4 research outputs found

    Klasifikasi Kerentanan Beras Dari Plasma Nutfah Padi Lokal Aceh Terhadap Hama Sitophilus Oryzae (L.)

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    Plasma nutfah padi lokal memiliki sifat keunggulan yang spesifik seperti aroma wangi, pulen, dan tahan terhadap hama. Penelitian tentang ketahanan beras terhadap Sitophilus oryzae dapat dilakukan dengan pengujian kerentanan beras dari berbagai aksesi padi lokal. Beras lokal Aceh belum teridentifikasi memiliki sifat fisik dan kimia sebagai sumber ketahanan terhadap infestasi S. oryzae. Penelitian bertujuan menentukan klasifikasi kerentanan beras dari plasma nutfah padi lokal Aceh terhadap hama S. oryzae selama penyimpanan. Beras lokal Aceh antara lain Sigudang, Segaru, Lilin, Malaya, Aweuh, Cantik Lembayan, Beras Merah, Siwe, Surya, Sitinggong, Sirangkoh, dan Sigupai. Evaluasi kerentanan beras menggunakan metode tanpa pilihan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beras lokal Aceh memiliki tingkat kerentanan terhadap S. oryzae yang berbeda-beda. Beras Malaya tergolong moderat, sedangkan beras Sigudang, Segaru, Lilin, Cantik Lembayan, Sirangkoh Mirah, dan Awueh tergolong moderat sampai rentan.  Beras Merah, Siwe, Surya, Sigupai, dan Sitinggong tergolong dalam katagori rentan terhadap serangan hama S. oryzae selama penyimpanan beras.  Kerentanan beras lokal Aceh dipengaruhi kandungan kimia beras seperti kadar air, lemak, protein, dan serat

    Karakteristik Dimensi Beras Lokal Propinsi Sumatera Utara Dan Kajian Kerentanannya Terhadap Sitophilus Oryzae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    The rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a major pest and causes damage to rice in storage. This study aimed to study the dimensional characters and determine the susceptibility of rice from germplasm paddy local in Dairi Regency, North Sumatra Province, against S. oryzae during storage. The types of local rice are Sibatubara, Siramos, Sijarum, Siangkat, Si100 hari, Sibosur, Sirukun, Sicantik, and Sigabe. Evaluation susceptibility of rice used the method without choice. The results showed that local rice in Dairi Regency, North Sumatra Province, was grouped into rice long–very long and medium-sized and had different levels of susceptibility against S. oryzae. Rice of Sibatubara, Sijarum, Siramos, and Sicantik was classified as susceptible, while rice Sijarum, Si100 hari, Sirukun, and Siangkat classified as moderate-susceptible. Rice Sigabe were classified moderate against S. oryzae during storage. The susceptibility of rice was influenced by the large number of F1 and short median development time. The damage of higher causes rice classified as susceptible and moderate-susceptible. Dimensions of rice are a source susceptibility rice against S. oryzae

    The Relationship between Entrepreneurship Orientation, 4As, and SERVMO to Hotel Performance

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