112 research outputs found

    An Update on Tectonics

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/109300/1/eost2014EO420009.pd

    Characterization of site-specific GPS errors using a short-baseline network of braced monuments at Yucca Mountain, southern Nevada

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    We use a short-baseline network of braced monuments to investigate site-specific GPS effects. The network has baseline lengths of ∼10, 100, and 1000 m. Baseline time series have root mean square (RMS) residuals, about a model for the seasonal cycle, of 0.05–0.24 mm for the horizontal components and 0.20–0.72 mm for the radial. Seasonal cycles occur, with amplitudes of 0.04–0.60 mm, even for the horizontal components and even for the shortest baselines. For many time series these lag seasonal cycles in local temperature measurements by 23–43 days. This could suggest that they are related to bedrock thermal expansion. Both shorter-period signals and seasonal cycles for shorter baselines to REP2, the one short-braced monument in our network, are correlated with temperature, with no lag time. Differences between REP2 and the other stations, which are deep-braced, should reflect processes occurring in the upper few meters of the ground. These correlations may be related to thermal expansion of these upper ground layers, and/or thermal expansion of the monuments themselves. Even over these short distances we see a systematic increase in RMS values with increasing baseline length. This, and the low RMS levels, suggests that site-specific effects are unlikely to be the limiting factor in the use of similar GPS sites for geophysical investigations

    Effects of Bedrock Landsliding on Cosmogenically Determined Erosion Rates

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    The successful quantification of long-term erosion rates underpins our understanding of landscape. formation, the topographic evolution of mountain ranges, and the mass balance within active orogens. The measurement of in situ-produced cosmogenic radionuclides (CRNs) in fluvial and alluvial sediments is perhaps the method with the greatest ability to provide such long-term erosion rates. In active orogens, however, deep-seated bedrock landsliding is an important erosional process, the effect of which on CRN-derived erosion rates is largely unquantified. We present a numerical simulation of cosmogenic nuclide production and distribution in landslide-dominated catchments to address the effect of bedrock landsliding on cosmogenic erosion rates in actively eroding landscapes. Results of the simulation indicate that the temporal stability of erosion rates determined from CRN concentrations in sediment decreases with increased ratios of landsliding to sediment detachment rates within a given catchment area, and that larger catchment areas must be sampled with increased frequency of landsliding in order to accurately evaluate long-term erosion rates. In addition, results of this simulation suggest that sediment sampling for CRNs is the appropriate method for determining long-term erosion rates in regions dominated by mass-wasting processes, while bedrock surface sampling for CRNs is generally an ineffective means of determining long-term erosion rates. Response times of CRN concentrations to changes in erosion rate indicate that climatically driven cycles of erosion may be detected relatively quickly after such changes occur, but that complete equilibration of CRN concentrations to new erosional conditions may take tens of thousands of years. Simulation results of CRN erosion rates are compared with a new, rich dataset of CRN concentrations from the Nepalese Himalaya, supporting conclusions drawn from the simulation

    Comparison of geodetic and geologic data from the Wasatch region, Utah, and implications for the spectral character of Earth deformation at periods of 10 to 10 million years

