245 research outputs found

    High-Throughput Identification and Screening of Novel Methylobacterium Species Using Whole-Cell MALDI-TOF/MS Analysis

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    Methylobacterium species are ubiquitous α-proteobacteria that reside in the phyllosphere and are fed by methanol that is emitted from plants. In this study, we applied whole-cell matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis (WC-MS) to evaluate the diversity of Methylobacterium species collected from a variety of plants. The WC-MS spectrum was reproducible through two weeks of cultivation on different media. WC-MS spectrum peaks of M. extorquens strain AM1 cells were attributed to ribosomal proteins, but those were not were also found. We developed a simple method for rapid identification based on spectra similarity. Using all available type strains of Methylobacterium species, the method provided a certain threshold similarity value for species-level discrimination, although the genus contains some type strains that could not be easily discriminated solely by 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity. Next, we evaluated the WC-MS data of approximately 200 methylotrophs isolated from various plants with MALDI Biotyper software (Bruker Daltonics). Isolates representing each cluster were further identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. In most cases, the identification by WC-MS matched that by sequencing, and isolates with unique spectra represented possible novel species. The strains belonging to M. extorquens, M. adhaesivum, M. marchantiae, M. komagatae, M. brachiatum, M. radiotolerans, and novel lineages close to M. adhaesivum, many of which were isolated from bryophytes, were found to be the most frequent phyllospheric colonizers. The WC-MS technique provides emerging high-throughputness in the identification of known/novel species of bacteria, enabling the selection of novel species in a library and identification without 16S rRNA gene sequencing

    Hairball-Like Migration of “Onyx Threads” into the Draining Vein during Transarterial Embolization of a Dural Arteriovenous Fistula: A Case Report and Experimental Validation

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    Transarterial embolization using Onyx is a well-established treatment for dural arteriovenous fistulas (DAVFs). However, complications can arise when Onyx migrates into the venous side, impairing the draining veins. We encountered a case where Onyx, injected through the arterial side, strayed into the jugular vein, forming a hairball-like structure. Our study aimed to investigate the underlying mechanism of this unusual phenomenon. We postulated that Onyx precipitates into thread-like shapes when passing through extremely narrow openings. To test this, we extruded Onyx from a syringe through a 27-gauge needle into a silicone tube with flowing water. By varying the flow speed, we observed the hardening behavior of Onyx. Under slow flow, the extruded Onyx quickly solidified at the needle tip, forming a round mass. Conversely, high-speed flow resulted in Onyx being dispersed as small pieces. We successfully replicated the formation of “Onyx threads” under continuous slow flow conditions, similar to our case. This phenomenon occurs when Onyx unexpectedly migrates to the draining vein through a tiny opening during transarterial embolization for arteriovenous shunt diseases. Early recognition and appropriate measures are necessary to prevent occlusive complications in the draining veins and the pulmonary system

    Development of Industrial Robot System with 5th Generation Mobile Communication System

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    We experimented the configuration of a 5th generation mobile communication system (5G) for factory automation (FA) systems consisting of industrial robots and three-dimensional measurement sensors. We examined the configuration of system components, on the basis of which we developed an experimental FA system. In addition, we confirmed that the need for communication lines is eliminated as 5G greatly reduces the production preparation time when rearranging the parts of the developed FA system.19th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2019), October 15-18, 2019, Jeju, Kore

    Desigualdade de gênero no tênis de mesa brasileiro de alto rendimento: primeiras aproximações

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    A partir das diferentes perspectivas dos e das atletas em relação às suas carreiras esportivas, esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de mensurar o quão evidente é a desigualdade de gênero no tênis de mesa brasileiro de alto rendimento. Para o seu desenvolvimento, questionários fechados foram aplicados a uma amostra de 38 atletas selecionados com base no Rating Nacional de 2020, categoria de pontuação elevada da CBTM (Confederação Brasileira de Tênis de Mesa). Em todas as temáticas analisadas, desde as oportunidades profissionais até as impressões durante competições e treinamentos, constatou-se que as mulheres estão em desvantagem, lidando com mais empecilhos do que os homens. O fato de o gênero ser um marcador social capaz de prejudicar carreiras esportivas no tênis de mesa traz à tona a necessidade de novas pesquisas que explorem caminhos semelhantes, sobretudo em outras modalidades de alto rendimento ainda pouco estudadas na literatura consultada

    ショウガッコウ コウガクネン ジドウ ノ ジソン カンジョウ ト タイイク ジュギョウ ニオケル カチカン オヨビ ウンドウ ユウノウカン トノ カンレン

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    A purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between Self-esteem of higher grade children in primary school and Values, Motor Competence in physical education class. In ordre to achieve this purpose, four kinds of questionnaires were administered to the 2549 higher grade children in primary school. The questionnaires were composed of following scales; Self-esteem, Reflective Self-esteem, Values in physical education, Sense of attainment in physical education and Motor competence. The scale of Values and the scale of Motor competence were devided into four sub-scales, respectively. The name of these subscales were as follows; Effort and Challenge, Observance of rules, Consideration and Investigation, Self-superiority (the foregoings were in Values scale), Cognition of physical competence, Sense of control, Sense of acceptance (the foregoings were in Motor Competence scale). As a result of correlation analysis, the significant correlation coefficients between the self-esteem acale and the other scales were indicated (p unstable high self-esteem > unstable low self-esteem > stable low self-esteem. From these results, it was suggested that the following points were important for teachers in physical education class. The first point was to make children to feel motor competence, and the second point was to praise children for their rule observance behaviors. And through these attentions of teachers, the self-recognition of unstable low self-esteem children could be improved.国立情報学研究所『研究紀要公開支援事業』により電子化

