43 research outputs found

    Relationship in Principle between Corporate Governance, Intellectual Capital Disclosure and Firm Performance

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    This conceptual paper\u27s goal is to discuss the relationship between business performance, intellectual capital disclosure, and corporate governance. This work proposes hypotheses about the relationship between corporate governance, intellectual capital disclosure, and business performance with the use of signaling theory. Their relationship\u27s structure should inform all stakeholders about how corporate governance affects business performance. This demonstrates how well the governance is performing its duties to increase intellectual capital disclosure, which calls for essential adjustments to corporate procedures. It reveals the connection between the board nominating committee, the disclosure of intellectual capital, and corporate performance

    Characterization and Modification of Activated Carbon Generated from Annogeissus Leiocarpus

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    Activated carbon (AC) is a versatile adsorbent that is used in the treatment of waste water, colour, odour removal and CO2 capture. Annogeissus leiocarpus is one of abundant agricultural precursor that can be used for the production of activated carbon. Characterization was done to investigate some proximate parameters. The modifications were made by soaking AC in 40% H2SO4 and 40% NaHCO3 for 24hours in the ration of 1:3 w/v. The FT-IR and SEM was conducted for surface functional group and morphology respectively. The result of this study revealed that the activated carbon produced possessed high yield, low Ash content, low Burnt off, low moisture content Average bulk density and large pore volume. The results from FT-IR analysis identified appearance and disappearance of carbonyl and hydroxyl groups which contributed in the creation of more adsorptive site for adsorption process. The results for SEM indicated the development of pores all over the surface of adsorbent with Acid modified activated carbon (AMAC/ H2SO4) having the highest pore distribution followed by Base Modified Activated Carbon (BMAC/NaHCO3) and finally ordinary (AC). The results suggest that the modification of AC using Acid and Base can significantly enhance the surface properties which improves adsorptive properties of the activated carbon produced and enhances it adsorption potentials for wastewater treatment

    Does Board Magnitude and Expertise Affect Shareholder Value: Evidence from Quoted Non-Financial Companies in Nigeria

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    This study examines the effect of board magnitude and board expertise of listed non-financial firms in Nigeria. The study population comprised all the 116 quoted non-financial companies in Nigeria. Eighty-nine (89) firms were selected, making 890 firm-year observations using the Taro Yamane sample selection method. Also, stratified and proportionate sampling techniques were employed. Generalized Least Square regressions were employed as a procedure for analyzing the data. The study established that board magnitude and board experts significantly affect the shareholder value of listed non-financial firms in Nigeria. The study concludes that characteristics of corporate governance that influence shareholder value are board magnitude and board expertise. Based on the findings and conclusion, the study suggested that the number of directors on the board should be increased to strengthen the monitoring mechanism of non-financial firms in Nigeria. Also, the management should increase the number of directors with accounting literacy on their board if they also seek to maximize shareholder value

    Nexus among Corporate Governance, Intellectual Capital Disclosure, and Firm Performance

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    Objective - This study conceptually examines a link between corporate governance, intellectual capital disclosure, and firm performance. With the support of signaling theory, this paper develops propositions for the relationship among corporate governance, intellectual capital disclosure, and firm performance. Methodology/Technique - The development and conclusion of this discursive paper as a conceptual one point out the possible relationship among corporate governance, intellectual capital disclosure, and firm performance. The underlying methodology of institutional discourse and integration with dynamic parameters is formalized. Findings - The results of the conceptual framework of this paper on corporate governance are contrasted with the approach to corporate governance in mainstream literature. Also examined is the theoretical and philosophical background of corporate governance, intellectual capital disclosure, and firm performance. Novelty - Although the importance of intellectual capital to firm performance is well established, the triple relationship between the board nomination and governance committee and the board remuneration committee, intellectual capital disclosure, and firm performance is exposed based on the effect of one on another

