1,116 research outputs found

    Il senso della disseminazione culturale per l’apprendimento intergenerazionale in Giappone

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    Japan is one of many countries in the world facing the increasingly serious issues of an ageing population combined with a very low birth rate. The impact upon Japanese society of this situation is enormous in both the medium and long term, and a number of measures have been introduced, both by local and central governments, to try and cope. At the same time, over the past decade serious crimes against and by children have also caused grave concerns. In this context, intergenerational learning has been strongly encouraged in the hope that it may not only resolve communication breakdown among the different generations but may also create a wide range of spin-off effects. One of the conspicuous features in Japan is that intergenerational learning has the strong potential to work as a means of culture dissemination from the elderly to small children. This study intendsto clarify general trends in Japanese intergenerational learning by explaining why the latter is being focused upon in the present day, and above all, to demonstrate through analysis of papers and case studies how the dissemination of culture is of importance to this country. It is indicated that culture dissemination could serve as the driving force to promote intergenerational learning, to maintain and/or revitalize social solidarity and strengthen the community bond.Il Giappone è uno dei tanti paesi al mondo che si trova attualmente ad affrontare un cresciente e preoccupante invecchiamento della popolazione con un basso tasso di nascite. L’impatto sulla società giapponese di tale siutazione è enorme sia nel medio e lungo termine; un certo numero di misure sono state introdotte sia alivello del governo locale sia a livello centrale, per tentare di far fronte a tale situazione.Nel contempo, negli ultimi dieci anni gravi reati contro i bambini hanno causato gravi preoccupazioni. In questo contesto, l’apprendimento intergenerazionale è stato fortemente incoraggiato nella speranza che possa risolvere non solo la comunicazione tra le diverse generazioni, ma che esso possa diventare motore di una vasta gamma di effetti socio-culturali emergenti. Una delle caratteristiche evidenti in Giappone è che l’apprendimento intergenerazionale ha un forte potenziale per fungere da mezzo di diffusione della cultura dagli anziani ai bambini. Questo studio si propone di chiarire le tendenze generali in materia diapprendimento intergenerazionale nel panorama giapponese, dimostrando attraverso l’analisi di documenti e studi di casi come la diffusione della cultura sia un’importante risorsa per il Giappone. Più specificamente, la disseminazione della cultura potrebbe costituire la forza trainante per mantenere e / o rivitalizzare lasolidarietà sociale e rafforzare il legame della comunità

    Relative stable equivalences of Morita type for the principal blocks of finite groups and relative Brauer indecomposability

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    We discuss representations of finite groups having a common central pp-subgroup ZZ, where pp is a prime number. For the principal pp-blocks, we give a method of constructing a relative ZZ-stable equivalence of Morita type, which is a generalization of a stable equivalence of Morita type, and was introduced by Wang and Zhang in a more general setting. Then we generalize Linckelmann's results on stable equivalences of Morita type to relative ZZ-stable equivalences of Morita type. We also introduce the notion of relative Brauer indecomposability, which is a generalization of the notion of Brauer indecomposability. We give an equivalent condition for Scott modules to be relatively Brauer indecomposable, which is an analogue of that given by Ishioka and the first author.Comment: 18 page

    The meaning of culture dissemination in Japanese intergenerational learning

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    Japan is one of many countries in the world facing the increasingly serious issues of an ageing population combined with a very low birth rate. The impact upon Japanese society of this situation is enormous in both the medium and long term, and a number of measures have been introduced, both by local and central governments, to try and cope. At the same time, over the past decade serious crimes against and by children have also caused grave concerns. In this context, intergenerational learning has been strongly encouraged in the hope that it may not only resolve communication breakdown among the different generations but may also create a wide range of spin-off effects. One of the conspicuous features in Japan is that intergenerational learning has the strong potential to work as a means of culture dissemination from the elderly to small children. This study intends to clarify general trends in Japanese intergenerational learning by explaining why the latter is being focused upon in the present day, and above all, to demonstrate through analysis of papers and case studies how the dissemination of culture is of importance to this country. It is indicated that culture dissemination could serve as the driving force to promote intergenerational learning, to maintain and/or revitalize social solidarity and strengthen the community bond

    A study on the potentialities of approaching those with dementia, carers and civilians from an educational perspective : Preliminary findings through a literature review

