51 research outputs found

    Effects of cadmium on morphological structure of sperm in Caspiomyzon wagneri (Kessler, 1870) (Petromyzontiformes : Petromyzontidae)

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    The present study aimed to investigate effects of the heavy metal Cd on the sperm morphological indices of Caspimyzon wagneri. The sperm were exposed to 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100 and 1000 mg.L-1 Cd for three minutes, three and 36 hours. The sperms exposed to Cd showed an increase in the length, width and surface of the head, flagella degradation and slightly flagella breakage. With increase of Cd concentration or the exposure duration, the damages found in sperms increased. But when exposure to contaminant exceeds than certain period of time,damage effects caused changes in the sperm structure as head length reduction and head width increasing and thereby reducing the sperm’s head surface, complete cutting of flagella at all samples and deformation of the sperm’s head from oval to circular, which these changes became visible during 36 hours of exposure to cadmium.Therefore, the results revealed that the arrival of pollutants including cadmium to the natural reproduction ground of this species due to induction the harmful effects on sperm morphology factors will have adverse effects on sperm function and fertilization rate and reduce them, and as such will be considered a serious threat to the survival generation of this rare species

    Physico-chemical parameters and aquatic investigation in Tajan River and identification of effects on destroytion its

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    This project was carried out for one year in 1994-1995. Tajan River originated from Alborz Mountain and passes from sari city, and then entered into Caspian Sea. In this study 14 physical and chemical factors surveyed. This survey demonstrated that water quality in milk factory and kilka factory was more than standard. With utilization of water in agriculture period and dry of river, caused to increasing of chloride, total hardness, Ca^++, Mg^++ in estuary. This issue obtained to mixture of fresh water and saline water in estuary. In the survey of the river phytoplankton, 92 species identified that belong to 41 genus and five phyla. The Chrysophyta has more variation and density. Zoo plankton of river included in Protozoa, Rotaria, Cladocera and Copepoda, also the meroplankton such as Lamellibanchiate and Cirripedia observed. The high species variation is relative to protozoa but copepoda has high density and biomass. The five classes of zoobenthos observed in Tajan river such as Bivalvia, Crustacea, Arachnoids, Oligochaeta and insecta. The insecta class has six order and 22 families that Diptera order from insecta class has high variation. The river fishes are belonging to 23 species, 18 genus and eight families. The highest variation observed in station 4 in estuary that 17 species identified in this area. Ths seasonal stations situated in tributary river, station 5 (Zarem rood) has high variation and station 7 (Khormabad river) has important for salmo truta fario habitat

    Determination of chlorophyll-a fluctuations and its relations with abiotic factors and phytoplankton community with emphasis on bloom potential in the southeast Caspian Sea water (Mazandaran-Goharbaran) in order the feasibility of marine cage culture

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    Concentration of chlorophyll-a and quantitative feature of phytoplankton are major concern in primary production estimation and prediction of probably algal blooms in aquatic ecosystems. The subject has important role in development and sustainable exploitation of marine culture. The goals of the project are study of chlorophyll-a concentration changes and its relations to variations of phytoplankton community structure parameters and abiotic factors (environmental and nutrients matters) in the costal waters of the Caspian Sea- Goharbaran region during 2013-2014. Monthly water samples were collected from different layers (surface, 5 and 10m) and depths (5, 10 and 15 m). The minimum mean (Β±SE) of abundance and biomass reported in spring (39Β± 9 million cells/m^3) and summer (94Β± 40 mg/m^3) respectively. The results showed maximum abundance (553Β± 58 million cells/m^3) and biomass (1209Β± 106 mg/m^3) in winter season. The minimum and maximum mean (Β±SE) values of chlorophyll-a recorded in spring (0.60Β± 0.05) and autumn (4.56Β± 0.23) mg/m^3, respectively. The changes trend of field chlorophyll-a concentration was confirmed by satelit data. Bacillariophyta showed the highest percent abundance in all seasons except in summer which it was for chlorophyta phylum. Pyrrophyta was the second dominant phylum in winter as well as spring; however its contribution in phytoplankton abundance of winter was low. The first dominant abundance species in spring, summer, fall and winter were Prorocentrum cordatum, Binuclearia lauterbornii, Thalassionema nitzschioides and Pseudonitzschia seriata respectively. Based on the results the species of Prorocentrum (scutellum+ proximum+obtusum) in spring and fall seasons, Cyclotella menenghiniana in summer and Pseudonitzschia seriata in winter showed the highest role in phytoplankton biomass forming. chlorophyll-a concentration showed significant Pearson correlations with biomass of total phytoplankton, bacillariophyta, pyrrophyta and chlorophyta phyla, dominant species, size cells of dominant species, water temperature, clearancy, nutrients matters. The study showed that chlorophyll-a cells content of winter dominant species was lower than fall dominant species. The Change of seasonal taxonomic phytoplankton pattern showed important role in relationship between chlorophyll-a cells content with biotic and abiotic factors. Meanwhile the values of temperature, nutrient matters, pH, pattern of dominant phytoplankton species showed significant roles on decoupling between chlorophyll-a and biomass changes pattern. The critical time of algal bloom recorded from September to January and March based on chlorophyll-a concentration. Spatial critical algal bloom was more obvious on surface water from October to December based on chlorophyll-a concentration. Pseudonitzschia seriata and Binuclearia lauterbornii species classified in medium bloom threshold (in winter and summer respectively) in all sampling depths. However Thalassionema nitzschioides (in fall) was in medium bloom threshold in 10 and 15m depths. As conclusion, in order to estimate logic primary production and predict algal blooms in the cage and pen culture sites it is necessary that all phytoplankton parameters such as chlorophyll-a concentration, biomass, abundance, shape, size, biological and ecological chracterstics of dominant species are considered. Because changes in the chlorophyll-biomass relationship could lead to obviouse errors interpretation of results and as well as unexpected field observations

    [Primary sarcoidosis of the breast: a clinical case]

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    Sarcoidosis of the breast is rare and only few cases are reported in the literature. A case of sarcoidosis presenting as a breast mass with no other evidence of disease is herein reported. Ultrasound and fine needle aspiration biopsy were performed, but only excisional biopsy with microscopic examination confirmed the diagnosis. Differential diagnosis with other granulomatous lesions is important to select the proper treatment

    [Criteria for the endoscopic assessment of hemorrhage risk in esophageal varices]

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    The natural history of liver cirrhosis shows one third of patients bleeding from esophageal varices. The first episode of bleeding has a 40% mortality rate and 70% of survivors will have another haemorrhage within a year. To overcome this dramatic sequence the following types of prophylactic treatment have been attempted: portocaval shunt, B-blockers, endoscopic sclerotherapy. Medical Literature shows no proven benefits from these procedures. Endoscopic sclerotherapy seems to have the best results. Thus, to be more successful we suggest a better selection of patients to undergo prophylactic sclerotherapy, also improving the prognostic criteria which could predict the bleeding. Esophagoscopy makes it possible to examine some of the predictive signs of impending haemorrhage. However, both the endoscopic and clinical criteria (Child) give a better evaluation of the risk of bleeding

    Microsatellite analysis of genetic diversity in Indian chicken populations [Анализ гСнСтичСской измСнчивости Π²Π½ΡƒΡ‚Ρ€ΠΈ ΠΈ ΠΌΠ΅ΠΆΠ΄Ρƒ ΡˆΠ΅ΡΡ‚ΡŒΡŽ индийскими популяциями ΠΊΡƒΡ€ с ΠΏΠΎΠΌΠΎΡ‰ΡŒΡŽ микросатСллитных ΠΌΠ°Ρ€ΠΊΠ΅Ρ€ΠΎΠ². (Π˜Ρ€Π°Π½. Индия)]

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    Characterization of genetic diversity by employing molecular tools is a prerequisite in developing strategies for conservation and utilization of poultry genetic resources. We assessed genetic variation within and between six Indian chicken populations (Naked Neck, White Silkies, Commercial Layer and Broiler, Giriraja and Desi) using nine microsatellite markers. Seven loci were polymorphic in all populations, with the number of alleles varying from 3 to 27 per locus and 4.1 to 8.6 per population. Average heterozygosity and gene diversity in the populations were 0.68 and 0.66, respectively. Some populations and loci deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Except Naked Neck, none of other populations was in genotypic disequilibrium for a single pairwise locus combination. F-statistics indicated that populations are genetically structured, ∼85% of the total genetic variation being due to genetic differentiation within the populations. Estimates of Latter’s FST and Nei’s DS genetic distances revealed relatively close genetic similarity between Naked Neck and Giriraja, while White Silkies was the most distant. An estimated divergence time between Naked Neck and Giriraja was over 100 years, with a comparatively longer (over 450 years) period of separation between Giriraja and White Silkies. We suggest that there is an essential room left for genetic improvement of Indian native breeds and commercial stocks

    [Emergency endoscopic sphincterotomy in acute lithiasic cholangitis]

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    Emergency endoscopic sphincterotomy in acute cholangitis for bile duct stones should be the first choice treatment in patients with and without gallbladder. In fact, emergency surgery carries higher mortality and morbidity rates. Urgent biliary drainage, easily and quickly obtainable by endoscopy is the major goal. Bile duct stone clearance can be attempted subsequently, when the patient general conditions are stable. Elective open surgery can be performed thereafter, if indicated, with less risk. This experience is clearly shown by many surgical and endoscopic, mainly retrospective, studies
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