876 research outputs found

    Is there a Role for Ubuntu Embedded in Social Work Practice— Particularly Relating to Migrants and Refugees?

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    Forced migration and displacement due to climate changes and environmental disasters is an international issue social workers are key players in ameliorating some of the distress that displaced persons’ experience. This is often challenging, particularly if there are cultural divides between service providers and clients. Namibia and Finland both have populations of displaced individuals and both struggle with these same issues. Each however, has expertise which if shared could result in a new paradigm to address this problem. Well-developed services in Finland may lack recognition of culturally based emotional needs while community sensitive Namibian services can benefit from Nordic organizational experience. The University of Namibia Cares model and Finnish experience of increasing migrant populations are a potential nexus for collaboration. UBUNTU, an indigenous view of the individual in society, can be the platform underpinning discussion and mutual learning. Mental health, loneliness and children are key areas in both settings. Social workers who promote UBUNTU-based developmental community social work, potentially link both micro- and macro practices thereby addressing marginalization and exclusion of individuals, groups and communities, particularly in migrant and refugee populations. We performed a rigorous literature review of the following elements: migrants, displaced persons, UBUNTU, Social services in Namibia and Finland and acculturation.  We present a discussion based on the evidence in the literature and the lived experience of migrants in the two countries. In this context weaddress community development through Social Work and bridging cultures through Ubuntu as a philosophy of social development. We reflect on the question whether there a place for Ubuntu in international, collaborative social work practice

    Clinical Nurse Instructor Competencies: An Exploratory Study of Role Requirements

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    Background: Baccalaureate nursing education consists of theoretical and practical training that prepares students for the role of competent nursing care providers. The practical application of knowledge and skills is vital in nursing curricula worldwide. Nursing programs have changed over the last few decades and have become increasingly dependent on part-time Clinical Instructors (CIs) to teach the clinical components of the curricula. However, CIs receive minimal instruction to prepare for this complex role. It has been acknowledged in Canada that there is limited research to inform CI specific competencies. Purpose: The purpose of this research was to conduct an exploratory study to identify the CIs perceptions of the importance of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) nurse educator core competencies and their importance to the clinical teaching role. Methodology: This was an exploratory quantitative study. A self-report survey was developed guided by the WHOs Nurse Educator Core Competencies (NECC). Donabedian’s structure-process-outcome conceptual framework guided this study. Sample and setting: Convenience sampling of participants employed as CIs in a baccalaureate in nursing program in an Ontario university. CIs who taught theory courses were excluded. The survey response rate was 23.9% (n=27). Results: The study results confirm that all the NECC have merit but need to be adapted to a CI-specific role. This is a multi-phased research project and the findings of the study have implications for all stakeholders, including schools of nursing and CIs. Ongoing research is required to inform the policy direction as it pertains to the CI-specific role and competencies in Canada. Implications for nursing programs, research and policy will be shared. Conclusions: Clinical Instruction is an area of nursing which deserves to be acknowledged as a specialty. National standardized CI-specific competencies will provide a strong foundation for CI preparation in Canada. Contexte : Le baccalauréat en sciences infirmières comprend des cours théoriques et pratiques préparant les étudiantes au rôle de professionnelles compétentes en soins de santé. Dans les programmes d’études en sciences infirmières partout dans le monde, l’application pratique des connaissances et habiletés est essentielle. Les programmes de sciences infirmières se sont transformés au cours des dernières décennies, dépendant de plus en plus des enseignantes de clinique (Clinical Instructors; CI), à temps partiel, pour le volet pratique du programme d’études. Ces enseignantes reçoivent toutefois très peu de soutien pour les préparer à jouer ce rôle complexe. Au Canada, il a été reconnu que peu de recherches renseignent sur les compétences spécifiques des enseignantes de cliniques. Objectif : Cette étude exploratoire avait pour but d’identifier les perceptions des enseignantes de clinique quant à l’importance des Compétences essentielles des infirmières enseignantes (Nurse Educator Core Competencies; NECC) décrites par l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) ainsi qu’à leur importance pour le rôle d’enseignante de clinique. Méthode : Il s’agissait d’une étude quantitative exploratoire. Un sondage a été élaboré en s’appuyant sur les compétences essentielles des infirmières enseignantes de l’OMS. Le cadre conceptuel « structure-processus-résultats » de Donabedian a guidé cette étude. Échantillon et milieu : Un échantillonnage de convenance a été constitué de participantes volontaires employées comme enseignantes de clinique dans un programme de baccalauréat en sciences infirmières d’une université en Ontario. Les enseignantes qui donnaient des cours théoriques étaient exclues. Le taux de réponse au sondage a été de 23,9 % (n=27). Résultats : Les résultats de l’étude confirment que toutes les compétences sont pertinentes, mais qu’elles doivent être adaptées au rôle spécifique propre aux enseignantes de clinique. Ce projet de recherche comporte plusieurs étapes, et les résultats de cette étude ont des retombées pour toutes les parties prenantes, y compris les écoles de sciences infirmières et les enseignantes de clinique. Les travaux devront se poursuivre afin d’orienter la politique en ce qui concerne le rôle et les compétences spécifiques des enseignantes de clinique au Canada. Les retombées pour les programmes de sciences infirmières, la recherche et les politique seront présentées. Conclusions : L’enseignement clinique constitue un domaine des sciences infirmières méritant d’être reconnu comme une spécialité. Des normes nationales de compétences spécifiques aux enseignantes de clinique serviront de base solide pour la préparation de ces enseignantes au Canada

