11 research outputs found

    Fiscal Policy in a Decentralized Space of the Financial System of Ukraine

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    The article deals with fiscal policy in the decentralized space of the financial system of Ukraine. The methodology of complex, systematic assessment of fiscal policy in the decentralized space of the financial system of the state is grounded. It is proved that effective methodological approach to assessing fiscal policy in the decentralized space of the financial system of the state is a vector auto regression (VAR), which provides dynamic correlation of time series with simultaneous determination of each exogenous and endogenous variable in the system, in case of fiscal impulses (shocks) in economy. The production-institutional function is used which, when adapting to the relationship between GDP and tax burden with specific statistics, changes the type of trend of tax revenue. A method for evaluating the effectiveness of financing targeted programs for decentralized territory has been developed. The dynamics of direct and indirect taxes to the state and local budgets are analyzed and the fiscal significance of VAT in GDP, the state budget and tax revenues of Ukraine is determined. The amount of tax debt and the state budget deficit has been estimated and the structure of tax benefits in terms of taxes and fees in Ukraine is presented. The projected values of real tax revenues per capita are substantiated and the forecast parameters of the level of subsidization of local budgets of decentralized territories are given

    Ensuring security the movement of foreign direct investment: Ukraine and the EU economic relations

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    It is well known that an important positive result of attracting foreign direct investment for the country's economy can be the receipt and subsequent distribution of more advanced production and management technologies. That is why the injection of foreign capital is necessary not only for direct financing but also for the general development of the invested country. The purpose of this article is to consider the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of ensuring the level of security of investment attractiveness of the world's economies in the polystructural space of foreign direct investment and to highlight the aggregated factors of the investment attractiveness index that characterize the investment climate, investment activity and the state of economic development of the country. To determine the synergistic impact of foreign direct investment on the indicator of the country's investment attractiveness the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and mental modelling were used. As a result, it was found that the EU countries are one of the largest investors (the share 65-90% of all investments) in the polystructural space of international investment. It was concluded that in the context of deepening cooperation and realizing the unique capabilities of the states in shaping the global investment climate, it is necessary to ensure a high level of employment of the population by creating new jobs, updating the transfer and introducing the latest technologies, solving social problems at the general level; to carry out an investment modernization of the economy to increase the fixed assets of enterprises; to implement a more effective investment policy

    In vitro fertilization as a method of infertility treatment in women with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Some patients with type 1 diabetes have anovulation, tubal occlusion, male factor and other causes of infertility which require IVF procedure. We examined 20 women with type 1 diabetes, in which pregnancy occurred as a result of ART, at the stage IVF protocol planning, during pregnancy course and delivery. One of the patients underwent IVF procedure twice. Mean age of the patients who applied to the Department of assisted reproductive technologies was 33±6 years, duration of infertility varied from 3 to 15 years. Two patients were performed donor oocytes transfer (patients with Turner Syndrome and Swyer Syndrome). In 70% of patients the method of CSII was used. Assessment of carbohydrate metabolism was based on the level of glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), plasma glucose level measured at least 8 times a day and results of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM). 18 singleton pregnancies and three multiple gestations (dichorionic diamniotic twins) occurred as a result of IVF. In 12 women delivery occurred on the 37–39th weeks of gestation, in 9 patients pregnancy was terminated on the 34–36th weeks. In all the cases it was live birth. Birth weight above the 90th percentile had 6 newborns

    Использование низкобелковых обогащенных крахмаломучных продуктов в диетотерапии больных фенилкетонурией детей в возрасте старше 1 года

