36 research outputs found


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    Conversation Analysis for Second Language Acquisition and beyond : an interview with Numa P. Markee

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    Professor Numa P. Markee is Associate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United States) where he teaches courses in Conversation Analysis, Second Language Acquisition, Task Based Language Teaching and in Language Program Administration. His principal research interests are in the area of ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis applied to Second Language Acquisition (CA-for-SLA), Discursive Psychology, socially distributed cognition, classroom research, the uses of technology in applied linguistics research and ESL teaching, and the management of curricular innovation. In addition to numerous journal articles and book chapters on CA-for-SLA - the main topic of the present interview - Prof. Markee has also published a book Conversation Analysis (2000). The interview took place in January 2012 on the occasion of a series of conferences and workshops on Conversation Analysis carried out by Prof. Markee at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) within the MA programme in Research on Language and Literature Education and as guest of the research group GREIP

    Classroom Interaction and Language Learning in CLIL contexts

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    This article provides a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of classroom interaction in L2 and CLIL contexts and its effects on students' academic and language development in such educational settings. It also aims to raise awareness of the role of language and discourse in teaching content and language in CLIL classrooms. More specifically, it discusses how teachers can efficiently enact Classroom Interactional competence (CIC) which is a range of interactional strategies adjusted to the classroom micro-context and which are essential for the correct development of the teaching-learning process. The article presents how teachers can use classroom interaction to guide students in better understanding of subject-specific content, foster the development of students' communicative competence in a foreign language and the integrated learning of content and language as well as promote a more active students' participation in content-rich contexts. Last but not the least, the article discusses the role of the teacher in providing emotional support in the classroom and creating a safe environment where students can develop a positive self-image through their interactions both with the teacher and the peers.Aquest article presenta aspectes clau de la interacció a l'aula en contextos de L2 i AICLE, i dels seus efectes sobre el desenvolupament acadèmic i lingüístic dels estudiants. També té com a objectiu despertar la consciència del lector sobre el paper de la llengua i del discurs en l'ensenyament integrat del contingut i de la llengua estrangera a les aules AICLE. Més específicament, s'analitza com els docents poden desplegar de manera eficient la seva Competència Interactiva Escolar o CIE, en forma d'estratègies interactives ajustades al micro-context de l'aula, que són imprescindibles per al correcte desenvolupament del procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge. També es descriu com els professors poden utilitzar la interacció a l'aula per guiar els estudiants cap a una millor comprensió del contingut específic de l'assignatura i fomentar el desenvolupament de la competència comunicativa en la L2, així com promoure una participació més activa de l'alumnat en contextos rics en contingut. Finalment, s'analitza el paper dels docents en el suport emocional als estudiants i en la conversió de l'aula en un entorn segur, on aquests puguin desenvolupar la seva imatge en positiu mitjançant la interacció amb el docent i amb els seus companys de classe.Este artículo presenta aspectos clave de la interacción en el aula en contextos de L2 y AICLE, y de sus efectos sobre el desarrollo académico y lingüístico de los estudiantes. También tiene como objetivo despertar la conciencia del lector sobre el papel de la lengua y del discurso en la enseñanza integrada del contenido y de la lengua extranjera en las aulas AICLE. Más específicamente, se analiza cómo los docentes pueden desplegar de manera eficiente su Competencia Interactiva Escolar o CIE, en forma de estrategias interactivas ajustadas al microcontexto del aula, que son imprescindibles para el correcto desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. También se describe cómo los profesores pueden utilizar la interacción en el aula para guiar a los estudiantes hacia una mejor comprensión del contenido específico de la asignatura y fomentar el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en la L2, así como promover una participación más activa del alumnado en contextos ricos en contenido. Finalmente, se analiza el papel de los docentes en el apoyo emocional a los estudiantes y en la conversión del aula en un entorno seguro, donde estos puedan desarrollar su imagen en positivo mediante la interacción con el docente y con sus compañeros de clase


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    Editoral de CLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education, 2(2)

    Teacher smiles as an interactional and pedagogical resource in the classroom

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    In classroom settings, laughter and smiles are resources for action that are available to both teachers and students. Recent interactional studies have documented how students use these resources to deal with trouble of various kind, but less is known about the sequential and activity contexts of teachers' laughter-relevant practices, as well as their pedagogical functions. We use multimodal conversation analysis (CA) to investigate the interactional unfolding and pedagogical orientations of teacher smiles during instructional IRE (initiation-response-evaluation) sequences in a corpus of 37 bilingual lessons collected in schools in Finland and Spain. In analysing the focal smiles, we pay attention to their temporal relationships to students' preceding and subsequent facial expressions and the unfolding of on-going talk. We argue that smiling can index teachers' affiliative and pedagogical responsiveness to troubles and competences implied by prior student actions. The analysis of selected data fragments shows how smiling is part of multimodal action packages through which teachers manage momentary action disalignments and restore a sense of students as competent actors. The findings contribute towards recent CA research on the embodied and interactional nature of teaching and learning by showing some ways in which smiling is a situated practice used for professional purposes. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V

    Rethink, rewrite, remake or learning to teach science through English

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    La identidad colectiva en la interacción : análisis de un encuentro comunicativo entre activistas tecnológicos

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    En este artículo se realiza el análisis conversacional de una charla entre activistas tecnológicos llevada a cabo en la ciudad de Barcelona (España). A partir de una transcripción detallada y un examen secuencial de las interacciones, se identifica una categoría identitaria relevante y sus correspondientes atributos asociados. Adicionalmente, se muestra cómo las intervenciones de los interlocutores ayudan a configurar dos formas de entender el hacktivismo en Europa. De esta manera, se espera ofrecer una mirada interaccional de la identidad colectiva, así como mostrar el potencial del análisis conversacional para el estudio de los movimientos socialesIn this article we carry out a conversational analysis of a talk among technological activists that took place in Barcelona city (Spain). Basing on a detailed transcription and a sequential revision of the interactions, a relevant identity category and its corresponding associated features are identified. Additionally, it is shown how the participants' interventions help to form two ways of understanding hacktivism in Europe. In this way we hope to offer an interactional perspective on the collective identity and to show the potential of conversational analysis for social movements studie