83 research outputs found
A case of acute retinal pigment epithelitis: spectral domain optical coherence tomography time course and physiopathologic hypothesis
PURPOSE: To report the time course of retinal morphologic changes in a patient with acute retinal pigment epithelitis (ARPE) using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT).
METHODS: A 30-year old man was referred for blurred vision of his right eye after five days that appeared suddenly 15 days after recovery from a flu-like syndrome. SD-OCT was performed immediately, followed by fluorescein and infracyanine angiography at eight days and then at three weeks.
RESULTS: At presentation, a bubble of sub-macular deposit was observed on the right macula with central golden micronodules in a honeycomb pattern. SD-OCT showed an "anterior dislocation" of all the retinal layers up to the inner/outer segment (IS/OS) line and irregular deposits at the OS level together with thickening of the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) layer. As visual acuity increased, eight days later, the OCT showed reduction of the sub-retinal deposits and an abnormal hyperflectivity of the sub-retinal and RPE layers was observed. The patient showed a positive serology for picornavirus.
DISCUSSION: The acute SD-OCT sections of this patient with ARPE were compared with histological sections of a 35 day old Royal College of Surgeons rat. Similar findings could be observed, with preservation of the IS/OS line and accumulation of debris at the OS level, suggesting that ARPE symptoms could result from a transient phagocytic dysfunction of the RPE at the fovea, inducing reversible accumulation of undigested OS. Picornaviruses comprising enterovirus and coxsachievirus described as being associated with acute chorioretinitis. In this case, it was responsible for ARPE.
CONCLUSION: We hypothesize that ARPE syndrome results from a transient dysfunction of RPE, which can occur as a post viral reaction
073: Very long-term effects of pacing therapy in Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (HOCM)
The clinical value of DDD pacing as primary treatment of HOCM remains controversial. Very long-term data are lacking.Aimssingle-centre observational study aimed at describing the very long term effects on symptoms, clinical and echocardiographic outcomesPatients54 patients (59±14 years) with symptomatic (NYHA Class >2) drug-refractory HOCM implanted with a DDD pacemaker with or without defibrillator between 1991 and 2007 and followed up to 20 years (mean 11.5; range 0,4-21,8).Main resultsare summarised in table. No patient had myomectomy or septal ablation during follow-up (f/u). NYHA functional class and other symptoms were significantly improved at 1-2 years and at the end of f/u. Left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) gradient decreased by a mean of 78% at 1-2 years and 89% at end f/u consistent with SAM resolution. LV ejection fraction decreased over time with a mean value of 56% at end f/u without evidence of cavity dilatation. The actuarial survival rate was 90% at 5-yrs and 65% at 10-yrs. 24 patients died, 19 from non cardiac cause and 5 cardiovascular. 2 patients had heart transplant after 8 and 13yrs.ConclusionThe clinical and echocardiographic outcome of HOCM patients treated by DDD pacing seems favourable, inviting to re-evaluate the exact value of the therapy in further controlled studiesTable – Main results.Baseline3 months1-2 yearsEnd f/uP valueNYHA functional class, (%)<0,0001Grade 10313536Grade 243535957Grade 3521667Grade 45000Syncope/nearsyncope (%)76/482/22/22/2<0,0001Angina (%)57444<0,0001LVOT gradient (mmHg)79±3620±2411±158±21<0,0001SAM (%)96383016<0,0001LVEF (%)63,5±7,561±759±756±90,05LVEDD (%)47±5NANA43±120,3
Modelo pedagógico para a construção de competências digitais docentes: foco no desenvolvimento de materiais educacionais digitais no ensino superior
O objetivo da pesquisa foi desenvolver um modelo pedagógico (MP) que possibilite a construção de competências digitais docentes (CDD) com foco em materiais educacionais digitais (MED). As CDD referem-se a um conjunto de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes necessários para a solução de problemas. O MP pode ser utilizado como possibilidade de integração de MED nas práticas pedagógicas. Portanto, este estudo caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa aplicada de abordagem qualitativa. O instrumento para coleta de dados foi um questionário semiestruturado com perguntas abertas e fechadas. Os resultados possibilitaram apresentar uma proposta de MP que contempla o perfil do docente durante a pandemia, um planejamento na forma de uma arquitetura e estratégias pedagógicas para construir as competências digitais necessárias na aplicação de MED nas práticas docentes. Dessa forma, considera-se que MP desenvolvido e avaliado pode contribuir para atender as demandas dos professores no ensino superior, tanto no ensino remoto como híbrido
Pedagogical model for building teachers digital skills : focus on the development of digital educational materials in higher education