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    Background. The nutrition of children with phenylketonuria includes specialized starch-based products, the range of which is constantly expanding. Our aim was to study the safety of the composition of starchy flakes enriched with a complex of fat-soluble vitamins, natural fruit and berry additives used in the food of children with phenylketonuria. Methods. The study included children under the age of 14 years who were compliant with the previously conducted hypophenylalanine diet, without acute infectious, severe somatic or neurological diseases. The investigated products (starch-rye, wheat, and wheat fruit flakes with a complex of provitamin A and vitamin E) were prescribed instead of previously used low-protein confectionery products in the amount of 20–25 g/day for children under 6 years, 30–40 g — for children aged 6 years and over. The products were given with the recommendation to use alternately, with a duration of at least 10 days, totally for 30 days of the study. The safety of the products was assessed by phenylalanine concentration in the blood (determined by the fluorimetric method). In addition, we assessed the organoleptic qualities of the products and the dynamics of physical development of children. Results. The study included 15 children, mean age 4.4 ± 1.9 years. The initial concentration of phenylalanine in the blood varied from 1.6 to 3.9 mg%, the median — 2.2 mg% (2.0; 2.8). In 30 days after inclusion of starchy flakes in the diet, the content of phenylalanine in the blood did not change and was 2.5 mg% (2.2; 2.7); p = 0.859. The organoleptic properties of the products were rated «excellent» by all patients and their parents (in children under 6 years, only according to the parents’ assessment). The indicators of physical development did not change. There was no adverse events (allergic reactions, dyspepsia, refusal to take food). Conclusion. Introduction of new functional products — low-protein starchy flakes enriched with a vitamin complex and natural fruit and berry additives — in the diet of children with phenylketonuria allows to maintain the level of phenylalanine in the blood at the level of reference values.Обоснование. В питании детей с фенилкетонурией широко используют специализированные продукты на основе крахмалов, ассортимент которых постоянно расширяется.Цель исследования — изучить безопасность состава хлопьев крахмаломучных, обогащенных комплексом жирорастворимых витаминов, натуральными плодовыми и ягодными добавками, используемых в пище детей с фенилкетонурией.Методы. В исследование включали детей в возрасте до 14 лет, комплаентных к ранее проводимой гипофенилаланиновой диете, без острых инфекционных, тяжелых соматических или неврологических заболеваний. Исследуемые продукты — крахмалоржаные, пшеничные и пшеничные плодово-ягодные хлопья с комплексом провитамина А и витамина Е — назначали взамен применявшихся ранее низкобелковых кондитерских изделий в количестве 20–25 г/сут детям младше 6 лет, по 30–40 г — детям, достигших возраста или старше 6 лет. Продукты выдавали с рекомендацией использовать поочередно, продолжительностью не менее 10 сут, всего на 30 сут исследования. Безопасность продуктов оценивали по концентрации фенилаланина в крови (определяли флюориметрическим методом). Дополнительно оценивали органолептические качества продуктов и динамику физического развития детей.Результаты. В исследование включили 15 детей, средний возраст 4,4±1,9 года. Исходная концентрация фенилаланина в крови варьировала от 1,6 до 3,9 мг%, медиана — 2,2 мг% (2,0; 2,8). Через 30 сут после включения в рацион крахмаломучных хлопьев содержание фенилаланина в крови не изменилось и составило 2,5 мг% (2,2; 2,7); р=0,859. Органолептические свойства продуктов были оценены на «отлично» всеми пациентами и их родителями (у детей в возрасте до 6 лет — только согласно оценке родителей). Показатели физического развития не изменились. Нежелательные явления (аллергические реакции, диспепсии, отказ от приема продуктов) не зафиксированы.Заключение. Введение в рацион детей с фенилкетонурией новых функциональных продуктов — хлопьев крахмаломучных низкобелковых, обогащенных витаминным комплексом и натуральными плодовыми и ягодными добавками, позволяет сохранять уровень фенилаланина в крови на уровне референсных значений.ИСТОЧНИК ФИНАНСИРОВАНИЯ Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта Федерального государственного научного учреждения «Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт крахмалопродуктов» Федерального агентства научных организаций (Московская область). Для целей исследования использовались продукты, безвозмездно предоставленные производителем (опытное производство ФГНУ «ВНИИК» ФАНО).КОНФЛИКТ ИНТЕРЕСОВ Т.Э. Боровик, Н.Н. Семёнова, О.Л. Лукоянова, Н.Г. Звонкова, Т.В. Бушуева, Т.Н. Степанова, В.А. Скворцова — проведение научно-исследовательских работ при поддержке компаний Heinz, Semper, Хипрока Нутришион Ист Лимитед. И.М. Гусева, Е.А. Рославцева, А.К. Геворкян, С.Т. Быкова, Т.Г. Калинина, С.Г. Калиненкова подтвердили отсутствие конфликта интересов.ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ ПРИЗНАТЕЛЬНОСТИ Выражаем благодарность к.м.н. С.Г. Калиненковой (Московский областной научно-исследовательский клинический институт им. М.Ф. Владимирского) за участие в выполнении лабораторной части данного исследования. 

