608 research outputs found

    Analysis of code-based digital signature schemes

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    Digital signatures are in high demand because they allow authentication and non-repudiation. Existing digital signature systems, such as digital signature algorithm (DSA), elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA), and others, are based on number theory problems such as discrete logarithmic problems and integer factorization problems. These recently used digital signatures are not secure with quantum computers. To protect against quantum computer attacks, many researchers propose digital signature schemes based on error-correcting codes such as linear, Goppa, polar, and so on. We studied 16 distinct papers based on various error-correcting codes and analyzed their various features such as signing and verification efficiency, signature size, public key size, and security against multiple attacks

    Differential Analysis of Various Industries on The Basis of Capital and Asset Structure: An Indian Study

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    The starting point for this paper is a belief that industry dependence should affect the capital structure of a company.  The purpose of this report is to examine the capital structure across different industries for companies quoted on a stock exchange and headquartered in India. The paper demonstrates significant difference in the capital structure depending on the industry where the company operates. The debt ratio sensitivities to the explanatory variables differ significantly between the five industries studied. Almost every significant coefficient obtained in the regressions is in accordance with capital structure theory and other studies. Debt ratio is negatively related to profitability, and age, while asset structure, growth, and company size are positively related. The separate regressions on each industry show that the industries studied are influenced differently. Despite some variation the regression model performed well for the industries, with the R2 ranging from 0.191 to 0.884, signifying that using the same model on every industry may not be fair in the sense that the debt ratio could be governed by different factors for different industries. Keywords: Capital Structure; Static Trade-off; Pecking Order; Industry Effects; Listed Companies

    Does the Nature of Index and Liquidity Influence the Mispricing in Future Contracts in India?

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    In this study, we investigate the variations in the mispricing of futures in Nifty (benchmark index), Bank Nifty and Nifty IT. Using a regression model on 1230 observations for the period of 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2018, we find no significant mispricing exists in the last week to the expiry of the contract in all three indices. This finding supports the existing literature that as the contract moves towards the maturity date, its value converges the market value. However, the main highlight of the paper is to reveal the difference in the life of mispricing in different indices. This difference in mispricing can be allocated to the liquidity in that indices. We report that being the most liquid, Bank Nifty is having mispricing only in 1 week (first week) of the contract, after that no significant mispricing exists in mispricing, Nifty shows significant mispricing for the first two weeks and Nifty IT shows mispricing for all weeks except last week. This is the pioneering work which considers the sectoral differences while evaluating futures mispricing. The findings of this study will provide a useful insight to the regulator and investors

    Web Traffic Perspective of State Universities of Haryana

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    The performance of a website is indicated directly by the web traffic it engages. Web traffic is basically the amount of data sent and received by visitors of a website and is often measured in terms of several metrics. These can be number of visitors, unique or repeated; pages per visit, duration of the visit and bounce rate etc. Visualization of this data helps in anticipating the facts like presentation of the website from end users� perspective, where the significant amount of traffic is coming from, what areas the website needs to draw users� attention from; and hence, steps for the improvement can be thought of. A range of web analytic tools are present globally to facilitate the collection and evaluation of website visitor data. In this paper, a comparative study of the web traffic of seven state universities of Haryana has been presented in analytical form using an online web analytic tool

    Religiousness, Coping, and Social Support Predict Well-Being among Cancer Patients

