12 research outputs found


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    Abstrack Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding only for infants aged 0-6 months without providing additional food or other liquids such as formula milk, oranges, honey and tea water. In addition, additional food is also not recommended either in solid or liquid form. This study was to determine the effect of giving green bean juice (Vigna Radiate) to the increase in breast milk production in postpartum mothers at the Yeni Clinic, Tinggi Raja District, Asahan Regency in 2022. This type of research is quantitative with the design used in this study is a quasi-experimental design (Quasy Experiment) using pre and post test One Group design. Analysis of the data used is the Paired T-test. What was carried out on 10 postpartum mothers who experienced problems in exclusive breastfeeding at the Yeni Clinic, which was held in June 2022. It can be seen that those who have a score of breast milk production before being given Green Bean Extract who have a score of less than 9 people (90%), a sufficient score of 1 person (10%), and breast milk production after being given Green Bean Extract which has a production score 2 people (20%), enough breast milk production scores 8 people (80%). Based on the results of the study, the p-value is 0.000 <0.005, so it can be assumed that there is an effect of giving Green Bean Juice (vigna radiation) to the increase in breast milk production in postpartum mothers at the Yeni Clinic, Tinggi Raja District, Asahan Regency in 2022

    Pengaruh Aromaterapi Lemon Dan Aromaterapi Lavender Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Dismenore Primer Pada Remaja Putri

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    Masa remaja merupakan masa peralihan dari masa kanak-kanak ke masa dewasa, umumnya antara usia 10-19 tahun. Masa remaja diawali dengan masa pubertas, salah satunya pada remaja putri yaitu Menstruasi. Menstruasi adalah pendarahan di dalam rahim yang mengalir keluar melalui vagina yang akan merasakan fase dismenore. Dismenore adalah nyeri saat menstruasi, biasanya kram, berpusat di perut bagian bawah. Keluhan nyeri haid berkisar dari ringan hingga berat. Penelitian tentang pengaruh aromaterapi lemon dan lavender terhadap penurunan nyeri dismenore primer pada remaja di SMA IT Khairul Imam. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain Quasi Eksperimen dengan Two Group Pre and Post Test Design. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar Observasi. Nyeri dismenore dilakukan dengan menggunakan Aromaterapi Lemon dan Lavender selama 3 hari berturut-turut selama 15 menit per hari. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja sebanyak 10 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji T. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya penurunan tingkat nyeri dismenore primer pada kelompok eksperimen Aromaterapi Lemon (P=0,0030,05,=0,05) dan Aromaterapi Lavender (P=0,010) dengan hasil penurunan pada kelompok eksperimen lebih dari penting. Oleh karena itu pemberian aromaterapi lemon dan lavender terbukti dapat menurunkan tingkat dismenorea prime

    Pengaruh Edukasi Booklet Hiv Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Remaja Di SMA TPI Basilam Kecamatan Wampu Kabupaten Langkat Tahun 2022

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    HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus, which is a virus that attacks the human immune system. People who are HIV positive or have HIV The World Health Organization (WHO) states that HIV/AIDS is still a global health problem and is recorded as the cause of death for 32 million people in the world. HIV/AIDS is one of the most devastating and very serious multinational problems. Education is a learning process that is carried out both formally and non-formally which aims to educate, provide knowledge and develop the potential that exists in every human being, then realize the learning process better. to a particular stimulus or object. Which already involves the relevant emotional opinion factor (happy-not happy, unhappy, agree-disagree, good-bad, etc.) Adolescents start from the developmental phase of rapid growth and development, accompanied by sexual maturation and social pressure, Quasi Experiment design. With the method of one group pre-post test design. The test used in this study is the Wilcoxon test with the result of sig 0.000 which shows that the results have an effect on the increase in knowledge and attitudes of adolescents at Tpi Basilam High School, Wampu District, District   Keywords: HIV, Education, Attitud