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    本稿は,主に教育との関連から認知症の問題を扱った国内外の文献を用いて資料分析調査を行い,その特徴を,教育における臨床上の実践例,認知症と教育上の諸概念(特に生涯学習,学歴等)との関係性,幅広い視野から認知症をとらえ直したものの3点に分類した上で,それらをもとに認知症への教育学的アプローチの可能性についての考察を試みたものである。調査の結果,教育学的アプローチの可能性として,①教育機関の中でもとりわけ生涯学習関連施設は,その特性を活かし,認知症の当事者に対して多岐にわたり働きかけられる可能性を有していること,②教育機関は,認知症の当事者だけでなく,介護者・家族・一般市民を多様な観点から学習支援の対象として巻き込めること,③認知症の非薬物療法に対して教育学の観点からの貢献が考えられること等が判明した。しかし,本アプローチでは当事者が重症化するにつれ対応に限界があり,今後は教育学独自の特性を活かしつつも,多様な分野の専門家と連携しながらその有効性に関する考察を深めていくべきことが期待される。This paper intends to briefly illustrate the potentialities of approaching those with dementia, carers and civilians from an educational perspective through a literature review. The literature read by the author between 2014 and 2016 is divided into three main themes: good practices of approaching those with dementia by educational intervention; the relationships between dementia and some educational abstract concepts such as lifelong learning; and those trying to redefine the issue of dementia from wider viewpoints. Based upon this classification, the following can be addressed as future potentialities of approaching those concerned with dementia from an educational perspective. Firstly, educational institutions, especially those relating to lifelong learning, could be advantageous in improving the physical as well as mental conditions of those with dementia. In this sense, historical museums in particular have great potential in creating opportunities for those with dementia to retrieve their memories. Secondly, educational institutions could involve a variety of stakeholders as learners, not only those who have developed dementia, but also their families, carers, would-be volunteers, specialists and civilians, by offering awareness training and anxiety relief programmes as well as professional caring programmes, depending on the individual needs. Thirdly, as an academic discipline, educational science could contribute to developing existing non-pharmacological therapeutic measures further by making use of its own methodology, such as how to create a better educational programme, how to observe and support learners in the process of their learning and how to understand individual learners, etc. Yet, preliminary findings also indicate that it would be difficult to deal with the issue of dementia from an educational perspective alone, when symptoms of those with dementia worsen. Collaboration with specialists in other fields is therefore recommended, not only with those in medicine and health science, but also those in engineering, psychology, the arts and so forth, in order to foster discussions and find the best solutions from multidimensional perspectives with a view to creating a dementia-friendly educational environment

    Features and Implications of Library Services to Persons Living with Dementia in the United States : A Case Study of Outreach Programs given by a Public Library District in Illinois and lessons for Japan.

