28 research outputs found

    Prevalence and factors favoring overweight and obesity in Algerian child and adolescent; case of the population of Constantine / Algeria

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    AbstractBackground: Our objectives through this paper are multiple: to measure the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children between 5-11 years and in adolescents between 12-17 years; highlight the main causes that influence this phenomenon in children and adolescents under 18 years old; highlight the risk factors associated with overweight and obesity in these age groups; and finally, the policies to be applied to stop or curb this phenomenon.Methods: This is a descriptive, transversal survey which focused on a representative sample of children and adolescents during the month of July 2018. The study population consisted of 1022 children and adolescents aged 5 to 17 years, who frequent a municipal swimming pool located in the wilaya of Constantine / Algeria. These children and adolescents were selected by chance for a few days over the four weeks of July 2018. Information concerning the socio-demographic characteristics, eating habits and sedentary behavior for each individual was specified by means of a questionnaire. Results: Among the results of this study: overweight affects 14% of children between 5-11 years old, while with moderate obesity, it affects 4% of children in this age category; for adolescents aged 12-17 years, 17% of them are overweight, and 7% have moderate obesity; several factors contribute to gaining extra pounds (gender and age, some hereditary factors, eating habits and physical inactivity).Conclusion: Identifying the risk factors for overweight and obesity in children and adolescents under 18 years old, would help identify risky habits and behaviors in order to propose appropriate prevention measures. These measures should be included in a health education strategy and a health promotion strategy

    The economic approach of road safety; unique objective and contradictory motivations!

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    Abstract: Although the topic is a multidisciplinary field, we will address, through this article, road safety from an angle, more or less economic. Thus, the scarcity of the human or material resources of the victims of the accident, the non-abundance of budgetary means allocated to mitigate the damage of the accident (hospital expenses, reimbursements of insurance companies, etc.), the efficiency of the choices to be learned by the public authorities to deal with the hecatomb and the socio-economic benefits of road users (individuals or companies), etc. are road safety issues that constitute, from near or far, a discipline that we can call "the economics of road safety".Through our analysis we arrived at these results: Although the objective of road safety is clear: "to save as much life as possible from the traffic hecatomb", the motivations of each stakeholder in a road safety are not homogeneous and can be even contradictory, that it is within the same group of actors or at the level of the society as a whole. Thus, the sources of this contradiction can be: cultural, social, economic, etc. which divides instead of gathering opinion of the different actors on questions like: the causes of the accident, the settlement of the prejudices of the insecurity road, the regulation which frames the road organization, the solutions to elaborate, of time to another, to improve the lives of road users. Finally, the rationality of our days is approached in an artificial way, restricted and limited by a cost-benefit approach peculiar to a modern, liberal and immoral society

    University contribution to local development; The conditions for a good anchorage

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    A multitude of initiatives that have emerged during the last 30 years, in several countries across all continents, confirm a new type of local development. The latter is characterized by a territorialized participative approach, which involves several activities and several partners, promoting a new development model in a modern management environment.Through this paper, we will try to highlight the concept of local development, to present the various contributions of the University in its territory that promote the participatory approach of socio-economic and socio-cultural development. Finally, we will highlight some international experiences that illustrate examples of how the University is anchored in its territory, including incentives that open up the University and facilitate access to the University campus from the outside world

    Innovation and governance of the Algerian social security system; Reality and challenges facing multiple transitions

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    The Algerian social security system covers now more than 80% of citizens; the intervention of this system was up to 300 billion dinars as health expenditure (nearly 3 billion US dollars) in 2014.We aim through this paper to achieve the following objectives: to bring out the main challenges of social insurance in Algeria, in a context of economic, social and epidemiological transition; draw the right lessons from the reforms implemented in the Algerian social security system, in order to improve the management of these funds; propose innovative solutions that can improve the governance of social security funds.Among the results of this research: free healthcare is a real threat to the financial equilibrium of the National Fund for Social Insurance of salaried workers/ NSIFSW in the coming years; early retirement is another threat to the financial equilibrium of the NSIFSW; the life expectancy of Algerians is now around the age of 75, this makes it possible to push back the retirement age beyond 60, in order to have more contributions, to cover new risks and pathologies of this category of age

    Financing of the Algerian health system. What future for free care?

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    Free care was introduced in 1974, it met the principle of the redistribution of oil revenues, including for political purposes. The Algerian society of the early 70s is certainly no longer the same as today's. There have been many transitions since the 90s: economic, social, demographic and epidemiological, which have contributed to questioning this free care.We aim through this paper, to focus on the fundamental reforms that must be made to our health system, to adapt it to the major challenges of the 21st century

    La vaccination contre la COVID-19: comment peut-on renforcer la confiance vaccinale face à une flopée de refus?