    Chemical modification of extracellular matrix by cold atmospheric plasma-generated reactive species affects chondrogenesis and bone formation.

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    The goal of this study was to investigate whether cold plasma generated by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) modifies extracellular matrices (ECM) to influence chondrogenesis and endochondral ossification. Replacement of cartilage by bone during endochondral ossification is essential in fetal skeletal development, bone growth and fracture healing. Regulation of this process by the ECM occurs through matrix remodelling, involving a variety of cell attachment molecules and growth factors, which influence cell morphology and protein expression. The commercially available ECM, Matrigel, was treated with microsecond or nanosecond pulsed (μsp or nsp, respectively) DBD frequencies conditions at the equivalent frequencies (1 kHz) or power (~1 W). Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 was added and the mixture subcutaneously injected into mice to simulate ectopic endochondral ossification. Two weeks later, the masses were extracted and analysed by microcomputed tomography. A significant increase in bone formation was observed in Matrigel treated with μsp DBD compared with control, while a significant decrease in bone formation was observed for both nsp treatments. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis showed Matrigel treated with μsp plasma increased the number of invading cells, the amount of vascular endothelial growth factor and chondrogenesis while the opposite was true for Matrigel treated with nsp plasma. In support of the in vivo Matrigel study, 10 T1/2 cells cultured in vitro on μsp DBD-treated type I collagen showed increased expression of adhesion proteins and activation of survival pathways, which decreased with nsp plasma treatments. These results indicate DBD modification of ECM can influence cellular behaviours to accelerate or inhibit chondrogenesis and endochondral ossification. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Some aspects of male vervet monkey behaviour

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    xiii, 123 leaves : ill. maps ; 29 cmThe permanent coresidence of males within a troop is unusual but occurs in vervet monkeys. Several hypotheses have been projected to explain the coexistence of male vervets (predation risk, breeding season length) but these hypotheses fall short in explaining the multimale nature of vervet monkeys. In order to determine the explanation for coresiding males, I collected male behavioural data from two troops over the course of nine months. My dataset was divided into two categories, male-male interactions and female-male interactions. The male-male data indicate that breeding season is the most active time for migration, aggressions and wounds. Coalitions were described for the first time, and affiliative interactions between males highlighted coping tactics of males in regards to their coexistence. The female-male data indicate there was little indication for distinct male or female choice for mating. Specifically, olfactory information appears to lower successful copulations of males, and female resistance also decreased successful copulations. Grooming was not a commodity traded for mating access. Male dominance was not correlated with mating success, and females seem to express their preference for sexual partners. The large cohort of males of my troops appears to alter behaviours observed at other sites. The maintenance of male-female associations after breeding season suggests that males may be preparing for next breeding season, and males may co-reside for breeding purposes

