6 research outputs found


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    Smart card merupakan kartu cerdas yang didalamnya terdapat mikroprosesor dan memori elektronik untuk menyimpan informasi. Smart card memerlukan reader untuk membaca informasi. Salah satu type dari smart card adalah contact less dimana kartu ini menggunakan teknologi Near Field Communication (NFC). Teknologi Near Field Communication (NFC) adalah teknologi komunikasi nirkabel yang menggunakan induksi magnet berbasis teknologi Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) dalam jarak beberapa centimeter saja. Manfaat dari smart card memberikan kemudahan dalam mengakses informasi. Politeknik Penerbangan (Poltekbang) Medan merupakan salah satu institusi pendidikan vokasi bidang penerbangan yang saat ini sudah memiliki sistem informasi dalam pelayanannya kepada stakeholder. Sistem informasi yang ada antara lain : Sistem Pendaftaran Taruna Baru (Sipencatar), Sistem Informasi Akademik (SIAKAD), Sistem Informasi Keuagan (SIMKEU). Dengan pembaharuan teknologi diharapkan smart card mampu mengakomodir penyampaian informasi yang cepat serta memberikan layanan akses yang sangat aman.  Teknologi NFC yang berintegrasi dalam sebuah smart card dengan beberapa keunggulan antara lain tidak mudah rusak dan dapat dimanfaatkan pada perangkat mobile khususnya android yang memiliki harga murah. smart card diharapakan sebagai kartu yang akan menggantikan kartu identitas taruna, yang akan dijadikan sebagai kartu multifungsi untuk akses beberapa fasilitas yang ada di Politeknik Penerbangan Medan

    Socialization and education on designing an automatic chili plant watering system in Kota Pari Village

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    This service activity aims to provide outreach and education to the people of Kota Pari Village about the design of an automatic chili plant watering system. This system was designed with the aim of increasing agricultural efficiency and productivity, especially in chili cultivation. Through this activity, it is hoped that the public can understand and apply the concepts and working principles of automatic watering systems in agriculture. The activity began with outreach to the public about the benefits and working principles of automatic watering systems as well as the potential for increasing agricultural yields that can be achieved through the use of this technology. Next, practical education was carried out regarding the installation and use of an automatic watering system for chili plants. Participants will be given a step-by-step guide in installing and operating an automatic watering system. Apart from that, this activity also involves direct assistance and monitoring of the implementation of the automatic watering system in the community's chili plants. The service team will assist in overcoming obstacles that may arise and provide direction and suggestions in using the system. Through this outreach and education activity, it is hoped that the people of Kota Pari Village can utilize and adopt automatic watering system technology to increase their agricultural yields. With this system, it is hoped that the efficiency of water use and labor can increase, so that the productivity and quality of chili plants can be improved.


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    A Blind people with visual impairments, tools to carry out activities are needed. If they do not use assistive devices, blind people will experience difficulties when carrying out daily activities such as reaching obstacles that are near them. As for those who use tools that are still classified as manual, such as sticks made of stainless steel. However, the stick is considered less effective because the reach of the stick is not so wide and long, it is also less efficient when used in the midst of the activities of people nearby. On the basis of these problems this research was conducted to help blind people be aware of the obstacles around. In this paper discussed an  use of the HC-SR04 sensor functions as a detector for objects or holes in front that block the blind while walking. While the use of the buzzer on the blind aids is used as a sound output. The output sound produced is when the critical distance is less than 100 cm, the buzzer will sound and the blind must be aware that there is an object or hole in front. But it will be different if the distance is more than 100 cm then the road ahead is safe in the sense that the blind can continue walking

    Kombinasi Vigenère dan Beaufort Cipher Konsep Simulasi Three-pass Protocol pada Data Penerbangan

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    Computer security is very important in data exchange, especially flight data. The data sent is confidential data. This data should not be known by irresponsible people. Data theft is a risk that can occur which can result in large losses. This data must be encrypted so that it is safe when sending. Good delivery does not need to exchange keys so that the key is not given to the recipient who will decrypt the data. Security needs to be improved by using the Three-pass Protocol scheme where this scheme will maintain that there is no exchange of keys between the sender and the recipient of the data. Each party will carry out the encryption and decryption process using their respective keys. This key does not need to be given to other parties. The concept of the Three-pass protocol uses the Vigenère and Beaufort Cipher algorithms. The sender will carry out the encryption and decryption process using the Vigenère Cipher algorithm while the recipient will carry out the encryption and decryption process using the BeaufortCipher algorithm. The encrypted data will automatically maintain the authenticity of the data when the data is decrypted again. The combination of the two algorithms with multiple keys makes the encryption results more difficult to decrypt by unauthorized parties. The result of the combination of these two methods is that the encryption quality is better than the Beaufort or Vigenère methods alone. By utilizing the Three-pass Protocol scheme, flight data will be kept confidential.   Keywords—Beaufort; Vigenère; Three-pass; Protocol   Keamanan komputer sangat penting diterapkan dalam pertukaran data, terutama data penerbangan. Data-data yang dikirim adalah data yang bersifat rahasia. Data ini tidak boleh diketahui oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Pencurian data adalah resiko yang dapat terjadi sehingga dapat mengakibatkan kerugian besar. Data-data ini harus dienkripsi sehingga aman pada saat melakukanpengiriman. Pengiriman yang baik tidak perlu melakukan pertukaran kunci sehingga kunci tersebut tidak diberikan kepada penerima yang akan melakukan dekripsi data tersebut. Pengamanan perlu ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan skema Three-pass Protocol dimana skema ini akan mempertahankan agar tidak terjadi pertukaran kunci antara pengirim dan penerima data. Masing-masing pihak akan melakukan proses enkripsi dan dekripsi menggunakan kunci masing-masing. Kunci ini tidak perlu diberikan kepada pihaklain. Konsep Three-pass protocolmenggunakan algoritma Vigenère dan BeaufortCipher. Pengirim akan melakukan proses enkripsi dan dekripsi dengan menggunakan algoritma Vigenère Cipher sementara penerima akan melakukan proses enkripsi dan dekripsi menggunakan algoritma BeaufortCipher.Data yang terenkripsi secara otomatis akan menjaga keaslian data tersebut pada saat data tersebut kembali didekripsi. Kombinasi kedua algoritma dengan kunci ganda agar hasil enkripsi semakin sulit untuk didekripsi oleh pihak yang tidak berwenang. Hasil dari kombinasi kedua metode ini didapatkan kualitas enkripsi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan satu metode Beaufort atau Vigenère saja.Dengan memanfaatkanskema Three-pass Protocol dihasikan data penerbangan akan terjaga kerahasiaannya.   Kata Kunci—Beaufort; Vigenère; Tiga lintasan; Protoko