79 research outputs found

    Innovation Processes and Factors on Peripheral Regions of Portugal and Spain

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    The innovation is the main locomotive of the economic growth and competitiveness. The understanding about innovation process has updated in last decades. The innovation concept not only includes the innovation, but also increases innovation, that can be operated in products but also in the production process, that can be in the conception of the product but also at the level of the market and even at the organizational level. The interactive models of innovation process are put upon linear models and are related with the context, environmental territory. The innovation as a system of innovation became fundamental to competitiveness. Based on these observations, this work intends to analyze the processes and innovation factors, but also enhancing the importance of innovation in system and discussing the main factors which stimulate innovation. The analysis happens on 5 NUTS III at the border of Portugal and Spain. We used the clusters analysis to verify how the companies are positioned in relation to the innovation activities. We intend to characterize the factors and processes of innovation, which distinguish the company’s groupings. The results appear to reveal the existence of three groups of companies and the distinction factors are linked to: general characteristics of companies and its director; initial objectives and innovate sources; cooperation relationships; financial support and obstacles to innovate.Process of Innovation; Regional Innovation Systems; Innovation.

    The transregional innovation processes - the key challenge for the trans borders regions

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    The competitiveness of regions it is strong linked with innovation dynamics. This dynamics requires the involvement of different actors of the territory, namely, the set of actors with capacity and power to influence the territorial activities: the governance system. Thus, the vigorous attitude and participation of the firms and of institutional associative actors on innovation pressure the innovative performance of the territory. Hence, the aim of this paper is analyse the process of innovation in a transterritorial view and illustrate a perspective of innovation that reflect the better performance innovative of the territory depends of different characteristics of the milieu and evaluate the important conditions for dynamics of innovation. We use the results of survey applied to a vast set of firms and institutional/associative actors for distinguish profiles of involvement in innovation activities and for analyse and perceive which attributes or variables of territory are related with the best performance on innovation. The study looks at five sub regions of the transborder region of central region Portuguese and Spanish: Raia Central Ibérica (three Portuguese and two Spanish).

    Territorial lnnovation Systems and Strategies of Coliective Efficiency: the Case of Tagus Valley Agro-food Complex.

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    The motivation of this research is to reflect on the territorial innovation systems and its strategic relevance in non-central regions. As such, we intend to identify which actions of collective efficiency will facilitate the consolidation of an innovation system in a non-central region by favouring international flows of knowledge. As 5pecific goals, in the first place, we will evaluate and interpret the innovation performance in a set of combined clusters of agricultural activities and food industries, denominated as Tagus Valley Agro-Food Complex, taking into consideration specific corporate and territorial arder factors framed in an analysis’ model, generalizable to other regions, which may not necessarily be rural type. This model combines: 1) exogenous factors to the agro-food cluster territorially differentiated (structural, specific to the region; institutional, specific ar external to the region); ii) endogenous factors to the agro-food clu5ter. Secondly, we seek to understand the behaviour of public entities in institutional support to the innovation process of agro4ood cluster companies in the concerned region. We intend to analyse the intervention of public entities (central and local government, scientific and technological system and vocational training centres) in arder to understand whether there is a local institutional thickness required to support innovation processes in companies engaged in agricultural activities, food and wine industries established in the region. In this sense, we sought to assess the presence degree of a set of intangible and intrinsic factors to the territory, crucial te learning and coliective actions. Besides allowing identifying an important set of deficits of institutional nature, inhibitors of innovation performance, the study allowed formulating various proposals for the purpose of territorial governance, highlighting the need to strengthen the transfer of knowjedge to the micro and small companies engaged in agricultural activities

    Clustering craftwork activities: An approach to promote regional development in a peripheral region of Portugal

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    Portugal’s globalization and integration had positive repercussionsat the economic and social development level, but simultaneously it evidencedregional asymmetries, demanding new explanatory models to lessen existent disparities.Recent paradigms value the endogenous characteristics of the territorythat appear decisive of the country’s development, including the idea that regionsand local agents should identify new kinds of production organization and relationships,thus enhancing clusters. Given that, in the Beira Interior Norte, craftworkactivities assume a relative economic and social importance, the purpose of thepresent paper is to verify whether this sector acquires the cluster classification inthe region and continuously characterized this classification while potential clusterpromote and develop economic and social factors

    A competitividade em territórios de fronteira: Uma análise evolutiva à raia central ibérica

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    A criação do Mercado Único e a consolidação do processo de integração na União Europeia (U.E.) levou à abolição das fronteiras dos Estados Membros, que funcionavam como entrave à livre circulação de pessoas, bens e serviços e capital. Pretendia-se, assim, promover o desenvolvimento das relações com os países vizinhos, reforçar a posição das regiões e consequentemente fomentar a competitividade. Tendo em conta o desejado processo de convergência das regiões no âmbito da U.E. e o quadro teórico relativamente à competitividade, pretende-se neste trabalho analisar se a abertura de fronteiras trouxe ou não ganhos de competitividade para as regiões de fronteira de Portugal e Espanha, bem como se houve redução ou agravamento das assimetrias destas regiões face aos seus países. Decorrente desta hipótese, podemos estudar quais as regiões que ganharam/perderam competitividade com a abertura das fronteiras. O estudo incide sobre as regiões da raia fronteiriça de Portugal e Espanha Raia Central Ibérica de Portugal, que engloba um território composto pelas 5 NUT III fronteiriças, para o período 1988-2007