    Remote Exploration: Understanding Martian Surface Processes

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    Earth and Mars share many similar physical features, including canyons, valleys, craters, volcanoes, ice, and gullies. My research focuses on two distinct projects. The first concentrates on the formation of gullies, which are channel networks generally formed on mid-latitude crater walls on Mars. Debated gully-forming processes include the melting of snowpacks, sublimation of accumulated carbon dioxide frost, melting of snow-rich dusty mantle material, and groundwater flows. Using High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) images of gullies and working with Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) in ENVI, we are able to perform detailed studies of gully morphology, including volume calculations using slope, distance, and elevation. The second topic focuses on determining the mineral composition of Martian rocks. Using Raman spectroscopy, I am testing the mineral composition of igneous rocks and recording spectral peaks for key rock-forming minerals, such as olivine, plagioclase, potassium feldspar, quartz, and pyroxene. Raman spectroscopy is an inelastic light scattering technique that measures the change in energy of a photon. These samples and spectra will be used to help create an automated computer mineral identification algorithm that might be used on future Mars rover missions. Both projects contribute to scientific studies of remote exploration and understanding of the Martian surface

    BIOL 404- Dual nature of phytoestrogens as both procancer and anticancer agents

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    Phytoestrogens are plant-derived, xenoestrogenic dietary compounds found in various fruits, vegetables, soy products, teas, grains, beans, and more. There are different classes of phytoestrogens, including flavonoids, isoflavonoids, lignans, and coumestans, all of which can affect estrogen-mediated responses in different ways (Bilal et al, 2014). The aim of this project is to investigate the potential duality of phytoestrogens as both estrogen receptor antagonists in cancer cells, but also as potential activators of myeloid-derived suppressor cells. Understanding the complex role phytoestrogens play in cancer progression will prove valuable in the potential development of novel phytoestrogen-base cancer drug therapies

    An Evidence-based Framework for Reporting Student Nurse Medication Incidents: Errors, Near Misses and Discovered Errors

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    Purpose: To share an evidence-based framework for reporting and analysing three types of medication incidents in an undergraduate nursing program. Incident types include errors, near misses and discovered errors. Background: Medication errors are underreported. Published studies on errors by nursing students indicate that although errors occur during clinical placements, there is a lack of consensus on how the factors that contributed to the errors are reported and analyzed. This limits our understanding of the factors that impact safe medication administration and reduces our ability to apply this knowledge to education and practice. Method: Quality improvement project. Results: Our reporting framework quantifies system factors that are supported by the literature as contributing to errors but not usually captured in incident reporting. Contributing factors for errors and near misses varied. This finding has not been documented in the literature. Conclusion: Nursing schools should prepare nursing students with a strong commitment to report all incidents and provide them with the competencies and a reporting system that allows them to report efficiently and effectively. As these graduates enter the workforce, they can influence the reporting practices of seasoned nurses. The ten factor framework provides nursing schools with the ability to quantify the individual and system factors that influence the safety of the student nurse medication administration process and the opportunity to implement strategies to reduce and/or prevent these incidents from occurring. Objectif : Présenter un cadre fondé sur des résultats probants pour signaler et analyser trois types d’incidents liés aux médicaments dans un programme de premier cycle en sciences infirmières, soit les erreurs, les quasi-incidents et les erreurs découvertes. Contexte : Les erreurs de médication ne sont pas toutes signalées. Les études publiées portant sur les erreurs causées par des étudiantes infirmières indiquent que, même si les erreurs se produisent durant les stages cliniques, la manière de signaler et d’analyser les facteurs contributifs ne fait pas consensus. Cela limite notre compréhension des facteurs influant sur l’administration sécuritaire des médicaments et réduit notre capacité à mettre en application ces connaissances en formation et en pratique. Méthode : Projet d’amélioration de la qualité. Résultats : Notre cadre de signalements quantifie les facteurs systémiques qui, selon la littérature sur le sujet, contribuent à des erreurs, mais ne figurent pas normalement dans les déclarations d’incident. Les facteurs ayant contribué à des erreurs et quasi-incidents étaient variables. Ce résultat n’a pas été rapporté dans la littérature. Conclusion : Les écoles de sciences infirmières devraient enseigner aux étudiantes infirmières l’importance de signaler l’ensemble des incidents tout en leur fournissant les habiletés et un système de déclaration qui leur permet de les déclarer de façon efficace et efficiente. Lorsque les diplômées intègreront le marché du travail, elles pourront influencer les pratiques des infirmières chevronnées en matière de signalement. Le cadre composé de dix facteurs permet aux écoles de sciences infirmières de quantifier les facteurs individuels et systémiques ayant un impact sur la sécurité du processus d’administration des médicaments par des étudiantes infirmières; il leur permet aussi de mettre en œuvre des stratégies de réduction ou de prévention de tels incidents

