6 research outputs found

    Verification of reference range for selected tumor markers

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    Orientacijska referenčna območja so v kliničnem okolju pomembno orodje za interpretacijo izvidov in posledično klinične odločitve. Predstavljajo 95 % izmerjenih vrednosti za določen analit pri izbrani populaciji. Idealno je, da vsak laboratorij postavi referenčna območja za svojo populacijo in analizno metodo. Kljub hitremu napredku laboratorijske biomedicine nimamo univerzalno standardiziranih orientacijskih referenčnih območij, zaradi razlik v populaciji ter metodologijah in opremi med laboratoriji. Razlike v referenčnih intervalih med laboratoriji so lahko večje ali manjŔe. Za postavitev referenčnih vrednosti (RV) so potrebne večje Ŕtudije in potrebno je veliko Ŕtevilo primernih prostovoljcev, zato je smiselno, da se uporabljajo v več laboratorijih. Referenčna območja za tumorske označevalce lahko povzamemo od proizvajalca reagentov (navodila), literature večjih objavljenih Ŕtudij, ustreznih smernic, strokovnih priporočil ali pridobimo s podatkovnim rudarjenjem. V želji po čim večji kakovosti laboratorijskih izvidov se priporoča, da vsak laboratorij izvede raziskavo primerljivosti referenčnih območij za lokalno populacijo in svojo metodologijo. Proces prenosa referenčnih vrednosti iz ustreznih zunanjih virov, skupaj z oceno in potrjevanjem primernosti, imenujemo verifikacija. Postopek verifikacije orientacijskih referenčnih območij iz zunanjih virov je hiter in učinkovit postopek, s katerim potrdimo ustreznost referenčnih območij. Namen magistrskega dela je bila verifikacija orientacijskih referenčnih vrednosti za izbrane tumorske označevalce (NSE, S-100, cyfra 21-1, CA 72-4, AFP, CEA, CA 125, CA 15-3 in CA 19-9). S pomočjo verifikacije potrdimo kakovost in ustreznost prenesenih orientacijskih referenčnih območij. Osredotočili smo se na skrbno izbiro populacije ter nadzor nad pred-analitične in analitične dejavnike in tako zagotovili zanesljivost pridobljenih rezultatov. Ravnali smo v skladu s smernicami CLSI EP28-A3c in za verifikacijo izbrali manjŔo populacijo primernih posameznikov. Z raziskavo smo uspeŔno verificirali orientacijske referenčne vrednosti za izbrane tumorske označevalce, ki so trenutno v uporabi v Laboratoriju za analitiko hormonov in tumorskih označevalcev in tako potrdili ustreznost za naŔo populacijo. Enako smo dokazali tudi za orientacijska referenčna območja proizvajalca reagentov, naŔe izmerjene vrednosti so znotraj referenčnih mej.Reference intervals are fundamental tools used in the clinical environment to interpret patient laboratory test results and consequently, for clinical decisions. They most commonly represent the central 95 % of laboratory test results expected in a reference population. Under optimal conditions, a laboratory should perform its own study to establish reference intervals specific for its method and local population. Despite the rapid progress of laboratory biomedicine, we do not have universally standardized reference intervals, due to differences in population and methodologies among laboratories. Differences in reference intervals between laboratories may be larger or smaller. Larger studies and a large number of suitable volunteers are needed, to establish reference intervals, so it makes sense to use them in multiple laboratories. Laboratories can receive reference intervals for tumour markers from various sources (manufacturers package inserts, multicentre studies, published national or international expert panel recommendations, guidelines, local expert groups or data mining of existing data). It is recommended that each laboratory conducts a survey of comparability of transferred reference intervals for local population and its methodology in order to maximize the quality of laboratory results. The process of transferring reference intervals from external sources, together with the assessment and validation of suitability, is called verification. The process of verifying reference intervals transferred from external sources, is a quick and efficient process, to confirm the adequacy of reference values for clinical use. The purpose of the master\u27s thesis was to verify the reference range for selected tumour markers (NSE, S-100, cyfra 21-1, CA 72-4, AFP, CEA, CA 125, CA 15-3 in CA 19-9). In accordance with the CLSI EP28-A3c guideline recommendations we verified transferred reference intervals using a small number of healthy reference individuals from the local population. We obtained and analysed blood samples of appropriate reference individuals and focused on control of the consistency of preanalytical and analytical factors. With verification we confirmed the quality and adequacy of the transferred reference values. On the basis of the statistical analysis of the gathered information we have successfully verified the reference ranges for selected tumour markers currently in use in Specialized Laboratory for hormones and tumour markers. With verification of transferred values, we can confirm suitability for our population. We have also proven the same for the reagent manufacturer\u27s reference values, and our measured values are within the reference limits

    Relation between constructs of BisBas questionnaire and some personality constructs

