755 research outputs found

    Crime Pattern Detection Using Data Mining

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    Can crimes be modeled as data mining problems? We will try to answer this question in this paper. Crimes are a social nuisance and cost our society dearly in several ways. Any research that can help in solving crimes faster will pay for itself. Here we look at use of clustering algorithm for a data mining approach to help detect the crimes patterns and speed up the process of solving crime. We will look at k-means clustering with some enhancements to aid in the process of identification of crime patterns. We will apply these techniques to real crime data from a sheriff’s office and validate our results. We also use semi-supervised learning technique here for knowledge discovery from the crime records and to help increase the predictive accuracy. We also developed a weighting scheme for attributes here to deal with limitations of various out of the box clustering tools and techniques. This easy to implement machine learning framework works with the geo-spatial plot of crime and helps to improve the productivity of the detectives and other law enforcement officers. It can also be applied for counter terrorism for homeland security

    Hydrogenation of Zr-Based Quasicrystals

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    In this chapter, results of our recent investigations on the hydrogenation behavior of Zr-based quasicrystalline alloys and its effect on their structural and microhardness behavior have been discussed. The microstructural changes with respect to the addition of Ti and their correlation with hydrogen storage characteristics of (Zr69.5Al7.5Cu12 Ni11)100−xTix (x = 0, 4 and 12) quasicrystalline alloys have been studied. The substitution of Ti affects the nucleation and growth characteristics of nano-quasicrystals. The grain size of quasicrystals decreases with addition of Ti. The hydrogen uptake capacity of partially quasicrystalline alloys has been improved by the addition of Ti. The alloys with x = 0, 4, and 12 absorbed 1.20 wt.%, 1.38 wt.%, and 1.56 wt.% of hydrogen, respectively. A significant effect on the structure/microstructure and mechanical behavior of (Zr69.5Al7.5Cu12Ni11)100−xTix quasicrystalline alloys due to hydrogenation has been observed. The change in the microhardness behavior has been discussed based on microstructural variation resulting to Ti addition. The study is focused on investigations of these materials to understand the structure (microstructure)-property correlations

    General Common Fixed Point Theorems and Applications

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    The main result is a common fixed point theorem for a pair of multivalued maps on a complete metric space extending a recent result of Đorić and Lazović (2011) for a multivalued map on a metric space satisfying Ćirić-Suzuki-type-generalized contraction. Further, as a special case, we obtain a generalization of an important common fixed point theorem of Ćirić (1974). Existence of a common solution for a class of functional equations arising in dynamic programming is also discussed

    Biochemical Changes in Lowlanders on Descent to Plains after Prolonged Stay at High Altitude-A Cross-sectional Study

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    The biochemical changes taking place in human subjects following de-induction to plains from high altitude (5700-6100 m) after a prolonged slay of 9-13 months were investigated in 120 soldieri in four groups of 30 each on day 5, 30, 60 and 90 after their descent. One group of soldiers, who were never posted at high altitude served as control. Haemoglobin levels, which were initiall,v hiueh after 5 dnvs of de-induction droooed lo sienificantlv lower levels in the erouo . L ., " . studied on day 60 after de-induction. No clinically abnormal changes were noted in activities of serum enzymes, ie, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and y-glutamyl transpeptidase. Alanine aminotransferase activity was found significantly elevated in 5-day group (53.1 i0.24 IUII). Cholesterol and triglyceride levels were higher in 30-day group in comparison to groups studied on day 5,60 and 90 after de-induction from high altitude. Activity of glutathione S-transferase was more in groups studied on day 30 and 60 and may he in response to increased demand for detoxification of certain metabolites. Endogenous creatinine clearance was impaired with concomitant increase in serum creatinine levels. The creatinine clearance returned to normal only in group studied on day 90 after de-induction. Testosterone and estradiol levels were within normal physiological limits. However, there was increase in testosterone levels following ds- ~nductionR. esults of this cross-sectional study indicate that it takes 1-3 months after de-induction from high altitude for biochemical parameters to reach normal levels

    Phytotoxic effects of chromium and tannery effluent on growth and metabolism of Phaseolus mungo Roxb.

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    Abstract: The various dilution levels of treated tannery effluent (T.E.) (10, 25, 50 and 100 %) and Cr 6+ (0.5, 2.0, 5.0 and 10 ppm) were used in experiment to know their effect on seed germination, seedling growth, pigments and enzymes content in Black gram (Phaseolus mungo Roxb.). Chromium is known as the main toxic component of tannery effluent so its various concentration were given to know their effects. For the recovery of plant damage, protective value of 10 and 25 ppm of zinc, potassium and iron sulphate were also given with 50 % treated tannery effluent and 10 ppm Cr 6+ levels in separate petridishes. The different concentrations of tannery effluent and Cr 6+ showed significant reduction in germination percentage, seedling growth (plumule and radicle length, number of lateral roots, fresh and dry weight, and moisture %) and pigments (chlorophyll, pheophytin and carotenoids) with increase in concentrations. The lower doses of tannery effluent (10%) and Cr 6+ (0.5, 2 and 5 ppm) slightly increases the pigments concentration. The amylase activity and total sugar contents were also significantly decreased while catalase and peroxidase activity showed significant increase with rise in concentrations of treatments. The lower concentrations of tannery effluent (dilution 10 and 25%) and Cr 6+ (0.5 and 2 ppm) showed significant increase in total protein contents while decrease at higher concentrations. The zinc, potassium and iron treatments led to recover the damage caused by chromium and tannery effluent in all parameters. In recovery treatments zinc showed highest and significant recovery in maximum parameters. Iron also showed almost similar effect to the zinc while potassium showed minimum recovery

