2 research outputs found

    J臋zyk formuliczny na przyk艂adzie piosenek Adele

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    J臋zyk formuliczny jest j臋zykiem, kt贸ry pozwala na wyra偶enie siebie w nieco mniej oczywisty spos贸b. Mo偶na "bawi膰 si臋" s艂owami, u偶ywaj膮c okre艣lonych po艂膮cze艅 wyrazowych i kolokacji. W艣r贸d kilku rodzaj贸w j臋zyka formulicznego mo偶na wyr贸偶ni膰 idiomy, zosta艂y one u偶yte w piosenkach Adele. Maj膮 one wp艂yw na odbi贸r piosenkek przez publiczno艣膰. R贸偶norodne idiomy wyst臋puj膮ce w piosenkach Adele sprawiaj膮, i偶 piosenki te 艂atwo zostaj膮 w pami臋ci, oraz 偶e s膮 oryginalne na tle pozosta艂ych. Szybko zyskuj膮 popularno艣膰, a teksty piosenek idealnie wsp贸艂graj膮 z ich melodi膮.Formulaic language is a kind of language which enables us to express ourselves in a less obvious way. We may play with words using fixed combinations. Idioms, which constitute one of the subgroups of formulaic language, are used by Adele in her songs. They affect the way in which the songs are received by the audience. The variety of idioms present in Adele's lyrics make the songs are memorable and unique. They become popular quickly, both the lyrics and the melody are perfectly matched

    Formulation of Development Strategies for Regional Agricultural Resource Potential: The Ukrainian Case

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    The agricultural sector is one of the leading ones in the economy of many countries, as it creates the basis for their economic growth. Every region in every country has its own unique sphere of social reproduction due to different resource potential, i.e., fertile soils, favourable climatic conditions, etc. Under such conditions, it is irrelevant to choose a single development path for this sector. Given these facts, the study formulates development strategies for regional agricultural development of the country. In particular, we grouped regions into clusters according to the level of development of crop production and stockbreeding potential, as well as investment attractiveness. The method of cluster analysis was used to group regions by the level of capacity development, whilst the matrix method was used to formulate a matrix for choice of the strategy to improve the agricultural potential of regions. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the 3D matrix for the choice of investment strategy of the regional agricultural development of the country depending on the level of development of crop production and stockbreeding potential and investment attractiveness was constructed