153 research outputs found

    Numerical methods using two different approximations of space-filling curves for black-box global optimization

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    In this paper, multi-dimensional global optimization problems are considered, where the objective function is supposed to be Lipschitz continuous, multiextremal, and without a known analytic expression. Two different approximations of Peano-Hilbert curve to reduce the problem to a univariate one satisfying the Hölder condition are dis- cussed. The first of them, piecewise-linear approximation, is broadly used in global optimization and not only whereas the second one, non- univalent approximation, is less known. Multi-dimensional geomet- ric algorithms employing these Peano curve approximations are intro- duced and their convergence conditions are established. Numerical experiments executed on 800 randomly generated test functions taken from the literature show a promising performance of algorithms em- ploying Peano curve approximations w.r.t. their direct competitors

    Executive function abnormalities in pathological gamblers

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    Background: Pathological gambling (PG) is an impulse control disorder characterized by persistent and maladaptive gambling behaviors with disruptive consequences for familial, occupational and social functions. The pathophysiology of PG is still unclear, but it is hypothesized that it might include environmental factors coupled with a genetic vulnerability and dysfunctions of different neurotransmitters and selected brain areas. Our study aimed to evaluate a group of patients suffering from PG by means of some neuropsychological tests in order to explore the brain areas related to the disorder. Methods: Twenty outpatients (15 men, 5 women), with a diagnosis of PG according to DSM-IV criteria, were included in the study and evaluated with a battery of neuropsychological tests: the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), the Wechsler Memory Scale revised (WMS-R) and the Verbal Associative Fluency Test (FAS). The results obtained in the patients were compared with normative values of matched healthy control subjects. Results: The PG patients showed alterations at the WCST only, in particular they had a great difficulty in finding alternative methods of problem-solving and showed a decrease, rather than an increase, in efficiency, as they progressed through the consecutive phases of the test. The mean scores of the other tests were within the normal range. Conclusion: Our findings showed that patients affected by PG, in spite of normal intellectual, linguistic and visual-spatial abilities, had abnormalities emerging from the WCST, in particular they could not learn from their mistakes and look for alternative solutions. Our results would seem to confirm an altered functioning of the prefrontal areas which might provoke a sort of cognitive "rigidity" that might predispose to the development of impulsive and/or compulsive behaviors, such as those typical of PG. © 2008 Marazziti et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Hepatic follicular lymphoma in an old patient with Crohn’s disease: a rare case and review of the literature

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    OBJECTIVE: Crohn’s Disease (CD) has been associated with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Follicular Lymphoma (FL) limited to the liver is extremely rare, accounting for 1% to 4.4% of all Primary Hepatic Lymphoma (PHL). CASE PRESENTATION: In 2018, an 85-years old male patient with post-operative recurrence of ileal CD referred rare episodes of fever and mild diffuse abdominal pain. Since cholecystectomy in 2001, clinical history was characterized by recurrent episodes of cholangitis and common bile duct stones. In 2018, ultrasonography and MRI showed a solid focal hepatic lesion (FHL)(4.5 cm x 2.5 cm) in the IV hepatic segment. The radiographic aspect of the lesion was unusual. Initially, focal nodular hyperplasia was suspected. Clinical history of cholangitis and radiological findings subsequently suggested a diagnosis of Hepatic Abscess (HA). A progressive enlargement of the FHL (7.3 cm x 5.8 cm) despite antibiotic treatments, led to perform a liver biopsy. Histological and immunophenotypi-cal analysis of the FHL (7.5 cm x 5.4 cm) enabled a final diagnosis of FL. The “in situ” hybridization for Epstein-Barr virus (EBER) was negative. No additional lesions related to FL were initially detected, thus suggesting a very rare case of PHL in an old patient with CD never treated with thiopurines. CONCLUSIONS: This case report highlights the need to consider a rare diagnosis of FL of the liver in patients showing a challenging focal hepatic lesion of unknown origin

    Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia with 20-30% Bone Marrow Blasts

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    The transition of patients with ≥20% <30% bone marrow (BM) blast from the FAB category of myelodysplasia to the family of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) according to the recent WHO classification has not resolved the argument as to whether the natural history and responsiveness to therapy of these diseases is comparable to that of AML with > 30% BM blast. These controversies are even more manifest when it comes to elderly patients in whom concern for intensive chemotherapy (IC) related toxicity is the critical determinant for the therapeutic choice. In fact, due to concerns of treatment-related morbidity and mortality associated with delivery of IC, approximately only 30% of all patients ≥65 years are considered eligible for this approach. Therefore, a great deal of attention has been dedicated to alternative agents such as hypomethylators (azacitidine and decitabine). Actually, these agents have shown efficacy with reduced toxicity when administered to elderly patients with 20–30% BM blasts and not eligible for IC. In the present review, we will discuss the clinical results achieved in the treatment of elderly patients with 20%–30% BM blasts AML using intensive chemotherapy (IC) or hypomethylating agents. Overall, our survey of the literature suggests that only controlled, randomized, clinical trials will answer the question as to whether hypomethylating agents has the potential to substitute for IC even in elderly patients with an optimal functional status

    Operative and middle-term results of cardiac surgery in nonagenarians: A bridge toward routine practice

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    Background: Age >90 years represents in many centers an absolute contraindication to cardiac surgery. Nonagenarians are a rapidly growing subset of the population posing an expanding clinical problem. To provide helpful information in regard to this complex decision, we analyzed the operative and 5-year results of coronary and valvular surgical procedures in these patients. Methods and Results: We retrospectively reviewed 127 patients aged ≥90 years who underwent cardiac surgery within our hospital group in the period 1998 to 2008. Kaplan-Meier and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed. A longer follow-up than most published studies and the largest series published thus far are presented. Mean age was 92 years (range, 90 to 103 years). Mean logistic EuroSCORE was 21.3±6.1. Sixty patients had valvular surgery (including 11 valve repairs), 49 patients had coronary artery bypass grafting, and 18 had valvular plus coronary artery bypass grafting surgery (55 left mammary artery grafts implanted). Forty-five patients (35.4%) were operated on nonelectively. Operative mortality was 13.4% (17 cases). Fifty-four patients (42.5%) had a complicated postoperative course. There were no statistically significant differences in the rate and type of complications between patient strata on the basis of type of surgery performed. Nonelective priority predicted a complicated postoperative course. Predictors of operative mortality were nonelective priority and previous myocardial infarction. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates at 5 years were comparable between patient groups on the basis of procedure performed. Conclusions: Although the rate of postoperative complications remains high, cardiac surgery in nonagenarians can achieve functional improvement at the price of considerable operative and follow-up mortality rates. Cardiac operations in these very elderly subjects are supported if appropriate selection is made and if the operation is performed earlier and electively. Our results should contribute to the development of guidelines for cardiac operations in nonagenarians. © 2010 American Heart Association. All rights reserved
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