12 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Poe (Predict-observe-explain) terhadap Hasil Belajar Kimia pada Kelas XI Materi Kelarutan dan Hasil Kali Kelarutan di SMA Negeri 4 Pasangkayu

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    The type of in this research is the experimental of research with using of model POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) held in to SMAN 4 Pasangkayu XI science of class. The experiment class (XI IPA 2) using POE learning the model cinsists of 21 student and the class of control (XI IPA 1) using of research conventional learning model to consists of 17 students. This research aims to determine the effect learning of a POE model on learning outcomes in chemistry class XI science student of SMAN 4 Pasangkayu. The test was gave before and after the learning twice (pretest and posttest). The observation sheet was used to observe student's learning of activities. T test was performed after normality test and data homogenity. Based on the data analysis the average for experiment class is 11.07 with the mastery percentage of 71.42% while of 28.57% did not completed. For a control class average to valve 9,08 with the percentage completeness to valve learning a student 41.17% while not completed of 58.82%. In this matter to pointed that there are to affect of POE model on learning result in chemistry to XI exact science of class with material on the solubility and product solubility to SMAN 4 of Pasangkayu, cause can to interest layer and result of student learning

    Analisis Logam Tembaga (Cu) pada Buangan Limbah Tromol (Tailing) Pertambangan Poboya

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    The analyses of Copper (Cu) has been performed in the sample of drum waste (tailings) gold mining in Poboya by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) method.The alkaline destruction by the addition of HNO3 and HClO4 has been done by heating then distilled. The absorbance was measured at a wavelength (位) = 324.7 nm on copper metal analysis. From the analysis,it was obtained copper metal in each drum consist of as follows drum A. 204.92 mg/kg, drum B 151.85 mg/kg, drum C 79.51 mg/kg, drum D 167.78 mg/kg, drum E 190.68 mg/kg, with the overall average value of 158.94 mg/kg. The data shown that the area gold mining at Poboya contain copper metal ion in high quantity

    Analisis Logam Zink (Zn) dan Besi (Fe) Air Sumur di Kelurahan Pantoloan Kecamatan Palu Utara

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    A study is carried out to determine the metal content of zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) in well water samples by AAS using a wet method of destruction through the addition of concentrated HNO3 as a solvent and forming acidic. The measuring the levels of zinc in the sample performed at a wavelength (位) = 213 nm and measuring the levels of iron in the sample performed at a wavelength (位) = 248.3 nm. The results obtained for the levels of zinc metal respectively are 0.3121 mg/L, 0.1175 mg/L, and 0.0478 mg/L, and iron metal levels are 0.394 mg/L, 0.546 mg/L, and 0.324 mg/L. These data indicate the metal content of zinc in wells water Pantoloan Village North Palu Palu district is still below the threshold value while the metal content of iron in wells near the sea (sampel B) is above the standard threshold value defined in the Rules of Ministry of Health Decree No. 492 /2010

    Analisis Vitamin C pada Buah Pepaya, Sirsak, Srikaya dan Langsat yang Tumbuh di Kabupaten Donggala

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    Vitamin C is known as ascorbic acid. The function of vitamin C is to help the synthesis of collagen and antioxidants that the body needs. Vitamin C can be obtained from fruits, and each fruit had different levels of vitamin C. This study aims to determine the levels of vitamin C in the fruit papaya, soursop, sugar apple and complexioned fruit. This study uses a volumetric method that uses a solution of iodine (I2) as the titer, and using starch as an indicator, and each piece studied every day for three days with the same treatment. The results obtained levels of vitamin C in papaya fruits in a row are the first day of 46.89 mg, the second day 34.6 mg, third day and 22.88 mg. Vitamin C in the complexioned fruits are the first day 82.28 mg, the second day 61.31 mg, and third day 37.14 mg. Vitamin C in the sweetsop fruit are the first day 49.83 mg, the second day 35.2 mg, and third day 20.46 mg. And the soursop fruit vitamin C content was obtained on the first day 62.42 mg, the second day 33.44 mg, and third day of 23.14 mg. The results demonstrated that levels of Vitamin C in four fruits had decreased each day since the time of storage

    Biocharcoal dari Kulit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L)Untuk Mengadsorpsi Ion Logam Timbal Pb

