22 research outputs found

    Impact of ICT on privacy and personal data protection in two Malaysian academic libraries

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    The rapid advance of information and communication technologies (ICT) has permitted the creation of digital libraries. However, the development of the digital library has created certain threats in some aspects especially in terms of privacy and personal data protection which is generally regarded as confidential between the library and the individual. This study aims to investigate the policies, preparedness and awareness of two Malaysian public academic libraries i.e. International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) on the issues of privacy and data protection

    Fear factors in cataloguing Arabic books: USM experience

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    Library as the heart of the university is developing over the years with various types of collections written and presented in many languages such as English, Malay, and Arabic. Different languages come with different letters, words, pronunciations, and characters, thus creating great challenges to the librarians. For cataloguers, determining the access point is crucial in order to ease the retrieving process. There are certain issues faced by cataloguers that should be addressed to ensure the uniformity and authoritativeness of records in cataloguing Arabic books

    International Students Friendly Library - Are We There Yet.

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    The number of international students attending universities in Malaysia particularly Universiti Sains Malaysia has been increasing steadily in recent years. This trend poses a challenge to the academic library in providing a high quality information services to meet the needs and expectations of students

    Impact of ICT on Privacy and Personal Data Protection in Two Malaysian Academic Libraries / Nurul Azurah Mohd Roni, Mohd Kamal Mohd Napiah and Basri Hassan

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    The rapid advance of information and communication technologies (ICT) has permitted the creation of digital libraries. However, the development of the digital library has created certain threats in some aspects especially in terms of privacy and personal data protection which is generally regarded as confidential between the library and the individual. This study aims to investigate the policies, preparedness and awareness of two Malaysian public academic libraries i.e. International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) on the issues of privacy and data protection. This study also attempts to discover the library users‘ perceptions with regard to the collection and use of their personal data and to examine the policies and practices adopted by libraries in relation to users‘ privacy. The methods of the study were interview and questionnaires. The library staffs in charged personal data collection from the two public academic libraries were interviewed. Questionnaires were distributed randomly to the library users from the two public academic libraries. The findings showed that the majority of library personnel were aware and observe the privacy and data protection policies in their libraries even though there were no official written statements concerning this subject. They also realized that these issues were still pending in term of implementation at their parent organizations (university) as well as in their libraries. The finding also shows that library users were aware about their privacy and personal data protection and they realize that their privacy and personal data protection were threatened

    Mengurus Trend Sokongan Penyelidikan Dalam Tempoh Endemik: Inisiatif Sains Terbuka dan Pengurusan Data Penyelidikan

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    Negara telah bergerak kepada fasa ‘peralihan ke endemik’. Fasa ini akan membolehkan kita kembali semula kepada kehidupan yang hampir normal selepas hampir dua tahun berperang dengan penularan pandemik COVID-19 yang melanda pada penghujung Disember 2019. Ia telah memberi impak yang sangat besar kepada kehidupan masyarakat dunia yang mana ia telah menukar gaya hidup dan cara kerja masyarakat dalam semua sektor termasuk sektor pendidikan. Dalam tempoh ini, Perpustakaan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) melalui Bahagian Sokongan Penyelidikan (BSP) sentiasa berusaha memberi perkhidmatan yang terbaik dengan memperkenal pelbagai inisiatif untuk menyokong aktiviti pengajaran, pembelajaran, penyelidikan dan perundingan agar sentiasa berjalan lancar. Inisiatif yang diperkenalkan tertumpu kepada dua elemen utama iaitu sains terbuka serta pengurusan data penyelidikan (RDM). Selain daripada itu, Bahagian ini juga bertanggungjawab menjayakan agenda yang lebih besar dan juga merupakan agenda penting negara di bawah Kementerian Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi (MOSTI) dan Akademi Sains Malaysia (ASM). Beberapa perkhidmatan baharu yang bersifat personalized telah diperkenalkan bagi memudahkan para penyelidik menjayakan kajian seperti journal verification for publication, request for list of indexed journals with quartile information based on specialization, Request for merging Scopus ID, On demand training on RDM, Research made easy webinar series dengan kerjasama Elsevier dan Clarivate serta konsultasi. Terkini, Perpustakaan juga sedang mengetuai inisiatif untuk membangunkan sistem verifikasi data penerbitan yang lebih komprehensif dan menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Pemandu Open Science. Perpustakaan USM amat optimis bahawa inisiatif yang dirancang dan dijayakan ini akan memberi manfaat dan impak yang besar kepada warga penyelidik dalam usaha memudahkan urusan penyelidikan di era endemik yang kian mencabar

