80 research outputs found

    Tectono-Thermal History of the Neoarchean Balehonnur Shear Zone, Western Dharwar Craton (Southern India)

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    AbstractA widely spaced Neoarchean shear zone network traverses the granite-greenstone terrains of the Western Dharwar craton (WDC). The NNW-SSE trending Balehonnur shear zone traverses the largest part of the preserved tilted Archean crustal ensemble in the Western Dharwar craton (WDC) from the amphibolite-granulite transition in the south to greenschist facies in the north and eventually concealed under Deccan lava flows. Published tectonic fabrics data and kinematic analysis, with our data reveal a sinistral sense of shearing that effectuate greenstone sequences, Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite Gneisses (TTG), and Koppa granite as reflected in variable deformation and strain localization. A profound increase of strain towards the core of the shear zone in the ca. 2610 Ma Koppa granite is marked by a transition from weak foliation outside the shear zone through the development of C-S structures and C-prime fabrics, mylonite to ultramylonite. The mineral assemblages in the Koppa granite and adjoining greenstone indicate near peak P-T conditions of 1.2 Gpa, 775-800°C following a slow cooling path of 1.0 GPa and 650°C. Field-based tectonic fabrics data together with U-Pb zircon ages reveal that the Koppa granite emplaced along the contact zone of Shimoga-Bababudan basin ca. 2610 Ma, coinciding with the emplacement of ca. 2600 Ma Arsikere-Banavara, Pandavpura, and Chitradurga granites further east which mark the stabilization of WDC. Significant variation in major element oxide (SiO2 = 56-69 wt.%) together with high content of incompatible elements (REE, Nb, Zr, and Y) and high zircon crystallization temperatures (~1000°C) of Koppa granite suggests derivation by partial melting of composite sources involving enriched uppermost mantle and lower crust. The development of widely spaced shear zones is probably linked to the assembly of eastern and western blocks through westward convergence of hot oceanic lithosphere against already cratonized thick colder western block leading to the development of strain heterogeneities between greenstone and TTGs due to their different mineral assemblages leading to rheological contrast in the cratonic lithologies

    PSP_MCSVM: brainstorming consensus prediction of protein secondary structures using two-stage multiclass support vector machines

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    Secondary structure prediction is a crucial task for understanding the variety of protein structures and performed biological functions. Prediction of secondary structures for new proteins using their amino acid sequences is of fundamental importance in bioinformatics. We propose a novel technique to predict protein secondary structures based on position-specific scoring matrices (PSSMs) and physico-chemical properties of amino acids. It is a two stage approach involving multiclass support vector machines (SVMs) as classifiers for three different structural conformations, viz., helix, sheet and coil. In the first stage, PSSMs obtained from PSI-BLAST and five specially selected physicochemical properties of amino acids are fed into SVMs as features for sequence-to-structure prediction. Confidence values for forming helix, sheet and coil that are obtained from the first stage SVM are then used in the second stage SVM for performing structure-to-structure prediction. The two-stage cascaded classifiers (PSP_MCSVM) are trained with proteins from RS126 dataset. The classifiers are finally tested on target proteins of critical assessment of protein structure prediction experiment-9 (CASP9). PSP_MCSVM with brainstorming consensus procedure performs better than the prediction servers like Predator, DSC, SIMPA96, for randomly selected proteins from CASP9 targets. The overall performance is found to be comparable with the current state-of-the art. PSP_MCSVM source code, train-test datasets and supplementary files are available freely in public domain at: http://sysbio.icm.edu.pl/secstruct and http://code.google.com/p/cmater-bioinfo


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    This paper describes the comparative study of performance between the existing distance metrics like Manhattan, Euclidean, Vector Cosine Angle and Modified Euclidean distance for finding the similarity of complexion by calculating the distance between the skin colors of two color facial images. The existing methodologies have been tested on 110 male and 40 female facial images taken from FRAV2D database. To verify the result obtained from the existing methodologies an opinion poll of 100 peoples have been taken. The experimental result shows that the result obtained by the methodologies of Manhattan, Euclidean and Vector Cosine Angle distance contradict the survey result in 80 % cases and for Modified Euclidean distance methodology the contradiction arises in 60 % cases. The present work has been implemented using Matlab 7

    Magnetic characterization of HSLA steel by power-law decay exponents of Barkhausen emission signal

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    The general trend of magnetic behaviour of materials is that the mechanically hard materials are also magnetically hard. However for the high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel tempered at various aging temperatures, the correlation was reported as negative. The anomaly could not be explained by the magnetic parameters like RMS voltage calculated from the Barkhausen emission signal and the coercivity from the magnetic hysteresis loop. This paper reports another magnetic parameter known as power-law decay exponent which shows excellent correlation with the mechanical properties and thus explains the progressive evolution of the microstructural constituents in HSLA steel
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