15 research outputs found

    Physical activity amongst hemodialysed patients – why lack of motivation to exercise is present?

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    In recent years a great interest in rehabilitation and physical activity amongst hemodialysed patients have developed. Despite having numerous exercise options, adverse effects of a lack of movement still are seen in this group of patients. The reasons of insufficient physical activity amongst hemodialysed patients are complications related to chronic diseases and renal replacement therapy. For patients suffering from kidney failure it is crucial to adhere to recommendations relating to regular physical activity in order to maintain health and good quality of life

    Influence of selected demographic factors on traumas in persons over 65 years of age reporting to the Hospital Medical Ward

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    Background. Falls and traumas in elderly persons don’t only result in health problems, but they also involve social and economic, psychological and political consequences. The most frequent trauma mechanisms in the elderly include: falls and traffic accidents. ;b:Objectives. The aim of the study was to assess selected factors influencing the energy, type and area of a trauma incurred by elderly people. Material and methods. A group of 108 patients aged 65–93 treated at the SPSK 1 in Szczecin were tested by a diagnostic survey with the use of a questionnaire. The eligibility criteria included a trauma as a result of an accident, the age of the subject above 65 years of age and expressing written, voluntary and informed consent to participation in the study. Results. 177 traumas were recorded in the analysed group of 108 patients. The most frequent traumas included fractures and contusions and the lower limbs and the left arm were the most frequently injured body parts. Men were more often injured during low-energy events. Patients more often had their upper body and left leg injured during low-energy events than during high-energy ones. In persons over 65 years of age, usually one fracture occurred during a low-energy accident. Conclusions. The most common result of injuries among people aged 65+ admitted to the emergency department are fractures. With age the number of LE T increases and the number of HET decreases. It’s necessary therefore to create an appropriate health policy covering education for elderly people and their families to prevent injuries of low energy content

    Horizontal skin traction in abduction in physiotherapy management of Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease

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    Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease is one of the many types of avascular necrosis with etiologies that have not been clearly confirmed yet. It affects the hip joint and is more prevalent in boys between the ages of 3 and 10. The purpose of this paper is to present physiotherapy management of Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease (LCPD) with horizontal skin traction in abduction. The treatment can be either conservative or operative. In both the cases, appropriate rehabilitation must be performed to facilitate the child’s full recovery. The objective of the comprehensive treatment is to restore the shape of the affected head of femur. The entire course of the disease, from onset to resolution, may take as long as a few years. This article is intended as an effective guide to choosing suitable exercises in the given stage of treatment

    Assessment of the muscular strength of the global handgrip and physical activity in patients treated with renal replacement therapy (RRT) by hemodialysis

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    Introduction Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a social problem. Hemodialysis is the most common method of renal replacement therapy. At the beginning of hemodialysis treatment, physical activity is reduced by 50-60%. The aim of the study was to compare physical activity, handgrip strength and selected anthropometric parameters, and to assess the relationship between handgrip strength, selected anthropometric parameters and the level of physical activity. Material and methods The study included 30 patients aged 65.92 ± 14.65 treated by hemodialysis. The study consisted of patients completing a proprietary survey questionnaire, assessing physical activity using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), handgrip strength, and performing selected anthropometric measurements. The examinations were performed at baseline (E0) and after three months of hemodialysis (E3) treatment and the results were compared. Results There were no significant differences in the study group for physical activity and global handgrip strength at baseline and after three months of the study. There was no statistically significant differences beetwen physical activity and handgrip strength in study and control group. Conclusions Patients treated with renal replacement present less physical activity compared to people with normal kidney function. The BMI value and level of physical activity does not affect the handgrip strength in hemodialysis patients

    PRÓG Theatre from Wadowice. Artistic and socio-cultural activities of independent theatre.