    Organizing high school students’ independent learning using information and communication technologies

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    The ultimate goal of educational activity is the formation of a student as a full-fledged subject of the educational process. A prerequisite for this is achieving by students of such level of development, when they are able to independently determine the purpose and objectives of their training activities, update the necessary knowledge, plan their actions, adjust them in accordance with the goal without the help of the teacher. Today it becomes obvious that one of the basic requirements of the society for the school of the 21st century is the formation of a personality that is capable of solving social, industrial and scientific problems, as well as being able to think critically, develop and defend one's position, one's convictions, and at the same time this person must systematically and constantly replenish and update their knowledge through self-education, improve their skills and use them creatively in their practical work. The authors of the article consider independent learning as a specially organized training and creative activity of the teacher and student, aimed at self-organization, self-education and self-control. Attention is focused on the search for new approaches to the organization of independent educational and cognitive activities that can expand the scope of traditional teaching and learning. In the authors' opinion, information and communication technology plays an important role today in activating independent learning and systematization of the students’ knowledge, information technology makes it possible to use both verbal teaching methods, search methods, and a creative activity based method including participation of both teacher and students

    Ensuring security the movement of foreign direct investment: Ukraine and the EU economic relations

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    It is well known that an important positive result of attracting foreign direct investment for the country's economy can be the receipt and subsequent distribution of more advanced production and management technologies. That is why the injection of foreign capital is necessary not only for direct financing but also for the general development of the invested country. The purpose of this article is to consider the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of ensuring the level of security of investment attractiveness of the world's economies in the polystructural space of foreign direct investment and to highlight the aggregated factors of the investment attractiveness index that characterize the investment climate, investment activity and the state of economic development of the country. To determine the synergistic impact of foreign direct investment on the indicator of the country's investment attractiveness the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and mental modelling were used. As a result, it was found that the EU countries are one of the largest investors (the share 65-90% of all investments) in the polystructural space of international investment. It was concluded that in the context of deepening cooperation and realizing the unique capabilities of the states in shaping the global investment climate, it is necessary to ensure a high level of employment of the population by creating new jobs, updating the transfer and introducing the latest technologies, solving social problems at the general level; to carry out an investment modernization of the economy to increase the fixed assets of enterprises; to implement a more effective investment policy

    Investment Attractiveness of the Economy of the World Countries in the Polystructural Space of Foreign Direct Investments

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    The article deals with the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of ensuring a safety level the investment attractiveness of the world countries economy in the polystructural space of foreign direct investments. In the context of the implementation of investment policy and factors in the field of international investment, an optimization model of the investment attractiveness of the national economy has been developed. The aggregate factors of the investment attractiveness index, which characterize the investment climate, investment activity and the state of economic development of the country, are highlighted. A methodical approach is presented to determine the synergistic impact of foreign direct investment on the country's investment attractiveness indicator. The criteria of normalization of investment attractiveness of the economy of the country by indicators of macroeconomic, monetary and currency status, which are formalized by indicators-stimulators, destimulators and interaction of bilateral boundary constraints are proposed. The criteria of identification of risks and threats of safe and dangerous state of development of the economy of the countries by the methods of prognostic extrapolation of foreign direct investment are taken into account. A comparative assessment of global foreign direct investment flows and global GDP, the value of net sales of cross-border mergers and acquisitions was made. The structure of foreign direct investment by regions of the countries of the world is considered, taking into account their external reserves of investment potential. The indicators of investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian economy and its cooperation with EU countries in terms of the volume of inflow and direct investments are presented. The scenarios for the growth of foreign direct investments in the polystructural space of the world and developing countries are proposed


