297 research outputs found

    The Impact of Gas Station Towards the Workers and Residents Surrounding in Semarang

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    At recent days, the growth of vehicle is increasing rapidly due to the increase of human activities itself. People from any social classes are able to choose what kind to transportation they prefer especially in a big industrial city, and Semarang city is no exception. Located in the Central Java province this (305 km2) city is one of the big city in Indonesia with the population of approximately (1.5 million) people and every single one of those people spending the day on the street consuming the gasoline for their vehicles in the balance of the high volume of vehicle such as cars & motor cycle & truck & bus & taxi an such has increased frequently in Semarang city.The current research will be done in the city of Semarang where the number of gas station is overflowing due to the vehicles in the area. In order to determine the phenomenon of which hydrocarbon fumes from vehicle fuelling can contaminate the soil and groundwater and run off into the sewers as well as it's impact to the biological surrounding including human. Gas station workers who work near volatile organic compounds (VOCs) sources, such as gasoline vapor emissions, and motor vehicle exhausts, may be exposed to highly elevated VOCs levels. This study investigates air samples from gas service stations in Semarang to evaluate the health risks following inhalation exposure. The samples will be obtained at some of the gas station in Semarang area. The concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and hexane in the air from the workplaces were significantly higher than in a control group of office workers.The lifetime cancer and noncancer risks for the workers exposed to VOCs were also assessed. Benzene may the most important cause of both cancer and noncancer risk followed by 1,3 butadiene.An exploratory analysis using multivariate techniques will also be done to begin to understand how this phenomenon occurs and will be used to accurately assess just how much and how gas station affects it is environmental surrounding. These results will be part to the empirical evidence needed to evaluate the current status of ecological impact models. With improvements in impact models and better understanding of the ecological processes recommendation can be made for more precise prediction assessment and management of pollution as well as improved recovery of processes to facilitate easier restoration and recovery


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    In the title compound, C29H24N4O4S3, the two N-tosyl­benzimidazolyl unit are connected through a —S—CH2— fragment, the dihedral angle between the benzimidazole rings being 76.09 (5)°. The methyl­thio group is disordered with respect to exchange of the S and C atoms in a 0.547 (4):0.453 (4) ratio. In the crystal, C—H⋯O and C—H⋯π inter­actions connect adjacent mol­ecules into infinite layers parallel to the ab plane. The crystal packing is further stabilized by a π–π inter­action [centroid–centroid separation = 3.5187 (4) Å]


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    In the title compound, C24H22O4, the centroid of the central benzene ring lies on a special position of 2/m site symmetry, while the terminal aromatic rings are located on a mirror plane. The central and terminal benzene rings are perpendic­ular to each other. In the crystal, the mol­ecules are connected via C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds into a three-dimensional polymeric structure. The network is further consolidated by a C—H⋯π inter­action

    In vitro antimicrobial activity of fermented spices and Capsicum Frutescens against multi drug resistance clinical isolate and standard reference bacteria