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    Guava (Psidium guajava L) is a fruit that can be used as a functional food ingredient because it has a function for health. The functional properties of guava are caused by the presence of high enough vitamin C. The research objective was to determine the effectiveness of giving guava to increase Hb level in pregnant women. The design of this study is on experimental study with one group pre-test post test design apporoach   with populastion 15 pregnant women whe have anemia and sampel get to total sampling. Variabel Independent is of red guava and variabel dependent is increase pregnant women Hb level, the research t-test. The result showed that mother’s Hb level before consume of red guava Mean Mean 1,40 gr/dl, Maximum 2 gr/dl, Minimum 1gr/dl dan Std. Deviation 0,507 gr/dl. Mother’s Hb consent after consuming of guava of read is Mean 1,20 gr/dl, Maximum 2 gr/dl, Minimum 1 gr/dl  dan Std Deviation 0,414 gr/dl with  p = 0,005


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    Keluarga Berencana (Family Planning) dapat memungkinkan pasangan usia subur (PUS) untuk mengantisipasi kelahiran, mengatur jumlah anak yang diinginkan, dan mengatur jarak serta waktu kelahiran (WHO, 2016). Tujuan dilaksanakan program KB yaitu membentuk keluarga kecil sesuai dengan sosial ekonomi keluarga dengan cara mengatur kelahiran anak untuk mewujudkan keluarga bahagia, sejahtera yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Sasaran dari program keluarga berencana adalah Pasangan Umur Subur (PUS) sebagai sasaran utama, dan untuk sasaran antara adalah tenaga kesehatan (Rahayu dan Prijatni, 2016). Angka Pencapaian Keluarga Berencana pada pasangan usia subur di Dusun IV Cinta Adil hanya mencapai 45,4 % atau hanya sekitar 50 pasangan usia subur yang menggunakan KB dari 110 pasangan usia subur. Angka ini tentu masih jauh dari target SDKI pada tahun 2017 yaitu sebesar 85% pasangan usia subur yang menggunakan KB. Dan salah satu penyebabnya adalah kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang KB, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan edukasi untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang KB dan diharapkan penggunaan KB pada pasangan usia subur dapat meningkat


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    Pregnancy exercise is a way that supports ease of delivery. Pregnancy exercise aims to prepare and train the muscles so that they can function optimally in normal delivery. Pregnancy exercise is intended for pregnant women without abnormalities or without diseases accompanied by pregnancy, namely heart disease, kidney disease, pregnancy complications (pregnancy with bleeding, pregnancy with position abnormalities), and pregnancy accompanied by anemia. This community service aims to provide pregnancy exercise education related to the length of labor in the second stage of labor in primiparous mothers. This community service partner is a primiparous mother with a gestational age of 32 weeks totaling 33 pregnant women. The first activity carried out was by inviting pregnant women to attend pregnancy exercise and distributing leaflets about pregnancy exercise education related to the length of the second stage of labor. Before pregnancy exercise is carried out, pregnant women first take a pre-test. After that carried out pregnancy exercise for 30 minutes. At the end of the session, pregnant women were asked to fill out a post-test and provide an evaluation related to the activities that have been carried out. Furthermore, pregnant women will be observed until delivery arrives by evaluating how often pregnant women do pregnancy exercises. Pregnant women who do pregnancy exercise once a week have a delivery time of < 2 hours as much as 48,5%


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    Exclusive breastfeeding refers to the practice of providing breast milk solely to infants aged 0-6 months without introducing any additional solid foods or liquids such as formula, fruit juice, honey, or tea. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of administering green bean juice (Vigna Radiate) on enhancing postpartum breast milk production among mothers receiving care at the Yeni Clinic in the Tinggi Raja District, Asahan Regency, in the year 2022. This research follows a quantitative approach and employs a quasi-experimental design known as the "slum experiment," involving both pre-test and One Group post-test designs. Data analysis involved the application of a paired t-test on a sample of 10 postpartum mothers facing challenges in providing exclusive breastfeeding, and the study was conducted in June 2022. The findings of the study indicated that prior to the introduction of green bean extract, the majority of mothers (90%) experienced low breast milk production, with only one mother (10%) achieving sufficient breast milk production. Following the reintroduction of green bean extract, two mothers (20%) observed an increase in breast milk production, while eight other mothers (80%) achieved adequate breast milk production. Data analysis results revealed a p-value of 0.000, which is less than 0.005, indicating a significant influence of administering green bean juice (Vigna Radiate) on breast milk production among postpartum mothers at the Yeni Clinic, Tinggi Raja District, Asahan Regency, in 2022


