5 research outputs found

    Empirical research of student leadership’s content parameters

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    The aim of this article was to perform a retrospective analysis and generalization of the content parameters of student leadership through an empirical study. Sociometric method and psychodiagnostic instruments were used to establish the values of student group leaders. Significant correlations between the studied leadership parameters were found. The sociometric status of student leaders was determined and their values were clarified. The stages and challenges of forming student leadership qualities were outlined. The model of the development of student leadership qualities was graphically constructed and substantiated. It was generalized that the empirical study of the content parameters of student leadership contains significant scientific facts that should be implemented in the educational process; the data can be useful to university administrations and student group curators

    Research of readiness of teachers of rural secondary schools for innovations

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    The purpose is to establish the interdependence of key parameters and construct a factor structure of teachers’ readiness to reform and deploy innovative technologies in rural secondary schools. Research methods: ANOVA factor analysis with reduction of factor proportions, standard valid and reliable psychodiagnostics methods, statistical reliability coefficients. Results. The factor structure ensures the following main factors (73.92%). It has been found that the main are “MARI” (F1) (52.56%) and “CRI” (F2) (9.28%), which are interconnected with “SLRI” (F3) (p≤.01) and F4 “PRI” (F4) (p≤.01). Conclusions. It has been stated that the obtained scientific facts give an objective understanding of the subject of research and its determinants. The curriculum for the initiative to modernize education in rural areas is composed of established scientific facts and argumentation of the results obtained. It was noted that results will allow to operationalize the educational and professional training of future specialists in order to prepare them for modernization of training and teaching

    Estados mentales dominantes de los militares: parámetros, estructura, interdependencia de los factores

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    El objetivo del artículo es fundamentar teóricamente y estudiar empíricamente los estados mentales dominantes de los militares que sirven en el ejército, algunos de los cuales participaron en operaciones militares; determinar los parámetros, estudiar la estructura y la interdependencia de los factores. Se utilizó las herramientas de psicodiagnóstico que reflejaron de manera relevante el sujeto y el objeto de la investigación. Se interpretó cualitativamente los estados mentales dominantes de los encuestados, se aclaró el número óptimo de factores de la investigación y se describió las características semánticas psicológicas del fenómeno estudiado. El análisis factorial ANOVA permitió determinar la estructura de los estados mentales dominantes de los encuestados, que combina siete estados actuales (F1-F7), lo que constituye el 71.651% de la dispersión. El más importante de la estructura factorial es F4 “La Dominación pragmática”, que tiene más interrelaciones (n = 4) y la conexión más estable con F1 (rs=.333; p≤.01). Se argumentó que los parámetros psicológicos, la estructura y la interdependencia de factores son componentes clave para resolver las tareas de actividad táctica, de servicio, de fuego y de combate. Es conveniente poner en práctica los resultados del estudio durante la formación profesional y el entrenamiento táctico de los militares

    Emotional Burnout: Prevalence Rate and Symptoms in Different Socio-Professional Groups

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    Objective: The relevance of the subject matter is connected with the emotional burnout and its long-lasting negative consequences for both the individual and society becoming commonplace. Background: The paper covers the psychological reconstruction of the concept of "burnout" in terms of its implicit understanding and differentiated diagnosis. Method: The consolidated empirical data on the commonness of burnout among various categories of employees obtained using the MBI questionnaire. The descriptive statistics were presented for nine different professional groups (total of 441 people) of different age, degree of personal responsibility and emotional involvement in their job - the frequency analysis of expressiveness of emotional burnout syndrome performed in the context of the procedural-dynamic model. Results: Results revealed that the symptoms of burnout are quantitatively and qualitatively vary in different occupational settings. Based on the content analysis of the data obtained through face-to-face psychological counselling of clients, a list of manifestations and experiences was developed, accompanying burnout complaints as a component of a difficult life situation: emotional and motivational-semantic sphere, life position, behavioural, and psychological and physiological aspects. Conclusion: Attention was drawn to the necessity of clarification of social-psychological norms and clinical signs, which reliably and differentially diagnose its symptoms (in contrast to fatigue, depression or normative age crises). The conclusions provide suggestions and solutions on the principles of psychological prevention and assistance (self-help) in situations of emotional burnout

    Time Synthesis in Organization of Sensorimotor Action

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    Time synthesis of sensorimotor action is reviewed as a process of a coherence setting action duration (expected duration), time sequence of required operations and significant changes in conditions. Aim: to experimentally set up the connection of time synthesis success and efficiency of realization sensorimotor action in changeable conditions. Hypothesis: successful time synthesis of the setting duration and the temporal sequence of operations in the mental organization of sensorimotor action in changing conditions is realized in accordance with the corresponding operational meaning and is allowed by anticipatory effects and an increase in the effectiveness of the action, materials and methods. An experimental study involved 152 male and female students. Participants of the investigation solved experimental tasks, implemented in a computer version, according to schemes of a simple visual-motor reaction and a choice reaction (separately and in combination), according to a scheme of sensorimotor action with a warning signal when the apperceptive scheme, setting duration and sequence of required operations were changed promptly. Results were reviewed in the aspect of disclosing the features of the subject's elimination of the uncertainty of the moment of achieving the goal in the future and the construction of a sequence of operations of sensorimotor actions in a connection with changes in external conditions, typical for the time deficit regime. The conditionality of the time synthesis of sensorimotor action by the actual operational meaning was established revealing that the successful temporal synthesis of sensorimotor action in changing conditions is associated with the fastest acceptance of an adequate apperceptive scheme, with effective anticipation of the moment of achieving the goal and the formation of a detailed setting duration of action, with the formation of a temporal sequence of required operations. Conclusions. The levels of success of the time synthesis of sensorimotor action in changing conditions are highlighted: “quite successful; moderately successful; unsuccessful.”</p