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    The Wasatch fault and adjacent fault zones provide an opportunity to compare present-day deformation rate estimates obtained from space geodesy with geologic displacement rates over at least four temporal windows, ranging from the last millennium up to 10 Myr. The three easternmost GPS sites of the Basin and Range Geodetic Network (BARGEN) at this latitude define a ∼130-km-wide region spanning three major normal faults extending east-west at a total rate of 2.7 ± 0.4 mm/yr, with an average regional strain rate estimated to be 21 ± 4 nstrain/yr, about twice the Basin and Range average. On the Wasatch fault, the vertical component of the geologic displacement rate is 1.7 ± 0.5 mm/yr since 6 ka, <0.6 mm/yr since 130 ka, and 0.5–0.7 mm/yr since 10 Ma. However, it appears likely that at the longest timescale, rates slowed over time, from 1.0 to 1.4 mm/yr between 10 and 6 Ma to 0.2 to 0.3 mm/yr since 6 Ma. The cumulative vertical displacement record across all three faults also shows time-variable strain release ranging from 2 to 4 mm/yr since 10 ka to <1 mm/yr averaged over the past 130 kyr. Conventional earthquake recurrence models (“Reid-type” behavior) would require an accordingly large variation in strain accumulation or loading rate on a 10-kyr timescale, for which there appears to be no obvious geophysical explanation. Alternatively, seismic strain release, given a wide range of plausible constitutive behaviors for frictional sliding, may be clustered on the 10-kyr timescale, resulting in the high Holocene rates, with comparatively low, uniform strain accumulation rates on the 100-kyr timescale (“Wallace-type” behavior). The latter alternative, combined with observations at the million-year timescale and the likelihood of a significant contribution of postseismic transients, implies maxima of spectral amplitude in the velocity field at periods of ∼10 Myr (variations in tectonic loading), ∼10 kyr (clustered strain release), and of 100 years (postseismic transients). If so, measurements of strain accumulation and strain release may be strongly timescale-dependent for any given fault system

    A Cretaceous‐Eocene depositional age for the Fenghuoshan Group, Hoh Xil Basin: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the northern Tibet Plateau

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    The Fenghuoshan Group marks the initiation of terrestrial deposition in the Hoh Xil Basin and preserves the first evidence of uplift above sea level of northern Tibet. The depositional age of the Fenghuoshan Group is debated as are the stratigraphic relationships between the Fenghuoshan Group and other terrestrial sedimentary units in the Hoh Xil Basin. We present new radiometric dates and a compilation of published biostratigraphic data which are used to reinterpret existing magnetostratigraphic data from the Fenghuoshan Group. From these data, we infer an 85–51 Ma depositional age range for the Fenghuoshan Group. U‐Pb detrital zircon age spectra from this unit are compared to age spectra from Tibetan terranes and Mesozoic sedimentary sequences to determine a possible source terrane for Fenghuoshan Group strata. We propose that these strata were sourced from the Qiangtang Terrane and may share a common sediment source with Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in Nima Basin. Field relationships and compiled biostratigraphic data indicate that the Fenghuoshan and Tuotuohe Groups are temporally distinct units. We report late Oligocene ages for undeformed basalt flows that cap tilted Fenghuoshan Group strata. Together, our age constraints and field relationships imply exhumation of the central Qiangtang Terrane from the Late Cretaceous to earliest Eocene, followed by Eocene‐Oligocene deformation, and shortening of the northern Qiangtang and southern Songpan‐Ganzi terranes. Crustal shortening within the Hoh Xil Basin ceased by late Oligocene time as is evident from flat‐lying basaltic rocks, which cap older, deformed strata. Key Points The Fenghuoshan Group was deposited from late Cretaceous to early Eocene time The Fenghuoshan Group was likely sourced from the central Qiangtang Terrane Crustal shortening of the Hoh Xil Basin occurred from Eocene to Oligocene timePeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/1/ts02.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/2/fs02.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/3/tect20113.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/4/ts06.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/5/fs06.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/6/ts03.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/7/fs03.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/8/ts07.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/9/fs07.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/10/fs04.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/11/ts04.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/12/fs01.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/13/ts08.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/14/ts01.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/15/fs05.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106814/16/ts05.pd

    Relict basin closure and crustal shortening budgets during continental collision: An example from Caucasus sediment provenance

