34 research outputs found

    Elasto-Plastic Properties of Cu-Nb Nanolaminate

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    TheYoung's modulus, internal friction, and microplastic flow stress in Cu-Nb nanolaminate has been determined by an acoustic technique. The influence of high hydrostatic compression (1 GPa) on these elasto-plastic properties of the nanolaminate has been studiedye


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    Purpose: to determine the role of speech etiquette, its specificity and functions in the professional activities of law enforcement police officers; to show the correlation between speech, speech etiquette and speech culture; to emphasize the importance of the principle of courtesy and the principle of cooperation in the speech practice of law enforcement officials. The material of the study was dictionaries and speech etiquette reference, official documents regulating the activities of law enforcement police officers, official and procedural documents drawn up by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as personal observations. The subject of the study is etiquette formulas and optimal language means used in oral and written speech of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Research methods. To understand the problem of speech etiquette in the professional activities of law enforcement police officers, the following research methods are used in the article: analysis method, method of classification, observation method. The system approach provides an analytical description of the speech etiquette problem in the activities of law enforcement officials.Results of work. It has been proved that speech etiquette involves a high level of speech culture, mastery of the norms of the Russian language, as well as observance of the principle of courtesy and the principle of cooperation, and in general is one of the main components of the professional activities of law enforcement police officers, being associated with the competencies of professional communication of representatives of law enforcement agencies.Practical implications. The materials of the article can be useful for students studying in vocational education programs, additional professional training, retraining and advanced training of law enforcement police officers and can be used in the process of mastering the standards of speech etiquette, in practical classes of oral speech, professional ethics and official etiquette, rhetoric.Цель: определить роль речевого этикета, его специфику и функции в профессиональной деятельности сотрудников МВД; показать взаимосвязь понятий «речь», «речевой этикет» и «культура речи»; подчеркнуть значимость принципа вежливости и принципа кооперации в речевой практике представителей правоохранительных органов. Материалом исследования послужили словари и справочники по речевому этикету, официальные документы, регламентирующие деятельность сотрудника МВД, служебные и процессуальные документы, составляемые сотрудниками МВД, а также личные наблюдения. Предметом исследования являются этикетные формулы и оптимальные языковые средства, используемые в устной и письменной речи сотрудников МВД.Методы исследования. Для осмысления проблемы речевого этикета в профессиональной деятельности сотрудников МВД в статье применяются следующие методы исследования: метод анализа, метод классификации, метод наблюдения. С помощью системного подхода обеспечивается аналитическое описание проблемы речевого этикета в деятельности представителей охраны правопорядка.Результаты работы. Доказано, что речевой этикет предполагает высокий уровень культуры речи, владение нормами русского языка, а также соблюдение принципа вежливости и принципа кооперации и в целом является одним из основных компонентов профессиональной деятельности сотрудников МВД, будучи связан с компетенциями профессионального общения представителей правоохранительных органов.Область применения результатов. Материалы статьи могут быть полезны для слушателей, обучающихся по программам профессионального образования, дополнительной профессиональной подготовки, переподготовки и повышения квалификации сотрудников МВД, и могут использоваться в процессе овладения нормами речевого этикета, на практических занятиях по устной речи, профессиональной этике, служебному этикету и риторике


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    Along with the conventional word-formation models in the German language, subderivation is becoming increasingly significant. Subaffixes are formed from the content word on the basis of lexemes polysemy. The present article is devoted to the consideration of process of transition of a German noun Sucht into a derivational morpheme and to the semantic analysis of arising formations. The empirical materials of research have been obtained from Deutsche Welle, NetDoktor, Jetzt web sites, as well as from the M.D. Stepanova and G. Mutman dictionaries.The basic methods of the research work are the following: the component analysis, the lexical-semantic analysis, transformational, a method of determination of internal valence.The result of research is the identification of fact that the noun Sucht partially loses its meaning while retaining keeping phonetic and semantic links with the initial word; it gets suffix function; it is even more often used at formation of subderivativesthan in the independent use.The materials of the research work can be used in the course of learning German language, at the practical training in oral speech, and also in the course of lexicology, general and aspect lexicography.Наряду с общепринятыми моделям словообразования в немецком языке значимую роль имеет субдеривация. Субаффиксы образуются из самостоятельных частей речи на основе многозначности лексических единиц. Настоящая статья посвящена рассмотрению процесса перехода в словообразовательный формант немецкого существительного Sucht и семантическому анализу возникающих образований. Эмпирическим материалом исследования явились веб-сайты: Deutsche Welle, NetDoktor, Jetzt, а также обратные словари М.Д. Степановой и Г. Мутмана.Основными методами проведения исследования послужили следующие: компонентный анализ, лексико-семантический анализ, трансформационный, метод определения внутренней валентности.По результатам исследования выявлено, что существительное Sucht частично утрачивает свое значение, сохраняя фонетические и семантические связи с исходным словом, приобретает функцию суффикса, все чаще используется при образовании субдеривата, чем в самостоятельном употреблении.Материалы исследования могут быть использованы в процессе овладения немецким языком, на практических занятиях по устной речи, а также в курсах лексикологии, общей и аспектной лексикографии

