15 research outputs found

    HIV-1 Nef interaction influences the ATP-binding site of the Src-family kinase, Hck

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    Background: Nef is an HIV-1 accessory protein essential for viral replication and AIDS progression. Nef interacts with a multitude of host cell signaling partners, including members of the Src kinase family. Nef preferentially activates Hck, a Src-family kinase (SFK) strongly expressed in macrophages and other HIV target cells, by binding to its regulatory SH3 domain. Recently, we identified a series of kinase inhibitors that preferentially inhibit Hck in the presence of Nef. These compounds also block Nef-dependent HIV replication, validating the Nef-SFK signaling pathway as an antiretroviral drug target. Our findings also suggested that by binding to the Hck SH3 domain, Nef indirectly affects the conformation of the kinase active site to favor inhibitor association. Results: To test this hypothesis, we engineered a "gatekeeper" mutant of Hck with enhanced sensitivity to the pyrazolopyrimidine tyrosine kinase inhibitor, NaPP1. We also modified the RT loop of the Hck SH3 domain to enhance interaction of the kinase with Nef. This modification stabilized Nef:Hck interaction in solution-based kinase assays, as a way to mimic the more stable association that likely occurs at cellular membranes. Introduction of the modified RT loop rendered Hck remarkably more sensitive to activation by Nef, and led to a significant decrease in the K mssssfor ATP as well as enhanced inhibitor potency. Conclusions: These observations suggest that stable interaction with Nef may induce Src-family kinase active site conformations amenable to selective inhibitor targeting. © 2012 Pene-Dumitrescu et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Discovery of a diaminoquinoxaline benzenesulfonamide antagonist of HIV-1 Nef function using a yeast-based phenotypic screen

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    Background: HIV-1 Nef is a viral accessory protein critical for AIDS progression. Nef lacks intrinsic catalytic activity and binds multiple host cell signaling proteins, including Hck and other Src-family tyrosine kinases. Nef binding induces constitutive Hck activation that may contribute to HIV pathogenesis by promoting viral infectivity, replication and downregulation of cell-surface MHC-I molecules. In this study, we developed a yeast-based phenotypic screen to identify small molecules that inhibit the Nef-Hck complex. Results: Nef-Hck interaction was faithfully reconstituted in yeast cells, resulting in kinase activation and growth arrest. Yeast cells expressing the Nef-Hck complex were used to screen a library of small heterocyclic compounds for their ability to rescue growth inhibition. The screen identified a dihydrobenzo-1,4-dioxin-substituted analog of 2-quinoxalinyl-3-aminobenzene-sulfonamide (DQBS) as a potent inhibitor of Nef-dependent HIV-1 replication and MHC-I downregulation in T-cells. Docking studies predicted direct binding of DQBS to Nef which was confirmed in differential scanning fluorimetry assays with recombinant purified Nef protein. DQBS also potently inhibited the replication of HIV-1 NL4-3 chimeras expressing Nef alleles representative of all M-group HIV-1 clades.Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate the utility of a yeast-based growth reversion assay for the identification of small molecule Nef antagonists. Inhibitors of Nef function discovered with this assay, such as DQBS, may complement the activity of current antiretroviral therapies by enabling immune recognition of HIV-infected cells through the rescue of cell surface MHC-I. © 2013 Trible et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    QSAR studies on 4-thiazolidinones and 2-azetidinones bearing benzothiophene nucleus as potential anti-tubercular agents

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    586-591Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) study on a series of (substituted 1, 2-dihydro)4–thiazolidinones and 2-azetidinones bearing benzothiophene nucleus with anti-tubercular activity has been carried out using a combination of various physicochemical descriptors. Several significant equations with good co-efficient of correlation (>0.860) have been obtained. The two models are selected using internal predictive power discerned by cross-validated coefficient q². Both models highlight some common important feature, i.e., bulky substitution and the high nucleophilicity nature of the molecules, favorable for anti-tubercular activity

    Suitability of Natural Coaglant (Morienga Oleifera) to Replace Alum

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    Water is an important resource for life. River water, bore water, well water etc is source for drinking water & other activities in Indapur Taluka, Pune District, Maharashtra, India .River water is not consider as a pure water. Because in river water with dissolved non essential material in it. The only way to purify the river water is purification process by using natural coagulant. Due to which problem of pollutant water quality improves high important in the present day. The quality of any source of water is depends upon its physical & chemical properties. Various author conducted their studies on chemical & physical properties of pollutant water. This review attempts to highlight the main achievement in purifying water & the outline the advantages of using natural coagulant (MO) to replace chemical coagulant (Alum) for purification of water

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