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    Mother Breastmilk is the most beautiful gift from mother to baby which contains essential substances that have the best nutrition and high energy that is easily digested and available at any time and is not found in any food or drink, both in the most expensive and best formula milk. . Lembayung leaf or long bean leaf is one type of vegetable that can be consumed in a young state, the whole fruit and its seeds and leaves are useful for vegetables, treatment and healing of several types of diseases and can increase breast milk production. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving lavender leaves on increasing breast milk production for breastfeeding mothers by assessing the baby's development as seen from tub duration, tub characteristics, chapter duration, tub color, sleep pattern, and baby's body weight, before and after the procedure. administration of lavender leaves as much as 200 grams / day for one week. The method in this study is a quasi-experimental research design with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design or Group Pretest-Posttest, and the sampling technique in this study is the Accidental Sampling technique, which is a sampling technique based on chance. The total population in this study was 26 people and the number of samples in this study was 19 people. The results in this study indicate that there is an increase in breast milk production after the administration of processed lavender leaves which can be seen from 6 characteristics including: tub duration, tub characteristics, chapter duration, tub color, sleep pattern, and baby weight differences before treatment on breastfeeding mothers and after treatment with p value = 0.000 < from a value (0.05). It is hoped that all breastfeeding mothers can increase their knowledge and insight in increasing breast milk production

    Development of an electronic measuring device for body weight and nutritional status for children under two years old

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    Background: Measurement of body weight and nutritional status in children under two years are still used manuals. Besides that, there is no tool to measure nutritional status, so it is necessary to develop a tool to make it easier.Purpose: The study aims to develop and test a measuring device for weight and nutritional status in children under two years.Methods: This study is Research and Development (R&D). It consisted of 5 stages, stage I (literature study), stage II (product development), stage III (expert validity and phase I trials), stage IV (product revision and final product), and stage V (phase II trials).Result: The electronic measuring device for weight and nutritional status has been created. The result is that the tool effectively determines the weight and nutritional status. The average value of tool testing is below 5%, which means the calibration value of the tool's sensitivity is valid in determining body weight. In addition, it can also determine nutritional status with a p=0,65, which means that there is no difference between measuring nutritional status using the tool and manually.Conclusion: The electronic measuring device effectively determines the weight and nutritional status


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    Latar Belakang : Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan baduta dapat diketahui dari pengukuran berat badan, panjang badan, lingkar kepala dan juga status gizinya. Pengukuran ini masih dilakukan secara manual dan terpisah sehingga membutuhkan inovasi baru dengan membuat alat rancangan khusus timbangan baduta dengan memanfaatkan sensor load cell dan sensor jarak sharp GP2Y0A21YKOF yang diberi nama Nabyle (Nay Baby Scale). Tujuan : Menghasilkan alat ukur Nabyle yang efektif dalam penentuan status gizi baduta.Metode Penelitian : Research and Development (R&D) dan uji skala kecil menggunakan desain Pre Experiment (One Shot Case Study). Variabel penelitian ini adalah status gizi baduta. Subjek penelitian adalah 1 kelompok eksperimen yang diuji sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan sebanyak 30 orang baduta. Data diuji dengan menggunakan Uji T berpasangan, wilcoxon dan kruskal wallis.Hasil : Alat ukur Nabyle valid digunakan sebagai media penimbangan berat badan, panjang badan dan lingkar kepala dengan nilai rata-rata pengujian alat dibawah 5% yang artinya nilai kalibrasi dari sensitifitas sensor yang digunakan pada alat tersebut valid digunakan. Selain itu dapat menentukan status gizi baduta dengan nilai (p-value 0,235) yang artinya tidak ada perbedaan hasil perhitungan status gizi secara manual dibanding menggunakan alat ukur Nabyle dan juga efisien secara waktu.Kesimpulan : Ditemukannya alat rancangan timbangan baduta yang diberi nama Nabyle yang memberikan hasil yang valid dan cepat dalam pengukuran status gizi baduta