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    本稿は,米国イリノイ州にある公共図書館地区の一つが介護施設で実施している認知症高齢者を主たる対象にした教育プログラムを取り上げ,現地調査及び資料分析を通じてその特徴と課題を明らかにすることを目的とする。米国では,今後数十年間に急増する高齢者を見据え,様々な分野において高齢化に関わる議論や取組が存在する。とりわけ認知症の問題は,当事者だけでなく,それにまつわる社会コストや介護者への負担の大きさ等から深刻な影響が懸念されており,図書館もその対策に積極的に関わっている。米国の公共図書館の中には,認知症者の症状に見合った図書館資料を慎重に吟味し,それらを効果的に活用した教育プログラムの提供により,認知症高齢者の認知機能や社交性,介護者との関係性,介護者の認知症者に対する意識等に肯定的変容をもたらしうる事例があることが判明した。今後の課題として,より良い成果に向けたプログラム内容・方法の再検討,実施者の持つべき専門性に関する熟慮,認知症者にとっての学習及び図書館資料の持つ意味の概念整理と学術的追究,図書館の独自性と本事業に関わる意義の整理等があることが抽出された。米国よりはるかに高齢化の進行する我が国では,既に図書館内で認知症をめぐる問題が顕在化しており,米国のようにきめ細かなプログラムの開発やその実践は容易ではない。とはいえ,図書館資料の注意深い吟味とその効果的活用,認知症事業へのボランティアの積極的活用等,対応が考えられ得るものもある。諸外国の事例にも学びながら,多様な人々を包摂する社会の実現に向け,図書館の持つ潜在機能をより精緻に追究する姿勢が望まれる。This paper intends to clarify features and implications of libraries’ educational programs for those living with dementia, focusing upon outreach programs held at local health care facilities provided by a public library district in Illinois, US, utilizing its library resources. A short site visit was conducted by the author in August 2018, involving participatory observations of the programs, informal conversations with those who have developed and conducted these programs, as well as with volunteers, and brief paper analysis in order to give an overview of the program. Since the US is expected to face a sharp increase in the number of elderly people over the next few decades, there have been earnest activities, discussions and practical schemes in various fields to cope with this. Above all, the issue of dementia is considered as one of the most difficult to tackle, given its tremendous social cost and negative impact on patients and caregivers. As a familiar educational institution, public libraries have been playing a vital role in approaching those who are living with dementia, by developing meaningful programs with careful selection of library resources and putting them into practice effectively by various means across the US. As a result, several positive effects on both patients and caregivers have been reported, such as increased cognitive and social interaction shown by patients, improved relationships between individuals with dementia and their caregivers, and less of the stigma associated with dementia. It is being proved that libraries have much potential to improve the quality life of those who tend to be isolated from the local community. From an educational viewpoint, some findings suggest ideas for future work, including: more reflection on content and methodology to improve the programs, particularly by hearing about feedback on the programs from those living with dementia; more deliberations on the special knowledge and skills required to conduct these types of program; the need to define the meaning of learning and/or meaning of library materials for those with dementia in participating in programs of this kind; the necessity for research on these themes from several different academic fields and from a long-term viewpoint; and more serious consideration of what it means for a library to be engaged in this kind of service, and its distinctive role in light of the service’s original nature, etc. Compared to America’s, Japan’s public libraries have already been encountering a number of problems caused by those with dementia using the libraries, due to the high proportion of older adults in society across the country. There has therefore been a pressing need for Japanese librarians to acquire special knowledge and skills to understand and communicate with those with dementia appropriately. It would be hard for Japanese librarians to find the time to focus on programming, due to lack of human resources, time constraints, and the need to deal with many other elderly users with unspecified needs. However, it is still possible to learn some lessons from American librarians, such as their devotion, their well-thought-out, flexible and careful selection of useful library resources for those with dementia and caregivers, and the effective way in which these programs are conducted, which includes inviting volunteers to help run the programs, etc. It is suggested that Japanese libraries should continue to investigate how to become dementia-friendly at a deeper level by learning from other advanced countries in this field, with a view to including a greater diversity of people in society

    Features of Reminiscence Programmes for Older Adults with Dementia and their Carers in Open-Air Museums in Scandinavian Countries : Implications for Japan through a Lifelong Learning Pespective

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    本稿は,北欧(本稿ではスウェーデン及びデンマーク)の野外博物館における認知症高齢者及び介護者を主たる対象とした回想法事業の特徴について,現地調査を通じて明らかにすることにより,我が国への示唆を得ることを目的とする。緩やかに高齢化が進む同地では,野外博物館の潜在能力を活かし,管轄自治体の福祉関係部署や大学と連携したきめ細やかな回想法事業が展開されている。北欧の野外博物館における当該事業の特徴として,①博物館の社会的役割の重視,②(認知症者のみでなく)介護者を含めた参加者全員に対する教育的視点の存在,③包括的環境の演出,④高齢者にとっての自伝的記憶の数が10 代後半から20 代前半に集中する現象(バンプ)の活用,⑤医療関係者との対等な協力関係の存在等が判明した。今後は北欧の事例も視野に入れながら,我が国独自の状況を踏まえ,認知症当事者及び関わりのあるすべての人々を対象にした教育的側面からの貢献について,さらなる追究が望まれる。This study intends to clarify some distinctive features of reminiscence programmes which have been principally conducted for older adults with dementia and their carers, in open-air museums in Scandinavian countries: Jämtli in Sweden and Den Gamle By in Denmark. Interviews and participant observations were conducted by the author through site visits in July 2017, while looking at the programmes from a lifelong learning perspective. Compared to Japan, Scandinavian countries offer a wide variety of educational programmes and activities in their open-air museums, not only for ordinary citizens of all ages, but also for those who have special needs. The current reminiscence programmes for those with dementia and their carers have been treated as one of these latter programmes. Even though the population has been gradually aging in both Scandinavian nations, the rate has been relatively slow and the proportion of those with dementia in society are much lower. As a result, programmes in both Scandinavian countries have tended to be extremely detailed, with attentive care paid to each of the individuals with dementia in the form of sufficient financial aids, the launch of full-scale efforts to maximize the potential of resources at both open-air museums, as well as the individualization of programmes in accordance with the backgrounds of participants. It is clear that these Nordic reminiscence programmes attach particular importance to: the social role of the museum; the inclusion of all participants as lifelong learners, including carers, through an educational approach; the creation of a holistic environment through the use of ample resources across the whole site of each open-air museum; the effective use of the ‘reminiscence bump’; and the development of a 50-50 relationship between those in the medicine and welfare sectors, and those in educational sector. It would be difficult to adapt this model immediately to the Japanese context given that the nation has been facing a sharp increase in those with dementia, together with a dire financial situation and a shortfall of workers in most public museums. However, in light of the current needs of Japanese society, more profound research should be explored to clarify the ways in which the educational sector could, from its own perspective, contribute practically to the variety of stakeholders involved with dementia

