20 research outputs found

    Repeat Guests\u27 Perception About New Facilities and Increased Price at Padma Hotel Bandung

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    In 2009 after one and a half year closed for reconstruction, Malya Hotel Bandung renewed,reopened, rebranded with new name Padma Hotel Bandung. The changes are not only aboutthe name but also the logo, the concept, the grade, and the facilities inside and outside room.This results in higher price to customers. At the opening, Padma Hotel Bandung has focusedtheir marketing promotion on Malya repeat guest . The management concerns about theguests\u27 perception about the additional price because they will be the main visitors to thehotel. Survey was conducted and the findings reveal that the guests\u27 perception about theoverall inside and outside room is really good. They agreed that Padma Hotel Bandung hasprovided better facilities compared to Malya Hotel. Some facilities have been identified toinfluence customers\u27 perception about the overall perception about new facilities. Related tothe increased price, the answer quite varies. The repeat guests stated their doubt about thefairness of the price. Even though, they wanted to come back due to emotional benefitscustomers can get from the new Padma Hotel

    Marketing Strategy for Bandrek Hanjuang : Market Development in Central Bogor Region

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    Bandrek is the traditional drink of the original Bumi Parahyangan or Sunda. This drink is made from natural ingredients and has benefits such as warming and nourishing the body. Bandrek Hanjuang is one of the pioneers in producing bandrek instant powder. The number of new players both large and small companies has been contributing in hampering Bandrek Hanjuang sales growth. There many of competitors that use ginger as the beverage core ingredients. These companies are considered as direct competitors to Bandrek Hanjuang. Since 2011 not achieved the target of sales and competition is getting tighter in Bandung. Therefore, Bandrek Hanjuang has decided to expand its market to outside Bandung and Cimahi by entering Sukabumi on January 2012 and Bogor on July 2012. Bandrek Hanjuang requires appropriate marketing strategies for market development in Bogor. The range of marketing budget is limited between IDR 50-75 million. The purpose of this research is to provide suitable marketing strategies within the given budget. Bogor Tengah was chosen as the sampling area due to higher population density since this area is supported with facilities such as residential, offices, schools, and tourism spots. In this research, a market development model is developed as the synthesis of literature and case study. This model is utilized to analyze market characteristic and to determine the appropriate marketing strategy based on the market characteristic. Applying this model in Bandrek Hanjuang case, complemented with company external and internal analysis, the research shows that Bogor market characteristics are heterogeneous and the appropriate marketing strategy is guerrilla attacks. The proposed business solution implementation includes human resource plan, schedule planning, and financial budget to run a guerrilla marketing. The marketing strategy would be carried out at the beginning of July to December 2012; first to test the market and then slowly would penetrate the market. The required resources to do guerrilla marketing is 9 people with estimated budget of IDR 70.5 million. This budget is still in accordance with the request of the company

    A Study of Consumer Behavior in Adoption of Technology-Based Product

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    This paper aims at describing factors that influence consumer intention to use new technology and how these factors interact with each other. The Academic Information System of the School of Business and Management ITB was selected as the unit of analysis and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model was used to identify the degree of acceptance of different groups of users to the systems and the factors that influence their intention to use it. This study involves different user groups (students and lecturers). To provide further understanding of consumer behavior in technology adoption, Structural Equation Modeling will be used to test simultaneous effect of the factors in the model

    The Potential of Facebook Utilization in Women's Undergarments Luxury Fashion Brand

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    . The dynamic of global economy drives luxury fashion businesses to change. The primary channel of retailing for luxury fashion brand undergarment is offline stores because Luxury brands are expected to evoke uniqueness and exclusivity through high quality, premium pricing, and controlled distribution. With the exponential growth of various social media, however, luxury brands face challenges in how to maintain brand integrity while keep up with the social media trend. Facebook pages have emerged as a commonly used marketing communication tools and marketing channel, because visiting luxury fashion brand Facebook may stimulate consumers' interest in using Facebook for shopping. The purpose of this paper is to examine how women's undergarments luxury fashion brand using Facebook as a marketing tool and how consumers are interacting with the brand by measuring the number of fans, comments, and accuracy of information provided. This paper is based upon a content analysis, inquiring into 30 women's undergarment luxury fashion brand Facebook pages. Data analysis revealed many undergarment luxury fashion brands appear to have in promoting their products and engaging customers through Facebook. One major problem was the absence of an updated Facebook page. The findings of this study can enable luxury brands to forecast the future purchasing behavior of their customers and provide a guide to managing their marketing activities as well

    Consumer Perceived Value Analysis of New & Incumbent Brands of Gudang Garam & Sampoerna

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    Gudang Garam and Sampoerna are the biggest cigarette companies in Indonesia. Both ofthem haveboth incumbent and new brands. Gudang Garam has Surya 16 as its incumbentbrand and just released Surya Slim as its new brand, while Sampoerna has A Mild as itsincumbent brand and introduced Avolution as its new brand. The companies pursued differentapproaches in introducing the new brands.Print ads are the main source of information abouttheir strategy. It conveys messages about value to be offfered to the market. Analysis of visualand text or copy elements of the ads are analyzed and mapped into the Consumer PerceivedValue (CPV) framework from Sweeney & Soutar. The framework is divided into fourdimensions: emotional, social, quality and value for money. Qualitative analysis shows howthe two companies introduced their new brands and its relation to the incumbent brands

    The Influence of Parent Brands Commitment on Consumers Atitude Toward Co Branding Between Those Brands

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    This paper examines the influence of parent brands' commitment on consumers' attitude toward cobranding. Co-branding refers to the combination of two brand names to launch a single and unique product for a short to long term cooperation. Two experiments were conducted to test the hypotheses. The 82 subjects were exposed to two sessions of experiment; evaluations on each brand with no cobranding, evaluations on co-branding. Consumers' attitude was derived through obtaining consumers' perception on brand personality and favorability. The findings showed that parent brands with high commitment received more positive attitude compared to parent brands with low commitment

    Marketing Effektiveness in Islamic Financial Cooperative: a Case Study

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    Cooperative is a model of kinship economic form in Indonesia which supported by national constitution. As a 'Muslim majority country', value of Islamic religion brought to every segment of life, including cooperative as an economic form based on kinship. Islamic Financial cooperative was a role model of religious based of alternative kinship economic form, and their existence supported by government and cause of high growth in amount. This study tries to find role model of Islamic financial cooperative of marketing effectiveness through study case. The Subject of this study was an Islamic financial cooperative (BMT) in Bandung city, Indonesia. This study was meant to be explanatory, using case study approach in one of the Islamic Financial cooperative, well known as Baytul Maal wat tamwil (BMT), used to explain factors that creating marketing effectiveness and marketing metrics that can be implemented in this form of economic. The factors was based on Kotler (1977) and Carson (1990) marketing effectiveness theory, as for marketing metrics proposed to be used as a measurement; based on Hooley & Lynch (1984), Ambler (2004). Marketing effectiveness in this study viewed as ability of organization to attain their objectives, how was the process of marketing effectiveness achieved in Islamic financial cooperative. The factors of marketing effectiveness used was proposed by Carson, which are : limitations of marketing expenditure, marketing expertise, and marketing impact; Marketing planning vs. operation, levels of generalization, marketing planning adapted to small firm, stages of marketing, level of activity. This study academically open up conditions of marketing effectiveness in Islamic financial cooperative that rarely explore