    Perkhidmatan Pengurusan Data Penerbitan: E-Publication USM

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    Amalan pengurusan data yang sistematik dan menyeluruh amat penting dalam sesebuah organisasi. Amalan ini harus dilaksanakan oleh semua organisasi yang menyimpan dan mempunyai pelbagai jenis data. Secara umumnya, data penerbitan yang dihasilkan oleh penyelidik di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) diuruskan oleh perpustakaan atau Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan (RMC). Perpustakaan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) secara khususnya telah diberi mandat oleh Naib Canselor untuk mengurus dan mengesahkan data penerbitan yang dihasilkan oleh penyelidik USM. Sehubungan dengan itu, Perpustakaan dengan kerjasama Pusat Ilmu Komunikasi dan Teknologi (PPKT) telah merancang, menyelaras dan membangunkan sistem pengesahan data penerbitan yang dikenali sebagai e-Publication. Kerjasama ini turut melibatkan Pusat Perancangan Institusi dan Strategik (IPSC), Bahagian Sumber Manusia dan Penerbit USM dalam proses pembangunan sistem. Objektif pembangunan sistem ini adalah untuk membangunkan sistem yang bersepadu dan komprehensif untuk mengurus dan menyimpan data penyelidik, data penyelidikan dan data penerbitan yang telah disahkan oleh Perpustakaan. Sistem ini juga dibangunkan untuk membantu memudahkan universiti secara amnya dan penyelidik secara khususnya dalam mengakses semula data yang dijana secara real-time, seterusnya dapat menjimatkan kos dan masa, serta ketepatan data dapat dipertingkatkan. Selain itu, sistem ini juga diharapkan menjadi sistem bersepadu yang akan membantu dalam proses kenaikan pangkat, laporan penilaian prestasi (LPP), pengauditan universiti, analisis data dan seterusnya membantu pihak atasan universiti dalam membuat keputusan

    Perpustakaan Universiti Sains Malaysia dan kesejahteraan sosial: apa peranan kami?

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    Kerja komuniti merupakan satu proses menghasilkan dan mengekalkan penyesuaian di antara sumber-sumber kebajikan sosial dan keperluan kebajikan sosial di dalam satu kawasan geografi atau bidang perkhidmatan yang khusus. Universiti Sains Malaysia sebagai sebuah universiti perintis berusaha untuk memperkasakan dan menonjolkan bakat masa hadapan dan mengupayakan golongan terkebawah demi mentransformasi kesejahteraan sosioekonomi ke arah perkembangan minda dan perluasan ilmu bagi peningkatan taraf pendidikan seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Perpustakaan Universiti Sains Malaysia (PUSM) sebagai gedung ilmu memainkan peranan yang amat penting dalam merealisasikan kesejahteraan sosial dalam masyarakat. Pembudayaan membaca sebagai satu mekanisme utama untuk meningkatkan ilmu amat sinonim dengan perpustakaan

    The pattern of reporting and presenting validity evidence of extended matching questions (EMQs) in health professions education:a systematic review

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    The Extended matching Questions (EMQs), or R-type questions, are format of selected-response. The validity evidence for this format is crucial, but there have been reports of misunderstandings about validity. It is unclear what kinds of evidence should be presented and how to present them to support their educational impact. This review explores the pattern and quality of reporting the sources of validity evidence of EMQs in health professions education, encompassing content, response process, internal structure, relationship to other variables, and consequences. A systematic search in the electronic databases including MEDLINE via PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, and ERIC was conducted to extract studies that utilize EMQs. The framework for a unitary concept of validity was applied to extract data. A total of 218 titles were initially selected, the final number of titles was 19. The most reported pieces of evidence were the reliability coefficient, followed by the relationship to another variable. Additionally, the adopted definition of validity is mostly the old tripartite concept. This study found that reporting and presenting validity evidence appeared to be deficient. The available evidence can hardly provide a strong validity argument that supports the educational impact of EMQs. This review calls for more work on developing a tool to measure the reporting and presenting validity evidence

    Connecting Library with APEX Community

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    Hamzah Sendut Library as an APEX university library has taken a more proactive approach to rebrand promotional and outreach programs. A more creative, unique and inno-vative style have been used to ensure that the library's mis-sion in reaching out to the users is accomplished. ‘Skuad Pelanggan’ was formed to increase the effectiveness of library’s engagement with customers. The ultimate goal is to reach out to customers, increase the usage of library facilities, improving the relevance of the existence of the library in the campus community and provide additional value to the library users. Important aspects emphasized in the program include teaching and learning supports, with the focus on research and consultation. Efforts conducted through myPHS programs, exhibitions, and virtual market-ing have established positive impacts and realization of library’s relevance by the campus community

    The concept of Wasatiyyah under Islamic law perspective: a manifestation of just and balanced rule

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    This article seeks to examine the concept of wasatiyyah that is employed and incorporated in various Islamic legal principles and rules of fiqh. Even though such wasatiyyah concept is embodied in various subjects of Islamic law (fiqh), nevertheless, this chapter will only demonstrate several subjects that incorporate wasatiyyah as one of its criteria serving as examples. Therefore, not limited to these preferred subjects, this chapter will discuss the concept of wasatiyyah that is characterized and reflected in several concepts under Islamic jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh), Islamic Family Law, Islamic Criminal law, Islamic law on International Relations, Islamic law of Finance as well as Islamic procedural laws Civil and Criminal