    Innovation Processes and Factors on Peripheral Regions of Portugal and Spain

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    The innovation is the main locomotive of the economic growth and competitiveness. The understanding about innovation process has updated in last decades. The innovation concept not only includes the innovation, but also increases innovation, that can be operated in products but also in the production process, that can be in the conception of the product but also at the level of the market and even at the organizational level. The interactive models of innovation process are put upon linear models and are related with the context, environmental territory. The innovation as a system of innovation became fundamental to competitiveness. Based on these observations, this work intends to analyze the processes and innovation factors, but also enhancing the importance of innovation in system and discussing the main factors which stimulate innovation. The analysis happens on 5 NUTS III at the border of Portugal and Spain. We used the clusters analysis to verify how the companies are positioned in relation to the innovation activities. We intend to characterize the factors and processes of innovation, which distinguish the company’s groupings. The results appear to reveal the existence of three groups of companies and the distinction factors are linked to: general characteristics of companies and its director; initial objectives and innovate sources; cooperation relationships; financial support and obstacles to innovate

    Standards behaviours face to innovation of the entrepreneurships of Beira Interior

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    Accord Aydalot (1986), the firm in no heaven-sent agent free to “choose” an environment, it is secrete by its environment. The firm is not an isolated innovative agent but is part of the milieu, which makes it act. The competitive and innovative performance of the territory, territories more or less competitive and innovative, requires persistence and participation of the different actors: companies, institutions of support and assistance to the company’s activity, public institutions. We do not have the ambition to cover the whole different actors, but illustrate the approach that reflect the better performance innovative of the companies is associate to different factors of the environment milieu and evaluate the determinant conditions of participation in innovation activities. Our purpose is to analyse the behaviour of the companies of 3 NUTS III of Beira Interior of Portugal, relatively to the innovative initiatives. We use a survey applied to vast set of companies. The methodology is based on the application of the multivariate statistics: k-means analysis clusters that allowed distinguish 3 standard behaviours from the companies. To classify the standard behaviour of the companies and identify the characteristics of each cluster, we applied the crosstabs and compare means. We consider the fowling attributes to the different clusters: process of innovation, the mechanisms of knowledge, the networks and the system of governance. These attributes will help to trace the profile of the innovative behaviours and to perceive which the factors or variables of the environment those are links with the best performance on innovation.

    A formção de territórios inovadores: A abordagem do meio inovador

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    Nos últimos 30 anos, os aspectos regionais foram trazidos para a agenda das investigações em economia. Nas teorias económicas o espaço esteve sempre mais ou menos presente. Todavia, nas teorias tradicionais o espaço não tinha um papel activo na dinâmica da inovação, sendo remetido para segundo plano. A abordagem dos meios inovadores baseia-se na ideia de que o espaço, ou mais precisamente, o território tem um papel activo, fornecendo os meios para fomentar o desenvolvimento económico e que estes mecanismos económicos transformam o próprio território. Esta análise procura explicar porquê certas regiões tinham sucesso e eram mais dinâmicas que outras. Deste modo, o objectivo deste trabalho é apresentar a abordagem dos meios inovadores na formação de territórios inovadores e na promoção da competitividade territorial. Pretende-se assim clarificar o conceito de meio inovador bem como a sua evolução e identificar os aspectos mais relevantes da dinâmica territorial de inovação, procurando relacionar o paradigma dos meios inovadores com o desenvolvimento dos territórios no sentido de promover a competitividade das regiões

    Os Processos Territoriais de Inovação: A abordagem dos Sistemas de Inovação e a Perspectiva Transfronteiriça

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    The competitiveness of the territories depends on a great effort in innovation terms, what requests a solid national, regional and local innovation systems. The capacity of innovation of the border areas, specially of the Raia Central Ibérica, with economic reality of periphery space and of diffuse industrialization, it could start with the organization of the innovation system in a transborder perspective. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to characterize the innovation system on both sides of the border of the Raia Central Ibérica and to analyse how transborder systems of innovation works beginning with the identification of the main actors territorially integrated in the region and that in interaction could create synergies and a wider use of the local potentialities

    Innovation Processes and Factors on Peripheral Regions of Portugal and Spain

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    The innovation is the main locomotive of the economic growth and competitiveness. The understanding about innovation process has updated in last decades. The innovation concept not only includes the innovation, but also increases innovation, that can be operated in products but also in the production process, that can be in the conception of the product but also at the level of the market and even at the organizational level. The interactive models of innovation process are put upon linear models and are related with the context, environmental territory. The innovation as a system of innovation became fundamental to competitiveness. Based on these observations, this work intends to analyze the processes and innovation factors, but also enhancing the importance of innovation in system and discussing the main factors which stimulate innovation. The analysis happens on 5 NUTS III at the border of Portugal and Spain. We used the clusters analysis to verify how the companies are positioned in relation to the innovation activities. We intend to characterize the factors and processes of innovation, which distinguish the company’s groupings. The results appear to reveal the existence of three groups of companies and the distinction factors are linked to: general characteristics of companies and its director; initial objectives and innovate sources; cooperation relationships; financial support and obstacles to innovate