389 research outputs found

    Mass Attenuation Coefficient Measurements of Some Nanocarbon Allotropes: A New Hope for Better Low Cost Less-Cumbersome Radiation Shielding Over A Wide Energy Range

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    The mass attenuation coefficients of graphene, MWNTs and, SWNTs have been measured for gamma energy range 356 to 1332 keV from the radioactive sources 60Co, 133Ba and 137Cs using a well calibrated gamma ray spectrometer consisting of a 3 ́ ́x 3 ́ ́ NaI(Tl) scintillation detector coupled to a PC based 8K nuclear Multi Channel Analyser (MCA). In an interesting way results showed that MWNTs had the highest values of mass attenuation coefficients indicating their potential use as the best shielding material

    Statistical-mechanical theory of ultrasonic absorption in molecular liquids

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    We present results of theoretical description of ultrasonic phenomena in molecular liquids. In particular, we are interested in the development of microscopical, i.e., statistical-mechanical framework capable to explain the long living puzzle of the excess ultrasonic absorption in liquids. Typically, ultrasonic wave in a liquid can be generated by applying the periodically alternating external pressure with the angular frequency that corresponds to the ultrasound. If the perturbation introduced by such process is weak - its statistical-mechanical treatment can be done with the use of the linear response theory. We treat the liquid as a system of interacting sites, so that all the response/aftereffect functions as well as the energy dissipation and generalized (wave-vector and frequency dependent) ultrasonic absorption coefficient are obtained in terms of familiar site-site static and time correlation functions such as static structure factors or intermediate scattering functions. To express the site-site intermediate scattering functions we refer to the site-site memory equations in the mode-coupling approximation for the first-order memory kernels, while equilibrium properties such as site-site static structure factors, direct and total correlation functions are deduced from the integral equation theory of molecular liquids known as RISM or one of its generalizations. All the formalism is phrased in a general manner, hence the obtained results are expected to work for arbitrary type of molecular liquid including simple, ionic, polar, and non-polar liquids.Comment: 14 pages, 1 eps-figure, RevTeX4-forma

    Searching for R-Parity Violation at Run-II of the Tevatron

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    We present an outlook for possible discovery of supersymmetry with broken R-parity at Run II of the Tevatron. We first present a review of the literature and an update of the experimental bounds. In turn we then discuss the following processes: 1. Resonant slepton production followed by R-parity violating decay, (a) via LQDcLQD^c and (b) via LLEcLLE^c. 2. How to distinguish resonant slepton production from ZZ' or WW' production. 3. Resonant slepton production followed by the decay to neutralino LSP, which decays via LQDcLQD^c. 4. Resonant stop production followed by the decay to a chargino, which cascades to the neutralino LSP. 5. Gluino pair production followed by the cascade decay to charm squarks which decay directly via L1Q2D1cL_1Q_2D^c_1. 6. Squark pair production followed by the cascade decay to the neutralino LSP which decays via L1Q2D1cL_1Q_2D^c_1. 7. MSSM pair production followed by the cascade decay to the LSP which decays (a) via LLEcLLE^c, (b) via LQDcLQD^c, and (c) via UcDcDcU^cD^cD^c, respectively. 8. Top quark and top squark decays in spontaneous R-parity violation.Comment: 39 pages, 51 figures, LaTex, reqires aipproc2.sty and axodraw.sty. To be published in the Physics at Run II Workshop: Supersymmetry/Higgs. Text has been edited by H. Dreiner. Author list on front page has been correcte

    Studies of the Response of the Prototype CMS Hadron Calorimeter, Including Magnetic Field Effects, to Pion, Electron, and Muon Beams

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    We report on the response of a prototype CMS hadron calorimeter module to charged particle beams of pions, muons, and electrons with momenta up to 375 GeV/c. The data were taken at the H2 and H4 beamlines at CERN in 1995 and 1996. The prototype sampling calorimeter used copper absorber plates and scintillator tiles with wavelength shifting fibers for readout. The effects of a magnetic field of up to 3 Tesla on the response of the calorimeter to muons, electrons, and pions are presented, and the effects of an upstream lead tungstate crystal electromagnetic calorimeter on the linearity and energy resolution of the combined calorimetric system to hadrons are evaluated. The results are compared with Monte Carlo simulations and are used to optimize the choice of total absorber depth, sampling frequency, and longitudinal readout segmentation.Comment: 89 pages, 41 figures, to be published in NIM, corresponding author: P de Barbaro, [email protected]

    Probing BFKL Dynamics in the Dijet Cross Section at Large Rapidity Intervals in ppbar Collisions at sqrt{s}=1800 and 630 GeV

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    Inclusive dijet production at large pseudorapidity intervals (delta_eta) between the two jets has been suggested as a regime for observing BFKL dynamics. We have measured the dijet cross section for large delta_eta in ppbar collisions at sqrt{s}=1800 and 630 GeV using the DO detector. The partonic cross section increases strongly with the size of delta_eta. The observed growth is even stronger than expected on the basis of BFKL resummation in the leading logarithmic approximation. The growth of the partonic cross section can be accommodated with an effective BFKL intercept of a_{BFKL}(20GeV)=1.65+/-0.07.Comment: Published in Physical Review Letter

    Search for Squarks and Gluinos in Events Containing Jets and a Large Imbalance in Transverse Energy

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    Using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 79 pb-1, D0 has searched for events containing multiple jets and large missing transverse energy in pbar-p collisions at sqrt(s)=1.8 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. Observing no significant excess beyond what is expected from the standard model, we set limits on the masses of squarks and gluinos and on the model parameters m_0 and m_1/2, in the framework of the minimal low-energy supergravity models of supersymmetry. For tan(beta) = 2 and A_0 = 0, with mu < 0, we exclude all models with m_squark < 250 GeV/c^2. For models with equal squark and gluino masses, we exclude m < 260 GeV/c^2.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to PRL, Fixed typo on page bottom of p. 6 (QCD multijet background is 35.4 events

    Search for Top Squark Pair Production in the Dielectron Channel

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    This report describes the first search for top squark pair production in the channel stop_1 stopbar_1 -> b bbar chargino_1 chargino_1 -> ee+jets+MEt using 74.9 +- 8.9 pb^-1 of data collected using the D0 detector. A 95% confidence level upper limit on sigma*B is presented. The limit is above the theoretical expectation for sigma*B for this process, but does show the sensitivity of the current D0 data set to a particular topology for new physics.Comment: Five pages, including three figures, submitted to PRD Brief Report