970 research outputs found

    Land Transportation Effects on Manufacture and Regional Economy of Sumatra of Indonesia

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    The study aimed to determine the effect simultaneously between land transportation and manufacturing industry on economic improvement An explanation research was conducted to obtain the causal relationship between land transportation and manufacture. The data used in this study were off secondary sources and time series data forms from 2006-2015 data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Labuhan Batu Regency. Regression analysis was applied the mathematical relationship between the output variable or dependent (Y) with one or several input / independent variables (X). The mathematical relationship is used as a regression model that is used to predict or predict the output value (Y) based on a particular input value (X). The results of this study indicated that simultaneously the land transportation variable and manufacturing industry have a positive and significant effect on the economic improvement variable. The results obtained a tcount value of 3.599. Thus tcount is greater than t table (3.241> 1.894); then H0 is rejected HA is accepted, meaning that partially there is a positive and significant influence between land transportation and economic improvement. The results obtained a tcount of 0.112. Thus tcount is greater than t table (0.112 <1.894) then H0 is accepted HA is rejected, meaning that partially there is no positive and significant influence between the manufacturing industry on economic improvement

    Herbal Medicine Perception and Practice Among Childbearing Mother with Medical Education Background in Bandung: a Preliminary Study

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    Herbal medicine has been widely used among Indonesians as an alternative medicine to chemical based drugs. However, there is still a doubt about its effectiveness and efficiency. Many studies report that natural side of herbal medicine has healthier effect than additive or chemistry ingredient of chemical based drugs. Nowadays, there is a shifting in nurturing children among childbearing mother, including mother with medical education background, living in more nature. The aim of this study is to explore their perception and practice towards herbal medicine. Open-ended questionnaires were online distributed among 30 childbearing mothers with medical education background and analyzed using descriptive method. The result shows that 73% of respondents use herbal medicine such as honey (33.3%), onion (13.3%), lime (13.3%), etc. The less side-effect is a strongest point of their USAges (45%), followed by mild illness treatment (36%), and natural ingredient (18%). Those respondents admitted the symptoms were reduced after using herbal medicine, but 81.6% of them would use chemical drugs when the symptoms persisted. Twenty seven percent of the respondents never used herbal medicine because of complicated preparation and unclear effect. However, the entire respondents said chemical drugs have a clear effect, and its effectiveness and efficiency even better than herbal medicine. Hence, it can be concluded that most respondents even though have medical knowledge would use herbal medicine on first medication for their children rather than chemical based drug


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    This thesis has the title”The value of the characteristics of Pancasila students in Islamic religious music in Indonesia at 2000-2020. Arranged by AIksan B Z (18040284043), student majoring in history education,faculty of social sciences and law, Surabaya state university. The purpose of writing this article is to explain the value of the characteristics of Pancasila students in Islamic religious music in Indonesia from 2000 to 2020. The type of research used in this thesis is the of library research with qualitative approach. The types of data used in writing this thesis are music text, MP3, are cassette, are video, papers, are article,newspaper, and other things related to the writing of this thesis. The chapters in this thesis are divided into five parts namely chapter 1 which contains the introductions,chapter 2 which contains theoretical studies, chapter 3 which contains research methods, chapter 4 which contains analysis and research results, and chapter 5 which contains the cover.Keywords : Value, Student, Pancasila, Music, Islam, Indonesi

    Sistem Komoditi Protein Hewani

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    Gambaran umum di Indonesia dengan taraf pendapatan yang masih rendah menunjukkan permasalahan pangsa yang berorientasi kuat pada komoditi-komoditi makanan pokok. Dewasa ini kelompok bahan makanan yang termasuk padi-padian (beras, jagung dan gandum) menyumbangkan lebih dari duapertiga dari jumlah kalori dan protein dan protein yang dikonsumsi secara nasional. Sedangkan konsumsi protein yang secara rata-rata sebesar 44.5 gram per kapita per hari, hanya 10 persen yang berasal dari hewani (daging, telur, susu dan ikan). Studi Sistem Komoditi Protein Hewani ini bertujuan untuk pendiskripsian sistem yang bersifat holistik yang meliputi identifikasi fungsi tujuan dan peubah-peubah sistem dari sistem komoditi protein hewani dengan komponen-komponen utama produksi, distribusi dan konsumsi. Dari hasil studi diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa, permintaan akan komoditi protein hewani mempunyai korelasi dengan pertambahan penduduk dan pendapatan. Protein hewani yang berasal dari ternak mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda-beda dimana seperti daging sapi mempunyai kecenderungan kuat merupakan komoditi yang mewah sedang daging ayam dan telur cenderung dikonsumsi secara meluas. Produksi ternak unggas telah mengalami Perubahan yang cukup nyata dengan mengaplikasikan teknologi modern seperti bibit unggul, formula ransum yang ilmiah dan teknik pencegahan dan pengobatan yang modern

    Pengaruh Penggantian Rumput Gajah (Pennisetum Purpureum) Dengan Rumput Kumpai (Hymenachne Amplixicaulis ) Terhadap Kecernaan Bahan Kering & Bahan Organik Dan Konsumsi Air Minum Domba Lokal Jantan

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    The experiment was conducted to know the effect of elephan grass substitution with kumpai grass according to dry matter, organic matter digestibility and water consumption of local young male lamb. Three local young male lamb post weaning with body weight 5 kg, 6,5 kg and 7,5 kg respectively were arrange to latin square design experiment. The treatments were R0 94 % elephan grass, R1 94 % fresh kumpai grass and R2 94 % kumpai grass hay and 6 % of rice bran was also added to each treatment. The result showed that the substitution of elephan grass with fresh kumpai grass did not affect thedigestibility of dry matter or organic matter. Meanwhile the water consumption was significantly higher for third treatment compared to the other treatments. From the result we can conclude that the quality of fresh kumpai grass and elephan grass was approximately equal according to dray matter and organic matter digestibility, but water consumption was affected by the water persentage in ration

    Krisis Ekonomi: Penyebab Implikasi dan Prospeknya di Masa Depan

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    The financial crisis occurred in many of Asian countries was a shocking phenomena. These countries which known had a miracle economic performance were likely ^gille atached by financial crisis tremendously. This paper focus on the cause, implication and prospect of the crisis to Indonesia economic. Despite the crisis caused by a combination of multi-factors, both of external and internal, it has been an evidence of inconsistency between foreign exchange and fiscal- monetary policy. The crisis has been a real test of their economic fundamental. Apparently, this crisis will has caused serious problem to their economic, both in short term and long term. Hence, the exfefence of a comprehensive, essential and consistent policy is needed urgently. Today is right momentum to improve Indonesian economic seriously
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