47 research outputs found

    小学校における知性と感性を結ぶ俳句教育プログラムの提案 : 互いを認め合い支え合う学級づくりを目指して

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    世界有数の短詩型であり日本発信の文化でもある「俳句」を活用し,賢さと優しさを兼ね備えた子どもを育てる方法,ひいては,互いを認め合い支え合うことのできる,愛情に満ちた人間関係を基盤とする学級づくりを行う教育プログラムを開発した。この教育プログラムは,著者と学校教員との協同による俳句の授業,大学院におけるゼミ句会,および大学開放事業において著者が主催した子ども句会の実績にもとづいて作成した。その概要は,以下のとおりである。朝の会で,週1回10分程度,その時期の季語を見つけ,発表する活動を通年実施する。また,季語さがし,俳句の創作,および構成的グループエンカウンターを利用した鑑賞から成る複数時間計画の授業を新学年が軌道にのる頃,夏休み明け,新年といった節目毎に,年間3回程度実施する。The author developed the educational program which performs formation of a class based on the human relations, utilizing a haiku that is one of the foremost short verse type in the world and is also the culture of Japanese dispatch, the method of bringing up the child who has cleverness and tenderness, therefore based on human relations which is filled with affection that children can accept each other and support each other. Based on the track record of the lesson of the haiku poem by in collaboration with an author and a school teacher, the seminar haiku gathering in a graduate school, and the child haiku gathering that the author sponsored in the university extension enterprise, I created this educational program. The outline is as follows. At a morning meeting, I find the season word of the time about 10 minutes once per week, and carry out yearround enforcement of the movment to announce. Moreover, when a new grade gets off the ground, I break during the summer vacation and carry out creation of the search for a season word, and a haiku poem, and the lesson of two or more hour promposal which consists of appreciation using a constitutive group encounter about 3 times per year for every turning point of the new year

    俳句に込められた作者の心情と「詠み」がもたらす心理的効果 : ポジティブ心理学の観点を加えて

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    The human pursuit group from whom Nakamura Kusatao acted as the standard-bearer and was constituted by shida Hakyo, Kato Shuson and others strove for fusion to the pursuit of humanity, and the tradition beauty which a haiku poem has. When saying concretely, they keep a season word and a fixed form and tried to entrust a self feeling to them. In this paper of Section 1, I surveyed the history of the haiku poem community from the sudden rise of a modern haiku poem to a human pursuit group\u27s appearance, and checked the human pursuit group\u27s positioning. As a result, I found out the point of contact of a human pursuit group\u27s haiku poem view, and psychology. In Section 2, I tried examination of a human pursuit group\u27s haiku poem view, and appreciation of the actual work. As a result, I came to have the idea of the haiku poem which entrusts its feelings to the scene and lanscape in all seasons, and composes them to 17 sound, and having the ability which faces self solves the subject which self holds. In Section 3, I verified this idea by examination of two or more contemporary writers\u27 example of a work, and discussion with antecedence research. In Section 4, I read and interpreted the haiku poem which I composed, from a viewpoint of positive psychology. Based on this result, I considered that composing a haiku poem brought the writer the following psychological effects. I considered that composing a haiku poem contributed to the mental process in which built good human relations with positive feeling, noticed one\u27s strong point, demonstrate and made it cooperate, carried out the engagement to the self-position and selfrole, and achieve a meaningful goal. These results of research suggest a possibility that can prove the idea which a human pursuit group tried to show through their theory and work, that is to say, haiku poem have some strength to face oneself and solve the task which self holds on a scientific basis by adding the viewpoint of positive psychology

    チュウガクセイ ノ ジリツテキ ガクシュウ ニ カカワル ドウキヅケ ナラビニ ガクシュウ ホウリャク ノ シツ ト ジコ コウリョクカン オヨビ ガクシュウ オ ササエル ジゾクセイ ト カンジュセイ ノ ヨウイン トノ カンケイ

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    As for the mold release motive, as for the school year difference and the sex differences, the thing that was highly individual than contents participation type motive was suggested not clarity for contents whereas I was enhancement−oriented, and a first grader was high as for the contents participation type motive consisting of training intention and the practical use intention, and it was shown in motivational quality as a result of inventory survey for junior high students that a girl was high. In addition, in quality of the learning stratagem particularly intentionality was smart, and an interesting grade difference was detected in stratagem and meta recognition stratagem, and the time called the second grader hit it for a qualitative run−up to convert it to more highly advanced learning stratagem and was considered when I expressed individual difference in the development. Feeling of self−effect about the national language learning was shown to be characterized by a girl being higher than a boy in a first grader. School year differences to support learning between durability and sensitivity that was interesting in the factor were detected and were considered when the time called the second grader was related with a thing at the time when individual difference in the development in the durability and the sensitivity became remarkable. About a feeling of self−effect about the national language learning, three intention sorted by contents participation type motive was much than three intention divided into a mold release motive for contents higher, and the absolute value became all meaningful. It is a result to suggest that a feeling of self−effect about the national language learning is formed by the sufficiency of the desire about learning contents. In addition, a feeling of self−effect about the national language learning was meaningful correlation to all “tendencies (learning stratagem)of the learning”, and, in particular, correlation with the meta recognition stratagem was high. It is thought that this result is evidence of being formed by acquisition of the meta recognition stratagem that a feeling of self−effect about the national language learning chooses appropriate learning stratagem depending on time and a case. Furthermore, the durability that was a factor to be able to support 3 intention and learning divided into a self−feeling of about the national language learning effect and contents participation type motive and the correlation with the sensitivity became meaningful together. Between “the durability” to support learning and 3 intention sorted among each “tendency factor of the will to learn” by contents participation type motive, meaningful equilateral correlation was found. From these results, as a factor to support will to go to the improvement of learning contents, it became clear that sensitivity was important the durability together. Finally it was based and showed a viewpoint of the application to an educational practice and did the result of this study with the summary of this study