O objetivo da pesquisa foi desenvolver um modelo pedagógico (MP) que possibilite a construção de competências digitais docentes (CDD) com foco em materiais educacionais digitais (MED). As CDD referem-se a um conjunto de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes necessários para a solução de problemas. O MP pode ser utilizado como possibilidade de integração de MED nas práticas pedagógicas. Portanto, este estudo caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa aplicada de abordagem qualitativa. O instrumento para coleta de dados foi um questionário semiestruturado com perguntas abertas e fechadas. Os resultados possibilitaram apresentar uma proposta de MP que contempla o perfil do docente durante a pandemia, um planejamento na forma de uma arquitetura e estratégias pedagógicas para construir as competências digitais necessárias na aplicação de MED nas práticas docentes. Dessa forma, considera-se que MP desenvolvido e avaliado pode contribuir para atender as demandas dos professores no ensino superior, tanto no ensino remoto como híbrido.The objective of the research was to develop a pedagogical model (MP) that allows the construction of digital teaching competences (CDD) with a focus on digital educational materials (MED). CDDs refer to a set of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for problem solving. The MP can be used as a possibility of integrating MED in pedagogical practices. Therefore, this study was characterized as applied research with a qualitative approach. The instrument for data collection was a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions. The results made it possible to present a MP proposal that includes the profile of the teacher during the pandemic, a planning in the form of an architecture and pedagogical strategies to build the digital skills necessary for the application of MED in teaching practices. In this way, it is considered that PM developed and evaluated can contribute to meet the demands of teachers in higher education, both in remote and hybrid teaching
Mobile teacher profile : use of mobile devices in teaching
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar as características que compõem o perfil do professor mobile, analisando suas potencialidades e fragilidades em relação ao uso de dispositivos móveis (DM) na docência. Neste estudo utilizou-se a metodologia do tipo descritiva, com uma abordagem qualitativa. O público-alvo foram 28 professores da Educação Básica e do Ensino Superior. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário on-line com perguntas objetivas e dissertativas. Os dados coletados e sua análise permitiram verificar que este público possui certa familiaridade com os DM, mas ainda apresentam algumas lacunas em relação ao seu uso de forma educacional. Sendo assim, verificou-se que o consumo de informações é umas das principais atividades realizadas, seguidas de compartilhamento de fotos, arquivos, acesso à internet e redes sociais. Em relação ao uso educacional, aponta-se que os professores utilizam na pesquisa de materiais para suas aulas, enviar e-mail ou mensagens para seus estudantes, entre outrasações. Logo, este trabalho possibilitou conhecer algumas características que compõem o perfil do professor mobile, indicando suas potencialidades e desafios frente ao uso dos dispositivos móveis na docência.The objective of this research was to identify the characteristics that make up the profile of the mobile teacher, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses in relation to the use of mobile devices (MD) in teaching. In this study, a descriptive methodology was used, with a qualitative approach. The target audience was 28 teachers from Basic Education and Higher Education. The data collection instrument was an online questionnaire with objective and essay questions. The data collected and its analysis allowedus to verify that this public has some familiarity with the DMs, but they still have some gaps in relation to their use in an educational way. Thus, it was found that the consumption of information is one of the main activities carried out, followed by sharing photos, files, internet access and social networks. Regarding educational use, it is pointed out that teachers use it to research materials for their classes, send e-mails or messages to their students, among other actions. Therefore, this work made it possible to know some characteristics that make up the profile of the mobile teacher, indicating their potential and challenges facing the use of mobile devices in teaching
Teaching socio-affective competences : a look at digital educational materials
O objetivo do estudo foi determinar as competências socioafetivas exigidas dosprofessores do ensino superior na construção de materiais educativos digitais (MED). Apandemia da COVID-19 provocou mudanças nas práticas pedagógicas, sendo necessária, porparte dos educadores, a busca e desenvolvimento de MED que abordassem os aspectoscognitivos, tecnológicos, afetivos e sociais. Dessa forma, utilizou-se uma abordagemexploratória qualitativa tendo como público-alvo 28 professores. A coleta de dados ocorreupor meio da aplicação de um questionário. Como resultado, os docentes enfatizaram aimportância de levar em consideração as competências socioafetivas de abertura ao novo,autogestão, empatia e engajamento, bem como manter a continuidade no estudo.The aim of the study was to determine the socio-affective competences required ofhigher education professors in the construction of digital educational materials (DEM). TheCOVID-19 pandemic caused changes in pedagogical practices, making it necessary foreducators to seek and develop DEM that address cognitive, technological, affective and socialaspects. Thus, a qualitative exploratory approach was used, targeting 28 professors. Datacollection occurred through the application of a questionnaire. As a result, professorsemphasized the importance of taking into account the socio-affective competences ofopenness to new, self-management, empathy and engagement, as well as maintainingcontinuity in the study
