14 research outputs found

    E-Government Service Quality Based on E-GovQual Approach Case Study in West Sumatera Province

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    This study aims to evaluate e-Government service quality especially in West Sumatera, Indonesia. The reason why the study conducted is that the difficulty obtaining available and accurate data from the Indonesian citizen regarding the implementation of e-government. The method used in this study is survey based on the e-GovQual questionnaire distributed to total 247 respondents to find out their perception of all the services provided by the e-Government website. The results showed that in general, the citizens agreed that quality of e-Government service provided by the government of West Sumatera province is good enough and meet their expectation regarding efficient, trust, reliability, citizen support, content & appearance of information, and functionality of interactive environment. However, e-Government service quality requires improvement due to the results obtained were still at a moderate level

    Digital Signature Security in Data Communication

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    Authenticity of access in very information are very important in the current era of Internet-based technology, there are many ways to secure information from irresponsible parties with various security attacks, some of technique can use for defend attack from irresponsible parties are using steganography, cryptography or also use digital signatures. Digital signatures could be one of solution where the authenticity of the message will be verified to prove that the received message is the original message without any change, Ong-Schnorr-Shamir is the algorithm are used in this research and the experiment are perform on the digital signature scheme and the hidden channel scheme.Comment: 6 pages, Paper presented at the International Conference on Education and Technology (ICEduTech2017), Novotel Hotel, Balikpapan, Indonesi

    Modeling Data Containing Outliers using ARIMA Additive Outlier (ARIMA-AO)

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    The aim this study is discussed on the detection and correction of data containing the additive outlier (AO) on the model ARIMA (p, d, q). The process of detection and correction of data using an iterative procedure popularized by Box, Jenkins, and Reinsel (1994). By using this method we obtained an ARIMA models were fit to the data containing AO, this model is added to the original model of ARIMA coefficients obtained from the iteration process using regression methods. This shows that there is an improvement of forecasting error rate data.Comment: 13 page


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    Latar Belakang: Penyakit kanker adalah penyakit yang timbul akibat pertumbuhan tidak normal sel jaringan tubuh yang berubah menjadi sel kanker. Berdasarkan WHO, Setiap tahun 12 juta orang di dunia menderita kanker dan 7,6 juta meninggal dunia. Diperkirakan pada 2030 mencapai 26 juta orang dan 17 juta meninggal. Indonesia, tahun 2013 prevalensi tertinggi sebesar 0,8‰. Rumah sakit kanker Dharmais tahun 2010, kanker serviks 296 kasus, tahun 2011, kanker serviks 300 kasus, tahun 2012 kanker serviks 343 kasus, tahun 2013, kanker serviks 356 kasus, tahun 2014 kanker serviks 383 kasus. Kabupaten Temanggung sejak akhir tahun 2015 sampai Mei tahun 2017, pemeriksaan leher rahim sebanyak 5.323 orang terdiri dari IVA positif sebanyak 2.013 orang dan yang dilakukan krioterapi sebanyak 238 orang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tindakan krioterapi pada individu IVA positif di Kabupaten Temanggung tahun 2017.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel diambil secara simpel random sampling. Terdiri dari 356 sampel. Analisis dilakukan dengan univariat, bivariat dan multivariatHasil: Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di wilayah Kabupaten Temanggung terhadap individu IVA positif. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 356 orang responden umur ≥ 35 tahun sebanyak 198 (55,62%. Pendidikan sekolah dasar dengan tindakan krioterapi di peroleh p value 0,000; PR = 1,83 (CI 95% = 1,131-2,414). Pengetahuan dengan tindakan krioterapi di peroleh p value 0,003; PR = 0,78 (CI 95% = 0,660-0,913). Pekerjaan bertani dengan tindakan krioterapi diperoleh p value 0,005; PR = 1,34 (CI 95% = 1,120-1,567). Keterjangkauan jarak dengan tindakan krioterapi di peroleh p value 0,016; PR = 1,26 (CI 95% = 1,029-1,538). Dukungan suami tidak memberikan ijin untuk melakukan krioterapi di peroleh p value 0,018; PR = 1.48 (CI 95% = 1,219-1,799). Dukungan suami tidak mau mengantar ke puskesmas untuk melakukan krioterapi di peroleh p value 0,026; PR = 1,21 (CI 95%  = 1,031-1,428).Kesimpulan: Pendidikan ada pengaruh, pengetahuan kurang ada pengaruh risikonya 0,78 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan pengetahuan baik, pekerjaan, keterjangkauan jarak, dukungan suami tidak memberikan ijin ada pengaruh risikonya 1,45 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan dukungan suami memberikan ijin melakukan tindakan krioterapi pada individu IVA positif di Kabupaten Temanggung

    Kontak penderita di lingkungan rumah sebagai faktor dalam kejadian luar biasa campak di dua desa di Kecamatan Jiken Blora