    ニンチ シンリガク ノ ジンカク キョウイク エノ オウヨウ カノウセイ ニツイテノ イチコウサツ

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    The author reviewed excellent studies of cognitive psychology. In the preface, the studies on intellect and sensitivity were examined. In the 1st chapter, the studies on sensetion and perception were examined. In the 2nd chapter, the studies on memory and knoledge were examined. In the 3rd chapter, the studies on thoght and language were examined. In the 4th chapter, the studies on social cognition were examined. In the 5th chapter, the studies on the cognition for works of art were examined. In each chaper, how results of those studies should be appling to the education for human development. In the last chapter, the education bringing intellect and sensitivity closer to each other were examined

    コドモ ノ サイキンセツ ハッタツ リョウイキ オ コウリョシタ キョウイク ジレイ ノ シュウシュウ ト ブンルイ

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    現職教員もしくは教員を目指す大学院生を研究協力者として自由記述法による調査研究を行い,子どもの「最近接発達領域」を考慮した教育事例の収集と分類を試みた。その分類は,主として,教育的活動において展開される二者間の社会的相互作用が水平的なものであるか垂直的なものであるかという観点からおこなった。本研究の結果,先行の理論的研究や実証的研究の成果と合わせて考察することで,ヴィゴツキーによる「最近接発達領域」の理論の教育への応用可能性が明らかとなった。In this study, the author ask questions to school teachers and graduate students who want to be a teacher about the case of educational activities conducted by giving special consideration to children\u27s zone of proximal development. The results showed that Vygotsky\u27s theory was useful for a school educatio

    ヴィゴツキーの『教育心理学講義』に学ぶ(2) : 現代の子どもの発達心理学上の問題についての一考察

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    The author considered for Contemporary Depelopmental Psychological problems of Children, being based on learning from chapter 3 and chapter 9 of Vygotsky\u27s "Educational psychology lecture". Firstly, the author took up the first-grade probrem in elementary school, gang age, and the first-grade gap in junior high school, as contemporary depelopmental psychological problems of Children. Nextly, The author discussd relationship between these problems and Vygotsky\u27s theory. The consideration in this paper demonstrated that Vygotsky\u27s theorygave a clue of those depelopmental psychological problems of children

    ヴィゴツキーの『教育心理学講義』に学ぶ⑴ : 心理学の観点からみた教育

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    本論文は,ヴィゴツキーの著書『教育心理学講義』の最初の2章を講読し,心理学の観点からみた教育について考察したものである。発達の相対性と生涯発達の視点,学校不適応の複雑化・深刻 化,および主体的・対話的で深い学びという,喫緊の3つの教育課題をとりあげ,ヴィゴツキーの発 達諸理論との関係を検討した。第1章では教育学と心理学の対話が論述されていると解釈し,複線型の発達観,社会文化的発達理論,および最近接発達領域理論の構築に向かう基盤となっており,各理論が上記の教育課題に対して示唆的であるという結論を得た。第2章では教育過程を支える要因が論述されていると解釈し,主体的・対話的で深い学びと,教育目的についての心理学的検討の意義に対する深い示唆を見いだすとともに,社会的淘汰としての教育の典拠となりうることについて論証した。The author considered for education from a psychological standpoint, being based on learning from the first two chapter of Vygotskys Educational psychology lecture. Firstly, the author took up lifelong development, complication of maladjustment to school, and deep learning, as contemporary educational task. Nextly, The author discussd relationship between these task and Vygotsky s theory. The consideration in this paper demonstrated that a view of multiple-track development, socio-cultural theory of development, and zone of proximal development which Vygotsky advocated gave a clue of those contemporary educational task

    シンリガク カラ ミタ アルキ ヘンロ タイケン ソノ ニンゲン ケイセイテキ イギ : ガクセイ ニヨル ソウサク ハイク ノ ナイセイ セツメイブン ト カンショウブン ノ ブンセキ カラ

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    University student who experienced Aruki?henro express their own impression by writing Haikus. Some of them expressed their inpression and empathy with selecting Haikus and writing words of appreciation on their selected haikus, and writng reflective?explanately sentence. This study examined quality of their impression with analyzing the contens of students’s reflective?explanately sentence and words of appreciation on their creating Haiku poem. This study proved that collabolatiove learning, consisting Aruki?henro experience and expression of the impression acquired by that experience, will form the foundation of human development

    キョウカンセイ ノ イクセイ ニオケル ソウサク カンショウ カツドウ ノ ヤクワリ ハイク オ チュウシン トシテ

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    The author reviewed a large varieties of psychological studies about empathy. This article showed that an empathy included cognitive processes and emotional processes, and defined the empathy as mental activity sharing emotional experience with other people. The author also reviewed various studies about development of an empathy and presented the idea that developed an empathy by involving in nature and culture in a childhood. This article showed that the composion and appreciation of linguistic arts, especially a Japenese Haiku poem had a positive influence on the development of an empathy

    ソツギョウ セイサク ニ コメラレタ カゾク エノ カンシャ ノ オモイ : ショウガッコウ ダイ6ガクネン ズガ コウサクカ ノ ジッセン オ トオシテ

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    In this study, the class of drawing and manual arts introducing elements of moral education was conducted. In this class, introduction moving feeling and thinking was executed with giving special consideration to children\u27s zone of proximal development. The results showed, the sixth-grade elementary school students think for themrselves, and conducted a graduation project to express feeling of gratitude toward family members