2,035 research outputs found

    Relationship Issues of Azerbaijani and Georgian Intellectuals

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    In the article, the people's interrelationship problems of the present two neighbor countries - Georgia and Azerbaijan in the period of the newest history is discussed for the first time. The special place has been given to the issues of Azerbaijanis' living in Georgia study and education. Privately to the study of the greatest role and importance of the Azerbaijan schools existed in the oldest part of Georgia, to the meaning of the formed and consolidated friendship of Georgian and Azerbaijan people.history, linguistics and literature

    Monitoring productivity of water in agriculture and interacting systems: the case of Tekeze/Atbara River Basin in Ethiopia

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    River basinsWater useIrrigated farmingDomestic waterIrrigation programsProductivityEconomic aspects

    Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook

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    The purpose of the Sourcebook is to act as a guide for practitioners and technical staff in addressing gender issues and integrating gender-responsive actions in the design and implementation of agricultural projects and programs. It speaks not with gender specialists on how to improve their skills but rather reaches out to technical experts to guide them in thinking through how to integrate gender dimensions into their operations. The Sourcebook aims to deliver practical advice, guidelines, principles, and descriptions and illustrations of approaches that have worked so far to achieve the goal of effective gender mainstreaming in the agricultural operations of development agencies. It captures and expands the main messages of the World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development and is considered an important tool to facilitate the operationalization and implementation of the report's key principles on gender equality and women's empowerment

    Preclusion of Remedies Under Article 16(3) of the UNCITRAL Model Law

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    In search of actual consequences of (mis)use of the available remedies, Chapter II of the foregoing article starts by exploring whether the Model Law implies “choice of remedies” policy by examining its travaux préparatoires (hereinafter “travaux”). It also seeks to determine existence of “alternative system of defences” at cross-border level between remedies at the seat of arbitration and in the enforcement country. Chapter III engages in a determination of general framework of preclusions under the Model Law by analyzing specific provisions such as Article 4, 13 and 16(2). Chapter IV, by analyzing the travaux, determines the primary purpose of the Model Law. It further engages in analysis and discussion of what may affect purported preclusionary nature of Article 16(3) by looking at the form of the preliminary ruling, language of the article and analyzing time limit provided therein. Subsequently, Chapter V examines the correlation between Article 16(3) and remedies against final award under the Model Law. By detailed analysis of travaux, the article determines whether Article 16(3) should fall under the purported “choice of remedies” policy or rather under the framework of preclusion of the Model Law. The chapter engages in examination of pertinent case law and literature in order to reach the conclusion on the preclusiveness Article 16(3) of the Model Law on post-award stages. Finally, the article provide author’s conclusion on the preclusive nature of Article 16(3) of the Model Law and proposes a possible solution in order to address the problem of ambiguity and inconsistency

    Analisis Pengolahan Limbah Padat Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Kota Palangka Raya Kalimantan Tengah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bentuk pengolahan limbah padat Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Kota Palangka raya Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan ilmu pengetahuan bagi penelitidi bidang pengolahan limbah rumah sakit dan lingkungan, sebagai landasan keputusan pemerintah setempat terkait pengolahan limbah rumah sakit, dan sebagai landasan referensi pada penelitian selanjutnya yang berhubungan dengan pengolahan limbah rumah sakit. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa pengelolaan limbah padat Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara kota Palangka Raya Kalimantan Tengah telah memenuhi standar yang ditentukan oleh peraturan yang berlaku. Pengelolaan limbah padat rumah sakit ini menerapkan prosedurnya berdasarkan berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tanggal 3 Oktober 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 tanggal 13 Oktober 2009 Tentang Kesehatan, dan Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 1204 Tahun 2004 tanggal 19 Oktober 2004 tentang Persyaratan Kesehatan Lingkungan Rumah Sakit. Selain itu, limbah padat medis dan non-medis di rumah sakit ini dipilah sesuai jenis dan cara mengelola nya kemudian di tempatkan di rumah bank sampah. Rumah sakit Bhayangkara Kota Palangka Raya Kalimantan Tengah mempunyai Incinerator sendiri, tetapi tidak dioperasikan karena terkendala urusan perizinan pengoperasian incinerator tersebut sehingga pihak rumah sakit mengolah limbah padat medis menggunakkan pihak ke tiga sedangkan limbah padat non medis di kelola oleh pihak TPA km. 14 kota Palangka raya. This study aims to analyze the form of solid waste treatment at Bhayangkara Hospital, Palangka raya City, Central Kalimantan. This research can provide knowledge for researchers in the field of hospital waste treatment and the environment, as a basis for local government decisions regarding hospital waste treatment, and as a reference base for further research related to hospital waste treatment. From this research it was found that solid waste management at Bhayangkara Hospital, Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan has met the standards set by the applicable regulations. This hospital solid waste management applies the procedure based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 of 2009 dated 3 October 2009 concerning Protection and Management of the Environment, Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 2009 dated 13 October 2009 concerning Health, and the Decree of the Minister of Health. Republic of Indonesia Number 1204 of 2004 dated 19 October 2004 concerning Hospital Environmental Health Requirements. In addition, medical and non-medical solid waste in this hospital is sorted according to the type and method of management and then placed in the waste bank house. Bhayangkara Hospital, Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan has its own Incinerator, but it is not operated due to problems in operating the incinerator permit so that the hospital processes medical solid waste using a third party while non-medical solid waste is managed by the KM TPA. 14 cities of Palangka raya

    Menata kembali ilmu-ilmu keislaman pada Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam

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    AbstractIslamic sciences are sometimes separated from the sociological, historical, and philosophical context in which the Islamic sciences are compiled and developed. In addition, the emergence of Islamic studies in Europe and the West since the 1960s has a contemporary style and character and is different from the classical and medieval Islamic sciences. Likewise, the birth of the era of globalization, the millennium, and the industrial revolution 4.0 which was marked by the use of smart technology (intelligent technology) and artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence) that can take over human work, and are used in all aspects of life. By using library sources, observations, and analysis results on the dynamics that occur in the study of Islamic sciences, such as contemporary Islamic studies that use multi approaches (various approaches), the integration of knowledge, as well as community needs for religion individually and socially, this paper offers a new arrangement of Islamic sciences by first stating the background, approach, methodology, principles, and systems of Islamic sciences, and their impact on life.AbstrakIlmu-ilmu keislaman terkadang lepas dari konteks sosiologis, historis, dan filosofis di mana ilmu-ilmu keislaman tersebut disusun dan dikembangkan. Selain itu munculnya Studi Islam di Eropa dan Barat sejak tahun 1960-an yang memiliki corak dan karakter kontemporer dan berbeda dengan corak ilmu-ilmu keislaman abad klasik dan pertengahan. Demikian pula lahirnya era globalisasi, millennium dan revolusi industri 4. 0 yang ditandai oleh penggunaan smart technology (teknologi cerdas) dan artificial intelligence (kecerdasan buatan) yang dapat mengambil alih pekerjaan manusia, dan digunakan dalam seluruh aspek kehidupan. Dengan menggunakan sumber kepustakaan, hasil pengamatan, dan hasil analisis terhadap dinamika yang terjadi dalam kajian ilmu-ilmu keislaman, seperti kajian Islam kontemporer yang menggunakan multi approaches (ragam pendekatan), integrasi ilmu, serta kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap agama secara individual dan sosial, tulisan ini menawarkan sebuah susunan baru tentang ilmu-ilmu keislaman dengan terlebih dahulu mengemukakan latar belakang, pendekatan, metodologi, prinsip dan sistem ilmu-ilmu keislaman, serta dampaknya bagi kehidupan
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