5 research outputs found

    Tingkat Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Perilaku Remaja tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi di SMK Negeri 8 Medan

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    Background: Reproductive health is one of the most important things for human life, which includes a complete physical, mental, social welfare condition in all matters relating to the function and role of the reproductive system. Reproductive health education should be given since adolescence, because adolescence is a phase towards more mature reproduction. Adolescent problems related to reproductive health, often stem from a lack of information, understanding and awareness to achieve reproductive health. Objectives: This study aims to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of adolescents about reproductive health at SMK Negeri 8 Medan. Methods: This study was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. The research data is primary data, namely by filling out a questionnaire. The sample of this research is 96 people. The sample technique is stratified random sampling. Data were analyzed using the SPSS computer program using descriptive statistical tests and displaying the results in distribution and frequency tables. Results: Knowledge level of adolescents in SMK Negeri 8 Medan is good (59.4%), attitude level is good (80.2%) and behavior level is good (99%). Conclusion: The level of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of adolescents about health reproduction at SMK Negeri 8 is classified as good. Keywords: adolescent, attitude, behavior, knowledge, reproductive health     Latar Belakang: Kesehatan reproduksi merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan manusia yaitu mencakup keadaan sejahtera baik fisik, mental, sosial yang utuh dalam segala hal yang berkaitan dengan fungsi, peran dari sistem reproduksi. Pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi sebaiknya diberikan sejak remaja, karena remaja merupakan fase menuju reproduksi yang lebih matang. Permasalahan remaja yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan reproduksi, sering kali berakar dari kurangnya informasi, pemahaman dan kesadaran untuk mencapai keadaan sehat secara reproduksi. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku remaja tentang kesehatan reproduksi di SMK Negeri 8 Medan. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah studi deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional. Data penelitian adalah data primer yaitu dengan pengisian kuesioner. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 96 orang. Teknik sampel adalah stratified random sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan program komputer SPSS menggunakan uji statistik deskriptif dan menampilkan hasil dalam tabel distribusi dan frekuensi. Hasil: Tingkat pengetahuan remaja SMK Negeri 8 Medan tergolong baik (59,4%), tingkat sikap tergolong baik (80,2%), dan tingkat perilaku tergolong baik (99%). Kesimpulan: Tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku remaja tentang kesehatan reproduksi di SMK Negeri 8 tergolong baik. Kata kunci: kesehatan reproduksi, pengetahuan, perilaku, remaja, sika

    Changes in thyroid function in prostate cancer patients receiving docetaxel chemotherapy at Haji Adam Malik Hospital, Indonesia

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    Background: Prostate cancer treatment is determined based on several factors, namely tumor grading, staging, co-morbidity, patient preferences, life expectancy at diagnosis. Today, taxanes are commonly prescribed to treat several types of cancer and have been shown to have antitumor effects in many cancers. This research has never been done in prostate cancer patients but similar studies have been done before in breast cancer patients. Materials and methods: The research design was observational analytic where this type of research was a prospective cohort where data was collected to record prostate cancer patients who received docetaxel chemotherapy which were then examined for thyroid function in cancer patients at the Adam Malik Hospital. Result: In this study, data were collected regarding the thyroid function of the study sample in the form of fT4 and TSH levels before chemotherapy with the docetaxel regimen. The mean of fT4 in all research subjects was 1.05 with a standard deviation of 0.26. The mean TSH in all study subjects was 1.52 with a standard deviation of 1.21. Thyroid function was examined after 3 cycles of docetaxel chemotherapy. The mean of fT4 in all research subjects was 0.91 with a standard deviation of 0.23. The mean TSH in all study subjects was 1.69 with a standard deviation of 1.09. Conclusion: There are traces of the use of docetaxel chemotherapy in prostate cancer patients on decreased thyroid function at the Adam Malik Hospital in the form of decreased fT4 levels and increased TSH

    Mesenchymal stem cells under hypoxia condition inhibit peritoneal adhesion by suppressing the prolonged release of interleukin-6

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    Aim To investigate the role of hypoxia-preconditioned mesenchymal stem cells (H-MSCs) in preventing peritoneal adhesion by regulating IL-6 at days 6 and 12. Methods Twenty-four PAs rat model weighing 250 g to 300 g were randomly allocated into 4 groups: sham (Sh), control (C), H-MSCs treatment group at dose 1.5 x 106 (T1) and 3 x 106 (T2). To induce H-MSCs, all MSCs population were incubated under hypoxia state (5% O2 ), 5% CO2 , and 37o C for 24 hours. Expression level of IL-6 was performed using ELISA. Morphological appearance of adhesion was observed by visualizing the existence of adhesion formation in intestinal. Results In this study we found that there was a trend of decrease of IL-6 level on day 6 following MSCs treatments. Interestingly, there was a significant decrease of IL-6 level on day 12 in all treatment groups. Also, no adhesion occurred in T2 group. Conclusions H-MSCs prevent PA development by suppressing the prolonged release of IL-6 at proliferation phase


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    ABSTRACT Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a woman’s age during pregnancy on the incidence of hypospadias in children. Material & Methods: This research is an analytic study with a case control design. The sampling technique is a non-probabilistic technique with consecutive sampling. This study was analyzed by univariate and bivariate. Results: From 62 samples, the number of hypospadias cases was 28 people (90.3%) with woman's age at pregnancy <35 years and 3 people (9.7%) with woman's age at pregnancy ≥ 35 years. While the number of controls was 29 people (93.5%) with woman's age at pregnancy <35 years and 2 people (6.5%) with woman's age at pregnancy ≥ 35 years. Conclusion: There is no significant relationship found in this research between a woman's age at pregnancy and the incidence of hypospadias in children. Keywords: Age, hypospadias, pregnancy