    Meanings of Creating Learning Opportunities for Persons Living with Dementia : Some Lessons through Overviewing Good Practices from an Educational Perspective

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    高齢化の世界的進展に伴い,認知症にまつわる諸問題が国内外で議論されているが,とりわけ我が国では,認知症有病率の高さや膨張する社会保障費抑制の観点からも,その適切な対応が喫緊の課題となっている。こうした中,2019 年6 月に公表された「認知症施策推進大綱」に述べられたように,「通いの場」としての生涯学習関連施設における学習機会について関心が高まっている。本稿は,2016 年度から2019 年度に実施した諸外国における当該テーマに関連した先進的事例の調査結果をもとに,認知症高齢者への学習機会創出の意義について検討したものである。分析の結果,認知症高齢者にとっての学習機会創出は,①当人に意思決定の自由と選択の機会を与え,人間性を維持・発揮するための有効な手段になっていること,②当人の過去と現在につながりを与え,周囲により良い接し方を再考する契機を与えていること,③多くの場合,一般市民との交流の機会となっており,当人に地域社会への帰属意識の醸成を促していること等の意義があることが明らかになった。Whilst encountering ageing of the population worldwide, it has been becoming imperative to tackle the issues surrounding those living with dementia, as its effects on the whole of society have come to the fore across the globe. Above all, there is an urgent need for Japan to deliberate upon how to resolve the issue of dementia, together with devising an idea in respect of slashing social welfare expenditure, as it is estimated that one in five of those aged 65 or above will have developed dementia by 2025. In this context, a recent political statement in “The Outline of the National Plan for Dementia”, issued by the central government of Japan in 2019, has attached importance to opportunities for lifelong learning in various educational settings as “a place to regularly attend”, which are attracting attention. This paper intends to gauge the meanings of creating learning opportunities for those living with dementia, based on the outcomes of onsite surveys of good examples in some educational settings for lifelong learning with respect to this theme in several countries in North America and Europe, which were conducted by the author from April 2016 to August 2019. The results suggest that the meanings of creating learning opportunities for those with dementia can be found in the following: it has become an efficient means by which the elderly of that kind are able to be offered freedom and room of choice so that they can maintain human dignity and demonstrate their “personhood”; it has given a chance for those with dementia to connect the past with the present, as well as a chance for carers to reconsider their ways of better communication; it promotes social interaction with public citizens, while providing those with dementia with a sense of belonging in the local community

    Directions and demands of university continuing education in Japan: The case of Tokushima University

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    This paper briefly presents trends in university continuing education in Japan, focusing on a case of Tokushima University, a member of the National University Corporations in Japan. The research is mainly based on questionnaire surveys that were conducted over the last three years to adult learners who had been taking courses at the Center for University Extension within Tokushima University in Japan. It is revealed that the main target of Japanese university continuing education is confined to elderly people who have been retired and tend to be wealthy without having any financial problems, and that their intentions to come to this kind of university extension center are mostly non-vocational, such as to enrich their knowledge, to expand their hobbies, to meet people and find friends etc, while few people have interests in taking exams for certain certificates or qualifications after taking their courses