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    The goal of this study was to examine relation between constructs relevant for Gray's neuropsychological model of motivation. According to Gray's theory, two general motivational systems underlie behavior and affect: a behavioral inhibition system (BIS) and a behavioral activation system (BAS). BIS is sensitive to aversive stimuli, causes avoidance behaviors and is responsible for individual differences in anxiety. BAS is responsive to appetitive stimuli, triggers approach behavior and has been associated with individual differences in impulsivness. BIS activity has been related to the experience of negative emotions, whereas BAS activity has been associated with the experience of positive emotions. A total of 122 Slovenian students, aged 17–19 years, completed the BIS/BAS scale, the Impulsiveness-Venturesome-Empathy Scale IVE, State Trait Anxiety Inventory STAI-X2, The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule PANAS, and The Big Five Questionairre BFQ. Our results are consistent with those from recent empirical studies and provide support for Gray's theory. Measures of BIS were found to be positively related to trait anxiety and neuroticism, whereas measures of BAS were found to be positively related to impulsiveness and extraversion. Emotional component measured with PANAS did not distinguish BIS from BAS constructs. Both were found to be related to negative affect. With respect to construct validity these findings suggest that BIS/BAS scale is reasonably effective

    Psychometric properties of the Slovenian adaptation of the Revised Generic Occupational Stress Index Questionnaire (RG-OSI)

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    The Revised Generic Occupational Stress Index questionnaire (RG-OSI) employs the cognitive ergonomics approach that quantifies the burden of stressors on cognitive resources of the employee. The model is structured as a 2-dimensional matrix, where each element is scored from 0 to 2 (sometimes with intermediate values of 0.5, 1.5 or 1.75) as a combination of various items based on multiple criteria. Due to uncommon scoring system of the questionnaire, our study aimed to explore the appropriateness of the existing scoring system and to get some information on validity of the scale on a Slovenian sample. The questionnaire has been applied on 349 Slovenian employees from different occupational groups and the data were analysed by means of correspondence analysis, classical reliability and item analysis and item response theory analysis. The results of correspondence analysis demonstrate that the response categories on individual variables are not always ordered. Furthermore, we conducted reliability analysis for scales, developed short versions of the scales, and obtained some preliminary information on their validity. The current study provides evidence that the described original scoring system in psychological measures may not be appropriate from the psychometric viewpoint

    Internal structure of an alternative measure of burnout

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    This study evaluates the factorial validity and reliability of the Slovenian adaptation of the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) in a sample of 1436 Slovenian employees of various occupations. Confirmatory factor analyses were used to evaluate alternative structural models of OLBI, and reliability of variant scales was estimated. The results reveal a different structure of the Slovenian adaptation compared with the original one and a very notable difference in reliability between positively and negatively framed items. The results could be explained with a response bias or the specific nature of burnout and work engagement that OLBI promises to assess simultaneously. Therefore, we believe that the internal structure of the original inventory needs to be reconsidered

    Educational Applications for Blind and Partially Sighted Pupils Based on Speech Technologies for Serbian

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    The inclusion of persons with disabilities has always represented an important issue. Advancements within the field of computer science have enabled the development of different types of aids, which have significantly improved the quality of life of the disabled. However, for some disabilities, such as visual impairment, the purpose of these aids is to establish an alternative communication channel and thus overcome the userā€™s disability. Speech technologies play the crucial role in this process. This paper presents the ongoing efforts to create a set of educational applications based on speech technologies for Serbian for the early stages of education of blind and partially sighted children. Two educational applications dealing with memory exercises and comprehension of geometrical shapes are presented, along with the initial tests results obtained from research including visually impaired pupils

    Comparison of antithrombin activity assays in detection of patients with heparin binding site antithrombin deficiency: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Abstract Antithrombin (AT) deficiency increases the risk for venous thromboembolism, therefore, a highly sensitive assay to identify this condition is crucial. The aim of this paper was to perform a meta-analysis comparing AT activities measured by different AT activity assays in patients with heparin binding site AT deficiency. In addition, the diagnostic sensitivity of selected assays was compared depending on the available data. An extensive literature search was performed considering results with publication date up to July 10, 2021. Seven relevant English-language observational studies, comparing AT activity measured by different AT activity assays in Caucasian Europeans with either the AT Budapest III or AT Padua I mutation were included in meta-analyses. There was no significant difference in AT activity between Labexpert and Innovance in patients with AT Budapest III (Pā€‰=ā€‰0.567) and AT Padua I (Pā€‰=ā€‰0.265), while AT activity determined by HemosIL was significantly higher compared to Innovance for both mutations (AT Budapest III: Pā€‰<ā€‰0.001; AT Padua I: Pā€‰<ā€‰0.001). These results are in line with the results of comparison of diagnostic sensitivity. In patients with AT Budapest III, the AT activity was also higher when measured with Berichrom compared to Innovance (Pā€‰=ā€‰0.002), however, the results of comparison of diagnostic sensitivity across studies were variable. No significant difference (Pā€‰=ā€‰0.117) in AT activity as well as diagnostic sensitivity was observed between Sta-Stachrom and Innovance. The results of our study suggest that Innovance, Labexpert and Sta-Stachrom are the most sensitive activity assays for detection of AT Budapest III and AT Padua I, whereas HemosIL showed considerably lower sensitivity for these two variants. As revealed in our study, the diagnostic sensitivity of AT activity assays to type II heparin binding site AT deficiency is different, and in some assays mutation dependent