    Effect of Probiotic on Microflora Population and Carcass Yield of Quail, Coturnix japonica

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of dietary probiotic on intestinal and fecal microflora and carcass yield of broiler quails during the four weeks of feeding period. The quails were fed a basic diet (group 1) which acted as the control group; another 3 groups were fed basal diet with probiotic added at concentrations of 0.05%, 0.20% and 0.35% respectively for 28 days after two weeks of brooding. On day 42, fecal sample and intestinal sample were collected for microbial analysis and carcass yield of the quails was evaluated by cutting the selected parts of the carcass. The results showed that there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus population in quail’s feces between control and treatment group. Otherwise, there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in Escherichia coli population in quail’s intestine between control and treatment group, but significantly (p < 0.05) different in Lactobacillus population. Different inclusion rate of probiotic including control showed negative result of Salmonella in both intestine and feces of quail. In addition, supplementation of the diet with probiotic resulted in higher dressing and legs percentage of the carcass but do not affect the breast percentage. This shows that adding probiotic to the broiler quail’s diet can improve the performance of the quails by increasing the beneficial microflora and reducing the pathogenic microorganisms, and relatively higher carcass yields

    Morphometric Characterization of Donkeys (Equus asinus) in D/Kudu Kano State For Selective Breeding and Genetic Conservation

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    Donkeys (Equus asinus) is a domestic livestock popular in helping farming activities and providing food for some societies. Population of donkeys were drastically decreasing due to the overexploitation for its hides and industrialization. Little is known regarding the morphometric measurements of this species which provide a useful information for selective breeding and genetic conservation. One hundred and forty-four male donkeys from D/Kudu Kano state where enrolled in this study for morphometric characterisation. Seven morphological parameters were analysed in association with age and coat colour of donkeys observed. Descriptive statistical analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) as well as correlation coefficient among parameters were evaluated. Result revealed that donkeys in the studied area were categorised into 7 different coat colour with light grey (30.6%) being the dominant colour. High Frequency distribution of donkeys between the ages of 5-7 years (41%) were recorded. Also, both age and coat colour showed a significant (P <0.01) difference on face length, ear length, chest circumference and body length. Significant and positive correlation (r = 0.43–0.91) is observed in all morphological traits except relationship for tail length which is negatively correlated. In conclusion, the morphological features analysed in this study can be regarded as a preliminary for further studies on the Kano donkey breed

    Growth Performance and Carcass Merit of Japanese Quails (Coturnix japonica) Fed with Sorghum as an Energy Source Substitute for Maize in North Western Nigeria

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    A feeding trial was conducted to determine the growth performance and carcass characteristics of Japanese quails fed diets containing sorghum. A total of ninety of one-week old Japanese quail chicks were used for the experiment. Five diets were formulated in which sorghum was included at graded levels 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60% dietary levels designated as treatment 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. The experimental period was five weeks when the birds reach six weeks of age.  The results of the growth performance showed significant differences (P<0.05) in the final body weight (161.70 – 180.10 g) and daily feed intake (21.34–25.12 g). Significant (P<0.05) differences was also observed in all carcass parameters measured except for dressing percentage. Liver weight and large intestine with T5 (65% total replacement) recorded the highest means value of 6.00 g and 6.66 g. Non-significant high values of feed conversion ratio were also obtained among the treatments. Treatment 1 (0%) and Treatment 5 (60%) showed better results in all parameters measured compared to other treatments. In conclusions, sorghum grain can play a significant role in formulating quail feed and can completely (60%) be used to replace maize without affecting the performance and carcass yield of the quails