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    Cacao is a commodity crop growth in the plantation farmers, particularly in Central Sulawesi. Processed of the cocoa fruits are mainly as the food products. Furthermore, the cocoa bark just become rubbish. This study aims to utilize the waste of cocoa bark to be used as biocharcoal to adsorb lead metal ions. The method used was spectrophotometry, where the lead ions concentration absorbed was measured using a Spectrodirect spectrophotometer. The results showed that at the optimum contact time 90 minutes, the lead ion capacity adsorption was 97% and the lead weight adsorbed was 25.26 mg/g. The optimum weight of 60 mg, where the lead ions capacity adsorption was 96.88% and the lead weight adsorbed was 25.22 mg/g. The optimum adsorption capacity was 40 ppm, where the lead ions adsorption obtained was 99.61% and the lead weight adsorbed was 10.84 mg/g


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    The type of in this research is the experimental of research with using of model POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) held in to SMAN 4 Pasangkayu XI science of class. The experiment class (XI IPA 2) using POE learning the model cinsists of 21 student and the class of control (XI IPA 1) using of research conventional learning model to consists of 17 students. This research aims to determine the effect learning of a POE model on learning outcomes in chemistry class XI science student of SMAN 4 Pasangkayu. The test was gave before and after the learning twice (pretest and posttest). The observation sheet was used to observe student鈥檚 learning of activities. T test was performed after normality test and data homogenity. Based on the data analysis the average for experiment class is 11.07 with the mastery percentage of 71.42% while of 28.57% did not completed. For a control class average to valve 9,08 with the percentage completeness to valve learning a student 41.17% while not completed of 58.82%. In this matter to pointed that there are to affect of POE model on learning result in chemistry to XI exact science of class with material on the solubility and product solubility to SMAN 4 of Pasangkayu, cause can to interest layer and result of student learning

    Biocharcoal dari Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Cempaka (Elmerrillia Ovalis Miq) Serta Daya Adsorpsinya pada Zink dan Tembaga

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    Cempaka wood is a typical wood in Sulawesi Island and Maluku archipelago. This wood can be used for wood industry particularly for the manufacture of furniture. However, not only furniture can be produced from the wood but also the sawdust as the waste. This research utilized the sawdust of cempaka wood as biocharcoal to adsorb zinc and copper ions included in liquid organic fertilizer complement based on variation of weight and concentration of biocharcoal. The method used in this study was the spectrophotometry spectroDirect with sawdust of cempaka wood as the adsorbent. The results showed the characteristic of water content of biocharcoal was 4.05% while ash content was 7.75%. The optimum weight of biocharcoal to adsorb zinc ions was 40 mg with the adsorption capacity of 19.97 mg/g while for copper ions was 60 mg with the adsorption capacity of 16.16 mg/g. The optimum concentration of zinc and copper ions than can be adsorbed was 60 ppm with the adsorption capacity of 11.80 mg/g for copper ion and 9.29 mg/g for zinc ion

    Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Daun Binahong (Anredera Cordifolia (Tenore) Steenis) dengan 1,1-Difenil-2-Pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) Menggunakan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis

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    Testing of antioxidant activity of binahong (anredera cordifolia (tenore) steenis) leafs extracts has been done with 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The aim of this research was to determine the antioxidant activity of binahong leafs extracts. Concentration of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH ) after addition of binahong leafs extracts was determined using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. Various concentrations of binahong leafs extracts were 20 ppm, 40 ppm, 60 ppm and 80 ppm. Vitamin C was the positive control used at similar variation concentrations, whereas DPPH solution dissolved in absolute ethanol was as the negative control. The results showed that the IC50 values obtained for binahong leafs extracts and vitamin C were 40.27 ppm and 49.20 ppm. Based on the IC50 data, it can be seen that binahong leafs extracts are stronger antioxidant than vitamin C

    Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Daun Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Tenore) Steenis) Dengan 1,1-Difenil-2-Pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) Menggunakan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis

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    Testing of antioxidant activity of binahong (anredera cordifolia (tenore) steenis) leafs extracts has been done with 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The aim of this research was to determine the antioxidant activity of binahong leafs extracts. Concentration of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH ) after addition of binahong leafs extracts was determined using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. Various concentrations of binahong leafs extracts were 20 ppm, 40 ppm, 60 ppm and 80 ppm. Vitamin C was the positive control used at similar variation concentrations, whereas DPPH solution dissolved in absolute ethanol was as the negative control. The results showed that the IC50 values obtained for binahong leafs extracts and vitamin C were 40.27 ppm and 49.20 ppm. Based on the IC50 data, it can be seen that binahong leafs extracts are stronger antioxidant than vitamin C