    Phase 4 Pharmacovigilance Trial of Paromomycin Injection for the Treatment of Visceral Leishmaniasis in India

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    Background. A phase 3 study demonstrated the safety and efficacy of paromomycin (paromomycin IM injection) for treatment of VL in an inpatient setting. Methods. This phase 4 study was conducted to assess the safety and efficacy of paromomycin in children and adults in an outpatient setting in Bihar, India. Results. This study enrolled 506 adult and pediatric patients. Of the 494 patients in the intent-to-treat (ITT) population, 98% received a full course of treatment. The overall study completion rate was 94% (462/494) for the ITT population and 96% (461/479) for the efficacy-evaluable (EE) population. Initial clinical cure was 99.6%, and final clinical cure 6 months after treatment was 94.2%. Grade 3 or 4 adverse events occurred in 5% of patients; events with a frequency of ≥1% were increases in alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase. Conclusions. This study confirms the safety and efficacy of paromomycin to treat VL in an outpatient setting

    Household level assessment, participatory learning for rural water safety and security planning

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    Household water safety & security planning approaches as outlined in national rural drinking water programme guidelines were piloted using participatory methodologies in one block of West Bengal State in India. The assessment of water quality was done by collecting water samples from existing drinking water sources including from point of use and were analyzed for critical water quality parameters. The household survey was done through purposive random sampling method (10,094 households) in the study area. The result of the study indicates that the present water supply in the block is inadequate vis-a-vis the perceived demand of the consumer. More than two-thirds of the water sources are unsafe on one or multiple accounts. Very low level water safety awareness and poor hygienic practices are the realities. The study attempted to correlate the poor sanitation, water quality both at source and user end with disease burden

    Tropical cyclone intensity prediction over the North Indian Ocean - An NWP based objective approach

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    A Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) based objective intensity prediction approach has been explored for prediction of tropical cyclone intensity over the North Indian Ocean (NIO) using ECMWF model outputs. The intensity of a tropical cyclone is classified by the maximum sustained wind (10-min mean) according to World Meteorological Organization (WMO). An empirical relationship between the difference of the model’s maximum mean sea level pressure (MSLP) inside a 6° × 6° grid box around the centre of the system and the lowest mean sea level pressure at the centre of the system (ΔP) with the observed intensity is developed using over 100 analyses during 2010–2012. The same is used to predict intensity of very severe cyclonic storm Hudhud and a Deep Depression observed over the Bay of Bengal during 2014. The results show that the empirical equation is skillful in prediction of intensity as compared to predictions computed using the relationship (V_{max} = K sqrt(Delta P)) with different constant values of K. The error analyses show that the relative error in intensity prediction using the empirical equation derived in the present study is 34% less than the same using (K = 14.2 kt/sqrt(hPa)) in (V_{max} = K sqrt(Delta P)) with an improvement which is significant at the level of 0.95.U radu je istražena metoda objektivne prognoze intenziteta tropskih ciklona nad Sjeverno-indijskim oceanom (NIO) temeljm numeričke prognoze vremena (NWP) modelom Europskog centra za srednjoročnu prognozu vremena (ECMWF). Intenzitet tropskog ciklona klasificira se prema prema Svjetskoj meteorološkoj organizaciji (WMO) na temelju maksimalnog vjetra (10-minutni srednjak). Upotrebom preko 100 analiza tijekom 2010. – 2012. izvedena je empirijska relacija koja povezuje razliku između najvećeg srednjeg tlaka zraka na razini mora (MSLP) unutar kvadrata mreže 6° × 6° oko središta sustava i najnižeg srednjeg tlaka na razini mora u središtu sustava (Δ P) s opaženim intenzitetom ciklona. Dobivena relacija primjenjena je na prognozu intenziteta olujnih ciklona Hudhud i Deep Depression (Duboka depresija) koji su opaženi u Bengalskom zaljevu tijekom 2014. godine. Rezultati pokazuju da empirijska jednadžba prognozira intenzitet ciklona uspješnije od prognoza izračunatih pomoću relacije (V_{max} = K sqrt(Delta P)) s različitim konstantnim vrijednostima K. Analize pogrešaka pokazuju da je relativna pogreška u prognozi intenziteta primjenom dobivene empirijske jednadžbe 34% manja od pogreške pri korištenju relacije (K = 14.2 kt/sqrt(hPa)) u (V_{max} = K sqrt(Delta P)), a poboljšanje je značajno na razini signifikantnosti od 0,95