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    Introduction: Food preservation is required to maintain for a long period of time. Traditional organic food preservative, “Datta” is spice mainly made up of Chili Peppers which frequently used in southern and western part of Ethiopia. Datta can be consumed almost with every kind of foods and it is believed as appetizer and antimicrobial agent against food borne pathogen. This study aimed to assess in vitro antimicrobial activity of fermented condiment and Capsicum frutescens against multi drug resistance clinical isolate and standard reference bacteria.Method: Datta samples collected from different level hotels and Capsicum frutescens (Chili peppers) were extractedin different solvents.Agar well diffusion assay was used to determine antimicrobial activity and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration was determined by tube dilution method. One way analysis of variant was used in comparison of the finding.Results: Extracted fermented condiment (Datta) sample and Chili Pepper showed antimicrobial activities against multidrug resistant clinical isolate and standard reference bacteria in well diffusion assay. Datta extract showed MIC ranged from 25 mg/L to 66.7 mg/L and MBC ranged from 25 mg/L to 100 mg/L. The Datta and Chili pepper extracts showed high antimicrobial activities against standard Staphylococcus aureus. The water based extract of Datta sample were exhibited significantly low antimicrobial activities (P=0.000) as compared to the other extraction solvents.Conclusion: Water was weak extractor of active compounds having antimicrobial activities. Reference S. aureuswasmore susceptible organism while ATCC Salmonella enteritidis and clinical isolated multi-drug resistant E. coli less susceptible. The traditional use of fermented condiment for food preservation by the local people is supported by this study.Key words: Antimicrobial activity; Chili Pepper extract; Fermented condiment; Minimum bactericidal concentration; Minimum inhibition contractionActivite antimicrobienne en vitro d'epices fermentees et de fruits de capsicume pour la resistance aux medicaments isolate clinique et bacteries de reference standardIntroduction: La conservation des aliments est nécessaire pour maintenir pendant une longue période de temps. Conservateur de nourriture organiqu et raditionnel, "Datta" est l'épicé compose principalement de Chili Peppers qui fréquemment utilize dans le sud et l'ouest de l'Ethiopie. Datta peu têtre consommé presque avec toutes sortes d'aliments et on le croit comme un apéritif et un agent antimicrobien contre l'agent pathogène alimentaire. Cette etude visait à évaluer l'activité antimicrobienne in vitro du condiment fermenté et Capsicum frutescens contre l'isolement clinique de résistance aux médicaments multiples et les bactéries de référence standard.Méthode: Les échantillons de Datta prélevés dans des hôtels de différents niveaux et Capsicum frutescens (Chili Peppers) ont été extraits dans différents solvants. Un dosage de diffusion de puits a été utilisé pour determiner l'activité antimicrobienne et la concentration inhibitrice minimale (MIC) et la concentration bactericide minimale a été determine par la méthode de dilution du tube. Une analyse à sens unique de la variante a été utilisée en comparaison de la découverte.Résultats: L'échantillon extrait de condiments fermentés (Datta) et Chili Pepper ont montré des activités antimicrobiennes contre l'isolement Clinique résistant aux médicaments multiples et les bactéries de référence standard dans le dosage par diffusion de puits. L'extrait de Datta a montréque le MIC variait de 25 mg / L à 66,7 mg / L et le MBC variait de 25 mg / L à 100 mg / L. Les extraits de poisson de Datta et de Chili ont montré des activités antimicrobiennes élevées contre Staphylococcus aureus standard. L'extrait à base d'eau de l'échantillon de Datta a montré des activités antimicrobiennes significativement faibles (P = 0,000) par rapport aux autres solvants d'extraction.Conclusion: L'eauétaitun extracteur faible de composes actifs ayant des activités antimicrobiennes. Référence S. aureus était un organisme plus susceptible tandisque ATCC Salmonella enteritidis et E.coli. E. coli résistant aux médicaments multiples isolés était moins susceptible. L'utilisation traditionnelle du condiment fermenté pour la conservation des aliments par les populations locales est soutenue par cette étude.Mots clés: Activitéantimicrobienne; Extrait de poivre de piment; Condiment fermenté; Concentration bactéricide minimum; Contraction minimaled'inhibitio

    tert-Butyl 2-(1H-benzimidazol-1-yl)acetate

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    In the title compound, C13H16N2O2, the planes of the benzimidazole ring system and the acetate O—C=O fragment make a dihedral angle of 84.5 (3)°. In the crystal, mol­ecules are connected through C—H⋯N hydrogen bonds to form infinite chains in the [-110] direction


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    The title butterfly-shaped mol­ecule, C11H6N2O2, is folded slightly along the O=C⋯C=O line, the dihedral angle between the two parts being 6.42 (3)°. In the crystal, adjacent mol­ecules are linked through C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds into infinite layers parallel to the ac plane. The layers are further connected into a three-dimensional netweork via π–π inter­actions formed between pairs of anti­parallel arranged mol­ecules, with a centroid–centroid distance between the central six-membered ring and the benzene ring of 3.4349 (9) Å

    1-Carb­oxy­methyl-3-octylimidazolium bromide

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    In the title compound, C13H23N2O2 +·Br−, the octyl chain has an all-trans conformation. In the crystal, the cations are linked by C—H⋯O bonds into a zigzag chain along the b axis. The bromide anions further link the chains via C—H⋯Br inter­actions into a two-dimensional array parallel to the ab plane. An O—H⋯Br interaction is also observed

    Status of Coral Reef Fish Communities within the Mombasa Marine Protected Area, Kenya, more than aDecade after Establishment

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    The abundance, trophic composition and diversity of fish were investigated in the Mombasa Marine Protected Area (MPA) on the Kenya coast over a period of four years (2004-2007) sixteen years after its establishment to determine its effectiveness. Fish monitoring data collected using belt transects revealed significant differences in fish abundance, distribution and composition between the MPA’s no-take area and a partially-protected area with controlled exploitation. Although seasonal variation was apparent in the trophic composition, annual differences over the four year study period were not significant. Results indicated that differences in fish composition within the MPA were due to a greater abundance of haemulids (nocturnal carnivores) and acanthurids (herbivores) in the no-take area than in the partially-protected area. Fish diversity also varied between the no-take area and the partially-protected area with a higher Shannon-Wiener diversity index associated with the no-take area. Dominance was higher in the partially-protected area than in the no-take area and was also higher during the southeast (SE) monsoon season. These results support the claim of greater effectiveness of the fully protected no-take area, compared to the partially-protected area in sustaining the rich fish community found in previous studies


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    The centroid of the central aromatic ring of the title mol­ecule, C24H22O4, is located on an inversion center. The dihedral angle between the central and terminal benzene rings is 75.00 (7)°. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked through C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds into chains along [121]. The chains are connected into layers via C—H⋯π inter­actions