    AKT/Protein Kinase B Regulation of BCL Family Members during Oxysterol-induced Apoptosis

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    Cells of the vasculature, including macrophages, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells, exhibit apoptosis in culture upon treatment with oxidized low density lipoprotein, as do vascular cells of atherosclerotic plaque. Several lines of evidence support the hypothesis that the apoptotic component of oxidized low density lipoprotein is one or more oxysterols, which have been shown to induce apoptosis through the mitochondrial pathway. Activation of the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis is regulated by members of the BCL family of proteins. In this study, we demonstrate that, in the murine macrophage-like cell line P388D1, oxysterols (25-hydroxycholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol) induced the degradation of the prosurvival protein kinase AKT (protein kinase B). This led, in turn, to the activation of the BCL-2 homology-3 domain-only proteins BIM and BAD and down-regulation of the anti-apoptotic multi-BCL homology domain protein BCL-xL. These responses would be expected to activate the pro-apoptotic multi-BCL homology domain proteins BAX and BAK, leading to the previously reported release of cytochrome c observed during oxysterol-induced apoptosis. Somewhat surprisingly, small interfering RNA knockdown of BAX resulted in a complete block of the induction of apoptosis by 25-hydroxycholesterol

    Chlorpyrifos Accumulation Patterns for Child-Accessible Surfaces and Objects and Urinary Metabolite Excretion by Children for 2 Weeks after Crack-and-Crevice Application

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    The Children’s Post-Pesticide Application Exposure Study (CPPAES) was conducted to look at the distribution of chlorpyrifos within a home environment for 2 weeks after a routine professional crack-and-crevice application and to determine the amount of the chlorpyrifos that is absorbed by a child living within the home. Ten residential homes with a 2- to 5-year-old child in each were selected for study, and the homes were treated with chlorpyrifos. Pesticide measurements were made from the indoor air, indoor surfaces, and plush toys. In addition, periodic morning urine samples were collected from each of the children throughout the 2-week period. We analyzed the urine samples for 3,5,6-trichloropyridinol, the primary urinary metabolite of chlorpyrifos, and used the results to estimate the children’s absorbed dose. Average chlorpyrifos levels in the indoor air and surfaces were 26 (pretreatment)/120 (posttreatment) ng/m(3) and 0.48 (pretreatment)/2.8 (posttreatment) ng/cm(2), respectively, reaching peak levels between days 0 and 2; subsequently, concentrations decreased throughout the 2-week period. Chlorpyrifos in/on the plush toys ranged from 7.3 to 1,949 ng/toy postapplication, with concentrations increasing throughout the 2-week period, demonstrating a cumulative adsorption/absorption process indoors. The daily amount of chlorpyrifos estimated to be absorbed by the CPPAES children postapplication ranged from 0.04 to 4.8 μg/kg/day. During the 2 weeks after the crack-and-crevice application, there was no significant increase in the amount of chlorpyrifos absorbed by the CPPAES children