Competências socioafetivas docentes: um olhar nos materiais educacionais digitais
O objetivo do estudo foi determinar as competências socioafetivas exigidas dos professores do ensino superior na construção de materiais educativos digitais (MED). A pandemia da COVID-19 provocou mudanças nas práticas pedagógicas, sendo necessária, por parte dos educadores, a busca e desenvolvimento de MED que abordassem os aspectos cognitivos, tecnológicos, afetivos e sociais. Dessa forma, utilizou-se uma abordagem exploratória qualitativa tendo como público-alvo 28 professores. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio da aplicação de um questionário. Como resultado, os docentes enfatizaram a importância de levar em consideração as competências socioafetivas de abertura ao novo, autogestão, empatia e engajamento, bem como manter a continuidade no estudo
Hck contributes to bone homeostasis by controlling the recruitment of osteoclast precursors
ABSTRACT In osteoclasts, Src controls podosome organization and bone degradation, which leads to an osteopetrotic phenotype in src ؊/؊ mice. Since this phenotype was even more severe in src ؊/؊ hck ؊/؊ mice, we examined the individual contribution of Hck in bone homeostasis. Compared to wt mice, hck ؊/؊ mice exhibited an osteopetrotic phenotype characterized by an increased density of trabecular bone and decreased bone degradation, although osteoclastogenesis was not impaired. Podosome organization and matrix degradation were found to be defective in hck ؊/؊ osteoclast precursors (preosteoclast) but were normal in mature hck ؊/؊ osteoclasts, probably through compensation by Src, which was specifically overexpressed in mature osteoclasts. As a consequence of podosome defects, the 3-dimensional migration of hck ؊/؊ preosteoclasts was strongly affected in vitro. In vivo, this translated by altered bone homing of preosteoclasts in hck ؊/؊ mice: in metatarsals of 1-wk-old mice, when bone formation strongly depends on the recruitment of these cells, reduced numbers of osteoclasts and abnormal developing trabecular bone were observed. This phenotype was still detectable in adults. In summmary, Hck is one of the very few effectors of preosteoclast recruitment described to date and thereby plays a critical role in bone remodeling.-Vérollet, C., Gallois, A., Dacquin, R., Lastrucci, C., Pandruvada, S. M. N., Ortega, N., Poincloux, R., Behar, A., Cougoule, C., Lowell, C., Al Saati, T., Jurdic, P., Maridonneau-Parini, I. Hck contributes to bone homeostasis by controlling the recruitment of osteoclast precursors. FASEB J. 27, 3608 -3618 (2013). www.fasebj.org Key Words: osteopetrosis ⅐ cell migration ⅐ podosomes ⅐ Src tyrosine kinases Bone is renewed continuously by a process known as bone remodeling. Bone remodeling is accomplished by 3 cell types: osteocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts (OCs). Osteocytes are the mechanical sensors of bone that regulate osteoclast formation. Osteoblasts synthetize the matrix and promote its mineralization, while OCs are responsible for degradation of bones during bone development, homeostasis, and repair. The formation and degradation of bone are tightly balanced in both time and space. A dysregulation of this tight balance between bone formation and bone degradation may result either in loss of bone mass, such as in osteoporosis, or in contrast, in a progressive increase in bone mass, such as in osteopetrosis. Degrading OCs are large multinucleated giant cells formed by the differentiation and fusion of mononuclear monocyte lineage precursors after stimulation by receptor activator of nuclear factor -B ligand (RANKL) and macrophage colony-stimulationg factor (M-CSF) (1-3). They are characterized by high levels of cathepsin K and tartrate resistant acidic phosphatase (TRAP) activities, whic
Genome-wide association analyses identify new Brugada syndrome risk loci and highlight a new mechanism of sodium channel regulation in disease susceptibility.
Brugada syndrome (BrS) is a cardiac arrhythmia disorder associated with sudden death in young adults. With the exception of SCN5A, encoding the cardiac sodium channel Na1.5, susceptibility genes remain largely unknown. Here we performed a genome-wide association meta-analysis comprising 2,820 unrelated cases with BrS and 10,001 controls, and identified 21 association signals at 12 loci (10 new). Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-heritability estimates indicate a strong polygenic influence. Polygenic risk score analyses based on the 21 susceptibility variants demonstrate varying cumulative contribution of common risk alleles among different patient subgroups, as well as genetic associations with cardiac electrical traits and disorders in the general population. The predominance of cardiac transcription factor loci indicates that transcriptional regulation is a key feature of BrS pathogenesis. Furthermore, functional studies conducted on MAPRE2, encoding the microtubule plus-end binding protein EB2, point to microtubule-related trafficking effects on Na1.5 expression as a new underlying molecular mechanism. Taken together, these findings broaden our understanding of the genetic architecture of BrS and provide new insights into its molecular underpinnings
Etude du phosphure d'indium semi-isolant pour la realisation de diodes laser a grande bande passante et forte puissance
SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : T 79924 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc
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