9,623 research outputs found

    One pion events by atmospheric neutrinos: A three flavor analysis

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    We study the one-pion events produced via neutral current (NC) and charged current (CC) interactions by the atmospheric neutrinos. We analyze the ratios of these events in the framework of oscillations between three neutrino flavors. The ratios of the CC events induced by νe\nu_e to that of the NC events and a similar ratio defined with νμ\nu_\mu help us in distinguishing the different regions of the neutrino parameter space.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures (separate postscript files

    Heat conduction in the \alpha-\beta -Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chain

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    Recent simulation results on heat conduction in a one-dimensional chain with an asymmetric inter-particle interaction potential and no onsite potential found non-anomalous heat transport in accordance to Fourier's law. This is a surprising result since it was long believed that heat conduction in one-dimensional systems is in general anomalous in the sense that the thermal conductivity diverges as the system size goes to infinity. In this paper we report on detailed numerical simulations of this problem to investigate the possibility of a finite temperature phase transition in this system. Our results indicate that the unexpected results for asymmetric potentials is a result of insufficient chain length, and does not represent the asymptotic behavior.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Suboptimality of Nonlocal Means for Images with Sharp Edges

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    We conduct an asymptotic risk analysis of the nonlocal means image denoising algorithm for the Horizon class of images that are piecewise constant with a sharp edge discontinuity. We prove that the mean square risk of an optimally tuned nonlocal means algorithm decays according to n1log1/2+ϵnn^{-1}\log^{1/2+\epsilon} n, for an nn-pixel image with ϵ>0\epsilon>0. This decay rate is an improvement over some of the predecessors of this algorithm, including the linear convolution filter, median filter, and the SUSAN filter, each of which provides a rate of only n2/3n^{-2/3}. It is also within a logarithmic factor from optimally tuned wavelet thresholding. However, it is still substantially lower than the the optimal minimax rate of n4/3n^{-4/3}.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figure

    Testing LSND at long-baseline neutrino experiments

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    Recently it was suggested that two very different mass-squared differences play a role in atmospheric neutrino oscillations. The larger of these also accounts for the LSND result and the smaller of these also drives the solar neutrino oscillations. We consider the predictions of this scheme for long-baseline experiments. We find that high statistics experiments, such as MINOS, can observe a clean signal for this scheme, which is clearly distinguishable from the usual scheme of atmospheric neutrino oscillations driven by a single mass-squared difference.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Self similar Barkhausen noise in magnetic domain wall motion

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    A model for domain wall motion in ferromagnets is analyzed. Long-range magnetic dipolar interactions are shown to give rise to self-similar dynamics when the external magnetic field is increased adiabatically. The power spectrum of the resultant Barkhausen noise is of the form 1/ωα1/\omega^\alpha, where α1.5\alpha\approx 1.5 can be estimated from the critical exponents for interface depinning in random media.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    OMNeT++ based model for real-time MANET simulations

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