502 research outputs found

    Cosmic acceleration in a model of scalar-tensor gravitation

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    In this paper we consider a model of scalar-tensor theory of gravitation in which the scalar field, ϕ\phi determines the gravitational coupling G and has a Lagrangian of the form, Lϕ=V(ϕ)1μϕμϕ\mathcal{L}_{\phi} =-V(\phi)\sqrt{1 - \partial_{\mu}\phi\partial^{\mu}\phi}. We study the cosmological consequence of this theory in the matter dominated era and show that this leads to a transition from an initial decelerated expansion to an accelerated expansion phase at the present epoch. Using observational constraints, we see that the effective equation of state today for the scalar field turns out to be pϕ=wϕρϕp_{\phi}=w_{\phi}{\rho}_{\phi}, with wϕ=0.88w_{\phi}=-0.88 and that the transition to an accelerated phase happened at a redshift of about 0.3.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, matches published versio

    Dark matter and stable bound states of primordial black holes

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    We present three reasons for the formation of gravitational bound states of primordial black holes,called holeums,in the early universe.Using Newtonian gravity and nonrelativistic quantum mechanics we find a purely quantum mechanical mass-dependant exclusion property for the nonoverlap of the constituent black holes in a holeum.This ensures that the holeum occupies space just like ordinary matter.A holeum emits only gravitational radiation whose spectrum is an exact analogue of that of a hydrogen atom. A part of this spectrum lies in the region accessible to the detectors being built.The holeums would form haloes around the galaxies and would be an important component of the dark matter in the universe today.They may also be the constituents of the invisible domain walls in the universe.Comment: 13 pages,2tables,for wider circulation,PD

    Modeling Repulsive Gravity with Creation

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    There is a growing interest in the cosmologists for theories with negative energy scalar fields and creation, in order to model a repulsive gravity. The classical steady state cosmology proposed by Bondi, Gold and Hoyle in 1948, was the first such theory which used a negative kinetic energy creation field to invoke creation of matter. We emphasize that creation plays very crucial role in cosmology and provides a natural explanation to the various explosive phenomena occurring in local (z<0.1) and extra galactic universe. We exemplify this point of view by considering the resurrected version of this theory - the quasi-steady state theory, which tries to relate creation events directly to the large scale dynamics of the universe and supplies more natural explanations of the observed phenomena. Although the theory predicts a decelerating universe at the present era, it explains successfully the recent SNe Ia observations (which require an accelerating universe in the standard cosmology), as we show in this paper by performing a Bayesian analysis of the data.Comment: The paper uses an old SNeIa dataset. With the new improved data, for example the updated gold sample (Riess et al, astro-ph/0611572), the fit improves considerably (\chi^2/DoF=197/180 and a probability of goodness-of-fit=18%

    Liquid droplet formation by HP1α suggests a role for phase separation in heterochromatin.

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    Gene silencing by heterochromatin is proposed to occur in part as a result of the ability of heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) proteins to spread across large regions of the genome, compact the underlying chromatin and recruit diverse ligands. Here we identify a new property of the human HP1α protein: the ability to form phase-separated droplets. While unmodified HP1α is soluble, either phosphorylation of its N-terminal extension or DNA binding promotes the formation of phase-separated droplets. Phosphorylation-driven phase separation can be promoted or reversed by specific HP1α ligands. Known components of heterochromatin such as nucleosomes and DNA preferentially partition into the HP1α droplets, but molecules such as the transcription factor TFIIB show no preference. Using a single-molecule DNA curtain assay, we find that both unmodified and phosphorylated HP1α induce rapid compaction of DNA strands into puncta, although with different characteristics. We show by direct protein delivery into mammalian cells that an HP1α mutant incapable of phase separation in vitro forms smaller and fewer nuclear puncta than phosphorylated HP1α. These findings suggest that heterochromatin-mediated gene silencing may occur in part through sequestration of compacted chromatin in phase-separated HP1 droplets, which are dissolved or formed by specific ligands on the basis of nuclear context

    Experimental study of magneto-superconductor RuSr2Eu1.5Ce0.5Cu2O10: Effect of Mo doping on magnetic behavior and Tc variation

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    Mo doped ruthenocuprates Ru1-xMoxSr2Eu1.5Ce0.5Cu2O10 are synthesized for x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0, and their magnetic and superconducting properties are studied. It has been found that the magnetic transition temperature TZFCpeak, which corresponds to the appearance of weak ferromagnetic effect, decreases from its value of 75 K for x = 0.0 to 22 K, 25 K and 18 K, respectively for the x = 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 samples. Another finding is that the magnetic susceptibility reduces at TZFCpeak by a factor of about 6, 85 and 413 for x = 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 respectively. The samples of x = 0.8 and 1.0 are found to have no magnetic or superconducting effects. The values of the superconducting transition temperature are obtained from the resistivity versus temperature data. An important result is that Tc increases by 4.5 K and 7.0 K for x = 0.2 and 0.4 respectively, and then decreases by 17 K for x = 0.6. The observed variation of Tc with x has been explained in terms of a theory which combines the effects of weakening magnetic behavior and reducing carrier concentration in a phenomenological manner. The resulting theory is found to provide a good agreement with the observed value of Tc.Comment: 14 pages with Text + Figs. To Appear in PHYS. REV. B, Ist Jan. 2006 issu