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    Comparison of plate convergence with the timing and magnitude of upper crustal shortening in collisional orogens indicates both shortening deficits (200–1700 km) and significant (10–40%) plate deceleration during collision, the cause(s) for which remains debated. The Greater Caucasus Mountains, which result from postcollisional Cenozoic closure of a relict Mesozoic back‐arc basin on the northern margin of the Arabia‐Eurasia collision zone, help reconcile these debates. Here we use U‐Pb detrital zircon provenance data and the regional geology of the Caucasus to investigate the width of the now‐consumed Mesozoic back‐arc basin and its closure history. The provenance data record distinct southern and northern provenance domains that persisted until at least the Miocene. Maximum basin width was likely ~350–400 km. We propose that closure of the back‐arc basin initiated at ~35 Ma, coincident with initial (soft) Arabia‐Eurasia collision along the Bitlis‐Zagros suture, eventually leading to ~5 Ma (hard) collision between the Lesser Caucasus arc and the Scythian platform to form the Greater Caucasus Mountains. Final basin closure triggered deceleration of plate convergence and tectonic reorganization throughout the collision. Postcollisional subduction of such small (102–103 km wide) relict ocean basins can account for both shortening deficits and delays in plate deceleration by accommodating convergence via subduction/underthrusting, although such shortening is easily missed if it occurs along structures hidden within flysch/slate belts. Relict basin closure is likely typical in continental collisions in which the colliding margins are either irregularly shaped or rimmed by extensive back‐arc basins and fringing arcs, such as those in the modern South Pacific.Key PointsU‐Pb provenance indicates Greater Caucasus formed by postcollisional Cenozoic closure of a Mesozoic back arc basin likely ~350–400 km widePostcollisional subduction/underthrusting of such relict basins helps account for shortening deficits and delayed plate decelerationPlate convergence should not be expected to balance upper crustal shortening or the length of subducted slab following collisionPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135981/1/tect20504.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135981/2/tect20504_am.pd

    Tectonic-Climate Interactions in Action Orogenic Belts: Quantification of Dynamic Topography with SRTM data

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    This project was undertaken to examine the approach to steady state in collisional mountain belts. Although the primary thrust of this grant was to look at larger collisional mountain belts, such as the Himalaya, the Tien Shan, and Southern Alps, we began by looking at smaller structures represented by growing and propagating folds. Like ranges that are evolving toward a topographic steady state, these folds undergo a series of morphologic changes as they are progressively uplifted and eroded. We wanted to document the nature of these changes and to try to discern some of the underlying controls on them. We initially focused on the Wheeler Ridge anticline in southern California. Subsequently, we progressed to looking at the topographic development and the effects of differential uplift and glaciation on the Kyrgyz Range in the northern Tien Shan. This range is unusual inasmuch as it is transformed along its length from a simple uplift with a largely preserved Mesozoic erosion surface arching across it to a highly dissected and heavily glaciated uplift in the region where uplift has been sustained at higher rates over longer intervals. In efforts to understand the distribution of erosion rates at 10(exp 3) - 10(exp 5) year time scales, cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) concentrations have been gaining increasingly widespread usage (Brown et al., 1995; Riebe et al., 2004; Riebe et al., 2001; Vance et al., 2003). Most studies to date, however, have been conducted in slowly eroding ranges. In rapidly eroding mountains where landslides deliver most of the sediments to the rivers, we hypothesized that CRN concentrations could be highly perturbed by the stochastic processes of landsliding. Therefore, we undertook the development of a numerical model that simulated the effects of both landsliding and grain-by-grain attrition within fluvial catchments. This modeling effort has shown the effects of catchment size and erosion rate on CRN concentrations and allows a prediction of where to sample to obtain the optimal erosion rate estimates using CRN techniques. Finally, we developed computational techniques to operate on DEMs to extract useful information that would enable quantification of climate-erosion interactions. In particular, we worked on rapid techniques to define catchments of any given range of sizes, to extract channel gradients, to combine precipitation information to calculate discharge, and to utilize various stream-power models to determine the erosional energy within any given catchment within a transect. We briefly describe results from Wheeler Ridge, the Kyrgyz Range, the Nepal Himalaya, and our numerical modeling