131 research outputs found

    An Investigation of the Swelling Kinetics of Bentonite Systems Using Particle Size Analysis

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    Particles size distribution (PSD) is introduced as a tool for analysis of bentonite aggregation and swelling kinetics. Raw Ca-bentonite was purified using a combined wet sieving and sedimentation processes, followed by thermochemical treatment with Na 2 CO 3 to increase its swelling capacity. The detailed analysis of the PSD shows a strong correlation between the PSD and the swelling process. For the chemically treated raw bentonite, PSD revealed two different peaks representing unswelled and swelled particles along with some aggregates. The swelling is shown to be a kinetically controlled process that depends on time, temperature, and bentonite chemical composition. At the beginning of the chemical treatment, the effect of aggregates was more dominant; therefore, the viscosity did not increase much with particle size. However, the combined chemical and thermal treatment has enhanced the Na-activation process and boosted bentonite swelling. The rheological measurements have shown enhancement in the viscosity and confirmed the PSD findings. The same optimal treatment conditions are obtained from both rheological measurements and PSD analysis. A model is developed based on classical reaction rate kinetics and used to describe the conversion from unswelled to swelled particles. The PSD has a strong correlation with the physical properties of the suspension such as the viscosity. The swelling rate fits a second order model with a rate constant, k, in the range 0.002 to 0.124 h 1 and an activation energy, E, of 87 kJ/mol. PSD analysis together with the developed kinetic model are powerful tools for studying the swelling kinetics of bentonites.Scopu

    Reaction kinetics of carbon dioxide with aqueous solutions of l-Arginine, Glycine & Sarcosine using the stopped flow technique

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    The use of amino acids as potential solvents for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture has been considered by a number of researchers. However, very little is known about the kinetics and mechanism of amino acids-CO2 reactions. In this work, we investigate the reactions of three amino acids (l-Arginine, Glycine and Sarcosine) with CO2 in aqueous media using stopped-flow conductivity technique. The experiments were performed at temperatures between 293 and 313K and amino acids concentrations were in the range of 0.05–0.2 molar. The overall rate constants (kov) was found to increase with increased amino acid concentration and solution temperature. Both zwitterion and termolecular mechanisms were used to model and interpret the data. However, the Zwitterion mechanism was found to be the preferred one. From the stopped-flow results at pH around 6, we found that neutral l-Arginine, Glycine and Sarcosine react with CO2(aq) with k(M−1s−1)=2.81×1010exp(−4482.9T(K)), k(M−1s−1)=3.29×1013exp(−8143.7T(K)) and k(M−1s−1)=3.90×1013exp(−7991.0T(K)) respectively. The corresponding activation energies are 37.28kJmol−1, 67.71kJmol−1 And 66.44kJmol−1 respectively. A comparison between the kinetics of the three amino acids showed that Arginine exhibits highest reaction rate with CO2 followed by Sarcosine and then Glycine. The technique and results obtained from this work can be used as strong tools in the development of efficient new solvents for the removal of CO2 from flue and industrial gases.This paper was made possible by an NPRP Grant # 7-1154-2-433 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation)

    Gas solubility and rheological behavior study of betaine and alanine based natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES)

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    Natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) produced herein this work by mixing betaine and alanine with lactic acid and malic acid with 1:1 M mixing ratios. Thermophysical properties including water content, thermal stability, density and gas solubility of CO2 and N2 were experimented at different isotherms for wide pressures range up to 50 bars. Moreover, detailed rheological experiments were conducted on the studied materials to obtain viscosity and deduce the dynamic flow behavior. A pressure driven physisorption mechanism was observed for the studied systems. Betaine based NADES materials showed superior carbon dioxide and nitrogen solubility when they are mixed with lactic acid. On the other hand, the rheological experimental results show shear-thinning effect in which the η is decreasing with shear rate at all temperatures. Low viscosity profiles NADES assure the less mass transfer resistance for lactic acid based NADES systems and it also confirmed that the high CO2 and N2 solubility for lactic acid based NADES samples.NPRP grant # 6-330-2-140 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation) and by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain, project CTQ2013-40476-R)