    Expression of ZIC family genes in meningiomas and other brain tumors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Zic zinc finger proteins are present in the developing rodent meninges and are required for cell proliferation and differentiation of meningeal progenitors. Although human <it>ZIC </it>genes are known to be molecular markers for medulloblastomas, their expression in meningioma has not been addressed to date.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined the mRNA and protein expression of human <it>ZIC1</it>, <it>ZIC2</it>, <it>ZIC3</it>, <it>ZIC4 </it>and <it>ZIC5 </it>genes in meningiomas in comparison to other brain tumors, using RT-PCR, analysis of published microarray data, and immunostaining.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>ZIC1</it>, <it>ZIC2 </it>and <it>ZIC5 </it>transcript levels in meningiomas were higher than those in whole brain or normal dura mater, whereas all five <it>ZIC </it>genes were abundantly expressed in medulloblastomas. The expression level of <it>ZIC1 </it>in public microarray data was greater in meningiomas classified as World Health Organization Grade II (atypical) than those classified as Grade I (benign). Immunoscreening using anti-ZIC antibodies revealed that 23 out of 23 meningioma cases were ZIC1/2/3/5-immunopositive. By comparison, nuclear staining by the anti-ZIC4 antibody was not observed in any meningioma case, but was strongly detected in all four medulloblastomas. ZIC-positive meningiomas included meningothelial, fibrous, transitional, and psammomatous histological subtypes. In normal meninges, ZIC-like immunoreactivities were detected in vimentin-expressing arachnoid cells both in human and mouse.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>ZIC1, ZIC2, and ZIC5 are novel molecular markers for meningiomas whereas <it>ZIC4 </it>expression is highly selective for medulloblastomas. The pattern of <it>ZIC </it>expression in both of these tumor types may reflect the properties of the tissues from which the tumors are derived.</p

    A case of multiple pancreatic cysts with K-ras point mutation in pure pancreatic juice

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    膵癌の早期診断を行うために,最近の進歩の著しい遺伝子診断を用いて,膵液中のK-ras遺伝子の点突然変異の検討がなされている。われわれは膵液の細胞診は陰性であるが,K-ras遺伝子の点突然変異を認め,膵全体に多発する膵嚢胞の1例を経験した。本例は悪性であるとの確診が得られないことや切除するとなれば膵全摘となることなどのために,経過観察を行っているが,18カ月後の現在,嚢胞の増大など認めていない。膵癌の遺伝子診断の文献的考察を含め,報告する。Pancreatic cancer is the one of the leading causes of death among cancer deaths and the early diagnosis is one of the main topics of pancreatic research. Mutation of K-ras oncogene at codon 12 has been reported in pancreatic adenoma, hyperplasia of the pancreatic duct, and also in pancreatic cancer, Recently, detection of K-ras point mutation in pure pancreatic juice is underinvestigation as a potential tool of early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer by setting a certain cut-off value. We recently experienced a case of multiple pancreatic cysts without any malignant cells in pancreatic juice, but with a positve point mutation of K-ras oncogene. Operation was deferred after obtaining informed consent from the family, because the lesions were so multiple and extensive as to require total pancreatectomy. Eighteen months follow-up studies did not reveal any deterioration in imaging tests as well as clinical picture

    Selective Transmission of R5 HIV-1 over X4 HIV-1 at the Dendritic Cell–T Cell Infectious Synapse Is Determined by the T Cell Activation State

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are essential antigen-presenting cells for the induction of T cell immunity against HIV. On the other hand, due to the susceptibility of DCs to HIV infection, virus replication is strongly enhanced in DC–T cell interaction via an immunological synapse formed during the antigen presentation process. When HIV-1 is isolated from individuals newly infected with the mixture of R5 and X4 variants, R5 is predominant, irrespective of the route of infection. Because the early massive HIV-1 replication occurs in activated T cells and such T-cell activation is induced by antigen presentation, we postulated that the selective expansion of R5 may largely occur at the level of DC–T cell interaction. Thus, the immunological synapse serves as an infectious synapse through which the virus can be disseminated in vivo. We used fluorescent recombinant X4 and R5 HIV-1 consisting of a common HIV-1 genome structure with distinct envelopes, which allowed us to discriminate the HIV-1 transmitted from DCs infected with the two virus mixtures to antigen-specific CD4+ T cells by flow cytometry. We clearly show that the selective expansion of R5 over X4 HIV-1 did occur, which was determined at an early entry step by the activation status of the CD4+ T cells receiving virus from DCs, but not by virus entry efficiency or productivity in DCs. Our results imply a promising strategy for the efficient control of HIV infection