    Anomalous thermoelectric power of Mg1-xAlxB2 system with x = 0.0 to 1.0

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    Thermoelectric power, S(T) of the Mg1-xAlxB2 system has been measured for x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0. XRD, resistivity and magnetization measurements are also presented. It has been found that the thermoelectric power is positive for x = 0.4 and is negative for x = 0.6 over the entire temperature range studied up to 300 K. The thermoelectric power of x = 0.4 samples vanishes discontinuously below a certain temperature, implying existence of superconductivity. In general, the magnitude of the thermoelectric power increases with temperature up to a certain temperature, and then it starts to decrease towards zero base line. In order to explain the observed behavior of the thermoelectric power, we have used a model in which both diffusion and phonon drag processes are combined by using a phenomenological interpolation between the low and high temperature behaviors of the thermoelectric power. The considered model provides an excellent fit to the observed data. It is further found that Al doping enhances the Debye temperature.Comment: 19 pages Text + Figs. suggestions/comments([email protected]

    Broadening of Spectral Lines due to Dynamic Multiple Scattering and the Tully-Fisher Relation

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    The frequency shift of spectral lines is most often explained by the Doppler Effect in terms of relative motion, whereas the Doppler broadening of a particular line mainly depends on the absolute temperature. The Wolf effect on the other hand deals with the correlation induced spectral change and explains both the broadening and shift of the spectral lines. In this framework a relation between the width of the spectral line is related to the redshift z for the line and hence with the distance. For smaller values of z a relation similar to the Tully-Fisher relation can be obtained and for larger values of z a more general relation can be constructed. The derivation of this kind of relation based on dynamic multiple scattering theory may play a significant role in explaining the overall spectra of quasi stellar objects. We emphasize that this mechanism is not applicable for nearby galaxies, z1z \leq 1.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, revised Version has been submitted to Physical Review A. (2nd author's affiliation corrected

    A Machian Model of Dark Energy

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    Einstein believed that Mach's principle should play a major role in finding a meaningful spacetime geometry, though it was discovered later that his field equations gave some solutions which were not Machian. It is shown, in this essay, that the kinematical Λ\Lambda models, which are invoked to solve the cosmological constant problem, are in fact consistent with Mach's ideas. One particular model in this category is described which results from the microstructure of spacetime and seems to explain the current observations successfully and also has some benefits over the conventional models. This forces one to think whether the Mach's ideas and the cosmological constant are interrelated in some way.Comment: Received an Honorable mention in the Essay Contest-2002 sponsored by the Gravity Research Foundation; A paragraph added on how the model can explain the CMB anisotropy observations; To appear in the Classical and Quantum Gravit

    High Field Performance of Nano-Diamond Doped MgB2 Superconductor

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    Polycrystalline MgB2-nDx (x= 0 to 0.1) samples are synthesized by solid-state route with ingredients of Mg, B and n-Diamond. The results from magneto-transport and magnetization of nano-diamond doped MgB2-nDx are reported. Superconducting transition temperature (Tc) is not affected significantly by x up to x = 0.05 and latter decreases slightly for higher x > 0.05. R(T) vs H measurements show higher Tc values under same applied magnetic fields for the nano-diamond added samples, resulting in higher estimated Hc2 values. From the magnetization measurements it was found that irreversibility field value Hirr for the pristine sample is 7.5 Tesla at 4 K and the same is increased to 13.5 Tesla for 3-wt% nD added sample at the same temperature. The Jc(H) plots at all temperatures show that Jc value is lowest at all applied fields for pristine MgB2 and the sample doped with 3-wt% nD gives the best Jc values at all fields. For the pure sample the value of Jc is of the order of 105 A/cm2 at lower fields but it decreases very fast as the magnetic field is applied and becomes negligible above 7 Tesla. The Jc is 40 times higher than pure MgB2 at 10 K at 6 Tesla field in case of 3%nD doped sample and its value is still of the order of 103 A/cm2 at 10 Tesla for the same sample. On the other hand at 20K the 5%nD sample shows the best performance at higher fields. These results are discussed in terms of extrinsic pinning due to dispersed n-Diamond in the host MgB2 matrix along with the intrinsic pinning due to possible substitution of C at Boron site and increased inter-band scattering for highly doped samples resulting in extraordinary performance of the doped system.Comment: 12 PAGES (TEXT+FIGS). ACCEPTED: J. APPL.PHYS. (MMM-2007 Proceedings

    Path integral duality modified propagators in spacetimes with constant curvature

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    The hypothesis of path integral duality provides a prescription to evaluate the propagator of a free, quantum scalar field in a given classical background, taking into account the existence of a fundamental length, say, the Planck length, \lp, in a {\it locally Lorentz invariant manner}. We use this prescription to evaluate the duality modified propagators in spacetimes with {\it constant curvature} (exactly in the case of one spacetime, and in the Gaussian approximation for another two), and show that: (i) the modified propagators are ultra violet finite, (ii) the modifications are {\it non-perturbative} in \lp, and (iii) \lp seems to behave like a `zero point length' of spacetime intervals such that \l = \l[\sigma^{2}(x,x')+ {\cal O}(1) \lp^2 \r], where σ(x,x)\sigma(x,x') is the geodesic distance between the two spacetime points xx and xx', and the angular brackets denote (a suitable) average over the quantum gravitational fluctuations. We briefly discuss the implications of our results.Comment: v1. 10 pages, no figures; v2. 11 pages, acknowledgments adde