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    Este trabalho compara os governos de esquerda de Uruguai, Chile e Argentina tanto entre eles quanto com os governos anteriores à entrada da esquerda nos executivos nacionais. A análise engloba as políticas de educação, saúde e programas de transferência condicionada de renda. Essas áreas foram escolhidas porque apresentam legados distintos entre si, mas similares nos três países. A metodologia utilizada é a análise comparada cross-case e within-case. Os resultados mostram que as esquerdas do Uruguai e da Argentina se diferenciam das administrações anteriores. Já no Chile, ela não se diferencia dos governos anteriores no mesmo grau que seus vizinhos na saúde e na educação, apesar de também institucionalizar a transferência de renda como forma de enfrentamento da pobreza. Ou seja, os governos de esquerda, de forma geral, apresentam esforços distintos dos seus antecessores, mas diferem entre si nos graus em que isso ocorre refletindo o perfil de cada país de esquerda nos seus respectivos parlamentos e de cada ator envolvido.COMPARING SOCIAL POLICIES IN LEFT GOVERNMENTS This paper compares the leftist governments of Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina, both among themselves and with the administrations before left’s entry into national executives. The analysis encompasses education, health, and conditional cash transfer programs. These areas were selected because they have distinct legacies among themselves, but similar in all three countries. The methodology used is cross-case and within-case comparative analysis. The results show that the Uruguay and Argentina left’s administrations differ from previous administrations. In Chile, however, it does not differ from previous governments to the same extent as its neighbors in health and education, although it also institutionalizes cash transfer as a way of coping with poverty. That is, leftist governments, in general, present distinct efforts from their predecessors, but differ in the degree to which this occurs reflecting the profile of each leftist country in their respective parliaments and of each actor involved.Key words: Social Policies. Latin America. Left governments. Helath. Education. Conditional Cash Transfer.COMPARAISON DES POLITIQUES SOCIALES DANS LES GOUVERNEMENTS DE GAUCHE Ce travail compare les gouvernements de gauche d’Uruguay, du Chili et de l’Argentine entre eux mais également avec les gouvernements précédents l’entrée de la gauche dans les cadres éxecutifs nationaux. L’analyse englobe les programmes d’éducation, de santé et de transferts conditionneés de revenus. Ces domaines ont été selectionnés parce qu’ils ont des héritages distincts entre eux, mais similaires dans les trois pays. La méthodologie utilisée est l’analyse comparative «cross-case « et «within-case». Les résultats montrent que les gauches de l’Uruguay et d l’Argentine sont differéntes des administrations précédentes. Au Chili, toutefois, il ne diffère pas des gouvernements précédents dans la même mésure que ses voisins dans les domaines de la santé et de l’éducation, bien qu’il institutionnalise également le transfert de revenus comme une façon de faire face à la pauvreté. C’est à dire, les gouvernements de gauche, en général, présentent des efforts différents de leurs prédécesseurs, mais diffèrent par leurs degrés, reflétant le profil de chaque pays de gauche dans ses parlements respectifs et de chaque acteur impliqué.Mots-clés: Politiques sociales. Amérique Latine. Gouvernements de Gauche. Santé. Éducation. Transfert de revenu

    The path of Brazilian social assistance policy post-1988: the significance of institutions and ideas

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    This paper analyzes the construction of the social assistance policy at the federal level in Brazil over the last two decades. It focuses on the Federal Constitution of 1988 and subsequent infra-constitutional legislation, especially that enacted during the Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Lula) administrations, which showed very different conceptions of social policy. For both administrations, we analyze the consequences of the institutional changes and legal framework introduced as well as the social policy ideas that informed them. It is argued that the construction of social assistance in Brazil demanded much more than the constitutional provisions enacted in 1988. It included the entire set of subsequent constitutional legislation, a process in which the ruling party played a critical role. Categories of neo-institutionalism and the method of process tracing, plus in-depth interviews with relevant actors, were employed. Our findings point to the impact of the interaction between institutional structures, like constitutions and policy legacies, and the political projects of governing parties. Constitutional provisions, even if not bound to a policy, can prevent setbacks and anchor the action of pressure groups. They can also allow progressive administration to change the status quo