    Study of the titanium VT1-0 surface degradation after cyclic loading in different structural states, including ones when coatings are formed by Micro-Arc Oxidation

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    This article considers the results of the study of the titanium VT1-0 surface degradation (Grade-4 equivalent) for recrystallized- and ultrafine-grained states after fatigue testing. Comparative analysis of peculiarities of the titanium samples degradation was performed after coating formation by Micro-Arc Oxidation. It was found, that the coating formed by Micro- Arc Oxidation shows different degradation behaviors for recrystallized and ultrafine-grained state

    Coarse-grained and ultrafine-grained titanium high-temperature creep

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    The publication describes the study of durability in tensile creep of VT1-0 commercial titanium in its two states - coarse-grained and ultrafine-grained. It is shown that the best temperature for log-term testing is 350°С. At this temperature, the ultrafine-grained titanium structure remains stable both during free annealing and durability testing. The obtained data enable retrieving the difference in fracture initiation energies for titanium in its coarse-grained and ultrafine-grained state

    Effect of the structural state and oxide coating on the mechanostability of VT1-0 titanium upon its cyclic loading

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    The fatigue properties of a submicrocrystalline titanium are shown to be substantially higher than those of a coarse-grained state. A deposition of an oxide coating leads to insignificant increase in these properties for titanium with a submicrocrystalline and coarse-grained structures. Some peculiarities of the fatigue fracture of submicrocrystalline and coarse-grained titanium are analyze


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    The concept of ecosystem services (ES) has aroused interest among researchers around the world with the growing anthropogenic pressure on natural ecosystems. The meaning of the concept is taking into consideration the ecosystem functions during making decisions and ensuring sustainable development. Mapping of ES is crucial for territorial representation of ecosystem services, spatial analysis, dynamic changes detection, relationships between ecosystem elements, etc. The goal of the study is to review global scientific literature of mapping ecosystem services at the local level. The paper describes the aims, input datasets, types of mapping, and methods of 19 scientific publications. A summary contains a brief description of the initial data and the methods used. Cartographic material has been prepared to show the research geography on a world map. The most popular groups of ecosystem services for scholars have been identified. More than 39% of the mapped ES belong to the regulating services. Global land cover and land use maps are often used as input data for modeling and mapping. Regression models and software-based models (InVEST, KINEROS, etc) are more frequent among the methods for the ES assessment and mapping. Specially protected natural areas, as well as vulnerable mountain, river, and coastal ecosystems are primary objects of research. The study of ES in Russia is also confined to protected areas. Mapping of ecosystem functions and services of local objects is mostly developed in European countries


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    The paper analyses the phenomenon of invective words or verbal abuse. They can be actualized in different ways and take various forms. Being one of fundamental property of human behavior, aggression has manifold expression in language. Speech aggression has a great number of functions in various spheres of human life. The fundamental of them amount to means of influence for addressee, wish to afflict and mean of ascendancy’s expression, personal superiority and language violence. Speech aggression can be ranged in level of intensity and forms of its appearance: from utterance of dislike and malevolence till verbal abuse

    Mechanical properties, density, and defect structure of VT1-0 titanium after intense plastic deformation due to screw and longitudinal rollings

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    yesThe influence of screw rolling combined with standard methods of mechanothermal treatment on the homogeneity of the forming submicrocrystalline structure, density, and mechanical performance of VT1- 0 commercial titanium is studiedBelgorod State Universit

    Mechanical properties, density, and defect structure of VT1-0 titanium after intense plastic deformation due to screw and longitudinal rollings

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    The influence of screw rolling combined with standard methods of mechanothermal treatment on the homogeneity of the forming submicrocrystalline structure, density, and mechanical performance of VT1- 0 commercial titanium is studiedyesBelgorod State Universit