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    Niniejsza praca jest szczegółowym omówieniem działalności Teatru PRÓG i Stowarzyszenia „Grupa PRÓG”, działających od 2005 roku w Wadowicach (Polska). Opracowanie przedstawia dwie sfery pracy tego zespołu – artystyczną (sceniczną) oraz kulturotwórczą (z zakresu animacji społeczno-kulturowej). W związku z tym, omawiane są następujące tematy: Wadowice jako kontekst funkcjonowania teatru (artystyczna przeszłość miasta i jego aktualny charakter); funkcjonowanie teatru alternatywnego i nieinstytucjonalnego w Polsce; Teatr PRÓG jako teatr eksperymentalny (połączenie teatru tańca i gestu, teatru muzycznego, teatru postdramatycznego, teatr ulicznego, performance’u); twórcy oraz dotychczas zrealizowane spektakle Teatru PRÓG; zadania i funkcje oraz praktyczne realizacje animacji i edukacji teatralnej (projekty Stowarzyszenia).This thesis is a detailed overview of the PRÓG Theatre&Association, operating since 2005 in Wadowice (Poland). The work presents two spheres of activity of this team - artistic (on the stage) and cultural (in the field of socio-cultural animation). Therefore, the following topics are presented: Wadowice as the context of the Theater existence (artistic past of the city and its current character); the way of function of alternative and independent theater in Poland; PRÓG Theatre as an experimental theater (a combination of styles such as: dance and gesture theatre, musical theater, post-dramatic theater, street theater, performance art); the creators and performances of PRÓG Theatre; the tasks and functions, and the practical realizations of animation and theater education (experience and realized projects of ‘PRÓG Group’ Association)

    The networks of associations in Wadowice in the light of social capital conception

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    Niniejsza praca oscyluje wokół zagadnień społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, kapitału społecznego, stowarzyszeń (jako organizacji pozarządowych) oraz tworzonych przez nie sieci współpracy. Część teoretyczna to omówienie wybranych koncepcji (lub elementów koncepcji) społeczeństwa obywatelskiego oraz kapitału społecznego, a także jego komponentów: zaufania społecznego, norm wzajemności i sieci współpracy. Autorzy, których koncepcje są przywoływane to m.in. Robert Putnam, Piotr Sztompka, Edward Shils, Piotr Broda – Wysocki, Katarzyny Growiec i inni. Ogólne rozważania zostają także przeniesione na grunt polski, w kontekście którego poruszane są zagadnienia takie jak kultura nieufności czy kondycja społeczeństwa obywatelskiego oraz trzeciego sektora w Polsce. Część empiryczna pracy to omówienie badań przeprowadzonych w bieżącym roku w niewielkim, małopolskim mieście Wadowice. Przedmiotem badań były tamtejsze stowarzyszenia, a ich celem szczegółowy opis sieci powiązań kształtowanych przez te organizacje (wewnątrz i na zewnątrz ich sektora; w mieście i poza jego obszarem. Badania potwierdziły tendencje ogólnopolskie: między wadowickimi stowarzyszeniami występują ogromne dysproporcje, organizacje są uzależnione od środków administracyjnych, rzadko i przeważnie nieformalnie współpracują z innymi przedstawicielami własnego sektora i sektora biznesu. Na podstawie wstępnych badań wyłoniono cztery najbardziej aktywne stowarzyszenia – liderów trzeciego sektora. Na przykładzie ich działalności oraz rozmów z ich przedstawicielami, określono czynniki i bariery rozwoju wadowickich stowarzyszeń oraz kapitału społecznego w mieście.This work revolves around issues of civil society, social capital, associations (as non-governmental organizations) and networks of cooperation created by them. The theoretical part of the work is determined by the description of selected concepts (or part of concepts) of civil society, social capital and its elements: social trust, mutuality norms and networks. This description contains a concepts (definitions, functions) of authors such a Robert Putnam, Piotr Sztompka, Edward Shils, Piotr Broda – Wysocki, Katarzyna Growiec and others. General considerations are also transposed into Polish conditions, in the context of which are dealt with issues such as: culture of distrust, condition of civil society and the NGO sector in Poland. The empirical part of this thesis is taken by the description of researches conducted this year in the small polish town Wadowice. The subject of these explorations were local associations; the main aim of them was to create a detailed description of the networks shaped by these organizations. The study confirmed the trend nationwide: between the associations in the city are enormously disparities, organizations are dependent on administrative measures, rare and mostly informally cooperate with other members of their sector and the business sector. In preliminary studies were selected the four most active associations - the leaders of the NGO sector. On the basis of their activities and conversations with their representatives were defined the factors and the barriers to the development of associations, their networks and social capital in the city