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    Tujuan: Pada hari Selasa, tanggal 19 Mei 2017, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Blora menyampaikan bahwa di Desa Janjang dan Desa Nglebur terdapat 7 orang terdiagnosa sebagai kasus campak klinis . Pada tahun 2016, kejadian campak sebesar 44 kasus, tahun 2015 tidak ada kasus campak, tahun 2014 sebesar 43 kasus. Penyelidikan dilakukan dengan tujuan memastikan adanya kejadian luar biasa (KLB) campak, menentukan faktor risiko terjadinya KLB dan melakukan tindakan pencegahan. Metode: Penyelidikan dilakukan dengan menggunakan pencarian kasus aktif untuk menemukan kasus baru. Penelitian kasus kontrol 1:2 dilakukan untuk menentukan faktor risiko. Kasus adalah seseorang menderita penyakit dengan gejala klinis berupa panas dan rash disertai salah satu gejala batuk, pilek atau mata merah dan diare. Kontrol adalah orang yang tidak memiliki gejala pada kasus dan mempunyai riwayat kontak dengan kasus. Faktor risiko yang diamati adalah Status imunisasi, riwayat sakit campak dan bepergian 2 minggu sebelum KLB campak. Pengumpulan data identitas penderita, riwayat sakit campak dan bepergian dalam 2 minggu sebelum sakit dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner.  Pengumpulan data mengenai status imunisasi menggunakan data sekunder puskesmas atau buku imunisasi. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan chi square dan regresi logistik untuk mendapatkan nilai odds ratio (OR). Hasil: Total terdapat 19 kasus dengan 27,69% umur <9 tahun dan  0,66% dari desa Janjang. KLB campak berlangsung selama 6 minggu (10 April 2017 – 29 Mei 2017) dengan puncak kasus pada minggu ke tiga bulan Mei 2017. Riwayat tidak pernah sakit campak merupakan faktor risiko yang berpengaruh pada KLB ini (OR = 5.56; 95% CI = 2.93 - 71.43) sedangkan status imunisasi dan riwayat bepergian bukan merupakan faktor risiko. Simpulan: Telah terjadi KLB campak di Desa Janjang dan Desa Nglebur Kecamatan Jiken pada 10 April 2017 sampai dengan 29 Mei 2017 dengan index case sdr. Da. Cara penularan melalui kontak dengan penderita di lingkungan rumah. Selektif imunisasi dilakukan untuk memutus rantai penularan

    Pseudo-prime number simulation and its application for security purpose

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    Many public cryptography schemes rely on the use of prime numbers like for encryption and decryption. A prime number is one number that is widely used and large and consists of hundreds of digits, so it takes time to test whether the numbers are prime or not. Miller-Rabin is one algorithm that could be used to test prime number. Simulation to show how to test non-prime number elimination process can be used to determine the workings of the Miller-Rabin algorithm and also could be used as a media learning for students and lecturers to know how prime number test and generation

    A Slack-Based Measures within Group Common Benchmarking using DEA for Improving the Efficiency Performance of Departments in Universitas Malikussaleh

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    Measurement of the efficiency of the university performance. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a data-based performance evaluation method used when multiple inputs and outputs are represented in the Decision-Making Unit (DMU) set. In DEA, when there is a value of Non-Zero Input and Output Slacks then this often means inefficiency. This scalar measure directly with the input of surplus and the output of the short decision of the decision-making unit (DMU). DEA Structure usually apply in general settings, actually DMUs can fall into distinct groups whose members experience similar circumstances. The targets of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI), one of which is the measurement of the efficiency based on the number of lecturers' research, the efficient use of resources. This study will group each department at the Universitas Malikussaleh using the Group Common Benchmarking approach and then provide suggestions for improvements to each group by using Slack-Based Measures

    Pseudo-prime number simulation and its application for security purpose

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    Many public cryptography schemes rely on the use of prime numbers like for encryption and decryption. A prime number is one number that is widely used and large and consists of hundreds of digits, so it takes time to test whether the numbers are prime or not. Miller-Rabin is one algorithm that could be used to test prime number. Simulation to show how to test non-prime number elimination process can be used to determine the workings of the Miller-Rabin algorithm and also could be used as a media learning for students and lecturers to know how prime number test and generation

    A Slack-Based Measures within Group Common Benchmarking using DEA for Improving the Efficiency Performance of Departments in Universitas Malikussaleh

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    Measurement of the efficiency of the university performance. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a data-based performance evaluation method used when multiple inputs and outputs are represented in the Decision-Making Unit (DMU) set. In DEA, when there is a value of Non-Zero Input and Output Slacks then this often means inefficiency. This scalar measure directly with the input of surplus and the output of the short decision of the decision-making unit (DMU). DEA Structure usually apply in general settings, actually DMUs can fall into distinct groups whose members experience similar circumstances. The targets of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI), one of which is the measurement of the efficiency based on the number of lecturers' research, the efficient use of resources. This study will group each department at the Universitas Malikussaleh using the Group Common Benchmarking approach and then provide suggestions for improvements to each group by using Slack-Based Measures