1,078 research outputs found


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    The different cultures, power distance could be the obstacle in intercultural communication. The aim of this research to identify the types of Cross-Cultural Communication Style Choice between British and American in the Leap Year movie. The researchers attempt to reveal kinds of Cross-Cultural Communication Style Choice between Declan as British and Anna as American for three days. This Qualitative research method analyses data of utterances and are classified into four types of Cross-Cultural Communication Style Choice. The result shows that there are 356 utterances of Anna and Declan. for three days. Anna has 204 utterances with 44,3 % direct style and indirect 5,8 %.. Declan uses 155 utterance with 37 % and 12 % indirect style. British tend to use more indirect styles in expressing their intention to save the interlocutor’s face.Meanwhile, American use direct styles to reveal their intentions as they belong to the high culture communication.Key words: across culture communication,direct style, indirectstyl

    The Correlation of Eigth Grade Students’ Confidence Level and Speaking Skill at SMP YAPIPA Serpong, Tangerang

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    This research aim to find out the correlation between students’ confidence level and their speaking skill on the eigth grade students of SMP YAPIPA. The research was conducted at SMP YAPIPA, the subject of this research was the students on the eigth grade in class VIII A have 31 students and  VIII B have 34 students. The total of the respondents are 65 students. In this research the researcher used quantitative survey research. Technique collecting data in this research with using quesionnaries confidence level consist of 64 questions and monologue for speaking test. The regression significance test it cound be seen that the score of F were 0.342 and the significant were 0.561, the df 1:63 = 64 (4.00) in significant 5% the explanation 0.342< 0.561. The result of tobserve was about 0.589 and ttable result were 1.99. If the result (0.561 < 1.99) means there is no significant correlation between students’ confidence level and speaking skill.Keyword:       Students’ confidence level, Speaking Skill, Monologue Speaking tes


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    ABSTRACT Storytelling is an activity or activity to tell a story organize and attractively.  This research is aimed to discover the differences between students who given storytelling and the students who given conventional technique in improving students’ speaking skill. The research conducted to 2nd semester student from universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang with the total sample is 56 students. The methodology of the research is quantitative approach with quasi experimental method. The researcher did 2 tests, consist of pre-test and post-test. This research was conducted of two classes, control class and experiment class. The result of the research shows that students who taught by using storytelling have higher score than the students who taught by using conventional technique. The students can explore their ideas well and more interested in learning speaking by using storytelling. As suggestion, the researcher hopes that the teachers must be able to choose appropriate technique and media in teaching English

    Optimum Partition Parameter of Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Solving Closest-Pair Problem

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    Divide and Conquer is a well known algorithmic procedure for solving many kinds of problem. In this procedure, the problem is partitioned into two parts until the problem is trivially solvable. Finding the distance of the closest pair is an interesting topic in computer science. With divide and conquer algorithm we can solve closest pair problem. Here also the problem is partitioned into two parts until the problem is trivially solvable. But it is theoretically and practically observed that sometimes partitioning the problem space into more than two parts can give better performances. In this paper, a new proposal is given that dividing the problem space into (n) number of parts can give better result while divide and conquer algorithm is used for solving the closest pair of point's problem.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1010.590


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    Komunikasi yang kurang baik antara dokter dan pasien meyebabkan ketidakpuasaan pasien terhadap pelayanan medis. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan studi kasus bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bentuk tindak tindak tutur dan register dalam wacana medis. Data diambil dari interaksi medis dalam bentuk tindak tutur yang dituturkan oleh dokter umum dan sepuluh pasiennya. Data dianalisis berdasarkan tindak tutur Searle (1979, teori Analisis Wacana Profesi (Gunarsson, 2009), register (Holmes, 1992). Penemuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan tindak tutur asertif, direktif, ekspresif dan komisif yang lazim muncul dalam wacana medis. Dokter menggunakan register kedokteran dan memberikan pertanyaan yang panjang ketika berinteraksi dengan pasien dewasa. Penelitian selanjutnya disarankan tentang tindak tutur dan register berbagai dokter specialist, hal ini akan menunjukkan hasil interaksi dan jenis komunikasi yang berbeda

