16 research outputs found

    Rainwater harvesting, alternative to the water supply in Indian urban areas : The case of Ahmedabad in Gujarat

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    Water scarcity is a characteristic of north-western states of India, such as Gujarat. Over time, the continuous increase of the population as well as the financial, administrative and technical deficiencies of the new supply system have lead to the deterioration of the water service in the city. In the meantime, the water demand has considerably increased due to the improvement of standards of living. This has resulted in an increasing pressure on underground water resources, which has lead to an alarming depletion of aquifers. From this overall situation arises the question of the use of complementary alternative sources of water in Ahmedabad and more particularly of the rehabilitation of the rainwater harvesting structures still existing in its old city area. The objective of the research is to evaluate to what extent this traditional system may constitute an additional source of water within the Old city of Ahmedabad and may locally reduce the pressure on water demand, assuming that the existing supply system does not fulfil the needs of the users. The results of an exploratory field study conducted in the Old city in 2001-02, which combined quantitative and qualitative aspects, give an outlook on people's opinions and behaviors regarding both systems. Finally, the rehabilitation of rainwater harvesting structures in the Old city of Ahmedabad suggests the necessity of empowering local structures of water management (households, non governmental association) in semi-arid urban areas to create the conditions for a sustainable implementation.rainwater harvesting ; water supply ; water scarcity ; water management ; Ahmedabad Old City ; Pol ; Gujarat ; India

    Rainwater Harvesting, Alternative to the Water supply in Indian Urban Areas : the Case of Ahmedabad in Gujarat.

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    NAgestion de l'eau;développement;récupération de l'eau de pluie;Inde

    Rainwater Harvesting, Alternative to the Water supply in Indian Urban Areas : the Case of Ahmedabad in Gujarat.

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    Working PaperWater scarcity is a characteristic of north-western states of India, such as Gujarat. Over time, the continuous increase of the population as well as the financial, administrative and technical deficiencies of the new supply system have lead to the deterioration of the water service in the city. In the meantime, the water demand has considerably increased due to the improvement of standards of living. This has resulted in an increasing pressure on underground water resources, which has lead to an alarming depletion of aquifers. From this overall situation arises the question of the use of complementary alternative sources of water in Ahmedabad and more particularly of the rehabilitation of the rainwater harvesting structures still existing in its old city area. The objective of the research is to evaluate to what extent this traditional system may constitute an additional source of water within the Old city of Ahmedabad and may locally reduce the pressure on water demand, assuming that the existing supply system does not fulfil the needs of the users. The results of an exploratory field study conducted in the Old city in 2001-02, which combined quantitative and qualitative aspects, give an outlook on people’s opinions and behaviors regarding both systems. Finally, the rehabilitation of rainwater harvesting structures in the Old city of Ahmedabad suggests the necessity of empowering local structures of water management (households, non governmental association) in semi-arid urban areas to create the conditions for a sustainable implementation

    Marketing International, Marchés, Cultures et Organisations

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    Face Ă  un environnement international de plus en plus ouvert Ă  une concurrence Ă©largie, le marketing joue un rĂŽle moteur dans l'internationalisation de la firme. La globalisation des marchĂ©s oblige dĂ©sormais Ă  penser le Nord et le Sud dans un mĂȘme ensemble. Cet ouvrage, Ă  la fois conceptuel et vivant,fournit les clĂ©s de comprĂ©hension fondamentales et les outils appliquĂ©s pour dĂ©velopper une stratĂ©gie marketing efficace dans ce nouveau contexte. Une approche originale fondĂ©e sur une triple perspective : - multifonctionnelle : l'internationalisation du marketing impliquant toutes les fonctions de l'entreprise. - organisationnelle : le marketing international Ă©voluant selon la dynamique d'internationalisation de l'entreprise. - multiculturelle : le marketing international devant tenir compte de la diversitĂ© culturelle externe (actes d'achat et de consommation) et interne (management de la diversitĂ© culturelle des Ă©quipes marketing). Une analyse approfondie des derniĂšres Ă©volutions en la matiĂšre : - les Ă©conomies Ă©mergentes qui obligent Ă  repenser le Nord et le Sud dans un mĂȘme ensemble au plan de la conquĂȘte des marchĂ©s, de la stratĂ©gie concurrentielle et des relations interculturelles qui en dĂ©coulent... - les segments marketing du « bas de la pyramide » et les stratĂ©gies marketing spĂ©cifiques qu'ils impliquent. - l'intĂ©gration des nouvelles technologies comme mĂ©dia international, ses forces et ses limites

    Host-country Female Executives and External Legitimation Strategies of Foreign Subsidiaries: A Multi-theoretical Framework

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    International audienceThis theoretical paper proposes a multi-theoretical framework combining institutional theory, resource dependency theory, and social identity theory to study the role of host-country national female executives staffed by multinational firms in their local top management team to serve as external legitimation providers of foreign subsidiaries and efficiently mitigate the liability of foreignness. By examining how local female executives frame the implementation of external legitimization strategies at the micro-level of subsidiary's organizational practices and resources, this research makes room for the agency of subsidiaries to counter the LOF by becoming actors of institutional change, thereby developing multinationals’ performance in adverse environments. Finally, the study methodology to be conducted on the subsidiaries of French multinational luxury retail firms in Japan is proposed


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    Cette Ă©tude a pour but d’évaluer la validitĂ© discriminante de la version française de la mĂ©thode SCORS (Social Cognition and Object Relation Scale). ProcĂ©dure : les cotations SCORS de rĂ©cits TAT ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es entre deux groupes (non clinique et clinique). MĂ©thode : les rĂ©cits TAT de 114 participants (47 non cliniques et 67 cliniques) ont Ă©tĂ© recueillis et les planches 1, 2, 3BM et 13MF ont Ă©tĂ© cotĂ©es par deux juges indĂ©pendants. Puis nous avons comparĂ© les rĂ©sultats des deux groupes. RĂ©sultats : la fidĂ©litĂ© interjuge entre coteurs est bonne, voire excellente suivant les Ă©chelles; il y a des diffĂ©rences entre les moyennes des deux groupes aux Ă©chelles de SCORS dans le sens attendu. Cela montre la validitĂ© discriminante de la version française de SCORS. Les implications cliniques et scientifiques de ces rĂ©sultats sont discutĂ©es.The study aimed at assessing the discriminant validity of the French version of the Social Cognition and Object Relation Scale, French Version. Design: SCORS ratings of TAT narratives were compared across two groups (Non-Clinicals, Clinicals). Method: 114 participants’ TAT narratives (47 Non-Clinicals, 67 Clinicals) were collected and the pictures 1, 2, 3BM, 4 and 13 MF were rated by two independent judges. Then we compared the result of Non-Clinical and Clinical groups. Results demonstrated that interrater reliability was established and fell in the “good” to “excellent” ranges. Results also indicated that the French version of the SCORS was able to differentiate between Non-Clinical and Clinical groups. Implications and future directions are discussed and explored

    Du management eurocentrique au management interculturel : le cas de l'Afrique du Sud

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    SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : DO 7640 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc