43 research outputs found

    Shashi Tharoor as a Gentleman Politician

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    Shashi Tharoor is an outstanding politician ranked the best among the present day leaders.  His past UN career, his authoritative clout on every matter pertaining to India and his charismatic personality make him the most sought out among the political leaders of India. Entering the Indian political arena directly landing into the middle of the medley, he has been in the eye of many controversies that have projected him as a nonconformist and impractical outsider whose views and dreams for India are unrealistic. However, Shashi Tharoor has proved the cynics wrong and has manifested himself as an able leader and darling of his constituency who have chosen him two times consecutively.  He is among the first generation of techsavvy new generation political leaders to make full use of the internet and reach his followers instantaneously and continuously, thus demonstrating an elected public servant’s style of functioning could also be accountable and transparent. His stupendous academic achievements and outstanding literary works set him apart in the firmament of successful personalities of India holding a promise to the future of the country.  Even in his short term political career, Shashi Tharoor has proved himself to be a gentleman politician who is sincere and honest in his commitment to his voters and strives his best to fulfill his promises. Such dedicated politicians who are ready to serve the nation selflessly are the need of the hour in today’s India and Shashi Tharoor is a fine example of the proper role a true political leader can play in a disgraced democratic country like ours and serve as an instrument of change for bettering the miserable lives of millions of innocent trusting citizens of the country, at least in the coming century

    Students Experiment of Online Classes during the Pandemic of COVID-19 and their Socio-economic affection toward Psychological impact on their Learning Behaviors’ (With Special Reference to University of Karachi)

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    Millenary we are seeing the world changing for the second time. There was diversity before 9/11 and it changed the complete picture of demographical status, socio-economic condition, and social movement. There might be a global change again after COVID-19. In this pandemic where the people already suffering from socio-economic inequality, if we exaggerate the students‟ perspectives and they found that online learning couldn‟t produce desired results in underdeveloped countries like Pakistan, where most of the students are unable to access the internet due to technical as well as financial issues. Accordingly, the quick speed of COVID- 19 became a big challenge for the massive number of the students to get the lecture of courses offline in the classrooms. Moreover, due to the ripped spread of Covid-19 created an E-learning environment where the instruction of online network system to enhance the quality of teaching and learning to manage their provided contents accurately and managed their online classes and courses.The research objectives of the present papers contain with, to investigate the awareness of Covid-19 in university students, socioeconomic status of students, the problems faced by students in the pandemic, the curriculum satisfaction of students, the experience of online classes on students, and the lack of internet resources in students. While the hypotheses likewise (a) Students learning behavior affected by taking online classes. (b) By attending the online classes, student‟s study became disturbed in the Covid-19 pandemic. The present study was “Explanatory” in nature. The Universe was the University of Karachi. The researchers selected the mix-method likewise qualitative and quantitative strategy for data collection. The respondent has comprised the students of (First and Second Minor). The convenience sampling techniques adopted through which 65 respondents have been selected for the data collection, included three case studies. A tailor-made such as questionnaire and observations are used for data collection

    Experiences Of Online Reading

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    This study investigates the online behavior of professionals and students. This research applied the qualitative method to get the objectives. The sample consists of 50 respondents of Karachi. These are selected from various professions such as doctors, teachers, researchers, bankers, businessmen, journalists, librarians and regular students of the University of Karachi. The data was collected through face to face interviews that recorded on the smartphone. The recorded interviews were transcribed and then analyzed. The findings indicated that internet increases the reading habit. Availability and accessibility of material improve the reading amount whereas cross-references, hyperlinks, and link to link movement developed the reading interest. Multimedia type information i.e. animation, pictures, charts, and graphs increase the online reading interest. It fulfills the professional needs on workplace at any time. Internet improves the professional skills because it provides the current research articles, teaching methodology, surgical videos, hot issues and every type of information. Online lectures, tutorials, demos enhance the independent lifelong learning skills. Internet increases the knowledge of users because of the availability of information across the world. While translation service, online dictionaries, pronunciation, and vocabularies also enhance the language skills. The results revealed that they read online for recreational purpose and general information. Moreover, they prefer print reading for recreational purpose and online reading for professional need. For ready reference service, they read directly on the screen. Full-text reading now converted into skimming. Whereas, the experiences of online reading about comprehension, concentration, absorption, recall, and relaxation depend on the topic and their interest in reading

