1,182 research outputs found

    A comprehensive mapping of malarial infections in children under 10 years in Kano Central Senatorial District, Kano State, northern Nigeria

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    This study is a baseline to assess and map out the distribution of malaria infection using the prevalence level within the central senatorial districts of Kano State, Northern Nigeria. Blood samples were collected from 50 individuals’ aged below 0 - 10 years from which each of the 15 LGA. Thick and thin blood films were prepared and stained with Giemsa following standard procedure and examined for malaria parasites species identification. The overall prevalence of malaria was 40% and was caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Mapping of malaria using prevalence data showed level of endemicity that ranged from meso to hyper endemicity with a larger proportion of the LGAs (40.6%) being meso-endemic. In conclusion, targeted mass treatments of infections including asymptomatic ones are recommended as promising measures to reduce malaria surge.Keywords: Mapping, malaria distribution in children under 10 years, P. falciparum, Kano Stat


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    This paper aims to present implementation of modern land survey using unconventional technologies namely 3D scanning technology and the advantages of its use in her area of terrestrial communication ways. 3D scanning provides a closer perspective to reality on the Earth's surface. Development of technologies for collecting and processing information currently allows achieving lifelike models as spectacular as it is useful. Currently 3D scanning technique is pervasive in most areas but especially in engineering for modeling of land surfaces, roads, urban space etc

    Hubungan Budaya Lokal dalam Pelayanan Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Tana Toraja

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    : This study aims to determine and describe the application of the local culture in Tana Toraja district in recent times, especially in the Integrated Licensing Services Office and determine the factors supporting and hindering the implementation of the local culture in the service of the Integrated Licensing Services Office in Tana Toraja district. Data collection methods used were observation, interviews and document study. Then analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that the concept of regional autonomy in the implementation does not guarantee the existence of local cultural values, specifically in this study is Tallu bakaa (kinaa, toothpick ', Barani). Application of local cultural values Tallu bakaa, can not be applied to the maximum because the value is not fully understood by the personnel. Not all the apparatus also understand kinaa, toothpick 'and Barani, therefore the authors concluded that the application was only partially implemented according to the known fundamental. Local cultural relations in pela-ministry of governance in particular local cultural values Tallu bakaa, very supportive if properly understood and applied these values

    Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Konsumen dalam Memutuskan Pembelian Android oleh Mahasiswa Fkip Universitas Riau

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    In Indonesia Smartphone with Android Operating System was the most demand. To understand consumer behavior must always be carried out in accordance with the development of information technology. There are many factors that affect consumer behavior in deciding the purchase of android. These factors include cultural factors, social factors, personal factors, psychological factors. The aim of this study was to determine what factors and what are the most dominant factors in influencing consumer behavior in deciding the purchase of android by students FKIP University of Riau by taking 100 students android users. The sampling technique used is the method of sampling non-probability with incidental sampling technique. Collecting data technique used is the questionnaire. While this research data analysis technique used is the analysis of factors. This analysis used analyzing interdependencies between variables. Based on factor analysis conducted, it showed that the KMO test was obtained Sig. 0,000. Because Sign. 0.000 <0.05, it means that there is a correlation between the independent variables. At this stage of the extraction factor gained one factor that has eigenvalue of 2.408 or 60.195%, which shows the influence of cultural factors, personal, social and psychology of consumer behavior, while 39.805% influenced by other factors such as brand mobile phones. Based on the value of the coefficient matrix obtained, the most dominant factor is the personal factor

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut Distrik Navigasi Kelas I Dumai

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    This study aimed to figure out and analyze how significant the influence of job satisfaction toward the performance of officers at the Directorate General of Sea Communication Navigation District Class 1 Dumai. The analysis method used was quantitative descriptive method by distributing questionnaire to 66 respondents. Based on the calculation using SPSS 20, it shows that t count (6,854) > t table (1,669). Therefore, it shows that there was significant influence between job satisfaction and performance of officers at the Directorate General of Sea Communication Navigation District Class 1 Dumai. Based on the result of determination coefficient, job satisfaction had 42,3% influence toward the performance of officers. Meanwhile, 57,7% was influenced by other variables. In conclusion, the study shows that job satisfaction had significant influence toward the performance of officers at the Directorate General of Sea Communication Navigation District Class 1 Dumai

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Harga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Air Minum dalam Kemasan (Amdk) Merek Aqua (Studi pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Riau)

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    This research aimed to determine of product quality and price toward the purchase decision bottled water brand Aqua to Economic Education Student of Riau University. The research was conducted at the Economic Education of Riau University. The populations in this study are economic education students generation 2013-2015 numbered 256 people. The samples was taken with proportionate stratified random sampling. The number of the sample was 72 people. The data analysis technique was used multiple regression. The results of this study showed that: 1) Product quality significantly to the influence purchase decisions of bottled water brand Aqua to Economic Education Student of Riau University. 2) Price do not significantly to the influence purchase decisions of bottled water brand Aqua to Economic Education Student of Riau University