    Employee’s View on Job Satisfaction: A Study on Garments Industry in Bangladesh

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    Purpose: This paper focuses on the job satisfaction of the employees of the ready-made garment industry in Bangladesh. Introduction: Almost every country irrespective of its stage of development is engaged in garment manufacturing and trading. This industry migrates from high-wage to low-wage countries like a “flying goose”. Almost, without any exception, historically, the readymade industry was the first industry a country was able to introduce, which eventually led to the development of other industries. Literature review: Literature review shows that after the liberation industrial base here in Bangladesh had to face a sudden vacuum of the entrepreneurs (who were mainly from West Pakistan). However, towards 1980’s a new industrial venture namely garments manufacturing factories started to grow with some favorable policy support from the Government and preferential treatment of major apparel importing countries by guaranteed share of their market. Methods: The data collection method is primary survey on employees of garment industry and experts of the same industry supported by secondary research on previous research, industry report, government paper, and interview of resource persons. Percentage analysis, hypothesis tests are the primary tools used for the data analysis. Conclusions: The findings show that garment workers are unhappy with their working environment and about pay package.garments, Job, Satisfaction, Employees, Working, Environment

    Implementation of meritocracy in the public sector of Kazakhstan

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    Kazakhstan's ultimate goal for the next 20 years is to become one of the most economically successful top 30 countries in the world. In order to get onto that list, the President of the country, on a regular basis, sets goals that should be achieved by politicians, businessmen, scholars, students and others. One of the latest goals was the introduction of 5 reforms in 2015 that included a huge transformation of the civil service. The reform was aimed at creating a professional and effective civil service free from corruption, nepotism, and tribalism, with bright leaders who will guide the country towards success and prosperity. Thus, political stability will gradually result in economic success. The focus of the civil service reform was the implementation of principles of meritocracy. Meritocracy guarantees that access to the civil service will be equally given to everyone interested in working for the government and who has the proper qualifications. Promotion should be based on their merits ignoring things like subjectivism, nepotism, corruption etc. On the basis of the reforms, the government has introduced new law ‘On civil service’. Thus the main objective of this thesis paper is to investigate whether the principle of meritocracy has been introduced and implemented in the civil service of Kazakhstan. Using the example of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan I have researched whether the results of this process have been successful or not. The primary source of data is interviews conducted with the representatives of the MoFA. The results of the interviews showed interesting findings regarding merit-based and non-merit basedpriniciples of recruitment and promotion in the MoFA. According to the interviews one of the important factors besides merits is professionals networking connections which can play crucial role in the candidate’s recruitment and promotion. The implementation of a meritocracy will contribute to the building strong government institutions free from corruption and will also support Kazakhstan’s economic development

    Contemporary State of Unemployment of Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis

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    Unemployment is a serious intimidation towards the national development and economic growth of developing countries like Bangladesh. For developed countries, it is a blockade to the means of ensuring sustainable development. This work quintessence on the current situation of unemployment in Bangladesh. This study aims to sermon the current state of unemployment in an exploratory manner bearing in mind its detrimental magnitude on the economy of Bangladesh. The study also intentions to recommend some way out to get rid of the unemployment syndrome in a profligate and operative manner. Definitely 100 samples have been accumulated via purposive method for data collection purpose. Quantitative Method has been applied to the study and data has been collected through survey method from primary and secondary sources. Keywords: Unemployment, Sustainable Development, Exploratory Manner, GDP Growth, Quantitative DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-2-04 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Assessment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Knowledge among Unmarried Women Seeking Care at Secondary Healthcare Facilities

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    OBJECTIVES This study aims to assess the level of awareness regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) among young, unmarried females attending secondary healthcare institutions. METHODOLOGY A cross-sectional study was conducted at a rural hospital between January 2022 and December 2022. Ethical clearance was obtained prior to data collection. A pre-designed proforma was employed to gather information from participants visiting the Out-patient Department (OPD). Data collection utilized a non-probability sampling technique, and subsequent analysis was performed using SPSS version 24. RESULTSThe study’s findings pertaining to knowledge levels, participants with no formal education constituted 24.03%, while 6.20% had completed high school and 3.87% held master’s degrees. Information on PCOS was relayed by sisters/cousins (13.17%) and mothers (20.25%), and 32.55% expressed hesitancy in seeking information due to shyness. Menstrual irregularities included polymenorrhagia (24%), oligomenorrhea (33%), amenorrhea (15%), and irregular periods (28%). Clinical deviations encompassed menstrual abnormalities (37%), abnormal male hair type distribution (12%), infertility (16%), mood disorder (7%), dyslipidemia (17%), and hypertension (11%). CONCLUSION The study underscores the need for well-structured educational initiatives to enhance comprehensive awareness of PCOS symptoms, facilitate early diagnosis and treatment, and ultimately improve overall well-being