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    The article presents modern, scientifically substantiated approaches to the introduction of complementary feeding in healthy breastfed infants as well as in infants with overweight and various diseases — atopic dermatitis (food allergy), protein-energy deficiency in the context of chronic cardiovascular insufficiency syndrome, neurological disorders, celiac disease. The peculiarities of various complementary foods are demonstrated in clinical examples

    Electron magnetic resonance of iron-gallium borate single crystals

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    Electron magnetic resonance (EMR) studies of iron-gallium borate, FexGa1−xBO3, single crystals have been carried out in the frequency range ca. 8–38 GHz in magnetizing fields up to 10 kOe and the temperature range of 4–310 K. With decreasing x in the range of 0.34≤x≤1, the EMR spectra show a gradual passage from a low-frequency antiferromagnetic resonance (AFMR) mode at x = 1 toward a coexistence of AFMR and cluster magnetic resonance arising, respectively, from completely and partially magnetically ordered crystal regions. Temperature and concentration dependences of magnetic characteristics of iron-gallium borates, namely, the Néel temperature, the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya field, and the isotropic energy gap, have been determined by means of AFMR. In contrast to unmixed FeBO3, FexGa1−xBO3 crystals with 0.34≤x≤0.85 show anomalous nonmonotonic temperature dependences of the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya field with a maximum well below the Néel temperature suggesting the occurrence of another magnetic transition in this temperature range

    Use of Low-Protein Enriched Starch Products in Diet Therapy of Children With Phenylketonuria Aged Over One Year

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    Background. The nutrition of children with phenylketonuria includes specialized starch-based products, the range of which is constantly expanding. Our aim was to study the safety of the composition of starchy flakes enriched with a complex of fat-soluble vitamins, natural fruit and berry additives used in the food of children with phenylketonuria. Methods. The study included children under the age of 14 years who were compliant with the previously conducted hypophenylalanine diet, without acute infectious, severe somatic or neurological diseases. The investigated products (starch-rye, wheat, and wheat fruit flakes with a complex of provitamin A and vitamin E) were prescribed instead of previously used low-protein confectionery products in the amount of 20–25 g/day for children under 6 years, 30–40 g — for children aged 6 years and over. The products were given with the recommendation to use alternately, with a duration of at least 10 days, totally for 30 days of the study. The safety of the products was assessed by phenylalanine concentration in the blood (determined by the fluorimetric method). In addition, we assessed the organoleptic qualities of the products and the dynamics of physical development of children. Results. The study included 15 children, mean age 4.4 ± 1.9 years. The initial concentration of phenylalanine in the blood varied from 1.6 to 3.9 mg%, the median — 2.2 mg% (2.0; 2.8). In 30 days after inclusion of starchy flakes in the diet, the content of phenylalanine in the blood did not change and was 2.5 mg% (2.2; 2.7); p = 0.859. The organoleptic properties of the products were rated «excellent» by all patients and their parents (in children under 6 years, only according to the parents’ assessment). The indicators of physical development did not change. There was no adverse events (allergic reactions, dyspepsia, refusal to take food). Conclusion. Introduction of new functional products — low-protein starchy flakes enriched with a vitamin complex and natural fruit and berry additives — in the diet of children with phenylketonuria allows to maintain the level of phenylalanine in the blood at the level of reference values