We herein describe a novel means of analysis that is based on deconvolution of gene variability into technical and biological components.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analysis of the expression of 21,521 genes from 30 minutes to 10 hours post infection, showed 9553 genes were expressed 3 standard deviations (SD) above the system zero-point noise in at least 1 time point. The asymmetric distribution of relative variances of the expressed genes was deconvoluted into technical variation (with a 6.5% relative SD) and biological variation components (>3 SD above the mode technical variability). These 1409 hypervariable (HV) genes encapsulated the effect of infection on gene expression. Pathway analysis of the HV genes revealed an orchestrated response to infection in which early events included initiation of immune response, cytoskeletal rearrangement and cell signaling followed at the end by apoptosis and shutting down cell metabolism. The number of poorly annotated genes in the earliest time points suggests heretofore unknown processes likely also are involved.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>Enterococcus </it>infection produced an orchestrated response by the host cells involving several pathways and transcription factors that potentially drive these pathways. The early time points potentially identify novel targets for enhancing the host response. These approaches combine rigorous statistical principles with a biological context and are readily applied by biologists.</p

    Assessment of genotypes, endosymbionts and clinical characteristics of <i>Acanthamoeba</i> recovered from ocular infection

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    INTRODUCTION: Acanthamoeba is an emerging pathogen, infamous for its resilience against antiprotozoal compounds, disinfectants and harsh environments. It is known to cause keratitis, a sight-threatening, painful and difficult to treat corneal infection which is often reported among contact lens wearers and patients with ocular trauma. Acanthamoeba comprises over 24 species and currently 23 genotypes (T1-T23) have been identified. AIMS: This retrospective study was designed to examine the Acanthamoeba species and genotypes recovered from patients with Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK), determine the presence of endosymbionts in ocular isolates of Acanthamoeba and review the clinical presentations. METHODOLOGY: Thirteen culture-confirmed AK patients treated in a tertiary eye care facility in Hyderabad, India from February to October 2020 were included in this study. The clinical manifestations, medications and visual outcomes of all patients were obtained from medical records. The Acanthamoeba isolates were identified by sequencing the ribosomal nuclear subunit (rns) gene. Acanthamoeba isolates were assessed for the presence of bacterial or fungal endosymbionts using molecular assays, PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 33 years (SD ± 17.4; 95% CI 22.5 to 43.5 years). Six (46.2%) cases had AK associated risk factors; four patients had ocular trauma and two were contact lens wearers. A. culbertsoni (6/13, 46.2%) was the most common species, followed by A. polyphaga and A. triangularis. Most of the isolates (12/13) belonged to genotype T4 and one was a T12; three sub-clusters T4A, T4B, and T4F were identified within the T4 genotype. There was no significant association between Acanthamoeba types and clinical outcomes. Eight (61.5%) isolates harboured intracellular bacteria and one contained Malassezia restricta. The presence of intracellular microbes was associated with a higher proportion of stromal infiltrates (88.9%, 8/9), epithelial defect (55.6%, 5/9) and hypopyon (55.6%, 5/9) compared to 50% (2/4), 25% (1/4) and 25% (1/4) AK cases without intracellular microbes, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Genotype T4 was the predominant isolate in southern India. This is the second report of T12 genotype identified from AK patient in India, which is rarely reported worldwide. The majority of the Acanthamoeba clinical isolates in this study harboured intracellular microbes, which may impact clinical characteristics of AK. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12879-022-07741-4
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