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the association between intrinsic religious motivation (IRM), coping styles, social support, and well-being among cancer patients. IRM refers to the internalization of faith as the primary motive in a person’s life. Previous research has established a correlation between IRM and well-being; however, little is known about the role of coping style s and social support in this relationship. The sample included 179 predominantly white, Christian, female patients with stage II through IV cancer. We used a cross- sectional, correlational design with self-report measures of the constructs. We hypothesized that higher levels of IRM and, subsequently, social support would predict higher levels of emotional and social well-being. Moreover, we hypothesized that acceptance coping would predict higher levels of well-being, whereas venting of negative emotions would predict lower levels of well-being. Controlling for age and family income, we conducted two sequential multiple regressions to examine the relationship between IRM, coping styles, social support, and well-being. In the first model, at step one, IRM (Beta = .16, p \u3c .05) predicted emotional well-being. At step two, acceptance coping (Beta = .31, p \u3c .001) predicted higher levels of emotional well-being, whereas venting (Beta = -.22, p \u3c .01) predicted lower levels of emotional well-being. Moreover, IRM became non-significant after entering the coping variables. In the second model, at step one, IRM (Beta = .18, p \u3c .05) predicted social well-being. At step two, social support (Beta = .30, p \u3c .001) predicted social well-being. Moreover, IRM became non-significant after entering social support. Overall, the models explained 20% of the variance in emotional well-being and 21% of the variance in social well-being. Results suggest that IRM may promote both emotional and social well-being among cancer patients. Moreover, higher levels of acceptance coping and lower levels of venting may further promote emotional well-being. In contrast, social support may be a key factor linking IRM to social well-being. Future research should focus on coping styles and social support as potential mechanisms linking intrinsic religious motivation to well-being. Subsequently, intervention research could target these mechanisms to enhance the quality of life for religious cancer patients

    Detection of Equine Herpesvirus Infection: Sensitivity Assay of Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    The study was designed to identify the potential diagnostic tool with minimum detection limit in a clinical sample for Equine Herpesvirus Strain -1. An approach of molecular diagnostics was used using reported primers of polymerase chain reaction using in the sample obtained from repository. The PCR primers were specific to ORF 16 gene of EHV-1. Sensitivity assay of PCR detection was performed by making dilutions of EHV-1 positive DNA sample and running each dilution in a PCR and visualizing amplicons in ethidium bromide stained agarose gel under UV radiation. Study was valuable in determining the efficiency of PCR for quick and reliable source as disease survilance.disease surveillance is as equal important as treatment, Without surveillance and diagnostics it is not possible to prevent and control any disease. Key words: EHV-1, Equine Herpes Virus; PCR, Polymerase Chain reaction, ORF 16

    Location, location, location : Fibrin, cells, and fibrinolytic factors in thrombi

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    Funding Information: Figures were created with BioRender.com.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Selective inhibition of human tankyrases

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    Tankyrases belong to the Diphtheria toxin-like ADP-ribosyltransferase (ARTD) enzyme superfamily, also known as poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs). They catalyze a covalent post-translational modification reaction where they transfer ADP-ribose units from NAD+ to target proteins. Tankyrases are involved in many cellular processes and their roles in telomere homeostasis, Wnt signaling and in several diseases including cancers have made them interesting drug targets. In this thesis project, selective inhibition of human tankyrases was studied. A homogeneous fluorescence-based assay was developed to screen the compound libraries. The assay is inexpensive, operationally easy, and performs well according to the statistical analysis. Assay suitability was confirmed by screening a natural product library. Flavone was identified as the most potent inhibitor in the library and this motivated us to screen a larger flavonoid library. Results showed that flavones were indeed the best inhibitor of tankyrases among flavonoids. To further study the structure-activity relationship, a small library of flavones containing single substitution was screened and potency measurements allowed us to generate structure-activity relationship. Compounds containing substitutions at 4´-position were more potent in comparison to other substitutions, and importantly, hydrophobic groups improved isoenzyme selectivity as well as the potency. A flavone derivative containing a hydrophobic isopropyl group (compound 22), displayed 6 nM potency against TNKS1, excellent isoenzyme selectivity and Wnt signaling inhibition. Protein interactions with compounds were studied by solving complex crystal structures of the compounds with TNKS2 catalytic domain. A novel tankyrase inhibitor (IWR-1) was also crystallized in complex with TNKS2 catalytic domain. The crystal structure of TNKS2 in complex with IWR-1 showed that the compound binds to adenosine site and it was the first known ARTD inhibitor of this kind. To date, there is no structural information available about the substrate binding with any of the ARTD family members; therefore NAD+ was soaked with TNKS2 catalytic domain crystals. However, analysis of crystal structure showed that NAD+ was hydrolyzed to nicotinamide. Also, a co-crystal structure of NAD+ mimic compound, EB-47, was solved which was used to deduce some insights about the substrate interactions with the enzyme. Like EB-47, other ARTD1 inhibitors were also shown to inhibit tankyrases. It indicated that selectivity of the ARTD1 inhibitors should be considered as some of the effects in cells could come from tankyrase inhibition. In conclusion, the study provides novel information on tankyrase inhibition and presents new insight into the selectivity and potency of compounds