    A Recent Approach towards Fluidic Microstrip Devices and Gas Sensors: A Review

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    This paper aims to review some of the available tunable devices with emphasis on the techniques employed, fabrications, merits, and demerits of each technique. In the era of fluidic microstrip communication devices, versatility and stability have become key features of microfluidic devices. These fluidic devices allow advanced fabrication techniques such as 3D printing, spraying, or injecting the conductive fluid on the flexible/rigid substrate. Fluidic techniques are used either in the form of loading components, switching, or as the radiating/conducting path of a microwave component such as liquid metals. The major benefits and drawbacks of each technology are also emphasized. In this review, there is a brief discussion of the most widely used microfluidic materials, their novel fabrication/patterning methods

    Evaluation of heavy metals in agricultural soils from Katsina state Nigeria

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    This work contributes to the monitoring of Agricultural soil pollution in Katsina State, North western Nigeria by assessing the degree of heavy metal pollution in Agricultural soil samples. The study was conducted in the year 2017 within some catchment areas located within the 3 senatorial zones that constitute to make up the state (Katsina senatorial zone: Birchi, Dutsinma and Katsina; Daura senatorial zone: Daura, Ingawa and Zango; Funtua senatorial zone: Dabai, Funtua, Kafur, Malunfashi and Matazu).  Analysis for the concentration of these heavy metals; Cr, Cd, Fe, Ni, Mn, Pb and Zn was conducted by the use of AAS (by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry) method. . Several indices were used to assess the metal contamination levels in the Agricultural soil samples, namely; Geo-accumulation Index (Igeo), Enrichment Factor (EF), Contamination Factor (CF), Degree of Contamination (Cd) and Pollution Load Index (PLI). The result of this study has shown that generally among the heavy metals evaluated, the highest concentration was observed for Fe (range: 20.195-38.347 ppm), followed by Zn (range: 0.528-1.134 ppm), Pb (range: 0.256-0.627 ppm), Mn (range: 0.261-0.572 ppm) and Cr (range: 0.093-0.344 ppm). While Cd has the lowest concentration (range: 0.022-0.043 ppm). For all the site sampled the heavy metal Ni was below detection level (BDL). From the results of heavy metals I-geo values, according to Muller’s classification,  soil samples from Birchi, Daura, Dutsinma, Kafur and Zango were unpolluted (class 0) while soil samples from Dabai, Funtua, Ingawa, Katsina, Malunfashi and Matazu are moderately polluted (class 1). The result for the enrichment factor has shown that with the exception of the heavy metal Fe, which shows significant enrichment for all the sites sampled all the other heavy metals show deficiency to minimal enrichment. Also based on the contamination factors for all soil samples the heavy metal Fe has a CF values range of 1.2861-2.3240, indicating that the Agricultural soil samples are moderately contaminated with Fe. In contrast, the rest of the heavy metals exhibit low contamination in general. The value of PLI ranges from 0.2408 to 0.4935, indicating unpolluted to moderate pollution, with the sampling site for Katsina displaying the highest PLI value while the sampling site of Ingawa has the lowest PLI. The Eri values for all samples are all < 40, presenting low ecological risk.  The results suggest that the Agricultural soils samples from Katsina state has low contamination by the heavy metals evaluated.Key words: Agricultural soils, Heavy metals, Katsina state, Pollution load index, Contamination factor

    Genetic variability of wild populations of invasive redclaw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) von Martens 1868 across Peninsular Malaysia

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    The redclaw crayfish had been listed as an invasive species in Malaysia following the various negative impacts displayed on both environment and economy. The species are largely culture in Malaysia for food, but unluckily escaped and expands to several waterbodies across the country. For effective control management of redclaw crayfish species, a total of 52 wild samples were collected from six locations in Peninsular Malaysia and analyzed using a 16S mitochondrial DNA to assess their genetic diversity and introduction history. Five haplotypes were detected associated with an overall low genetic diversity (Hd = 0.385, π = 0.00133). A single genetic structure was detected with a phylogenetic relationship showing two clusters related to the haplotypes from Australia and Papua New Guinea. The finding of this study provides the basic data that will aid the appropriate Malaysian authorities for both monitoring and management strategies of redclaw crayfish in Peninsular Malaysia