    A Study of Factors Effecting Academic Achievement of Prospective Teachers

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    Abstract The (Gaziel, 1996

    The Rise of Extremism in Pakistan: International Dynamics

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    Extremism in Pakistan has been the outcome of so-called Jihadists who wanted continuous recruitment for the Afghan-Soviet war(1979-89) and madrassas were settled with primary aim of propagation of so-called Jihad. Pakistan, being an Islamic Republic had already fertile ground for the promotion of Islamic ideology but this unfortunately was misconstrued by U.S. funded war which later turned Pakistani society into an abyss of extremism. Wave of sectarianism, drugs and political instability fomented extremism in the society. Internal strife coupled with international dynamics, badly distorted Pakistan‟s image internationally. That is the reason terrorists enjoyed support of masses despite military operations against them. This paper highlights that how the extremism rooted into Pakistani society caused wave of extremism, terrorism and hate. Pakistan faced serious challenges to economy and internal stability. Pakistan waged counterterrorism operations under the National Action Plan (NAP) but there is a need of counter-extremism policy that will normalize the society and regain its potential to excel


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    Aim : To report an interesting case of Proptosis wherein clinical diagnosis can be made without even doing imaging of Orbit. Materials and Methods: A case of proptosis presented at Gandhi Hospital department of Ophthalmology after thoroughly examining we came to the clinical conclusion of Maxillary Antral Carcinoma or Fungal granuloma of Maxillary sinus involving orbit and oral cavity. Results & Discussion: Proptosis is not only caused by ocular or orbital conditions but also by diseases of para nasal air sinuses. Conclusion: Clinical diagnosis can be arrived at by examining a case of proptosis which should include examination of Ear, Nose and Throat of the patient. Key words: Proptosis, ENT exam, Maxillary antral carcinoma

    Liquidation of American Forces from Afghanistan: Its Impacts on the Region

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    Soviet Union considered military invention in Afghanistan necessary for her territorial security as well as for the success of her global policies. They wanted to expand their political influence elsewhere in Central Asia. Moreover, USSR did not expect any serious resistance from Afghanistan. However, when Afghan Mujahideen showed such a severe resistance with the help of Pakistan and achieved many successes the USA also paid a serious attention to Afghanistan and provided every type of help to Mujahedeen. USA felt that their ancient ambition to become a sole superpower was going to be realized. However, when USSR retreated and America’s desire was fulfilled she entirely lost her interest in Afghanistan. This resulted in perdition in Afghanistan. The Mujahedeen and freedom fighters were turned into terrorists’ militant groups and there started a civil war among them. Then Taliban emerged at the political scenario and soon they were successful to achieve the rule of Afghanistan. However, they tried to enforce their own version of orthodox Islam that created much anxiety in the world. At the same time the incidents of 9/11 occurred and Osama bin Laden and his organization Al-Qaeda was held responsible for the incidents of 9/11. Osama took refuge in Afghanistan and America decided to punish and destroy him and Al-Qaeda. She attacked Afghanistan, again, without guessing the nature of Afghan nation and their retaliation. Therefore, now America has also decided to retreat and liquidate Afghanistan. Whether America will again commit the same mistake of leaving Afghanistan unattended and what will be its impact on the region? This paper tries to probe these apprehension

    Politics of Social Reformation in NWFP (KPK)- An Estimate of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan(1890-1988)’s Educational Philosophy