    Investigation of Filter Cake Evolution in Carbonate Formation Using Polymer-Based Drilling Fluid

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    Drilling fluid and filtrates invasion often alter the near-wellbore flow properties during overbalanced drilling. The utilization of polymeric gels to prevent drilling fluid loss reduces the risk of formation damage caused by this alteration. In this study, the internal and external filter cake evolution by polyacrylamide (PAM) cross-linked with polyethylenimine (PEI) was investigated. The analysis conducted in this study showed that the cross-linked polymer activates and forms a mature gel inside the formation’s pores. Gel also formed a dense uniform structure on the rock’s surface, preventing further fluid loss. A high sealing pressure of up to 1000 psi was achieved, allowing drilling to continue without the need for additional casing string to prevent lost circulation. Moreover, the PAM/PEI formula showed less invasion of filtrate and evolution of a thin shallow internal filter cake that penetrated less than half of the filter disk thickness. In comparison to the full invasion and particle depositions that occurred with the water-based mud (WBM), the PAM/PEI formula is expected to reduce the impact of lost circulation materials (LCMs) on formation damage.The authors thank the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of the Qatar Foundation) for funding this study. This paper was made possible by an NPRP Grant No. NPRP10-0125-170240. Open Access fees paid for in whole or in part by the University of Oklahoma Libraries.Ye

    Pilot-scale evaluation of forward osmosis membranes for volume reduction of industrial wastewater

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    Water treatment is a key aspect for the sustainable management of oil & gas operations. Osmotic concentration (OC) is an advanced water treatment process, adapted from forward osmosis (FO), that does not require water recovery from the draw solution. In this study, two commercial hollow fiber FO membranes [Module 1, cellulose triacetate (CTA) and Module 2, thin film composite (TFC)] were evaluated at pilot scale using actual process water obtained from a gas production facility. The evaluation focused on assessing the membrane productivity, fouling potential and chemical cleaning efficiency while normalizing the performance using a theoretical model that account for the variability of the operating conditions. Performance tests showed that Module 2 has a higher flux compared to Module 1, 9.9 L/m2·h vs 1.7 L/m2·h; and lower specific reverse solute flux (RSF) for most of the ions. Additionally, Module 1 benchmark experiment showed a 13% flux loss attributed to inorganic fouling (calcium phosphate precipitation) while the flux loss in Module 2 was <5% possibly due to enhanced module hydrodynamics and variation in membrane chemistry. Chemical cleaning (citric acid) proved to be successful in restoring the flux for Module 1. From the 8.1 mg/L organic carbon present in the feed, advanced organic characterization revealed that certain group of hydrophilic organics are able to pass through Module 1, but not Module 2, translating to a specific forward organic solute flux of 0.9 mg/L and 0.1 mg/L for Module 1 and 2, respectively. Finally, key sustainable and environmental considerations were presented in support of further development of process implementation. The OC process has strong potential for full-scale installation; however, demonstrating its performance in the field would be the next step necessary for successful implementation of the technology

    Assessing the Relation between Mud Components and Rheology for Loss Circulation Prevention Using Polymeric Gels: A Machine Learning Approach

