24 research outputs found

    EQSE Diagonalization of the Hubbard Model

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    The application of enhanced quasi-sparse eigenvector methods (EQSE) to the Hubbard model is attempted. The ground state energy for the 4x4 Hubbard model is calculated with a relatively small set of basis vectors. The results agree to high precision with the exact answer. For the 8x8 case, exact answers are not available but a simple first order correction to the quasi-sparse eigenvector (QSE) result is presented.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the International Light-Cone Meeting on Non-Perturbative QCD and Hadron Phenomenology, Heidelberg, June 200

    Renormalization in spherical field theory

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    We derive several results concerning non-perturbative renormalization in the spherical field formalism. Using a small set of local counterterms, we are able to remove all ultraviolet divergences in a manner such that the renormalized theory is finite and translationally invariant. As an explicit example we consider massless phi^4 theory in four dimensions.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    A Canonical Quantization of the Baker's Map

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    We present here a canonical quantization for the baker's map. The method we use is quite different from that used in Balazs and Voros (ref. \QCITE{cite}{}{BV}) and Saraceno (ref. \QCITE{cite}{}{S}). We first construct a natural ``baker covering map'' on the plane \QTO{mathbb}{\mathbb{R}}^{2}. We then use as the quantum algebra of observables the subalgebra of operators on L^{2}(\QTO{mathbb}{\mathbb{R}}) generated by {exp(2πix^),exp(2πip^)}\left\{\exp (2\pi i\hat{x}) ,\exp (2\pi i\hat{p}) \right\} . We construct a unitary propagator such that as 0\hbar \to 0 the classical dynamics is returned. For Planck's constant h=1/Nh=1/N, we show that the dynamics can be reduced to the dynamics on an NN-dimensional Hilbert space, and the unitary N×NN\times N matrix propagator is the same as given in ref. \QCITE{cite}{}{BV} except for a small correction of order hh. This correction is shown to preserve the classical symmetry x1xx\to 1-x and p1pp\to 1-p in the quantum dynamics for periodic boundary conditions.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures. Annals of Physics, to appea

    The massless Thirring model in spherical field theory

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    We use the massless Thirring model to demonstrate a new approach to non-perturbative fermion calculations based on the spherical field formalism. The methods we present are free from the problems of fermion doubling and difficulties associated with integrating out massless fermions. Using a non-perturbative regularization, we compute the two-point correlator and find agreement with the known analytic solution.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, journal versio

    The diagonalization of quantum field Hamiltonians

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    We introduce a new diagonalization method called quasi-sparse eigenvector diagonalization which finds the most important basis vectors of the low energy eigenstates of a quantum Hamiltonian. It can operate using any basis, either orthogonal or non-orthogonal, and any sparse Hamiltonian, either Hermitian, non-Hermitian, finite-dimensional, or infinite-dimensional. The method is part of a new computational approach which combines both diagonalization and Monte Carlo techniques.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, new material adde

    Modal expansions and non-perturbative quantum field theory in Minkowski space

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    We introduce a spectral approach to non-perturbative field theory within the periodic field formalism. As an example we calculate the real and imaginary parts of the propagator in 1+1 dimensional phi^4 theory, identifying both one-particle and multi-particle contributions. We discuss the computational limits of existing diagonalization algorithms and suggest new quasi-sparse eigenvector methods to handle very large Fock spaces and higher dimensional field theories.Comment: new material added, 12 pages, 6 figure

    Spectrum and thermodynamic properties of two-dimensional N=(1,1) super Yang-Mills theory with fundamental matter and a Chern-Simons term

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    We consider N=(1,1) super Yang-Mills theory in 1+1 dimensions with fundamentals at large-N_c. A Chern-Simons term is included to give mass to the adjoint partons. Using the spectrum of the theory, we calculate thermodynamic properties of the system as a function of the temperature and the Yang-Mills coupling. In the large-N_c limit there are two non-communicating sectors, the glueball sector, which we presented previously, and the meson-like sector that we present here. We find that the meson-like sector dominates the thermodynamics. Like the glueball sector, the meson sector has a Hagedorn temperature T_H, and we show that the Hagedorn temperature grows with the coupling. We calculate the temperature and coupling dependence of the free energy for temperatures below T_H. As expected, the free energy for weak coupling and low temperature grows quadratically with the temperature. Also the ratio of the free energies at strong coupling compared to weak coupling, r_{s-w}, for low temperatures grows quadratically with T. In addition, our data suggest that r_{s-w} tends to zero in the continuum limit at low temperatures.Comment: 34 p