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    In the history of North-West Frontier Province (NWFP; renamed as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa through 18th Amendment on 15 April 2010), many renowned personalities played their role for the awakening of the masses. Among them, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (alias Bacha Khan) occupies a prominent place. The history of KPK would remain incomplete without the notion of services rendered by Bacha Khan. He played his role in a dignified manner in politics, social and educational field. It is a matter of fact that continuous invasions over Pakhtuns region greatly reduced the literacy rate among Pakhtuns which resulted in backwardness of the province. Consequently intermingling of evil customs into Pakhtun society in the name of Islam became the fate of the society. They were having a little knowledge of the religion. Mullahs, the religious leaders, also did nothing for the revival of Islam and Pakhtun society. Pakhtuns were living miserably and none was ready to come forward for the revival of this society. At the same time there came Bacha Khan on the scene and he accepted the challenge of the revival of Pakhtun society. This article highlights the facts that how Bacha Khan used education as a weapon for the revival of Pakhtun society of KPK. He not only made steps to flourish education among Pakhtuns but also tried his best to refrain the Pakhtuns from believing the evil customs and their practices. This article also mentions the institutions which were established by Bacha Khan to achieve his motives

    Religio-political Discourse and Jam’iyyat Ulema-i-Pakistan (JUP): A Careful Study of Different Narratives (1970-2003)

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    Barelvi Ulema, being active participants of the Pakistan Movement (1940-1947), very soon reached to the point that their objectives associated with the struggle for Pakistan could only be achieved through a constitutional and political struggle; and as per the need of the parliamentary system prevailed in the country, they must converge and consolidate their energies on a political platform. Hence, on 28th March 1948, in a 3-day meeting of Barelvi ulema at Madrasah-i-Islamiah Arabiah Anwar al ulum, Multan, the Markazi (Central) Jam’iyyatal-Ulema-i-Pakistan (MJUP) was formally established. A glance over the party objectives set at this meeting gives a clear picture of JUP’s Rightism sui generis. It was aspired that Pakistan would be a true Islamic state established through the promulgation of the Islamic constitution in the country and all the social and moral evils would be emulated as the founding father of the country had aspired in the inaugural session of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan (CAP). Moreover, it was also hoped to propagate Islamic teachings among the Muslims by initiating the spirit of religious cum political awakening and the spirit of Jihad among them and direct their attention from western culture and civilization towards Islamic culture and civilization. Hence, the establishment of an Islamic state in the country was the destiny of JUP. In order to remind the higher authorities and other stakeholders responsible for the formation of the constitution, JUP held meetings and processions throughout the country. It pressed demands for the enforcement of Islamic jurisprudence through Islamic constitution. This religio-political as well as constitutional strife can be found in a number of indigenous narratives and beyond. The article presents a careful and curious study of different available narratives in this connection

    Can we decrease recurrence of OSSN using Mitomycin C

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    Aim: To study the effect of topical Mitomycin C on recurrence of OSSN after surgical excision. Materials and methods: This is a Randomized prospective interventional study conducted at Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital /Regional institute of Ophthalmology, Hyderabad. 54 clinically diagnosed cases of OSSN attending department of Oculoplasty between October 2012 to September 2014 were included in the study. 36 were males and 18 were females.Cases already treated were excluded from the study. These cases were randomly divided into two groups of 18 males and 9 females.Both the groups were treated by surgical excision of OSSN with 3mm margin of normal conjunctiva and cryo applied to the bare area by freeze thaw freeze technique. Group A was followed up every month for recurrence. Group B were given topical Mitomycin C 0.04% drops 4 times daily for 4days in a week with 3 days off. This constituteone cycle. Patients were kept for 4 cycles on this therapy. This group is also followed up every month for recurrence upto 2 years. Results: In group A 4 cases (14.8%) developed recurrence of tumor within one year. In group B there was no recurrence. Conclusion: Mitomycin C as adjuvant therapy after surgical excision of OSSN is effective in preventing recurrence. Key words: OSSN (Ocular surface squamous neoplasia), MMC (Mitomycin C), HIV (Human immuno-deficiency virus),HPV (Human papilloma virus).Ă‚