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    The traditional way to mitigate loss circulation in drilling operations is to use preventative and curative materials. However, it is difficult to quantify the amount of materials from every possible combination to produce customized rheological properties. In this study, machine learning (ML) is used to develop a framework to identify material composition for loss circulation applications based on the desired rheological characteristics. The relation between the rheological properties and the mud components for polyacrylamide/polyethyleneimine (PAM/PEI)-based mud is assessed experimentally. Four different ML algorithms were implemented to model the rheological data for various mud components at different concentrations and testing conditions. These four algorithms include (a) k-Nearest Neighbor, (b) Random Forest, (c) Gradient Boosting, and (d) AdaBoosting. The Gradient Boosting model showed the highest accuracy (91 and 74% for plastic and apparent viscosity, respectively), which can be further used for hydraulic calculations. Overall, the experimental study presented in this paper, together with the proposed ML-based framework, adds valuable information to the design of PAM/PEI-based mud. The ML models allowed a wide range of rheology assessments for various drilling fluid formulations with a mean accuracy of up to 91%. The case study has shown that with the appropriate combination of materials, reasonable rheological properties could be achieved to prevent loss circulation by managing the equivalent circulating density (ECD).This research was funded by Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation), grant number NPRP10-0125-170240 and The APC was funded by OU Libraries. Open Access fees paid for in whole or in part by the University of Oklahoma Libraries.Ye

    Pilot-scale investigation of flowrate and temperature influence on the performance of hollow fiber forward osmosis membrane in osmotic concentration process

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    Forward osmosis (FO) relying on the osmotic pressure difference across semi-permeable membrane draws permeate by the effect of saline draw solution (DS) turning diluted and leaving the feed solution (FS) concentrated. However, the energy intensive step of DS recovery makes FO a challenging process. The energy benefit of FO emerges when recovery step is obviated and FO is applied as an osmotic concentration (OC) process. OC implementations for volume reduction are still at bench-scale and the investigation at larger scale is among the breakthroughs. In this paper, the performance of hollow fiber (HF) membrane in pilot-scale OC process for reducing volume of feed was investigated. The impact of operating conditions such as flowrates and temperature was evaluated. FS and DS flowrates of 1.35 and 0.35 L.min-1 respectively are optimum conditions with 75% feed recovery and 1.90 LMH water flux. Reverse solute flux increased at higher flowrates. Results indicated the role of high DS flowrate and temperature in improving the performance. DS flowrate of 0.35 L.min-1 at constant FS flow of 1.10 L.min-1 and 27 °C was most suitable for achieving 84.5% feed recovery and 1.82 LMH water flux. Above all, the long-term performance of OC pilot-plant was demonstrated through 48 h of continuous operation where stable flux trend at an average water flux of 1.66 LMH was successfully achieved. Lastly, the permeability coefficients of HF membrane were enhanced at higher temperature

    Industrial wastewater volume reduction through osmotic concentration: Membrane module selection and process modeling

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    Osmotic concentration (OC), a form of forward osmosis (FO) but without draw solution recovery, can be applied for reducing wastewater disposal volumes in the oil & gas industry. Within this industry, wastewater is often disposed of by injection through disposal wells into deep underground reservoirs. By reducing wastewater disposal volumes, the sustainability of the disposal reservoir is improved. In this application of OC, seawater or brine from a desalination plant serves as the draw solution and the diluted seawater is discharged to the sea. This study compared 3 commercial hollow-fiber FO membranes (CTA, TFC, aquaporin proteins) for reducing the volume of low salinity wastewater generated during liquified natural gas (LNG) production. Additionally, a model was developed to predict the performance of commercial full-scale membranes by identifying optimum operating conditions, taking into consideration the trade-off between feed concentration factor and water flux. Bench-scale tests were conducted using synthetic and actual wastewater from an LNG facility to evaluate OC technology performance and validate model predictions.Based on model results with a feed mimicking the salinity of actual wastewater, a 4x concentration factor produced a reasonable compromise between feed recovery and draw solution dilution and was considered the optimum for future tests. At higher concentration factors, the increased dilution of the draw solution negatively impacted flux. In bench tests with real wastewater, the TFC chemistry had a ≈5x higher water flux (9.7 vs. 1.9 L/m2-h) and a ≈3x lower specific reverse solute flux (192 vs. 551 mg/L) compared to the CTA chemistry. However, both membranes showed less than 5% fouling and a specific forward organic solute flux of less than 0.5 mg/L of total organic carbon (TOC). Pilot testing for >50 h showed stable performance, comparable to bench scale data and model predictions