    Acute Hypoxic Respiratory Failure as a Complication of a Urinary Tract Infection During Pregnancy: A Case Presentation

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    Urinary tract infections (UTI), as well as asymptomatic bacteriuria, have the potential to cause serious morbidity during pregnancy making it imperative to identify and treat them promptly. If left untreated, a UTI can lead to pyelonephritis and sepsis. More importantly, UTIs are independently associated with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), premature rupture of membranes (PROM), preterm delivery, pulmonary edema, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), preeclampsia, and cesarean delivery. We report the case of NC, a 19 year old G1P0 at 36 weeks and 3 days GA who presented to the hospital with concern for rupture of membranes with associated back and abdominal pain. She was febrile to 100.3 and tachycardic on initial presentation. Her prenatal history was significant for recurrent E.coli bacteriuria and non-compliance with antibiotic therapy. The admitting resident was concerned for pyelonephritis and possible bacteremia so, the patient was started on broad spectrum antibiotics. She progressed in labor and delivered a healthy female via vacuum extraction for non-reassuring fetal heart tones. Subsequently, blood cultures came back positive for E.coli. Her postpartum course was complicated by elevated blood pressures and proteinuria with concerns for pre-eclampsia. She received appropriate treatment with magnesium sulfate and anti-hypertensive therapy. Her clinical picture worsened with the development of hypoxemia and pulmonary edema concerning for pre-eclampsia with severe features versus ARDS from her bacteremia. She improved with aggressive diuresis and was discharged home in stable condition. Acute pyelonephritis secondary to ongoing UTI affects 1-2% of women and has, in some cases, been shown to increase the risk of pulmonary edema. In contrast, acute pyelonephritis in non-pregnant women is rarely associated with ARDS. In this case it is almost impossible to know whether the pulmonary edema was a manifestation of preeclampsia or ARDS from the UTI or a combination of both. Nonetheless, this case serves as a reminder of the importance of treating asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy and the potential sequela including preterm delivery, ARDS and preeclampsia. It is important that we, as physicians, continue to educate our patients about the importance of treating asymptomatic bacteriuria and UTIs in pregnancy given the morbidity associated with it


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    Scientific and clinical reports globally demonstrated that the opportunistic mycotic infections are at major risk to the human fitness. In past few decades, development of resistance in microbes to existing antifungals, has emphasized on the search of new antimycotic drugs. As a matter of fact "echinocandins" are new categories of broad-spectrum antifungal enlighten a hope in this direction. Echinocandins are bulky lipopeptides that inhibits the production of β-[1,3]-glucan "a major constituent of fungal cell wall" which ultimately leads to the death of fungal pathogens. In vitro as well as in vivo published reports have demonstrated that the echinocandins exhibit fungicidal activity against most Candida spp while fungistatic against Aspergillus spp and exclusively found to be more effective when tested in combination with polyenes/azoles. Present article is an expert views on the recent and historical literature available on the antifungal therapies with accessing their impact on the human health. Emphasis is given on the utility of the echinocandins as potential antifungal agent by discussing recent examples of clinical and laboratory studies including the use of improved proteomics approaches to know a bit more about the interaction of human host and fungal pathogens