    Influence of selected demographic factors on traumas in persons over 65 years of age reporting to the Hospital Medical Ward

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    Background. Falls and traumas in elderly persons don’t only result in health problems, but they also involve social and economic, psychological and political consequences. The most frequent trauma mechanisms in the elderly include: falls and traffic accidents. ;b:Objectives. The aim of the study was to assess selected factors influencing the energy, type and area of a trauma incurred by elderly people. Material and methods. A group of 108 patients aged 65–93 treated at the SPSK 1 in Szczecin were tested by a diagnostic survey with the use of a questionnaire. The eligibility criteria included a trauma as a result of an accident, the age of the subject above 65 years of age and expressing written, voluntary and informed consent to participation in the study. Results. 177 traumas were recorded in the analysed group of 108 patients. The most frequent traumas included fractures and contusions and the lower limbs and the left arm were the most frequently injured body parts. Men were more often injured during low-energy events. Patients more often had their upper body and left leg injured during low-energy events than during high-energy ones. In persons over 65 years of age, usually one fracture occurred during a low-energy accident. Conclusions. The most common result of injuries among people aged 65+ admitted to the emergency department are fractures. With age the number of LE T increases and the number of HET decreases. It’s necessary therefore to create an appropriate health policy covering education for elderly people and their families to prevent injuries of low energy content

    Genetic Aspects of Problematic and Risky Internet Use in Young Men—Analysis of ANKK1, DRD2 and NTRK3 Gene Polymorphism

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    Background: Internet addiction disorder (IAD) is characterized by an excess of uncontrolled preoccupations, urges, or behaviors related to computer use and Internet access that culminate in negative outcomes or individual distress. PIU includes excessive online activities (such as video gaming, social media use, streaming, pornography viewing, and shopping). The aim of this study was to analyze the association of gene polymorphisms that may influence the severity of risky behaviors in young men with the frequency of Internet use. We speculate that there are individual differences in the mechanisms of Internet addiction and that gene–hormone associations may represent useful biomarkers for subgroups of individuals. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in a sample of 407 adult males. Subjects were asked to complete the Problematic Internet Use Test (PIUT). Serum was analyzed to determine concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone (TT), sex hormone binding protein (SHBG), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), estradiol (E2), prolactin (PRL), insulin (I), serotonin (5-HT), and dopamine (DA), as well as DRD2, ANKK1, and NTRK3 gene polymorphisms. Results: In the analysis of the ANKK1 gene, there was a specific association between ANKK1 polymorphisms and PRL and 5-HT blood concentrations. There was also an association between the ANKK1 polymorphisms and LH and DA concentrations. When analyzing the DRD2 gene polymorphism, we found that in the group with a moderate level of Internet dependence, there was an association between both the G/GG and GG/GG polymorphisms and FSH concentration. Conclusions: Our study found that there may be an association between the NTRK3 gene polymorphism and PIU. The polymorphisms of ANKK1 and DRD2 genes may be factors that influence the concentrations of hormones (PRL, 5-HT, DA) that are associated with the results obtained in PIU

    Emotional State of Young Men in Relation to Problematic Internet Use

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    The Internet has become an indispensable tool in communication, business, entertainment, and obtaining information. Behavioral addictions are disorders associated with uncontrolled activity feeding the reward system, motivation, and memory. The purpose of this study was to assess the emotional state in terms of problematic Internet use. The survey was conducted in 2020–2021 in the West Pomeranian region of Poland and involved 500 men aged 18–30 (24.82 ± 3.83). The study was conducted using our own original questionnaire regarding the amount of time spent playing computer games during the weekdays and on days off; the type of school/university; financial situation; as well as the manner, purpose, and degree of Internet use. Other questionnaires were also used, i.e., Beck Depression Inventory, Internet Use Test, GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Assessment Questionnaire, and Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire. Problematic use of the Internet may result in the occurrence of anxiety, anger, hostility or depression. Longer duration of Internet activity was correlated to higher scores on the Internet Use Test degree of problematic Internet use. There was a correlation between the severity of mild depression symptoms and the occurrence of anxiety, verbal and physical aggression, and problematic Internet use