    Novel composite materials of modified roasted date pits using ferrocyanides for the recovery of lithium ions from seawater reverse osmosis brine

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    In this paper, novel composite materials from modified roasted date pits using ferrocyanides were developed and investigated for the recovery of lithium ions (Li+) from seawater reverse osmosis (RO) brine. Two composite materials were prepared from roasted date pits (RDP) as supporting material, namely potassium copper hexacyanoferrate-date pits composite (RDP-FC-Cu), and potassium nickel hexacyanoferrate-date pits composite (RDP-FC-Ni). The physiochemical characterization of the RO brine revealed that it contained a variety of metals and salts such as strontium, zinc, lithium, and sodium chlorides. RDP-FC-Cu and RDP-FC-Ni exhibited enhanced chemical and physical characteristics than RDP. The optimum pH, which attained the highest adsorption removal (%) for all adsorbents, was at pH 6. In addition, the highest adsorption capacities for the adsorbents were observed at the initial lithium concentration of 100 mg/L. The BET surface area analysis confirmed the increase in the total surface area of the prepared composites from 2.518 m2/g for RDP to 4.758 m2/g for RDP-FC-Cu and 5.262 m2/g for RDP-FC-Ni. A strong sharp infrared peak appeared for the RDP-FC-Cu and RDP-FC-Ni at 2078 cm−1. This peak corresponds to the C≡N bond, which indicates the presence of potassium hexacyanoferrate, K4[Fe(CN)6]. The adsorption removal of lithium at a variety of pH ranges was the highest for RDP-FC-Cu followed by RDP-FC-Ni and RDP. The continuous increase in the adsorption capacity for lithium with increasing initial lithium concentrations was also observed. This could be mainly attributed to enhance and increased lithium mass transfer onto the available adsorption active sites on the adsorbents’ surface. The differences in the adsorption in terms of percent adsorption removal were clear and significant between the three adsorbents (P value < 0.05). All adsorbents in the study showed a high lithium desorption percentage as high as 99%. Both composites achieved full recoveries of lithium from the RO brine sample despite the presence of various other competing ions.This work was made possible by Qatar University collaborative internal grant # [QUCG-CAS-20/21-2]. The findings achieved herein are solely the responsibility of the author[s]

    An empirical determination of the whole-life cost of FO-based open-loop wastewater reclamation technologies

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    Over the past 5–10 years it has become apparent that the significant energy benefit provided by forward osmosis (FO) for desalination arises only when direct recovery of the permeate product from the solution used to transfer the water through the membrane (the draw solution) is obviated. These circumstances occur specifically when wastewater purification is combined with saline water desalination. It has been suggested that, for such an “open loop” system, the FO technology offers a lower-cost water reclamation option than the conventional process based on reverse osmosis (RO). An analysis is presented of the costs incurred by this combined treatment objective. Three process schemes are considered combining the FO or RO technologies with membrane bioreactors (MBRs): MBR-RO, MBR–FO–RO and osmotic MBR (OMBR)-RO. Calculation of the normalised net present value (NPV/permeate flow) proceeded through developing a series of empirical equations based on available individual capital and operating cost data. Cost curves (cost vs. flow capacity) were generated for each option using literature MBR and RO data, making appropriate assumptions regarding the design and operation of the novel FO and OMBR technologies. Calculations revealed the MBR–FO–RO and OMBR-RO schemes to respectively offer a ∼20% and ∼30% NPV benefit over the classical MBR-RO scheme at a permeate flow of 10,000 m3  d−1, provided the respective schemes are applied to high and low salinity wastewaters. Outcomes are highly sensitive to the FO or OMBR flux sustained: the relative NPV benefit (compared to the classical system) of the OMBR-RO scheme declined from 30% to ∼4% on halving the OMBR flux from a value of 6 L m−2. h−1