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    L’hésitation face aux vaccins contre la COVID-19 est une réalité planétaire, et les motivations sont diverses. Les raisons et les motivations d’une telle hésitation sont devenues une boulle de neige qui s’amplifie d’un jour à l’autre, et qui pousse les différents gouvernements à réagir, et quelques fois à bafouer même les principes de la république, les lois en vigueur et les droits habituels des citoyens, etc. en vue de convaincre les citoyens à adopter la seule solution qui s’offre en ce moment, afin de casser la chaine de propagation. Notre objectif à travers ce papier est de cerner les origines et les raisons du refus de la vaccination. Toutefois, le fait d’avoir une idée claire sur les motivations des citoyens anti-vaccins pourrait guider les gouvernements à rectifier la stratégie mise en place, afin de généraliser la vaccination contre la COVID-19, ainsi à favoriser le retour à la vie normale

    L’implantation et le management d’un nouveau système d’information hospitalier ; Réalité et défis du système 3COH à l’hôpital Ibn Sina OEB/Algérie

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    Nous allons essayer à travers ce papier de mettre en valeur l’expérience du ministère algérien de la santé en matière de la mise en place d’un système de gestion à triple comptabilité au sein des établissements hospitaliers. Nous avons suivi une expérience pilote sur l’établissement public hospitalier, afin de tirer les bonnes leçons de l’expérience de l’EPH Ibn Sina OEB, concernant les défis qui font face à l’implantation et la mise en œuvre d’un nouveau système d’information comptable 3COH. Parmi les résultats de cette recherche, nous relevons deux principaux problèmes qui fige l’application de ce nouveau système d’information actuellement à l’hôpital Ibn Sina : le premier, c’est la mauvaise conjugaison des efforts du personnel des différents services, malgré la bonne conception du logiciel 3COH ; le deuxième, c’est le faible feedback entre les professionnels de la santé et le service finance et comptabilité


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    Nous allons essayer à travers ce papier de mettre l’accent sur la théorie socio-économique du chercheur H.Savall, cette théorie a mis en exergue la responsabilité des mauvais comportements des ressources humaines dans la création des dysfonctionnements.Nous avons mené une étude de cas sur l’établissement hospitalier EPHSH/OEB Algérie en 2016, afin d’avoir une idée sur la réalité et l’ampleur des coûts cachés, et leurs influences sur la performance de cet établissement à but non-lucratif.Parmi les résultats de cette recherche : les entreprises de servies à but non-lucratif engendrent plus de coûts cachés que les entreprises à but lucratif

    Gouvernance d’entreprise post Enron Le risque business comme nouvelle approche de l’audit

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    Our objective through this paper is to highlight the audit strategy as a primordial tool, in order to achieve lasting corporate governance, especially after the scandals (Enron, Worldcom, Parmalat…) that shook the world of business in the early 21st century. A new audit strategy called "business risk" was developed by American audit firms at the beginning of this century to try to thwart financial scandals. The specificity of this new audit approach is not limited to the evaluation of the sincerity of the summary statements, it allows the company to be up to date in terms of advancements save in the field of business management, the characteristics of the company and its internal and external environment, as well as the almost permanent development of the obligations and rights of audit firms, etcNotre objectif Ă  travers ce papier est de mettre en valeur la stratĂ©gie d’audit comme un outil primordiale, afin de parvenir Ă  une gouvernance d’entreprise pĂ©renne, surtout après les scandales (Enron, Worldcom, Parmalat…) qui ont secouĂ© le monde des affaires au dĂ©but du 21Ă©me siècle. Une nouvelle stratĂ©gie d’audit appelĂ© «  le risque business Â» a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© par des cabinets d’audits amĂ©ricains, au dĂ©but de ce siècle pour essayer de contrecarrer les scandales financiers. La spĂ©cificitĂ© de cette nouvelle approche d’audit ne se limite pas Ă  l’évaluation de la sincĂ©ritĂ© des Ă©tats de synthèse,  elle permet Ă  l’entreprise d’être Ă  jours en matière d’ avancements enregistrer dans le domaine de gestion d’entreprise, les caractĂ©ristiques de l’entreprise et son environnement interne et externe, ainsi que le dĂ©veloppement quasi-permanent des obligations et des droits des cabinets d’audit, et

    Analysis of spatio-temporal variations and at-risk populations of road insecurity; case study of road traffic accidents in Algeria

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    Our analysis focuses on the spatio-temporal characteristics of traffic accidents in Algeria, we record annually peaks of road accidents on sections of highway, national roads, etc. as we record peaks during months of the year, a few days a month or during hours of the day. Thus, our goal is to identify where and when that record the most significant statistics, and understand the trend in claims, to fully redeploy the resources to mitigate the hecatomb on our roads. To achieve this, we opted for a descriptive analytical study, based on the description of the scourge "road insecurity" at the national level, as well as the analysis of the causes and consequences of this scourge in space and time.We pointed out several results, among them: the road traffic accidents always preferred the period of the holidays, so 32% of the accidents are recorded during the month of July and August, the most deadly month of the year is that of Ramadan, the days of departure and the weekend return are the most significant, and the most sober part of the day is during the evening between 18:00 and midnight; regarding the accident site, the RN1 road and the East-West highway are the deadliest, the wilayas of the center of the country are at the head of the pack in terms of traffic accidents, and the wilaya of Msila in matters killed in traffic accidents; Young drivers are the most involved in traffic accidents that occurred in 2017 and 2018