9 research outputs found

    Fluorescence quenching reaction of chlorophyll a by tris(acetylacetonate)iron(III) in various solvents

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    Chlorophyll a is known as the prevailing light absorbing pigment giving a strong absorption and fluorescence emission in visible region. Quenching reactions of the chlorophyll a fluorescence by Fe(acac)3 were precisely investigated in various organic solvents which are benzene toluene, ethanol, methanol, dmf, dmso and acetonitrile. Electron transfer performance of chlorophyll a by Fe(acac)3 was investigated from oxidative quenching reaction. Herein, the simplified Rehm-Weller relationship was used to calculate the free energy change of the photo-induced electron transfer reaction. Emission intensity decreased when the concentration of Fe(acac)3 quencher was increased. Non-linear Stern-Volmer plots are found to be affected by inner filter effect more than the ground state complex formation. Rate of quenching reactions (kq) were determined from the Stern-Volmer equation with corrected inner filter effect. The rates of quenching reactions occurred faster in high viscous solvents


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    The title compound, C13H14N4, adopts a trans configuration about the azo bond. There is a dihedral angle of 12.18 (7)° between the pyridine and benzene rings and the mean plane of the dimethyl­amino substituent is twisted by 6.1 (2)° relative to the benzene ring. In the crystal, weak inter­molecular C—H⋯N hydrogen bonds result in a zigzag arrangement along [010]


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    In the title complex, [ZnCl2(C15H18N4)2], the ZnII cation is coordinated by two N atoms from the pyridine rings of two unidentate N,N-diethyl-4-[(pyridin-2-yl)diazen­yl]aniline ligands and two Cl atoms, resulting in a distorted tetra­hedral geometry. The ligands are mutually transoid with respect to the metal atom. Weak inter­molecular C—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds and π–π inter­actions, with centroid–centroid distances of 3.8452 (14) and 3.9932 (14) Å, are found in the crystal packing

    Bis[5-chloro-2-(phenyl­diazenyl-κN 2)pyridine-κN]bis­(thio­cyanato-κN)iron(II)

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    In the title complex, [Fe(NCS)2(C11H8ClN3)2], the FeII atom is coordinated by two N atoms from the thio­cyanate ligands and four N atoms from two chelating 5-chloro-2-(phenyl­diazen­yl)pyridine ligands, generating a fairly regular FeN6 octa­hedral coordination geometry. The thio­cyanate ions are in a cis disposition and the pyridine N atoms are in a trans orientation. In the crystal, a short inter­molecular Cl⋯S contact [3.366 (3) Å] is observed

    Crystal structure of dichloridobis[2-(phenyldiazenyl)pyridine-κN1]zinc

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    The structure of the title complex, [ZnCl2(C11H9N3)2], comprises two 2-(phenyldiazenyl)pyridine ligands coordinating to a central ZnII dichloride unit via the pyridyl N-atom donors, resulting in a slightly distorted tetrahedral geometry. The complex exhibits twofold rotation symmetry, with the rotation axis bisecting the zinc cation. The structure is stabilized by weak intermolecular C—H...Cl interactions [C...Cl = 3.411 (2) and 3.675 (2) Å], connecting neighbouring molecules into layers perpendicular to the c axis